The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 27

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Deb-loved the postcard!!!!

Her car konked out & they had to buy a new one.

Hope you feel better soon :wizard:
Thanks so much for the update. I was worried. While the car situation is sad it isn't as bad as I had feared.

So let me do a little TR about what has happened so far...
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! What an incredible experience for Patrick and you and his family! I cannot he's only 16. What a responsible young man.

I have been reading along, but haven't been able to respond individually. I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Please keep me in your prayers today (as usual, but for a different reason. Well, I guess in addition to every other reason :headache: ) I am in charge of our annual licensing survey at work today. It's always nerve-wracking, but even more so today because I haven't been able to really care about work for the last while. I feel like we're in perfect shape, but my head is just so not in it, and hasn't been for a while -- so I'm totally lacking confidence about keeping it working today. :rolleyes:

We got some more bad news yesterday, too, so if you could just continue to keep us in your prayers in general I'd appreciate it. :grouphug:
Glad things worked out at work! You remain in my prayers!

Lucy passed her hearing test yesterday. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts these past few weeks.
Yippie Skippie!!!!!!!! What wonderful news!

Oh I forgot to tell you all..

We get to experience a little Disney magic right here at home. My mom who works at the Naval Academy found out that there is a Disney Character breakfast that they are sponsoring. It is being held on the Academy grounds and she got us tickets. The girls are going to be thrilled!! I can't wait.
Sounds like a lot of fun!!


Feel better soon. :wizard: Sorry to hear the humidity is so high, at least you have ac.

Right now it is nice an cool out, so I turned off the ac and opened the windows. I also sprayed every room with Lysol.
Thanks! The humidity is breaking and I feel a bit better. Glad to hear you're improving too.

Bernadette - I hope you (and all the other DDA sickies!) feel better soon! Don't be afraid of my luggage - embrace it! Come to the dark side!;)

Today is the last day of July! Don't forget to say "Rabbit, rabbit" tonight and make a wish!:goodvibes
Thanks for the well wishes. I will NEVER go to the dark side of overpacking! I actually learned on a trip to Estonia if I could purchase anything I really needed there I could purchase it anywhere.;) You need to embrace the doing laundry on vacation thing. I actually don't mind. It is a nice break. But I really don't mind doing it at home too much either. I'm not one who HATES laundry. I like to see my nice clean piles of clothes. I like to see the tangible results of my work unlike most of what I do at work.

I will try to remember the Rabbit, rabbit thing.

I hate to ask this when so many of you are going through much worse turmoil than I am. But if there is any pd to spare, please blow some my way for this weekend. Without going into a lot of detail, there is an issue with xh2b that I'm hoping for an outcome in my favor. In the grand scheme of things it really is minor, but I'm just keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks.

Believe it or not... NO! He wants to be an attorney. :confused3 I cannot imagine having the talents he does and not pursuing it, but I know he will have a tremendous amount of music in his life. It is just "there" all the time.
I bet he'd be a great attorney and his music will keep him human!

Well, things here are much better today. Jacob is feeling better, but still running a low grade fever. I'm hoping that will be gone by this afternoon. Katie and I will be leaving Thursday morning and I will be back by Sunday morning. I'm hoping that this sickness will leave her alone!
Glad to hear Jacob is feeling better. :wizard: that noone else gets it!!!

Gotcha. Beach towels were the first thing to leave behind at home after I had kids. I'd rather use the resort ones and have them clean them then for me to wash them out, plus I use every ounce of space I have plus some for souvenirs! :)

I really have nothing to do the afternoon of the 15th, so call me if you decide you want a free ride!
I'm with Marci-leave the beach towels at home and put Marci in your big bag.:rotfl:

Was somebody saying their boys get cold sores? I can't remember if it was cold sores or ulcers inside their mouths. I am pretty sure DS has a cold sore in the corner of his mouth. I told DH to put some Abreva on him when they get home, but has anybody found anything better?:confused3
I think that was Deb. Call her-we all want an update!

