GOOD MORNING DIS! Whoopsidoodle Hangers On and Friends Meet Here Part 4

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:thumbsup2 Good job! Is it a school day today at the LTS home?

Probably not. They are playing computer games right now :-)ssst: shhh, don't tell them that they are educational!) We may do some more Crystal growing experiments later this afternoon. We did a few yesterday but the weather was nice and the neighbor boy (5 yr old) kept coming over and ringing the doorbell for the kids to come out and play. He just couldn't understand why they would have to do school work!:rotfl2: We got 2 experiments set up and then I sent them outside.

But it is cold and icky again today. And DH is in a cleaning mood :scared1:
The cleaning thing seems to be a theme. Of course, cleaning day is always a bit stressful around try to procrastinate, start getting snarky...etc. DH and DS16 just had a big shouting match.:sad2: DS16 wants to do a terrible job, DH was on him to do it right, DS16 decides he is too old to be bossed around and starts shouting, DH doesn't respond well to DS yelling at him and yells back....CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!!!

After I intervened and sent them all different directions things are peaceful for now. I'm trying to think whether I have somewhere I need to is too cold to send them all outside.:)
MY GOSH!!! There IS still life left in these boards!!!

(not that I've been just sitting around staring at them or anything!)
Probably not. They are playing computer games right now :-)ssst: shhh, don't tell them that they are educational!) We may do some more Crystal growing experiments later this afternoon. We did a few yesterday but the weather was nice and the neighbor boy (5 yr old) kept coming over and ringing the doorbell for the kids to come out and play. He just couldn't understand why they would have to do school work!:rotfl2: We got 2 experiments set up and then I sent them outside.

But it is cold and icky again today. And DH is in a cleaning mood :scared1:
Did you ever make gak? I think that's what it was called. You mix cornstarch and water together on a paper plate. You can add coloring too.
Did you ever make gak? I think that's what it was called. You mix cornstarch and water together on a paper plate. You can add coloring too.

Oh yeah!!! I love gak!!! We call it Ooblek though. When I taught Preschool I would read Barthalamew and the Ooblek by Dr. Seuss and then we would make it. It is also good for color mixing lessons if you add different colors of food color to different parts and let them mix it and see what happens.
Oh yeah!!! I love gak!!! We call it Ooblek though. When I taught Preschool I would read Barthalamew and the Ooblek by Dr. Seuss and then we would make it. It is also good for color mixing lessons if you add different colors of food color to different parts and let them mix it and see what happens.
Ooblek!! That's the word!!! It's been a while since we made any.;)
OK, so what is GAK...because there is such a thing. Is that the Nickolodeon version?

I know, you all have probably gone elsewhere...I've been in a cleaning frenzy...good way to get rid of tension arising from father/son conflict.:sad2: I think they're upstairs talking now...don't know whether to be relieved or head for the hills before round 2 starts.

Right now our worse teenage moments are between eldest son and DH...alpha-male conflict. I do think we have less of them than we did six months ago, but maybe that is wishful thinking. This was our perfect child that never stepped outside of the lines or did anything wrong (still doesn't, really, other than these "episodes") so I guess it could be worse.

Maybe a workout would help me...Eclipz, can I use your workout was around here somewhere....
OK, so what is GAK...because there is such a thing. Is that the Nickolodeon version?


Sorry you are having a rough day. :hug:

Nickolodeon has Gak and they sold a commercial version.

What Lynn was taking about was really Ooblek. I have a recipe for Gak but it is shiny and slimy--I think it uses white glue. Ooblek is when you take cornstarch and add a little water until it looks like a solid mass but acts as a liquid when you pick it up. I am not sure of the exact measurements--I always just mix it until it looks right!
Sorry you are having a rough day. :hug:

Nickolodeon has Gak and they sold a commercial version.

What Lynn was taking about was really Ooblek. I have a recipe for Gak but it is shiny and slimy--I think it uses white glue. Ooblek is when you take cornstarch and add a little water until it looks like a solid mass but acts as a liquid when you pick it up. I am not sure of the exact measurements--I always just mix it until it looks right!

Thanks, I think it is getting better....(they need a fingers crossed smiley.)

Now I get it....yep, I remember Gak. I remember Ooblek too. Fun way to teach "properties." It's been a few years since we had any of those things here. Here's my current science project. DS10 gets a little too independent sometimes and left a tube of superglue on my kitchen counter, not closed tightly. I have a pile of hardened superglue that has become one with my counter top. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of it or do I need to remodel....:rolleyes1
Hi everyone! Bumping this thread...

