The "Why I didn't speak to my sister for a week" trip report *** Now Complete :)

"I've HAD IT with you !!!"

That's how it started and then it got a lot less, let's say, family friendly. I'm going to replace two specific words with flower and butterfly. Because butterflies and flowers are pretty. ::yes::

"It's Alex's flower birthday! You have a flower blister not gangrene! If you don't pop that flower thing yourself I swear to God I will find the biggest sharpest needle in the world and jam it in there so hard you'll really have reason to butterfly ! We all worked so hard to put this trip together and all you do is butterfly and moan. I'm so flower sick of you already."

She yells back !!
"You're the one who's flower ruining everything ! It's a vacation, people like to relax on vacation you know!"

Oh give me a flower break !

"Yeah ? Well THOSE people usually have a JOB at home, instead of sitting on their butts all day watching TV and living off other people. What do you need to relax for ? The toughest thing you have to do is walk your dog, and you don't even do it!"

That's true, too. I can't tell you how many times that poor dog did her business on the floor in our house (back when they all lived with us) because Jess was too lazy to walk her. And guess who cleaned it ?

I was going to yell some more when we heard a big knock on the wall. Oh, flower. I mean, darn. I'd forgotten we were at POP, home of the paper-thin walls. Good thing we'd been yelling in French and our neighbours couldn't understand what we were saying or we could have gotten in trouble.

So I just slammed the connecting door on my way out, grabbed my MP3 and told Grumpy I needed a walk. There are things even some Jovi can't cure.
Who says they can't go home ???

I'm sitting on a bench in front of the lake when Grumpy joins me. Come on, she says, they're getting dressed. We can go.

What am I supposed to say, thank you ? Oh yeah thank you for agreeing to come with us to dinner tonight. How gracious of you.

Whatever. Let's make the best of it.

We all get dressed. But there's a problem with the shirts. Only Grumpy looks okay in hers, and she's not thrilled about it because it's a tank top and since the sun is down, it's a bit chilly outside.

Alex's tank is too short to even cover the top of her pants. Mine is so big (I always buy the biggest size available, guess it didn't work this time) it goes past my knees and the elbows are on my wrists. Jess's is see through.

But mostly, the biggest problem is that not a single one of us is in party mood.

Grumpy & I decide we'll wear our tie-dye Mickey shirts instead. Hey!!! I've seen those shirts in the POP store. Why don't we run to the store and get some for Jess & Alex ? This way we'll still match !

Since Grumpy & I are ready and the girls aren't, we go. I grab my camera bag on the way.

The shop is mobbed and I can't find the tie dye shirts anywhere. I ask a cashier and she says they only have them in child sizes. Darn. We find a cute light blue one, but they don't have Jess's size in this one. A dark blue ? Not in Alex's size. It's getting late so we end up buying two grey ones, they don't match ours at all, too bad. Grumpy charges them on her room key.

Just as we're leaving the store, I turn around to look at some mugs and what do I see up there ? The tie dye shirts !!!! We find the sizes we need, go back to the same cashier, and exchange them.

Jess & Alex are just arriving when we come out. It's 9.10, our reservation is for 9.20. No time to change now,they'll change in the restrooms at the Contemporary. We grab a cab.

We're on our way when I decide to put away the receipt in my wallet. I always put it - it's a coin purse, really - in the front pocket of my camera bag. There's a strap thing that goes over it, so it's secure and easy to get in a hurry.

The pocket is open all the way, and my wallet is gone.
OMG! You poor thing. You just need a "do-over" trip.

On the flip side, this is one of the best TRs I've read in a long time. Thanks for the entertainment.
I really just don't know what to say. :scared1:

I'd have told that girl to get her :flower3:(flower)ing butt moving long ago, but she's not my sister so I can say that. If she's going to be an unappreciative :hippie: (butterfly) then the heck with her!

BTW-Hope your going to tell us your wallet back.:yay:
OK, first of all, I can't believe you are still speaking to your FLOWER BUTTERFLY of a sister!!! Talk about a stressful trip! Right now I'm beginning to feel bad for Alex, how does she respond to Jess when she behaves this way? It sounds like Alex is appreciative of the trip, and she's in danger of missing out because of Jess!