DH found out today that they will NOT take his 3rd store away, so that's good news!:) He does have to go in tomorrow (on his day off) for a staff meeting smack in the middle of the day.:mad: I guess I will pick DS up or DH can bring him to me. We trust him to stay by himself for short periods of time but he doesn't like to.
:woohoo: that he gets to keep his store. :sad2: that he has to go in on his day off.

:furious:I HATE TOUCH OF CLASS, I HATE TOUCH OF CLASS, I HATE TOUCH OF CLASS! i called them yesterday to ask about my attendants schedule which is suppose to change tomorrow from 53 hrs a week to 70 hours a week. i only have one attendant and she is NOT going to do 70 hrs every week. i wouldnt even let her do it if she was willing. well the company hasnt even found me another attendant so the shift can be split. so we are keeping the hours at 53 until they(or I) find someone to fill the 2nd shift. then i asked about when my pt would start and she said well since you are going through insurance first we have nothing to do with it and you'll have to talk to your case manager about it. well i talked to her today and she said that she got the taxi voucher signed by my doctor but forgot to get the pt one signed and then i had to sign them then she has to send them to austin to get approved. then if they are approved i can start pt. so i might not get pt till Christmas by whats been going on. i just looked up range of motion exercises online and printed out some and i'll get my attendant to help me do them. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:grouphug: So sorry!!!!!!!!!!

i have a disney question for you guys. i want to go to disney next year. i want to go in may to see flower/garden show, want to go in september b/c of low crowds and maybe p&p, or october b/c of mnsshp. then i was thinking what about a disney cruise. i was think getting a room only resi for 3 night at akl before cruise so we could relax be for cruise and enjoy resort then do a 4 night cruise. what should i do? what should i do? what should i do?

If you've never been in May it is really wonderful. I've never cruised so I don't know when a good time to cruise is. I went May 1 to 4 in 2006 and May 6 to 11 this year and the crowds were very managable. I went May 19 to 23 in 2006 and the crowds were much larger.
Have you guys seen Deb's blog on AllEars about the '08 DDP? There will be 2 versions, plus possibly a "wine" add-on. I am trying my darndest to see if the deluxe DDP would be worth $70 per person per day for us and I just can't see where it would make sense. Some days we would save money, other ays we wouldn't. Across the board you have to tip OOP, so I think the DDE will continue to be a much better value for us. Even if we could do 3 TS meals each day the buffets aren't SO expensive that $70 is much of a savings. TS breakfasts with a menu are cheaper than buffets, so doing 3 menu TS wouldn't be any better.:confused3 I like a signature dinner now and then, but not every night, so we wouldn't save money doing it that way, either. know you could do a buffet breakfast and menu lunch and dinner.

I'll have to do the math-maybe I should do it for my trip with Joe in January. He's my good eater. I'll have to see if its worth $90/day.
Bernadette - I cram so much stuff into our trips I don't think I want to take time out to do laundry. I gripe about afternoon breaks but I manage to fill the time by reorganizing or grabbing a very short nap. Waiting for clothes to wash and dry would drive me over the edge!:rotfl2:
I have been crunching numbers with all sorts of scenarios on DDP and there is no way buying the deluxe DDP would be any better for us than paying OOP with DDE. That 18% tip really throws it off for DDP because you have to tip on what you order. I think I managed to make it cost $90 for one day's worth of food, but if I subtract snacks (-$8) and add 20% tip to $82 that's another $16 OOP. On DDE the discount is the tip, so the same food costs me $90, not $106. The DDP would cost $70 for the day + $16 in tips, so $86. $4 difference. And DS still orders from the kids menu, so there is no way we could make that cost $70 per day, combining buffets and/or menus! For an average savings of $4 per person per day I would rather go DDE and have an AP room discount.:)
Sending prayers :wizard: :hug: :grouphug: to all of you who are sick, having major issues and everyone else just because.

