Your ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GUIDE to Disney World at Christmas Time! UPDATE x2 10/21

I agree. DHS has beaten out Epcot for my second favorite park. I seriously can not get enough! But yeah, I don't know what was wrong with that kid! It was just meltdown time, I suppose.

Haha seriously? Wow, that's really awesome! Hmm well if you shoot at the barn in the upper left hand corner in the first round, it will flip around and a bunch of 2,000 targets with little mice will come out.

Then if you shoot in the back of the ring toss one, there are 5,000 point aliens back there. Those help A LOT.

Hitting the flying plates makes the point values increase, and if you hit enough of them, soon a bunch of 2,000 point plates come flying up.

And then if you hit all of the mine carts, they keep increasing in point value all the way up to 5,000. As well as the little bat that hangs up on top!

That's all I can think of off of the top of my head. I'm still learning, too!

I hope you get to see the Osborne lights someday, too! It is truly amazing.

.....Good guess! You will have to wait and see! :-)

Oooooh thanks so much!! I am going to have to bookmark this and remember! It'll help so much!! I am getting TSM anxiety because my boyfriend's friend was giving him tips and I was like OMG if he beats me his first time I will DIE!! My pride is at stake here!! :rotfl:
I know you mentioned it before in your TR because someone asked and I cannot find it. :confused3

Your camera takes great pictures. I am looking for a new one. What model camera do you use? Thank you for answering the same question again. I promise to write it down this time.

Also, do you use a service to book your disney trips? Sorry if I am asking the same questions. Great TR!
We are going to see the Osbourne Lights for the first time in Nov, and all everyone says is that they are amazing! I can't wait. '

You have beautiful pictures of them!:thumbsup2
I completely agree with you on the Osbourne Lights. I went around that corner and just stood there going WOW! I actually just stood at the top of the street because I didn't know which way to go or look first and then the snow started and it was all just amazing. Disney know how to do Christmas!
I have to say that I can't agree with you more about the Osborne Festival of Lights at HS. My jaw dropped upon seeing it. It really is a surreal it just ain't real...but it is because you're looking at it. Ahhhh just thinking about it makes me smile. Everyone was dancing in the streets to the music. I don't dance at all....but I did that night! Amazing! Loving your TR thus far! POFQ does look very nice, especially with the Christmas decorations up. Anxiously waiting for more...

I completely agree! It's so magical! Haha aww I'm so glad it made you dance! It seriously is unbelievable! Thank you very much! I really love that resort. I'm glad you're here and enjoying!

I loved all your POFQ pictures! We stayed there for our first two trips (when I was 4 and 6) so it holds a special place in my heart :love: But, I had to laugh because I remember thinking the dragon slide was SO high up and now looking at your pictures it seems so much smaller :rolleyes:

Thank you! Aww that's adorable... I stayed there when I was really little too! I vaguely remember parts of it from a very blurry memory, but I can feel some of my childhood being brought back when I'm there. And LOL aww I know, that dragon slide is awesome. It's tiny now but as a kid I can see why you would think that :laughing:

Hi! I had to pop in and tell you that I have recently spent an unhealthy amount of time reading all of your trip reports! I'm all caught up on this one now, so hopefully I'll be able to stay current.

Your love and excitement for Disney is contagious! :wizard:

Hahaha aww well thank you so much for dedicating your time to reading about my trips! That really means a lot to me! :goodvibes I'm glad you enjoy them that much!

And aww thank you! I'm so glad! I just want everyone to love Disney as much as I do. It really is a wonderful place! :wizard:

Oooooh thanks so much!! I am going to have to bookmark this and remember! It'll help so much!! I am getting TSM anxiety because my boyfriend's friend was giving him tips and I was like OMG if he beats me his first time I will DIE!! My pride is at stake here!! :rotfl:

You're welcome! I hope it helps. Haha you better do some research before you go! I believe in your ability to beat him!! :thumbsup2

I know you mentioned it before in your TR because someone asked and I cannot find it. :confused3

Your camera takes great pictures. I am looking for a new one. What model camera do you use? Thank you for answering the same question again. I promise to write it down this time.

Also, do you use a service to book your disney trips? Sorry if I am asking the same questions. Great TR!

Oh no problem! I use a Nikon D3100. As well as iPhoto to enhance the pictures even further.