I think my TR may have been the one you read about with the SIL that ruined (or attempted to ruin) our trip. My DH made me edit it though, just in case she or anyone she knows ever read it! I also referenced her in my PTR for our anniversary trip in September (shameless plug for my PTR!!! :rotfl2: ) but he doesn't know about that! ;)
Ahhhh, I can't stand the suspense! It's like getting to a good part in a book and then the next chapter is missing! I LOVE your writing, yet hate that you had to go through all of that.

By the way, I HAD planned 3 nights on-site and then two weeks in a condo for our upcoming trip, and had (stupidly) invited my brother, sister-in-law and niece to join us for part of it. (they have yet to accept, however, unsure of their schedules.) After reading your mis-adventures, I got to thinking how it would be EXACTLY the same with my sister-in-law, and we have instead booked Port Orleans FQ for the whole time (just for us). I'll just sort of not mention it to them anymore. I am horrible, but no way can I go through having my vacation ruined. I barely make it through 5 hours with her at Christmas, much less a week or so!

YOUR WALLET!!!!!!!!!! Nooooo!!!!!!!!
I honestly don't know how you lasted as long as you did before you let her have it!!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!:yay: She is really being a total flowering butterfly !

Honestly has she always been that selfish? How does Alex put up with it?
All I can say is big huggles for you!!!!!!

And if it's any consolation, this is the best trip report I've read in a long time.
popcorn:: this is great!!'re writing that is...

so sorry this is all happening to you. I know the feeling of the lost can hear your heart beating even though its down by your toes.

Thank you for the entertainment!
I know how you feel, MY SISTER wouldn't get moving either!!! My heart goes out to you, It really is an upsetting experience.

Your report is great, I can't wait to read more!
Great to know that I'm not the only one with wonderful family members:rotfl2: My cousin is suposed to be going to disney with me and the money is due in 2 months. She has yet to pay nor pay me back money she owes me. She has no savings and I know how much she gets. She isn't going to be able to make the payment due date. I wanted her to book her flight and instead she had her DD's pictures taken at the cost of $2-300(3rd time since birth!)! I want to plan some stuff but since she is so "stressed" out she doesn't want to talk (drama is she just had a DD 21/2 months ago and the father who actually might not be since she had relations with 3 guys in two days doesn't want to spend all his time with his DD nor visit every day. He lives next door so she basically stocks him and refuses to leave him alone. She has slept with a guy last week and he now has a girl friend so she feels hurt since she had hoped they would get together). She doesn't answer my calls so iIstopped calling her and am now planning my trip like she isn't going.
I gasped. Oh God please not that, not now ??


It's Grumpy's turn to gasp. I never call her Mom. I haven't called her Mom since I was like, nine. Unless I'm really, really upset or anesthetized. Or both.

Her eyes say "what now???".

My wallet's gone. I have no idea if someone stole it, or if the pocket was open and it fell out in the shop, or if I left it in the room.

Okay, first thing, call the shop. Open the bag, get cell phone. No cell phone.
Strangely that makes me feel better - no one could have stolen my cell phone from inside the bag, not the way that thing is made. So the odds are the wallet is with my phone, somewhere in our room.

That's reassuring, but I can't be sure of it. I'm sure of one thing though, that our Dining Experience card was in there. Chef Mickey's ain't cheap for dinner. But if it costs me 2 other cab rides ($35-$40) to go get it, then what's the point?

So we don't go back. When we reach the Contemporary, I tell Grumpy & the girls to go ahead and check in, and I'll join them in a couple minutes.

I go to the front desk and asks a really nice older gentleman if I could possibly make a call to Pop Century. See my room key was in the wallet too, and it has charging priviledges. They never check IDs when you charge stuff to your room keys - heck you can even use them in the arcades in the machines to get game credits. So I wanna put a block on it.

He's very nice and calls Pop Century himself, he tells me he used to work there. Wow, from Pop to Contemporary ? Nice promotion ! The guy at POP asks me for my name and room number and tells me not to worry. Most people who find a room key usually just turn it in to a CM. I thank both the CMs and head up to Chef Mickey's. Phew... I'm feeling better !! I love how the cast members always help guests to fix problems.

Now I wanna see me some mouse. And some mac'n'cheese.

They have checked in and are just waiting for me to get to our table. When the CM takes us to our table and starts explaining how the buffet works etc..I notice her accent.
Then I take a look at her name tag. Virginie.

Huh hoh. French alert.

