Youngest You Took A Child To WDW?


<font color=ff6633>Shopaholic<br><font color=cc339
Apr 12, 2004
Hiya All

I was wondering whats the youngest age you took a child to WDW?

What was your experiance? flights, parks hotels etc

thanks in advance

3 months old.
It was some R & R for the wife after childbirth.

Was very careful to keep little 'un in shade all the time, took the days very slowly and just pottered really.
No problems with the powdered milk available in the USA, took a combined baby carry cot and pushchair combo unit, and used the carry cot in the car.
Flight fine, he was in (and out!) of the bassinet, again crew supplied warm water for the milk.
He has gone every year since then, all that changes is the carry cot to car seat to booster cushion, bassinett to lab belt to own seat, and every year more rides he can go on.
We took our youngest when he had just turned 2 - which really isn't that young considering. He had flown before but just the short flights to the Med where we had no problems.

The flight with Virgin was great as he was able to sit on the floor (we had bulk head seats) and play with his toys and he did enjoy the kids TV channels - oh am I a bad parent saying my 2 yr old liked the TV :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I do however remember thinking that he might actually sleep some of the journey.....well that was wishful thinking :rolleyes1 He eventually dozed off half an hour before we landed!

That all was 5 odd years ago and he just loves flying anywhere now but particularly to Florida :lmao:

In WDW he hated being close to any of the characters - just left that part up to his older sister. He loved the buses and as we were staying on-site that time there was always great excitement heading back to the room to see what the maid had left them them. Somedays all their toys were sitting on the bed watching the Disney Channel :rotfl: :rotfl:

My theory is take the kids anywhere at any age but everyone else has different views - luckily my two have always been very well behaved so it has made it easy :goodvibes
nice to hear some good things,

its just we went with my brother last year and his daughter was 18months, and was a little demon (i love her to bits but she made me wanna scream) she sscreamed for nine hours on the flight I thought the rest of the plane was going to lynch us!!

and she kept having tantrums everywhere!!
I think it very much depends on the temperament of the child and the adults with them and how they deal with the situation.

If I had an 18mth old scream for 9 hours and throw temper tantrums I would be ready to lynch someone too :rotfl: :rotfl:
i took Jack when he was 18 months and alex when he was 16 months and jack was 3 at that time.
They have always loved it , and been behaved well on the plane.

i remember being anxious b4 we took jack, but he loved it the most, he adored the characters so much that we kept booking more adrs for character places! i still remeber him calling "lady lady "to one of the mice from cinderella now to try and get her to come back to us.I think he enjoyed that trip the most:goodvibes

We Also did DLRP, a few times with a 6 month old, and 8 montrh old and 2 year ols, again no problem.
Took my youngest when he was 18 months old on our "once in a lifetime trip". He was on my lap and threw up against the seatback in front half an hour into the flight! Missed the passenger in front's head by a few inches :scared1: - luckily she didn't know, but the stench must have affected everyone around!! :rolleyes1
No problems for the rest of the trip and now he's 11 we're busy planning our 4th trip! :dance3:
DD was 3 months old when we first took her, although we did rent a house down on the Gulf Coast and took trips up to Orlando a couple of times. Honestly, it was an easy trip - she slept most of the flight, and was very portable in her car seat for restaurants etc....

We will be taking our newest arrival in November when she will be just about 6 weeks old.

My only avice, based on personal experience, is that babies are fine to travel long haul, it's when they reach the walking stage that things get a little more complicated - between 12 and 24 months I would say. But we would do it again, just be better prepared for the lack of r&r!
we took our 4 girls last may, our youngest was 11months old.
she was as good as gold on the flight over and the whole time we was there except picking up a tummy bug and unwell for 2 maybe 3 days, we had to call out the doctor he gave us some medicine and she was fine.
we stayed at the cbr and called reception for a cot for her, we didnt give it a thought untill they brought us a foldaway bed (a cot to them).
the heat didnt seem to bother her that much either and luckly she was eating normal food but we did resort to the odd jar of baby food that they sold in the shop on site.
i did run out of baby milk that i took for her 2 days before we were due to come home so we gave her cows milk and she never complained (so we broke that habit)
I am interested in this thread. We are taking my son next March when he will be 21 months. He has already experienced Disneyland Paris which he loved, but I am dreading the flight! We first took my daughter at aged 3 and she was a breeze!
Chelsea was 2 and half,and was very good,I do agree with the temperment of the child beforehand.
Chelsea was occupied with colouring etc and playing games,she only winged on landing as she suffers bad ears.
Other than that it went with a blur as I am worser than any child whilst flying (being sick etc).:rotfl:

Ash has been 2 times to Tenerife, she was 6months and 12months old both times,and also was great bar the 2nd hols as she got broncilitis and was very bad coming home.Wonder if she will be different when going next year?:goodvibes
although i said i took my daughter at 11 months old, we are going back year and hatti will be just 3 and i am more concerned about it this time.
I talked about the flight loads before we went. I told her little stories about what exactly would happen, ie, what the seats would be like, what we would eat and do, etc and as I said, DD was fine. All in the preparation mmm not sure my 21 month old will understand!
Our daughter was 14 months old on her first trip to WDW. She was fine on the flight & virgin even let her have a sky cot (not booked) although her legs were a little long!

