Your First Trip to WDW


DIS Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
My first trip to the "world" was when I was seven in May of '99. We stayed at the Yacht Club and the only things I can remember about the trip is that me, my DS, and my DC1 fought over the autograph book that hosted a sparkly dolphin on it (we had three, but we had to fight over that one) that my parents got us, I got lost from my parents after the breakfast at our resort and I managed to turn myself in and the front desk people entertained me with coloring books until my parents were able to find me and I called the Tower of Terror the Tower of Taylor (DC1's name).

I started to beg to go back around second or third grade and didn't stop until we went back in November of '05 (when I was in eighth grade) this was my "first" trip because I can remember it fully. It was also when my Disney obsession really began because I had lost my pin on the bridge in front of Splash Mountain, and I was looking all over for it, and I couldn't find it. I said to the lady at the pin store I think it was that I had lost my pin, and she gave me a voucher for a pin 12.00 and under! To this day I still treasure the pin that she replaced. (It was a plain Rocking Roller Coaster Pin and the upgrade was to a spinning RRC pin.)
Mine was just before Thanksgivin '03. (This is for WDW, I had previously been to Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland).

We stayed at the Grand Floridian, went to the MK, EPCOT, and my mom and I returned to MK the third day while my brother and dad went to (then) MGM. My mom and I ate at 1900 Park Fare one morning. I have an autograph book from that trip..

I don't remember a whole lot but I do know when my mom and I returned to MK is where I have my best childhood memory.

My mom informed me that there was a restaurant in the castle. My eyes got wide and I asked if we could eat there, maybe. She said she'd ask, but not to get my hopes up because chances are it'd be completely full. Well, she walked up to the stand and the woman smiled wide and said "If you go up right now, there's room!" I nearly died of happiness. That my friends, is true MAGIC.

Our second visit came in '06, by coincidence, because my brother had a baseball tournament in Orlando. We went to the MK from about 9 AM- 7 PM, just my mom and a friend and I. And our third, and really only "full" visit came in June '08 after I'd begged and pleaded and used way more guilt trips and manipulation then I'd like to disclose. We had a terrific time, though :D

I'm saving money for a trip in 2011... I've got more than enough for hotel and tickets now.
oh ive been many times. the first was in 2001, and we've been almost every year (multiple times each year) since then.

were going in september/october next year too.
july/august of 2001. we went with my fathers friend and his family. they are from venezuela. my dad didnt go tough :(
i had my birthday over there and I got my first build-a-bear. his name is jimmy. :D!
First time? Umm... it was in 1998 or so I was two/three years old. We only went for a day, we were down in Flordia visiting my grandparents and we went for 5 or 6 hours. All I remember is having my brother screaming on POTC. And watching the fireworks for the first time and being so amazed.
winter of 1992, i was 3, my sis was almost 2. i don't really remember much but we have the cuuuutest pics! we just went to MK for the day, we stayed @ my grandparents condo in madeira beach for a couple of weeks. i've gone just about every 2 years since then (with a few exceptions, when i was younger and my grandparents had their condo we'd go once a year)
Haha my first visit was in '95 when I was 10/11 months or so right after we moved here from Tallahassee. I don't remember it at all of course, but my parents tell me it was POURING so much the place was like flooding lol! Some family from NY was here at the time too.
My first (and only so far) trip was August 2008. What stands out for me really was our first day we went to MK. When we walked in, we heard music and realized the parade was just starting. My family and I ran up to the train station and watched it from there, looking down on all the characters and down Main Street to Cinderella's castle for the first time in my life. It felt so we still say how they had to have a special parade because my family finally made it to Disney World and had arrived. :goodvibes
I first went when I was three, in the summer of '94. My little brother was only one, so he stayed with my grandparents and it was just my older brother (6) and my parents and myself at WDW. Don't remember much about that trip, but I've been there quite a few time since then! :-)


first time riding cindy's carousel :-)
The first time that I went was when I was 3 years old in '98. I can't remember anything about it, except that when we were leaving animal kingdom, it started raining and my dad and i were jumping in the puddles and stuff, and my grandmother got so mad at us. It was HILARIOUS.

This is the autograph book that we fought over on our first trip XD I can't find my journal or any pictures of the trip, but I'm still looking. I have Genie's signature in there, Frollo's, and a green army man's signature XDDD
My first trip was in 1993. My family went before I was born (1992) but this was MY first trip. We went every year after '93 so I do remember "Horizons"! and that "Take Flight" :goodvibes
My first trip was in 1994 believe. I was two at the time so I don't remember anything. I have been back many times since. And I am going back April 5-9 of 2010 for band.
My first was probably sometime in 1993/1994 when I was around 1 years old, or younger. My parents took me to the parks a lot (since we're close by and all). I have lots of pictures of me with characters (at Chef Mickeys and other places) as a baby. I don't remember these trips though and I can't honestly tell you which trip I remember as the 'first' for me.
My first trip was when I was I think 12. My grandma actually paid 4 my family (mom, dad, sis and me) to go. I was told a week before and kept jumping up and down and hugging my whole family. We stayed at the pop century resort. Best vacation ever. We went back a year later and stayed at Shades of Green (really nice) and had an amazing time and then this past March we went after my sis and I presented my mom and dad when they got home from church (we stayed home lol) with a table full of memories from past disney vacations (including disney music). haha we ended up booking a room at th all star music resort. We are goin on our 1st disney cruise in 36 days and then goin 2 th all star movies resort after that! soooooo incredibly excited!!
My first trip to WDW was in 2009! It was this summer and the whole family loved it so we have booked a second holiday for the same time next year!
I can't wait!!!


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