And no service here! I'm got Disney trip planning down to a science. :laughing: If you ever need any help, just let me know! :goodvibes I'm full of unlimited Disney knowledge lol.


Here is a friendly reminder to provide an update.

Haha unfortunately, I am currently taking 3 summer classes, working, and taking voice/dance lessons... so my time to write updates is going to be pretty limited over the next month or two. I'll do my best to update as much as possible though!

We are going to see the Osbourne Lights for the first time in Nov, and all everyone says is that they are amazing! I can't wait. '

You have beautiful pictures of them!:thumbsup2

Aww you're going to LOVE them! Just cherish that moment of seeing them for the first time. You really will be amazed!

I completely agree with you on the Osbourne Lights. I went around that corner and just stood there going WOW! I actually just stood at the top of the street because I didn't know which way to go or look first and then the snow started and it was all just amazing. Disney know how to do Christmas!

Haha I was the same way! It's just so beautiful and overwhelming and there's so much to see! It's perfect! :goodvibes
OK, I have been MIA for a few weeks but I finally caught up. Your pics of Osborne Lights make me miss it so much!!! It truly is one of the most magical experiences at Disney. When I first saw it, I couldn't belive it, but then when I started walking through and just stopped in the was even better!!
Hope you enjoyed your most recent trip. Can't wait to hear about that one too! I was following along with you on instagram and looks like you had an amazing time!
OK, I have been MIA for a few weeks but I finally caught up. Your pics of Osborne Lights make me miss it so much!!! It truly is one of the most magical experiences at Disney. When I first saw it, I couldn't belive it, but then when I started walking through and just stopped in the was even better!!
Hope you enjoyed your most recent trip. Can't wait to hear about that one too! I was following along with you on instagram and looks like you had an amazing time!

Welcome back! I'm so glad you're all caught up! I'm so glad you agree with me! The Osborne lights are truly a magical experience!

I really did! Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed all of our live updates! We had a blast! :wizard:
Chapter 47: Delicious Italian Food, Delightful Italian Waiters
December 22nd, 2011

We thoroughly enjoyed our very first Osborne Spectacle of Lights viewing. I can still remember the exact feeling I experienced that night. It is something I'll never forget!

However, we couldn't stay at Hollywood Studios for too long. It was time to go to our dinner reservation! We went back to the car where Mom was patiently waiting for us, and we drove over to Epcot!


We arrived at the park and went straight to the pavilion with the hottest waiters, which would be ITALY! Good guesses everyone. Once we got to the border of Future World and World Showcase, we had a decision to make: whether to go left or right. I wanted to go left (towards Mexico) but Mom was adamant about going right. (towards Canada) So we started walking that way, but I swear it had to be longer! It seemed to take FOREVER.

On my walk over, I tweeted:
Something that rarely happens in Disney World is happening right now... I'm hungry.

Yes. Me, Jess, little miss "I eat everything in sight, especially in Disney World" was STARVING. So much so that my stomach was starting to hurt. I needed to get to that restaurant pronto!

And what restaurant in the Italy pavilion were we going to exactly? None other than our family favorite - VIA NAPOLI!


Our reservation was for 8:15 pm and we got there only a few minutes late. It wasn't really busy at this time of night, which was great!

A hopeful Italian tweet:
Please oh please let us get a hot waiter. #please

We were called within a few minutes. I had a great view of the stoves from where I was sitting.


And let me just say...... HOLY WAITERS!!!!! They were beautiful. May I just say that there are definitely a lot more waiters than waitresses at this restaurant? I wonder if Disney does that on purpose. They must know that teenage girls my age really favor Via Napoli not only for the delicious food, but also the excellent service.

Here's a creeper shot that I took on my iPhone. Don't judge me.


As far as our waiter in particular:
Eh he's okay. At least I have a good view. This place is CRAWLING with hot Italians. #heaven ♥

Our waiter's name was Luigi. He was very nice and had a thick accent. He was good at his job!

While I was scoping out the scene, I made a lot of eye contact with many of the waiters. But I'm a huge frump. I wish I was better at "eye flirting." LOL

I found my favorite... his name was Nicola. *sigh* We made eye contact a couple times. I think we were checking each other out. LOL (that's what I would like to believe anyways.)

Once again, DON'T JUDGE ME. I had to take pictures of the waiters so I could show all of you guys. So really, this is your fault!!! hahaha just kidding.


