New TTC Thread

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PenguinWaiters - Congrats! I am so very happy for you. Looks like there is some baby dust flying around here.

Val - my insurance did not cover fertility treatment, either - but it did cover testing to reach a diagnosis of infertiltiy. OB/GYNs and REs are VERY good at knowing how to code things so they are covered legitimately. All my blood tests were covered, all the ultrasound monitoring was covered, as were my doctor visits. My HSG test and hysteroscopy was covered, the Metformin was covered. About the only thing I had to pay for was the Clomid and the injectable meds they wanted to start me on - which were expensive, but only a small portion of the total cost. Your doctor's office shoud have someone on staff who is an expert in knowing what is covered and what is not. Check into it when you are ready to get moving.

Allison - so glad you had a good time!

Jennifer - that is good news about the study. Hope it is successful.

Penguin--Congrats. Good job.

Allison--Glad you had a nice trip. I have trip envy.

Going to the RE for a "where do we go from here" meeting. ugh. I was supposed to do another IUI this month, but I was in Omaha and wasn't able to. As soon as I got home, I told DH we had to try the old fashioned way, just in case. You never know, right?
Y'all are not going to belive this, but I am going to Disney for President's weekend w/ my RE!

A very good friend and I went to lunch yesterday and she was telling me about her trip and I was telling her about good restaurants, attractions, FP, etc and she invited me along so I decided sure, why not, I always love to go to Disney and I have points from DVC and AP. I find out her neighbor's family is going with them too. Great, the more the merrier. Guess who her neighbor is?

I hope it isn't weird. I don't think it will be.
Hey everyone! I only have a few minutes, so I will just say a big CONGRATULATIONS to PenguinWaiters!!!! :cheer2: :dance3: :cool1:

WELCOME to the new folks! (You'll get SO much info and support in's GREAT!!)

BABY DUST to all who are hanging in there like me!! :goodvibes


THANKS to Denae for starting us back up again! :thumbsup2

Well, nothing to report here. Just in the 2WW. Had the IUI's on Friday and Saturday of last week, and the timing felt OK, I think I o'd on Saturday. Although I had cramping from Saturday until yesterday. :confused3 Not sure what that was all about. I don't think I was actually ovulating all that time...

It's way too early to have any symptoms, but I found it odd that my BB's became really sore and SUPER sensitive last night...I mean like "Don't come within 5 feet of them" kind of sensitive! They're still that way today...So we'll see.

OK, well I have lots of work to get done today, but have a great day ladies!!
I have less then 1% chance of getting pg on my own and would have wasted that year. Trust your gut and if you think there is a problem, then find a doctor who will at least listen to your concerns and either put your mind at ease w/ some basic tests or if they find something get you the help you need to get pg. Jennifer

Hi Jennifer -- my RE told me the same thing about a very low chance of pregnancy on my own --- so I ended up going through IVF --- sounds like you are doing that as well? Good luck. We have had alot of IVF successes on this thread. If you have any IVF questions I am glad to try to answer them!

Penguin -- congrats -- great news!!

Allison -- glad WDW was so great. I don't think 5 years between kids is a big deal. I have 2 brothers -- there is 3 yeas between me nad 1 brother and 6 years between me and the other brother --- my co-worker has a 16 yr old and his next youngest kid is 26 -- they seem like a normal family to me! I say if you want another one go for it - don't let the age difference be an issue! Good luck!.

Hi to all.

Thanks for the reassurances, everyone. Since this is only my second month of charting, I guess I don't really know what's normal for me and what's not. Last month's chart looked perfect (according to my book!) so this one has thrown me for a loop. I guess I'll just wait and see next month.

I'm supposed to go for my annual exam this month, but I might put it off a month or two. I dont know.

In the meantime, there are now FIVE pregnant women here at work. And all younger than me, too, which is making me feel like I"ve just waited too long.

