Your Best Magical Moments...

Double WOW! What a wonderful story Mom2apirate&princess. Choked me up too..:lovestruc

Our best moment happened this past September. We were in 'the World' celebrating our 35th anniversary. Our first afternoon in Epcot was really hot and humid, and we were desperate to cool off. I don't tolerate heat well, and DH had been pushing me in my wheelchair all day (hint: I look a lot like my avatar:lmao:). Anyway, we headed to the American Pavilion for some much needed A/C (and to see the show). But as we got to the door, there was a sign saying that the public would be allowed into the lobby in 45 min. We could see a number of 'suits' gathered there, so there must have been some kind of VIP thing going on??

Anyway, we double checked the time of the next performance with the CM at the door, thanked her and turned away, looking for the nearest shade. Suddenly behind us we hear: " Ma'am? Sir?" We turned around. "Are you the Canadian couple who are celebrating their 35th anniversary?" Yes, we replied.(we didn't realize til much later that DUH: we were wearing anniversary buttons and DH had a Canadian maple leaf on his hat)
"We have a phone message waiting for you. Could you please come inside? I'll show you to the phone so you can retrieve your message." So we go inside and look at each other, wondering if some catastrophe had happened back home.

The very nice gentleman showed us the phone at one side of the lobby, and gave us the 4 digit number to dial. Well, imagine our shock and delight when the message turned out to be Mickey and Minnie singing the Happy Anniversary Song and wishing us a wonderful vacation!!! I was laughing and crying at the same time and even DH had a huge grin on his face. We chatted with the CM for a few minutes while he seemed to doodle on his clipboard. Then he whips a paper off the clipboard and presented us with an official Magical Moments certificate!!

After offering many thanks for the special moment, we proceeded back out of the pavilion, a million times happier (and cooler!) than when we went in.
On day 5 of our November 2008 trip, our youngest woke up at 3:00a.m. with a tummy ache. Needless to say we were up for about 2 hours with him vomiting. We slept late and had lunch at Le Cellier. We then decided to go to Animal Kingdom to see Festival of the Lion King. We had only been in the park for a few minutes when we were approached by 2 CM's. They asked us if we had been in the park very long and we said "no". They wanted to know if we had dinner plans or any other specific plans for the afternoon. We said that we didn't have any plans for the day except for seeing the Festival of the Lion King and taking a trip on the Safari. So, then they asked if we would be watching the parade, we said yes. Then we were asked if we would like V.I.P. seating. We said YES!!. The men then told us that we were the family of the day chosen to ride with Mickey on his float in the Jungle Jammin' Parade. After seeing Lion King, we didn't think we would have time to see the Safari so we were going to get a Fastpass for it to ride it after the parade. The Fastpasses were all gone for the day. I asked a Safari CM how long it would take to ride it because we had to be at a certain spot at a certain time for the parade. He said it would be about 20 minutes. He checked his watch then personally escorted us down to the Safari truck, he put us directly on the truck and explained to the driver that she had to have us back by a certain time. She got us back on time and when we arrived back from the trip, the parade directers were waiting for us. They gave us our parade clothes and put us up on the float with Mickey!! They assigned us our own Photopass Photographer. It was awesome. We had so much fun!!! It is memories that will last a lifetime!!!

My husband proposed on our 3 year dating anniversary in WDW :goodvibes

He even had my dad and his parents fly down and meet us there so they could see the whole thing... talk about a surprise!
Our first trip to DL I was thrilled to see the 'original' magic.

While walking through the castle to the hub, I was so immersed in the park two CMs in dress shirts and ties commented how I looked 'overwhelmed'. I laughed and explained how I was a WDW veteran and was so thrilled to see Disneyland. They asked if anything would make it perfect and I said "You all are awesome, but you don't have Figment." They both laughed and said that was true. We started walking toward the front gate of the park at DD's pace (she was still a fairly new walker).

When we got to the main gate, one of the CMs we had been talking to was standing there, waiting. I sort of laughed when I saw him and said "wow, you guys must teleport." He smiled and said he had to find me to give me something and handed me a Figment pin.