Happy Tweet:
The cutest one is just standing by the oven perfectly in my view :-) I love Italy.

Unfortunately, this other girl at the giant table asked to take a picture with him and then he stopped looking my way. BOO. I lost him to another woman.

Oh well! It was time to eat.

First off, Dad ordered a Sangria and Jonathan ordered a Strawberry drink. I have written down that they didn't love them. Ah well. I don't have pictures of them either. Sorry about that!

Mom ordered the salad which she LOVED!


We ordered the giant pizza to share amongst ourselves. We got half pepperoni and half mushroom!


We also got an order of spaghetti! Nom, nom, nom.


We LOVED that food! Especially the pizza!! Dad and Jonathan are especially obsessed with it. They couldn't stop thinking about it since we ate there for our first time in February!

For dessert I ordered pistachio gelato! That is DELICIOUS! It's so cool and refreshing. And it has such a delicious, sweet flavor! Everyone else at the table loved it, too!


Jonathan ordered zeppoles for dessert which are awesome! Mmm that's a family favorite as well!


Overview of Via Napoli:
Waiter: Luigi
Service: Good. He was nice and efficient. We didn't have to wait long for anything! He was kind of an awkward guy though. My hopes were set to high. 4/5
Atmosphere: Great! Not as loud as last time. It was relaxing in there because the crowds were clearing at this time of night. 4/5
Food: SO delicious! I had 6 pieces of pizza. And that gelato was a huge hit among everyone! 5/5

We still had some Test Track fastpasses burning a hole in our pockets from earlier in the day, so Jonathan and I quickly finished up our desserts. We left the restaurant and Mom and Dad took care of the check. We SPEED WALKED to TEST TRACK BABY!

Some ever-appropriate tweets following that sentence:
It's a get in grab in let er rip ride, that takes you in a test car, runs it through its paces, on one of the longest, fastest rides in WDW!

LET'S RIDE!!!!!!!!!!

We left Via Napoli at 9:16 pm and the park closed at 9:30 pm. We had to get all the way to Future World from the farthest side of the World Showcase. WOULD WE MAKE IT???

Ready, set, GO!

You should have seen us. We were speed walking. DODGING CROWDS like it was our job. My whole memory of that walk was such a blur because we were literally moving SO FAST! All while laughing our heads off. We were on a mission! People were casually getting ready to have a relaxing viewing of IllumiNations or exit the park... and we would just ZIP by them! Boom. We had to make it to Test Track before the park closed!!!

We got there at 9:26 pm! WE MADE IT WITH 4 MINUTES TO SPARE! WOOHOO! I'm pretty sure I broke a sweat.

That was called speed walking, my friends. Dodging crowds to make it from Italy to test track in exactly 10 minutes before Epcot closed #WIN

I should really get a gold metal for the amount of times I walked
around the world showcase today. #pro

So, as I was saying, we arrived at Test Track. We didn't even need our fastpasses! There was no line! So we walked right in! I was being such a crazy frump in line... skipping and running and being really obnoxious.

The girl behind me told me she LOVED my shirt! She wanted to know where it was from. (It's from Delia's, in case any of you were wondering! They have such cute clothes.)

We got to the loading dock and we sat in the back row of our car. There was a boy and his older brother sitting in front of us.



Once we got off, the building was COMPLETELY empty!


It was a great ride! We got off and the Holiday IllumiNations extended finale was going off! It was so pretty!


We left the park, went to the parking lot, got in our car, and drove back to the lovely French Quarter. I was still SO HAPPY that we were staying there!!


That lobby is just magnificent. I just can't get over how great their Christmas decorations were!




We made a stop in the gift shop. They have an AWESOME pin board in there!

Christmas Tip #23: If you're into pin trading, there is an awesome pin board that is always up in Port Orleans French Quarter's gift shop. Actually, at most of the resort gift shops/main desks there are pins boards or books. Make sure you ask the cast members to see them!

I traded for a couple pins. Mom bonded with the cast member because she lived in the same city of the Mayo Clinic! She was so sweet. Her two homes were two of the best locations in the world - near the Mayo Clinic and Disney World!

On our way back, I had to stop and take a few pictures with some of my friends.


Ya know, just having a grand ol' time at the Port Orleans.


I know these guys creep some of you guys out.. but I gotta post it. JOKER!