Thotful, your coffee sounds awesome...since Germany's a bit far for me, I may now have to run out to a coffee shop and get what I'm sure is a poor imitation. Did you get far yesterday? I got some stuff done, but that filing always just seems to be the last thing I get to.:sad2: And the coffee would let me stall a bit longer!

Very cold here today...we had about 20 robins in our yard yesterday, and tonight it is supposed to be 17 degrees. Aren't Robins supposed to mean Spring?

Well, I brought up a basketful of paper from downstairs and sorted it into my 'holy cow this is a huge pile of paper to be filed' and 'good heavens when in the name of all that's good is someone going to finally DEAL with this' piles, so I suppose that's something, but I have a vague feeling that it somehow isn't enough.

I'm determined to make some headway tonight, but I've heard THAT before ...

When we got back home two weeks ago, our snowbells and camellias were putting out buds. Last week, we had a nasty cold snap and temps of minus 6 during the day (okay, celsius, but it's still cold!). I don't even want to think about what's going to happen to my poor, trusting flowers. :sad2:
Here's my current science project. DS10 gets a little too independent sometimes and left a tube of superglue on my kitchen counter, not closed tightly. I have a pile of hardened superglue that has become one with my counter top. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of it or do I need to remodel....:rolleyes1

I suggest moving.

Too drastic? :confused3
Oh, and on the whole subject of oobleck/gak: I seem to have missed the part with the point of it all. What do you do with it? :confused3 The bit with teaching about mixing colors obviously has educational value, but what else do you do? Does it harden after being left out, so that you could make handprints or little sculptures with it? Why am I suddenly picturing Richard Dreyfus in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' mooshing his mashed potatoes into the shape of a mountain?
Oh, and on the whole subject of oobleck/gak: I seem to have missed the part with the point of it all. What do you do with it? :confused3 The bit with teaching about mixing colors obviously has educational value, but what else do you do? Does it harden after being left out, so that you could make handprints or little sculptures with it? Why am I suddenly picturing Richard Dreyfus in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' mooshing his mashed potatoes into the shape of a mountain?

We just play with it! Very fun to play with spoons and fingers and all sorts of other things. It is really just a tactile experience for the most part. Try some!
I have a pile of hardened superglue that has become one with my counter top. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of it or do I need to remodel....:rolleyes1

I will ask DH when he gets home, he will know. I think Acetone might work--but it might ruin your counter. He took the kids to the library (peace and quiet--HALLALUIA) so I will ask when he gets back.
Okay, I've rethought my moving advise. I Googled 'superglue removal', and this page with tips came up, and looks nicely useful, although after reading it, and imagining the places that people have managed to get superglue over the years, my eyes itch. Yeesh.

Anyway, this is worth looking over:, and otherwise, LTS's DH will no doubt be a fount of information. (How is Ty doing, LTS? He must have his hands full, what with the show and WPASADI and all!)
We just play with it! Very fun to play with spoons and fingers and all sorts of other things. It is really just a tactile experience for the most part. Try some!

Ooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, well, that certainly does sound like loads 'o' fun and all, but gosh! Look at that calendar for the next week! My my, it looks like I'm just too busy to wedge in some good ooblek time, and I just refuse to rush the experience, so darn the luck, I suppose I'll just have to postpone it until things settle down a bit. Yup.
Thanks, I think it is getting better....(they need a fingers crossed smiley.)

Now I get it....yep, I remember Gak. I remember Ooblek too. Fun way to teach "properties." It's been a few years since we had any of those things here. Here's my current science project. DS10 gets a little too independent sometimes and left a tube of superglue on my kitchen counter, not closed tightly. I have a pile of hardened superglue that has become one with my counter top. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of it or do I need to remodel....:rolleyes1
This is very late and I hope you haven't ruined your counter! DS swears peanut butter works. Also, DH helped me out by spraying "Super Clean" on my hand (don't ask me how stupid I was;) ) so I didn't look like Johnny Tremain. S.C. is actually for cars and is used to take tar, paint overspray, etc. off surfaces. It says you can't use it on vinyl, but everything else is ok.

Oh, and here's the other stuff in case you still need it

and I'm skipping right to this one since it may come in handy for you!
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