I don't know where he got it... I am awed/slightly freaked he found me... and it's my most favorite pin -- I love telling people I got it at Disneyland! While WDW will always be my favorite, DL will always be most magical!
My wife and I have had several magical moments over the years.

Our first magical moment was when we took our oldest grandkids to WDW. We had a reservation at Tony's for dinner but got stuck on the wrong side of the parade. By the time we got into Tony's, we were over 30 minutes late & they wouldn't seat us. As we sat in the lobby discussing where to eat since it was almost 9, a manager came over and asked if there was a problem. We told him the issue. He said hat they had no more seating available but he would try to work something out. He came back in a little while and told us to go to the Hub and meet a CM dressed in Blue but we had to hurry since SpectralMagic was about to begin. We got to the Hub and found this CM. She opened the ropes and lead us to the Castle and upstairs. We seated at the windows & got to eat with Cindy's Castle without reservations! (I don't even remember if we paid or not). The service seemed so slow because we were in a hurry to see "Fantasy in the Sky" Just about dessert, our DGS commented that there were Fireworks going off outside the window. We thought it was just grand getting to see the Fireworks from inside the Castle.

Another magical moment happened on the trip we took my Step-DDs family to WDW. I've had a strained relationship with her. On our last night, we were behind the Castle and DW ask if they had seen the mosaics in the Castle. When DW tried to show the mosaics to them, but the whole area was roped off. My DW asked a CM if there was anyway for them to see them. She told them to come back tomorrow.. The DW told DD that maybe next trip. With that the CM got on her radio. She came back lead us to the mosaics explaining each one. After seeing the mosaics, we walked toward IASW, my DD put her arm around me, thanked me for bringing her and kissed me on my cheek.
Eating at CRT for the first time with my DS11 after 6 trips beginning when I was age 2 to WDW. We had reservations for 30 minutes prior to Wishes. To meeting Cinderella for the first time, walking up the spiral staircase, the excellent waitress and having the best seat in the house next to the window. Then Wishes began and to have that unique experience of seeing the fireworks from inside the castle, my son said "Mom are you crying?" I was!!!! I was all filled up! It was purely magical. And for my son, who was reluctant to dine there, he was so happy and loved it and it was the highlight of his trip meeting the princesses who made a huge fuss over him. Purely wonderful!!!!!:lovestruc
We have also had many magical Disney moments. The best one happened this past March. We were in MK for my DD 5th birthday and she got a makeover at the BBB. My DW brought her to the photoshoot after. Later on that evening, we were in front of the castle to watch Wishes when the Magic, Memories, & You show started. After watching in awe for a few minutes, I figured I should take a few pictures of the castle with the different designs and pictures on it. I snapped a few pictures.... moments later, friends we were with started screaming that DD was on the castle. I couldn't believe it! Then I remembered I was taking pictures at about that exact moment. I went through my pictures and I caught a picture with my DD on the castle!

That's my DD on the bottom left of the castle...


And this was the PP picture they used....

Just earlier this week... walked into Magic Kingdom and instead of rushing down Main St, started taking some photos.... first the fire truck came out of the "station", then the Trolley Car with the Dapper Dans on the back. We were standing right by the Trolley Car when they invited us and others to climb aboard. We rode down Main St all the way to the Castle with the Dapper Dans singing Christmas songs (and a few jokes) along the way.
My husband I went to Disney on 12/10/10. We missed our first flight and the candlelight processional and I was really upset. We got to make it to Illuminations which is my favorite show. At the finale, he was standing behind me watching (he's 6'8" and I'm 5'3" so he can see!haha) he reaches his hand in front of me with a box. I take it and open it and see the ring. I turn around and he's on his knee proposing, right as all the finale fireworks are going on! After receiving congratulations by the people around us, we went to France and had a glass of champagne to celebrate. We were married November 12! :love:
I have so many memories! Not one stands out more than the other so I guess I will list them all.

My son's first trip...he was almost 4. We met Cinderella. She kissed his cheek and left big red lips. he refused to let us wipe them off.

His second trip was during the Year of a Million Dreams promo. On our first day in the parks, he wanted Buzz to be our first ride. We walked back to Tomorrowland but the wait was close to an hour. Which was odd because everything else had little to no wait. I was standing outside trying to explain to him how Fastpass worked and that we would ride later but that an hour was a long time. A Cast Member appeared out of no where and started talking to my son. Next thing I know, we are being escorted to the front of the line. My son was beaming. And yes I cried (you will come to see this is a theme.)