The frumpy dragon slide..... at NIGHT! (please say that in the tone of that one Spongebob episode:


And me with my slide:


(Don't I seriously look photoshopped in that picture?! I swear it's 100% real!!)

Like I said, I stayed here when I was REALLY young. I was probably between the ages of 2-4. I have very faint memories of Disney World from that time of my life, and they were all coming back to me when I stayed at French Quarter. I remembered the layout of the resort, as well as these horses. I used to LOVE them when I was little. I always wanted to stop by and see "the horseys!" I had to take a picture with them.


We went back to the room after that. My Dad was being particularly funny on this night, and all I know is that we were laughing SO hard. He's such a jokester. I wish I remembered what was so funny, but I don't. I just know that it was a really happy moment. At home the four of us are constantly on the go so we don't get to spend as ton of time together. But that's why I love these vacations! Lots of time to hang out and laugh about silly things! Gotta love Disney.

I had to take a picture of my new pins from this day:


After that we pretty much passed out. I was ready for another great day in Disney tomorrow! Woohoo!

Overview of December 22nd, 2011:

- Port Orleans French Quarter's Decor. WOW!
- Accomplishing a lot at Epcot!
- My first viewing EVER of the Osborne Spectacle of Lights!
- Going to Via Napoli and seeing the waiters! And eating the delicious food, too.
- Speed Walking to Test Track

- Jon being sick
- Uncomfortable beds at Mystic Dunes
- Customer Service at Mystic Dunes
- Being SO hungry and taking the long way to Via Napoli
- That darn girl stealing my waiter!!

80's and Sunny!

Food of the Day:
Pizza from Via Napoli! I had 6 pieces. NO SHAME!

Continued in Next Post
Kudos on getting to see all the hotness in Italy. :thumbsup2 Sorry yours got stolen though! That's not too magical at all. :sad2:

Oh man...that pizza looks so good. Via Napoli pizza might be the best pizza on the planet. :love: I want to go to there.

DELIA'S?! OMG I totally forgot about Delia's! Wow, that takes me back! I used to looooove their stuff.

...Ya know, just having a grand ol' time at the Port Orleans.


I kind of love this picture. So funny!

Eeps...creepy joker! Now I am going to have nightmares! :scared1:

Love the pins you traded for. I think the Chip/Poly pin is my favorite.

Still love the report so far! And good luck with all of those classes you are taking...I hope you get some time to relax and enjoy your summer! :)
Nice that you guys got to spend some time in DHS before your Via Napoli dinner :) I seriously LOVE going to that park! It is so much fun, especially at Christmas time :). I totally understand your love of TSM! That ride is so much fun! My first time going on it was in August of 2009 and I thought it was sooo much fun! Unfortunately we only had one DHS day that trip and when we got to the ride the fastpass line was really long right at rope drop and our fastpass time was really late for that ride and the standby time the whole day was really long so I only got to ride it once that trip :(. I feel like this ride is so much better than Buzz Lightyear because it is so much easier to aim the toy gun/shooter thing correctly. On buzz I always end up losing my laser at some point :(.

Glad you got to see the osbourne lights! Those things are simply incredible!!!! Anytime my family goes during the holiday season we ALWAYS check out the Osbourne Lights!

Funny that you and your mom had such a disagreement about which direction to go to via napoli in. That sounds like a discussion my mom and I would have. I probably would have gone in the mexico direction like you wanted to and then left in the other direction.

Nice that it wasn't very crowded that night at via napoli. My last experience there it was really crowded and i went during an off time so I thought it was pretty much always crowded.

Sad you were disappointed with your waiter's looks, at least he was still a good and nice server though. I also found your bit about photo creeping on the waiters hillarious! That is defintely what I would do, in fact I did it last time I was there. I think i took about 4 pics of just our waiter, let alone all the other waiters. Luckily there were alot of birthdays while i was there so I had an excuse for taking all the pictures each time someone was getting happy birthday sung to them (btw they sing it in italian there which i thought was awesome since i took a year of italian in high school).

All of your food looks delicious! I seriously want some of that via napoli pizza right now, it was AMAZING!!!! I loved how light it was :).