Some nights we would get her ready for bed, put her in a red fleecy all in one (it was December) & then go out to eat or go to to DTD for a few hours.

We used the baby care centres for a rest & feed during the day. One day I even forgot the changing bag when we went to Sea World!! Luckily you can buy a nappy changing kit in the parks so no harm done!

We had a great time - although it did take a while for her to get used to the characters. They must seem so big!:)
Joshua was 10 months when we first took him, as far as the flights go it was easier I feel at such a young age.
It's so much harder now to keep him entertained on the long flight.

Around the parks, naturally he didn't really get that much out of it at that age.
my son went as a fetus, then when he was 6 weeks old, then when he was 6 months old, then when he was a year old, 18 months, 2 years, 2.5 years, 3 years -- and then alas, we moved overseas, when the visits became yearly...

my daughter also began her visits as a fetus etc..(same as above)..

clearly there is a big difference depending on the age....but from about 2 years old it started to make a huge impression on them.....their first actual memories that they retain to this day (they're 23 and 20) are probably from about 3 daughter still remembers the melvin the moose breakfast and she was 3 years old at that....

as for how it was, in terms of manageability, it was always really every age....we always took it easy.....did whatever the kids wanted to do....and we rested a lot...we only went to the parks in the morning....and then again in the late afternoon, after relaxing/swimming (my kids never napped, so they didn't nap at WDW either)...

as i recall, my kids always liked to do things very slowly when they were young.....and they sort of liked to stop and smell the roses so to speak (look at all the little theming sort of things) it was never commando style when they were young....
My nephew was two and a half when we first went to Orlando and stayed in the All Star Sports.

We chose Virgin as at the time (my neph is now 15) they were the only airline that had seat back TVs (which in my mind are a must when travelling with 2 years olds). We took little gifts for him to open every hour or so to keep him occupied and it worked the flight was perfect

Staying onsite was great as we could go to a park in the morning, come back for a swim and sleep and then go to another park in the evening. It was so easy. There were a few days when we just lazed around the pool all day so that he could have some fun and then went into a park for dinner. I don't think that I'd like to take a two year old and not stay in a Disney hotel as it would be much harder because as soon as they get tired you just jump on a bus and go back to the hotel for a sleep - very civilised.

When we look at the video that we took we all looked so relaxed and happy. We have been going every year since then and have since become DVC members and we love it. My nephew has fantastic memories of Disney from as long as he can remember and it's funny to look at the different reactions that he's had to characters over the years. I don't think he actually remembers the trip but he looks at the video and it brings back memories.

I personally am so glad that we did not wait until he was 4 to take him, as we were advised as we would have missed out on 2 magical years.
Mine were 2 and 4, and we had a lovely time, but then we did take my parents as well so had an extra pair of hands / babysitters!

I thought the flight went reasonably well, the 4 year old was no problem, but the 2 year old did cry when he was tired but then slept for hours so not too bad. My Mum remembers it as being awful, though, (the flight not the holiday) so maybe I have a selective memory!

There were plenty of rides that we could all go on, plus they absolutely loved all the characters, pooh bear was a big fave and the character breakfast (stumbled on by accident in MGM rather than pre-booked) was great. Lots of people advised us to wait until they were old enough to remember it but why? I remember it and we all had a great time - that's good enough for me!
Eve was just turned 2 and we had a fantastic time :thumbsup2

It was our first, ever, trip to WDW and my 40th so we had loads to discover :love:
Hi, we took our youngest in July this year when she had just turned two. We had to fly down to Gatwick the night before and stay over in the Travel Lodge resulting in little sleep and a v cranky small person. The flight was pretty awful and we were incredibley stressed but when we hit the Magical Express Checkin everything changed for the better, the staff here were brill. This was a fantastic holiday DD loved WDW and the character. We had three character meals which she loved and by the end of the holiday she was expecting to get hugs and pictures from everyone in anything resembeling a costume. We worried that this holiday was just for DD11, DH & I, but DD2 had just as much fun as we did and the flight home was the complete opposite of the outbound hell.


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