Same trip, we were at EMH at DHS. My son who usually does not get too outgoing in crowds was a dancing machine in the Animation Courtyard. The DJ was randomly picking kids to dance on stage. My son was using his best moves to get the DJ's attention. We tried to leave the area a few times but my son refused. HE just wanted to dance. The last song of the night the DJ came down and helped my son climb on the stage. He got to dance to some high school musical song on stage. That in itself was magical for him and for us because watching him, it was so out of his character. But the most magical moment was when he came off of the stage at the end of the song, I got the biggest hug ever and "Mommy, this is the best day of my life!" So, yes, the tears came again. Not little tears, big crocodile tears pouring down my face. That one phrase made the all the planning worth it.

I just came back from 8 days at the beginning of the month. This trip was special for me because as my son has gotten older, his interests have changed and the little Mama's boy that I had, has turned into a man's man so to speak. His Dad and him are 2 peas in a pod. I have a little princess now who is almost 3. I knew this trip would be different. Leading up to the trip, if you asked my daughter if she wanted to go, she said no. She does that when she doesn't know the place you are taking her. In the days before, my son was bouncing off the walls with excitement. My daughter on the other hand was adamant that she wasn't going. I knew she wouldn't realize we were actually in Disney World until she saw "the" castle. We were there for 2 days before that moment arrived. She was in the stroller. We got to the top of Main Street and we took her out and told to look toasted the castle. Her eyes got as big as saucers and she said "we're at my DisneyWorld. It's my castle." Yup you guessed it, tears, but this time it wasn't just me. My husband was teary eyed and my nine year old boy, had tears on his face too. He turned around to me and said " I love having a sister. I love our family." Let the sobbing commence.

We met Pooh, Eeyore and Tigger at AK. My son said he was too old to meet the baby characters so we got pictures of the little one with Pooh and Eeyore. When she got over to Tigger, the photo pass person asked my son if was getting into the picture. I said no he is too old for Tigger. Tigger heard me and hopped over to my son, picked him up and took him into the picture. my daughter loved it, my son's face lit up and it is absolutely the best picture of the trip of the 2 of them together. You can almost see the joy and magic in their faces.

I could go on and on about the magic but I think those are my top moments.
Can't wait to go back!
I have so many memories! Not one stands out more than the other so I guess I will list them all.

My son's first trip...he was almost 4. We met Cinderella. She kissed his cheek and left big red lips. he refused to let us wipe them off.

His second trip was during the Year of a Million Dreams promo. On our first day in the parks, he wanted Buzz to be our first ride. We walked back to Tomorrowland but the wait was close to an hour. Which was odd because everything else had little to no wait. I was standing outside trying to explain to him how Fastpass worked and that we would ride later but that an hour was a long time. A Cast Member appeared out of no where and started talking to my son. Next thing I know, we are being escorted to the front of the line. My son was beaming. And yes I cried (you will come to see this is a theme.)

Same trip, we were at EMH at DHS. My son who usually does not get too outgoing in crowds was a dancing machine in the Animation Courtyard. The DJ was randomly picking kids to dance on stage. My son was using his best moves to get the DJ's attention. We tried to leave the area a few times but my son refused. HE just wanted to dance. The last song of the night the DJ came down and helped my son climb on the stage. He got to dance to some high school musical song on stage. That in itself was magical for him and for us because watching him, it was so out of his character. But the most magical moment was when he came off of the stage at the end of the song, I got the biggest hug ever and "Mommy, this is the best day of my life!" So, yes, the tears came again. Not little tears, big crocodile tears pouring down my face. That one phrase made the all the planning worth it.