Love how you and your brother ducked out of dinner to ride test track, i love when the timing works out after a meal to go ride some attractions before the park closes. Test track was a great choice as well! btw i'm guessing you have heard about how they are revamping test track since you were just there while they have been working on it. I am seriously so sad they are changing it! What was wrong with it the way it was? I know it broke down kind of a lot but I don't think that is something that the revamp will solve since they are using the same general system for actually controlling the ride last i heard. Anyway, rant is totally over now, I was just curious about how you felt about the refurbishment and revamp.

Nice that you guys got to the ride on time. There is seriously no better feeling in disney than when you race to a ride or reservation in order to make it in time. nice that the line was non existent as well! I love the pose your brother has on the ride, looks like you have passed your knowledge about posing for the ride cameras onto your family.

Your pictures around the resort are awesome! I especially loved your whole thing about the frumpy dragon slide (every time i see that slide i call it that in my mind now thanks to your TR's). I also loved hearing someone else reference that spongebob episode about doing things in disney AAAATTTT NNNNIIIIIGGGGHHHTTT!!!!! My mom and I pretty much quote that episode ALL the time while in disney! Our favorite time to quote it is when we are talking about BTMR! We always talk about riding it at night in that spongebob voice. It is pretty much impossible for me to talk about doing stuff at night (particularly during EMH) without referencing spongebob!
HAHA LOVE the pics of the hot waiters...I'm kind of bummed now that I don't have a reservation there for September. Maybe I'll sneak a peek from the door! Test Track looks so weird with empty!
The food at Via Napoli looks amazing! We are eating there in July...can't wait to try that pizza and pistachio gelato!!!!

The frumpy dragon slide..... at NIGHT! (please say that in the tone of that one Spongebob episode:

AHHHHHHHHHH! My brother and I joke about that all the time! Anytime one of goes away or does something we'll text each other that we're doing ______ AT NIGHT! :rotfl:

My family and I always have the best memories going to Disney, even if sometimes not everyone (*cough cough mom*) doesn't want to go! We are constantly talking about past Disney memories, and they always start a laugh:love:
Yay Via Napoli is one of my favorites too!! I'm surprised your dad didin't like the sangria!! I loved it! But I did read on Party through the Parks that it was juice-y and seemed more like a "wine-oj cocktail". :confused3 IDK I liked it. Has he tried the sangria in Morrocco? They said that's a richer, deeper flavored one. ANYWHO...that pizza! Oh that pizza. I love it so much. I'm surprised you ONLY had 6 pieces. Oh my goodness, I wish I was eating some right now!! It's one of my must-do restaurants! I love it so much.

Sorry that girl stole your Italian boy! What the heck?! Although, I'm sure all she got was a picture and you have an actual phone number from the waiters there on your record! So I still think you win. :laughing:

Good job for speed walking to TT!! I love that ride!! So classic! Can't wait to see all the updates and everything they do to it! Yay!!

I love that POFQ is bring back memories for you!! That's beyond perfect. People always hate because my son has already been so much but I think he may remember parts. He always recognizes Disney World in pictures and stuff and just loves it so much and ALWAYS asks to go there. I think he does remember quite a bit! It's so great that there's such an amazing place in the world where you can grow up with, let your kids grow up in, and just look back and watch it all and savor the memories! I LOVE DISNEY WORLD SO MUCH!!

can't wait for more!
Kudos on getting to see all the hotness in Italy. :thumbsup2 Sorry yours got stolen though! That's not too magical at all. :sad2:

Oh man...that pizza looks so good. Via Napoli pizza might be the best pizza on the planet. :love: I want to go to there.

DELIA'S?! OMG I totally forgot about Delia's! Wow, that takes me back! I used to looooove their stuff.

I kind of love this picture. So funny!

Eeps...creepy joker! Now I am going to have nightmares! :scared1:

Love the pins you traded for. I think the Chip/Poly pin is my favorite.

Still love the report so far! And good luck with all of those classes you are taking...I hope you get some time to relax and enjoy your summer! :)

LOL thank you! And I know, right!? What the heck! :laughing:
Their pizza is seriously amazing. I will never get tired of it. I didn't go there on my last trip and now I'm craving it again!
Don't they have such cute clothes!? I love that store!! It kind of defines my style.
Hahaha thank you!
Oh no, sorry about that!
Thank you! I found the matching dale one later in the trip!
Aw thanks! Good thing, because there's still a TON more to go! And thank you. I worked 12 hours STRAIGHT on homework yesterday. (minus taking breaks for eating. Literally, I don't know how I did it) It'll be worth it in the end though. LOL I wish I would have some time to relax... but it'll probably be at the end of August. If it even happens at all. I'm ready to go back to school already. :rotfl:

