Your top 2 classic disney movies.


<font color=darkorchid>Canada has kewl stuffs too<
Aug 19, 2006
By classic, i mean true disney animation.

1. Hercules
2. Mulan

How 'bout you?
1. Hercules
2. Lion King

but I love them all equally but those are the 2 I thought of when I saw this

1. Alice In Wonderland (Although it does make me feel kind of tripped out. Haha.)

2. Peter pan.

They do change every month or so...

1.Alice in wonderland (WOOT!)
2. Pocahontas ("Im gonna take a Poke.Uh.Honest. bubble bath mommie!")
1. Peter Pan
2. Alice/Jungle Book (tied!! cannot picK!)
1. The Lion King
2. Peter Pan

xD that was really hard to choose.
1. 101 Dalmations
2. Robin Hood

When I was little, I would watch 101 Dalmations every day. I love that movie.
it HAS to be lion king as my fave, it is such a classic! and i still find the bit where the dad dies really sad....

and my second fave would have to be 101 dalmations! even though cruella devil is suppose to be evil i still lurve her, and i lurve seeing her in the disney park as well :p she always make me laugh when i see her insulting people! haha, how nice do i sound!?



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