I just came back from 8 days at the beginning of the month. This trip was special for me because as my son has gotten older, his interests have changed and the little Mama's boy that I had, has turned into a man's man so to speak. His Dad and him are 2 peas in a pod. I have a little princess now who is almost 3. I knew this trip would be different. Leading up to the trip, if you asked my daughter if she wanted to go, she said no. She does that when she doesn't know the place you are taking her. In the days before, my son was bouncing off the walls with excitement. My daughter on the other hand was adamant that she wasn't going. I knew she wouldn't realize we were actually in Disney World until she saw "the" castle. We were there for 2 days before that moment arrived. She was in the stroller. We got to the top of Main Street and we took her out and told to look toasted the castle. Her eyes got as big as saucers and she said "we're at my DisneyWorld. It's my castle." Yup you guessed it, tears, but this time it wasn't just me. My husband was teary eyed and my nine year old boy, had tears on his face too. He turned around to me and said " I love having a sister. I love our family." Let the sobbing commence.

We met Pooh, Eeyore and Tigger at AK. My son said he was too old to meet the baby characters so we got pictures of the little one with Pooh and Eeyore. When she got over to Tigger, the photo pass person asked my son if was getting into the picture. I said no he is too old for Tigger. Tigger heard me and hopped over to my son, picked him up and took him into the picture. my daughter loved it, my son's face lit up and it is absolutely the best picture of the trip of the 2 of them together. You can almost see the joy and magic in their faces.

I could go on and on about the magic but I think those are my top moments.
Can't wait to go back!

That's so sweet...:cloud9:
After a very stressful week of finals, these stories made my day much better. :goodvibes
Hands down most magical moment was my now-husband proposing to me inside Cinderella's Royal Table! The whole trip was a surprise (he told me about it 2 days before we left home) and the dinner was also a surprise.
Oh my gosh, our whole Halloween trip was magical from beginning to end! Absolutely amazing!

We had taken the red eye from Oregon and were exhausted when we arrived so instead of heading right to the Magic Kingdom after we checked in, we all slept for a few hours and then went to DHS for evening magic hours and I rearranged our plans for EPCOT the next day so that our first full day would be spend at MK. After breakfast that day we got to the MK about half an hour after opening and went and saw the princesses. Then we notice Pinochio is signing autographs on the corner so we get in line to see him. While waiting in line my husband and son start trading pins with a CM who was hanging out on the sidewalk. We all end up talking with him for a few minutes and then he asks us to meet him over in the corner, out of the way of everyone because he has a little surprise for us after we see Pinnochio. I figure that he might be taking us to have a special meeting with some characters or something (hey, I read the disboards... alot and I've heard of that happening :) ). But, instead he tells us that we've been chosen to be in the parade! So exciting:cool1:! We were happy but unsure of exactly what "in the parade" meant... it was our first day after all. Turns out we were the grand marshals in the very front car!!!! We had our very own photopass guy following us around and a special spot at the end of the parade where we could watch the rest of it and all the characters came up and gave us high fives as they were exiting. Completely incredible! We had smiles plastered on our faces for the rest of the day!

My DD(14) and her best friend got loads of special attention while wearing their Yeti hats (and later their muppet hats) around the parks.

My DS(10), who is apparently a budding actor, got chosen to go up on stage and be the Texas Ranger at the HDDR on our last night! Not one bit of stage fright and he really hammed it up!!!

We had an incredible trip!!!
Oh man - I have so many.

My father being part of the show in the Hoop De doo

My husband being part of the show in Adventurers club

My mother being Edna in the Showcase players - Romeo and Edna

Being the person to answer the phone on the phone a complete stranger at Millionare.

Watching the MVMCP fireworks from a balcony at the Contemporary

To the many, many birthday wishes, songs, cards and cakes delivered to me (we usually go during my birthday)

And the best one, when my hubby leaned over to me while watching the MSEP and seeing my nieces reactions, that he finally got it!

love this thread.
I am hoping to make some magical memories for this trip...our first as a family of three! DH and I went back in 2000...had a blast....I think the best thing was the feeling I had when I first went into MK and saw the castle...AMAZING...BUT, I remember thinking as AMAZING as it was...I would so love to some day see the expression on my child's face when they see it for the first time. It took us a long time to get this chance (becoming parents was a long process)...but my DS is now 6, tall enough to go on almost everything and I can't wait to see his face. The tickets are all ready to appear under the tree...Ho ho ho...and off we go.:santa:

2009 - 36 immediately family members at 'Ohana Breakfast. Will never happen again. Still hard to believe we pulled it off.


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