Nice that you guys got to spend some time in DHS before your Via Napoli dinner :) I seriously LOVE going to that park! It is so much fun, especially at Christmas time :). I totally understand your love of TSM! That ride is so much fun! My first time going on it was in August of 2009 and I thought it was sooo much fun! Unfortunately we only had one DHS day that trip and when we got to the ride the fastpass line was really long right at rope drop and our fastpass time was really late for that ride and the standby time the whole day was really long so I only got to ride it once that trip :(. I feel like this ride is so much better than Buzz Lightyear because it is so much easier to aim the toy gun/shooter thing correctly. On buzz I always end up losing my laser at some point :(.

So do I! I'm glad you appreciate Toy Story Mania as much as I do! And yeah, the whole 4-D experience just makes it better than Buzz. But I love both rides!

Glad you got to see the osbourne lights! Those things are simply incredible!!!! Anytime my family goes during the holiday season we ALWAYS check out the Osbourne Lights!

Yeah if I was there when it was running, I wouldn't miss it!

Funny that you and your mom had such a disagreement about which direction to go to via napoli in. That sounds like a discussion my mom and I would have. I probably would have gone in the mexico direction like you wanted to and then left in the other direction.

Yeah now that I realize that America is the center pavilion, that decision would have been made so much easier. I have to go and check to see who's right next time I'm there.

Nice that it wasn't very crowded that night at via napoli. My last experience there it was really crowded and i went during an off time so I thought it was pretty much always crowded.

I'm sorry that happened to you!

Sad you were disappointed with your waiter's looks, at least he was still a good and nice server though. I also found your bit about photo creeping on the waiters hillarious! That is defintely what I would do, in fact I did it last time I was there. I think i took about 4 pics of just our waiter, let alone all the other waiters. Luckily there were alot of birthdays while i was there so I had an excuse for taking all the pictures each time someone was getting happy birthday sung to them (btw they sing it in italian there which i thought was awesome since i took a year of italian in high school).

Yeah he did the job! Hahaha I'm glad you found it funny. And that you're just as bad as me. :laughing: I should really go there if I ever celebrate my birthday... hmmm.... :rolleyes1

All of your food looks delicious! I seriously want some of that via napoli pizza right now, it was AMAZING!!!! I loved how light it was :).

So do I! And I know.. I could eat so much of it!

Love how you and your brother ducked out of dinner to ride test track, i love when the timing works out after a meal to go ride some attractions before the park closes. Test track was a great choice as well! btw i'm guessing you have heard about how they are revamping test track since you were just there while they have been working on it. I am seriously so sad they are changing it! What was wrong with it the way it was? I know it broke down kind of a lot but I don't think that is something that the revamp will solve since they are using the same general system for actually controlling the ride last i heard. Anyway, rant is totally over now, I was just curious about how you felt about the refurbishment and revamp.

Yeah me too! And yes, I know all about the revamp. It's sad to see the attraction go but I think the changes are going to be good. They sound really cool! They can't keep it the same because they're changing sponsors, and the sponsors really have the say in the attractions. So I guess we'll see how it goes... but I have a feeling it's going to be great!

Nice that you guys got to the ride on time. There is seriously no better feeling in disney than when you race to a ride or reservation in order to make it in time. nice that the line was non existent as well! I love the pose your brother has on the ride, looks like you have passed your knowledge about posing for the ride cameras onto your family.

I know, it's such a relief! LOL oh thanks. Yeah I always plan my ride photos!

Your pictures around the resort are awesome! I especially loved your whole thing about the frumpy dragon slide (every time i see that slide i call it that in my mind now thanks to your TR's). I also loved hearing someone else reference that spongebob episode about doing things in disney AAAATTTT NNNNIIIIIGGGGHHHTTT!!!!! My mom and I pretty much quote that episode ALL the time while in disney! Our favorite time to quote it is when we are talking about BTMR! We always talk about riding it at night in that spongebob voice. It is pretty much impossible for me to talk about doing stuff at night (particularly during EMH) without referencing spongebob!

Thank you! LOL I'm so glad I have passed that name onto you guys! I just have called it that ever since I first saw a picture of it! Hahaha I'm glad you like the reference. It just popped into my head when I was writing the TR.