I better be getting the klutziness out of me now, I have fallen off my rolling chair at work when I tried to pick something up it rolled out from under me, fell up the stairs for the water slide with my rubber inner tube at Hersheypark and jammed my little toe on a chair leg now it is black and blue. This is the same toe that turned my whole foot black and blue around May because I had jammed it. I hope I am not this klutzy on my cruise.:laughing: :laughing: like that will happen.

Thank you for the good thoughts for the work event, it remains on Thursday the 16th. I have to decide if I have to go to the work event on Friday or if I am going straight to Baltimore or if I go to the work event and then Baltimore or to the work event, home and then Baltimore on Saturday morning??:confused3 :confused3

Is anyone going to the aquarium on Friday? Is anyone going to the aquarium on Sunday, this might help me determine if and what I am doing that weekend. I want to go to Baltimore, I just need to figure out what I am doing.

I have to go to Valley Forge tomorrow for meetings.

Have a great night.
37 Days, 37 Days
We wouldn't want that!:lmao:

Deb's dining blog

Thanks for posting the link, Bernadette!

I had an absolute tantrum last year because DH, DS, and our 2 friends were just SITTING in AK. They weren't waiting for a parade, nobody was in the restroom, our entire party was there and they were just sitting. I came unglued. It was sweltering hot. At the very least we should have been en route to something air conditioned! That really was not a good day. I have to feel like I am at least moving towards a goal at all times. Sitting for no good reason does not make me feel like I am moving towards a goal. It wasn't late enough in the day for them to be just sitting, and they weren't planning the next thing. I can't do that. Our one friend got his knickers in a knot because I "took too long" to get back from Guest Relations with the coupon for a free Everest ride photo, yet he plopped down and just sat there once we were all back together and COULD have been going to do or see something!:sad2:
This sounds similar to the old Silver Plan. I think the deluxe plan would work well for "adults only", but the tip thing is gonna kill some people. I like the fact (if I read it right) that we get three meals a day (which I won't eat) but can use two for a signature and still be able to have a breakfast/lunch earlier in the day.
This sounds similar to the old Silver Plan. I think the deluxe plan would work well for "adults only", but the tip thing is gonna kill some people. I like the fact (if I read it right) that we get three meals a day (which I won't eat) but can use two for a signature and still be able to have a breakfast/lunch earlier in the day.

that does sound like the old silver plan. After reading her blog I am still unsure. But since our trip wont be till aug or sept 2010 I have time to think about it.
This sounds similar to the old Silver Plan. I think the deluxe plan would work well for "adults only", but the tip thing is gonna kill some people. I like the fact (if I read it right) that we get three meals a day (which I won't eat) but can use two for a signature and still be able to have a breakfast/lunch earlier in the day.

That's how we would probably use it - a big buffet breakfast and a signature dinner. But until DS starts to eat more than 4 bites at each meal we will come out better paying OOP. There is a pretty long thread on the DDP forum where people are kind of sorting through it, and the tips would easily be $15-$20 per person per day. So now the plan costs about $90 per adult per day. We MIGHT spend $90 per adult one or two days (not counting DS), but there is no way we could sustain that pattern for 8 or 9 days straight. By mid-week I am usually skipping breakfast because I am still full from the day before!
That's how we would probably use it - a big buffet breakfast and a signature dinner. But until DS starts to eat more than 4 bites at each meal we will come out better paying OOP. There is a pretty long thread on the DDP forum where people are kind of sorting through it, and the tips would easily be $15-$20 per person per day. So now the plan costs about $90 per adult per day. We MIGHT spend $90 per adult one or two days (not counting DS), but there is no way we could sustain that pattern for 8 or 9 days straight. By mid-week I am usually skipping breakfast because I am still full from the day before!
I wish they would just bring the Silver Plan back. I loved that. And the "extras" that you could use on it. I still have the clock from 2002...
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