Allison-- My brother is 8 years younger than I am, and we've actually always been very close. So if you want another child, don't be discouraged by the age gap. In a way, it might be better so that you can spread school expenses out a little bit. ;)
I know the age gap isn't that big of a deal. It's just going to WDW and being able to do so much with DS made me think of really starting all over again! Of course, I'm sure that will wear off quickly after I get back into my daily routine. We actually met a family, while waiting in line to meet Donald and Daisy, that were at WDW with their 3 kids...ages 21, 14, and 3. OMG!! I can't imagine that!!:eek:
I know the age gap isn't that big of a deal. It's just going to WDW and being able to do so much with DS made me think of really starting all over again! Of course, I'm sure that will wear off quickly after I get back into my daily routine. We actually met a family, while waiting in line to meet Donald and Daisy, that were at WDW with their 3 kids...ages 21, 14, and 3. OMG!! I can't imagine that!!:eek:

I can beat that, my dh's boss has 6 kids ranging from age 32 to 2 :scared1: :scared:
penguinwaters CONGRATES!!!!:cheer2: :cheer2: Sending you lots of luck for a healthy pregnancy!!!

Christal pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: Good Luck!!

skuttle - when I (hopefully) get pregnant, my 2 will be at least 5 years apart, that kinda freaks me out but I always said that I didn't want 2 in diapers.

For those with PCOS, how are ya'll pieriods. I'm not sure if it's b/c I'm off the BCP or from the PCOS, I'd describe for ya'll but that is way TMI, if you know what I mean. Also, I was talking with DH yesterday, and I'm just not sure what to do. My ob/gyn didn't seem to concerned about the PCOS, she didn't tell to try for so long and the call her or anything. She just seem very unconcered. I don't know if it's b/c i'm already on Metformin b/c of my diabetes or what. Sorry, i'm sure i'm rambling, but i'm just so unsure of everything. There are no RE in town, I would have to drive about 45 - 60 minutes to see one and my ins. dosen't cover infertility stuff. How long would ya'll wait before seeing an RE?
For those with PCOS, how are ya'll pieriods. I'm not sure if it's b/c I'm off the BCP or from the PCOS, I'd describe for ya'll but that is way TMI, if you know what I mean. Also, I was talking with DH yesterday, and I'm just not sure what to do. My ob/gyn didn't seem to concerned about the PCOS, she didn't tell to try for so long and the call her or anything. She just seem very unconcered. I don't know if it's b/c i'm already on Metformin b/c of my diabetes or what. Sorry, i'm sure i'm rambling, but i'm just so unsure of everything. There are no RE in town, I would have to drive about 45 - 60 minutes to see one and my ins. dosen't cover infertility stuff. How long would ya'll wait before seeing an RE?

I have PCOS, and my cycle has always been really long - I think about 6-8 weeks is average. With my son, it took us 15 months of trying. The OB had us try for 6 months on our own, and then he started Clomid. I never did see RE - I was pretty happy with my OB, and he was willing to keep me in teh office through IUI. If we had needed more than that, then I would have gone to RE.
:confused3 I dunno, He said he didn't ask and he won't, guess he wants to keep his job :rotfl:

Too funny! I can imagine a man easily having kids with a span like that, especially if he had a mid-life crisis and ended up with a much younger woman. But can you imagine being a woman and having kids over 30 years?!? :eek: :faint: That's when it's time to make sure the man gets a little snipping done! ;)
Ugh. Big time ugh. Results of Drs. appt is that the Dr. thinks IVF is really where we need to be going. And sooner rather than later as I may have an egg supply/quality issue. I was not really ready to hear this. I don't have any problem doing IVF other than fact there is no possible way we can afford it. Insurance doesn't cover IVF and it will cost upwards of $15,000 due up front. It just doesn't seem right that we should have to take out a loan or a second mortgage to have a baby--something that most be people are blessed with for free! I'm just so frusterated.
Ugh. Big time ugh. Results of Drs. appt is that the Dr. thinks IVF is really where we need to be going. And sooner rather than later as I may have an egg supply/quality issue. I was not really ready to hear this. I don't have any problem doing IVF other than fact there is no possible way we can afford it. Insurance doesn't cover IVF and it will cost upwards of $15,000 due up front. It just doesn't seem right that we should have to take out a loan or a second mortgage to have a baby--something that most be people are blessed with for free! I'm just so frusterated.

:grouphug: I'm sorry.
Oh, Beth, I'm so very sorry. :hug:

Disneymooner, since you stopped your pills mid-way, I think it'll be hard to guess what your next AF will be like. I had different symptoms of AF on the pill and off the pill. You can't really judge based on AF when you were on the pill.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all. While I didn't have trouble getting pregnant, carrying to term was a nightmare for me. But the 6th time was the charm :) My little miracle is now 10 years old and in the living room ignoring me! :)

So I say never give up hope. As long as you know you got it you keep trying!

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