"Vous êtes française ?"

She's shocked and tells us she very very rarely sees any French people around here. I know, that's one reason why we come so often.

We chat a bit about where's she from (her name tag says Paris, but she's actually from Nantes). Then she leaves and we order our drinks and send Jessi and Alex to change.

That's when I take a look around and notice that the restaurant is almost empty already. We're in the area right behind the podium, and there are maybe five other parties here, all having dessert. The rest of the place doesn't look any busier.

Oh, well. At leat we're here and they let us in.

Mickey comes over. The girls missed him.

Then Jess & Alex come back from the restrooms in their new shirts and sit down again. A couple minutes later, Donald comes over so Jess gets up again to take Alex's pic with him.


The woman at the next table growls when Jessi goes to sit again, I guess her butt takes too much space for her taste. Nasty lady grumbles a rude comment under her breath too.

It is SO not the night to p.... me off.

I get up and tell Jessi to go out by my side next time as the nice lady on the other side doesn't seem to have any issue with butt sizes. And I say it loud enough.

We go to the buffet to get food, and when we come back Jess asks Alex to switch seats with her so she won't bother the lady again.

Minnie comes over and I take a pic of the four of them which actually turned cute.


The restaurant is getting emptier by the minute. Minnie comes back with Alex's birthday cupcake. The eight-or-so guests left around us sing Happy Birthday.


Prime rib and cupcake, yummy combo.

And after that, all the characters left. We had been in the place maybe 15mns. Granted we had seen them all. But how is Chef Mickey's, sans Mickey ? Answer : creepy.

The guys at the buffet kept putting new, full dishes out. I wanted to tell them to stop because it was all gonna be wasted. Instead I just got more mac'n'cheese and Mickey ravioli. They'd ran out of Mickey shaped pasta for the mac'n'cheese and it was regular pasta, but it tasted good enough.

We were now all alone in the restaurant.
The lights were dimmed and the only sounds we could hear was from the buffet where they had started cleaning up.

I kept thinking that it was a good thing I hadn't ordered a special cake. And that we hadn't worn our "party" shirts. Some party.

Our server told us to take our time, but it just felt too weird being here all alone in this huge place, so we finished our food fast and paid early so they would not have to take care of us anymore. And I did a tacky thing I rarely do : I stuffed my bag. Gummy bears, m&m's, a few pieces of brownies, cookies and fruit. I used the shopping bag from POP. Heck we were paying close to $200 for that meal and it wasn't like there was anybody else to eat it. If I could have stuffed some mickey ravioli in there I'd have done it too ! :rotfl:

We left and shopped for a little while, then took a cab back to POP. This one wouldn't take us to our building so we walked back. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw my wallet on the table, with my cell phone.

What a weird day that had been. I decided tomorrow would be better. I was escaping, and taking Grumpy & Alex with me.
Good grief. Are you sure Jess and Alex aren't 13?

Yep, I've checked. Plus I've lived with Jess when she was 13 - the memories are buried deep, deep, in my subconscious.

I am afraid I will be posting some stories after our trip in December along the same line. My mother has control issues and I am her daughter so I do too. And we don't do well when we are tired. I don't know what I was thinking when I planned it. I bet you were thinking the same thing right about now.

I was thinking that for two weeks :lmao:
Really, I hope your trip goes well. December is so beautiful in Disney, you'll be lost in the magic!

OK, first of all, I can't believe you are still speaking to your FLOWER BUTTERFLY of a sister!!!
I'd have told that girl to get her :flower3:(flower)ing butt moving long ago, but she's not my sister so I can say that. If she's going to be an unappreciative :hippie: (butterfly) then the heck with her!
She is really being a total flowering butterfly

Is it me, or is the butterfly/flower thing catching on ? :rotfl2: That's so fetch !!!!

Right now I'm beginning to feel bad for Alex, how does she respond to Jess when she behaves this way? It sounds like Alex is appreciative of the trip, and she's in danger of missing out because of Jess!
Honestly has she always been that selfish? How does Alex put up with it?

I don't know. I've been asking myself that very question for years. They've been living together over 10 years now. The answer, I guess, is that Alex is just as lazy as Jessi, but in a different way. Jessi doesn't want to do anything, and Alex only wants to do what she likes. When she was working, she'd be pulling 10-12 hour shifts of very demanding, tiring work, and not complaining. Now they've both been out of work for so long that they're simply not used to having specific hours anymore.