HAHA LOVE the pics of the hot waiters...I'm kind of bummed now that I don't have a reservation there for September. Maybe I'll sneak a peek from the door! Test Track looks so weird with empty!

LOL oh thank you! Yeah, I'm sure if you just look in there you will catch a glimpse at the beauty of Italy :lmao: And yeah I know, right?!

The food at Via Napoli looks amazing! We are eating there in July...can't wait to try that pizza and pistachio gelato!!!!

Mmm it was so good! And YES those are the two best things on the menu! I hope you love it! :thumbsup2

AHHHHHHHHHH! My brother and I joke about that all the time! Anytime one of goes away or does something we'll text each other that we're doing ______ AT NIGHT! :rotfl:

My family and I always have the best memories going to Disney, even if sometimes not everyone (*cough cough mom*) doesn't want to go! We are constantly talking about past Disney memories, and they always start a laugh:love:

Hahahaha do you!? I love it! I'm so glad you appreciate that joke as much as I do!

Aww I'm glad that you guys always have a good time! It really is such a fun place! :goodvibes

Yay Via Napoli is one of my favorites too!! I'm surprised your dad didin't like the sangria!! I loved it! But I did read on Party through the Parks that it was juice-y and seemed more like a "wine-oj cocktail". :confused3 IDK I liked it. Has he tried the sangria in Morrocco? They said that's a richer, deeper flavored one. ANYWHO...that pizza! Oh that pizza. I love it so much. I'm surprised you ONLY had 6 pieces. Oh my goodness, I wish I was eating some right now!! It's one of my must-do restaurants! I love it so much.

Yeah I don't know! I didn't write a lot of details down about it and I can't really remember. Oh well. Your description sounds about right. And no he hasn't tried that one! It sounds good though!

Mmm the pizza is SO good! Hahaha I could have probably eaten more but I wanted to save some room for dessert! It's so delicious!

Sorry that girl stole your Italian boy! What the heck?! Although, I'm sure all she got was a picture and you have an actual phone number from the waiters there on your record! So I still think you win. :laughing:

I KNOW! What a brat. :laughing: Didn't she know he was mine!? hahaha jk. But yeah, that's always a fond memory and a great story I like to tell people. :rotfl:

Good job for speed walking to TT!! I love that ride!! So classic! Can't wait to see all the updates and everything they do to it! Yay!!

Woohoo thank you! I can't either! I think they'll be good!

I love that POFQ is bring back memories for you!! That's beyond perfect. People always hate because my son has already been so much but I think he may remember parts. He always recognizes Disney World in pictures and stuff and just loves it so much and ALWAYS asks to go there. I think he does remember quite a bit! It's so great that there's such an amazing place in the world where you can grow up with, let your kids grow up in, and just look back and watch it all and savor the memories! I LOVE DISNEY WORLD SO MUCH!!

I really think that when you bring your child when they're really little, it makes Disney World that much more special. Because throughout my life I reminisce about my trips and all of the memories come flooding back. It really set a base for my current Disney obsession... and I wouldn't have it any other way! I love it too! :love:

can't wait for more!

Great update!!!
It is not even right how cute the italy waiters are!! NO shame!!! hehehehe
When my mom and I went, our waiter was older and flirting with my was hysterical!!!!!your pictures are adorable as always! xo
I love Epcot at night!

Via Napoli! I was right!

Of course we go to Via Napoli for the food, but the waiters are very nice too. I swear we just stare at them the whole time. Like you did :)

“I lost him to another woman.” Jess, you crack me up!

I love your ride photo on Test Track. The people in front of you look so bored and you guys look like you’re having the time of your life!

Those pins you traded are so cute! Especially the Hamm one!
I have that Wendy pin! AHHH Via Napoli. I love it there. :love:

I love French Quarter! It's seriously one of my favorite places on earth. :cloud9:
I lost my guy to another girl so let's just eat food. :lmao: That struck me as hilarious!

WIN. You do what you gotta do to get on your ride!!! It's the diser way!

"I was being such a crazy frump in line... skipping and running and being really obnoxious."
Yeah that's me all the time at Disney. It's cool...

HAHAHA this post is hilarious! You and the alligator are such good friends. AND SPONGEBOB. "AHHH I BURNED MY HAND!!! ... at night." :thumbsup2

Thank you for all the funny.


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