By the way, I HAD planned 3 nights on-site and then two weeks in a condo for our upcoming trip, and had (stupidly) invited my brother, sister-in-law and niece to join us for part of it. (they have yet to accept, however, unsure of their schedules.) After reading your mis-adventures, I got to thinking how it would be EXACTLY the same with my sister-in-law, and we have instead booked Port Orleans FQ for the whole time (just for us). I'll just sort of not mention it to them anymore. I am horrible, but no way can I go through having my vacation ruined. I barely make it through 5 hours with her at Christmas, much less a week or so!

Oh my, just because of this TR ? That's making me feel very guilty YET very amused at the same time. But I can't blame you. We love Disney too much and it just costs too much money to take risks like that. Hope you have a great time at FQ !!!! heart just stopped and somehow I know yours did at the time! I HATE when things like that happen!

Trust me,didn't love it either ! :laughing:

I know how you feel, MY SISTER wouldn't get moving either!!! My heart goes out to you, It really is an upsetting experience.
Great to know that I'm not the only one with wonderful family members:rotfl2: My cousin is suposed to be going to disney with me and the money is due in 2 months. She has yet to pay nor pay me back money she owes me. She has no savings and I know how much she gets. She isn't going to be able to make the payment due date. I wanted her to book her flight and instead she had her DD's pictures taken at the cost of $2-300(3rd time since birth!)! I want to plan some stuff but since she is so "stressed" out she doesn't want to talk (drama is she just had a DD 21/2 months ago and the father who actually might not be since she had relations with 3 guys in two days doesn't want to spend all his time with his DD nor visit every day. He lives next door so she basically stocks him and refuses to leave him alone. She has slept with a guy last week and he now has a girl friend so she feels hurt since she had hoped they would get together). She doesn't answer my calls so iIstopped calling her and am now planning my trip like she isn't going.

Goodness !!! Looks like a lot of us have been blessed with, how can I put it, colorful relatives. :scared1:

And if it's any consolation, this is the best trip report I've read in a long time.
popcorn:: this is great!!
On the flip side, this is one of the best TRs I've read in a long time. Thanks for the entertainment.

Thank you !!! I was thinking the other day, at least I finally got me something interesting to write about. So I can thank Jess for that.
Awesome updates!! I really enjoy your writing style. I am sorry to hear that Jess is still giving you problems, you are alot calmer than I would be. Can't wait to read more of your exciting journey.

I just found your TR this morning and I'm glad I did. I really don't read TRs often but have been roped in on yours. Good Job!

Your Sis' attitude reminds me a lot like my sis. We can't even go to the mall without her complaining of being tired, having a headache, ect. We were planning a trip this fall, a week before my other trip. It didn't work out but I'm afraid I would have had a lot of the same problems as you.

Keep up the good work, we're all waiting for more! popcorn::
"She's shocked and tells us she very very rarely sees any French people around here. I know, that's one reason why we come so often.":lmao:

Your TR cracks me up! Seriously, it's nice to see that you maintained a wonderful sense of humor about everything!
Oh I never thought it possible but girl you dont seem to have any magic on this trip.... you sure your sisters not working for a villian?

I hope there's a turning point to make it all worth while in the end but thus far it doesn't look that way.....Keep it coming cant wait to hear more
"She's shocked and tells us she very very rarely sees any French people around here. I know, that's one reason why we come so often.

DD thinks the exact opposite. We always see LOTS of French people, and British people, and Spanish people.... we seem to attract lots of nationalities when we visit.

This is one of the best - and scariest - trip reports we've ever read. We don't typically vacation with my family anymore because there are too many of us and we have a few like your sister. Of course, DH has been known to act like your sister - and we HAVE dumped his sorry butt. He 'comes for the food'! So, we left him home for 2 trips and he has promised to behave for our December trip. We'll see.... popcorn::

Hope your sister starts behaving less flower-and-butterfly-ish before you get to the end!
I normally don't pay people too many compliments, it's not my nature. But I have to say that you are a great person for putting up with that Biatch. All the crap she gives you and you are still buying stuff for her. I would have lost it on Day 1 and we'd be having our own vacations!

You definitely need a make up trip. Better yet, only invite Alex, she seemed to be having a good time. That would show your sister for sure!!!


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