You Better Start Believing in Success Stories, You're in One! Nov. W.I.S.H Challenge

My best advise I got I think was from my husband. it is all about calories in and calories out.


Well I am feeling better. Still tired a lot and I don't have all of my energy back yet. My appetite is slowly coming back. I am still going to take it easy this weekend and rest. We did go to see Santa today. It was really cool. They got to make a lot of stuff. Then we got our first snow on our way home. Kids even built a small snowman this afternoon. After 74 degrees yesterday to 30ish today, it is finally starting to feel like winter.
Good Monday morning friends! Busy weekend here trying to get some Christmas crafting done, plus some Christmas shopping and of course laundry, cooking, etc. I didn't realize until last night that I didn't get on here at all! It looks like I will not be called to work at school today, so I should have some time to chat! Happy Thanksgiving week to my US friends!............P
Good Morning! I am finally feeling like myself again. I lost 6 pounds last week being sick. I am sure i will gain some of the back but my hop is to stay about the same. I am hoping to go workout tonight. I am going to keep it light but at least get my 10,000 steps. Tomorrow is my last day this week so i should have no problem getting better work outs in later this week. I am cooking at my house Thursday for my husbands family and later that day going to my moms so it will be a busy day. I am not shopping on Black Friday. It will be a day for putting up our tree and decorations. I might do some shopping on line though.

Checking in: With the 6 pounds I lost I am now at 120% of my goal.
I love that thought that you can diet your weight down to any number, but you have to enjoy that lifestyle to maintain it

Happy Monday all! Here's to a successful holiday week for us in the US, and otherwise too, just not holiday :bitelip:

We will be traveling wed - sat, gonna be impossible to get all my WO in :faint: I will make sure I get them in the first part of the week. I did weight myself once so far this month, and I'm at my highest of my normal range, but that's is actually an ok starting place with all the travels I've done the past few months. Now to move it downward!
Happy Monday!

Reporting in down 1 pound, which puts me at 20%. Not stellar but it is the first movement in the right direction in months.

I'm still hanging in there. Slammed with work, for which is usual for me, but the extra stuff in the run up to vacation is exhausting me. Also got my flu shot in Friday and have been sore and sniveling and headachy ever since.

Just 11days until we are Orlando bound!
I only got 3 workouts in last week which puts me at 70%. I'm a little disappointed but it was all completely me so I can't be that upset. I chose to nap on Saturday instead of workout. This week, though, I plan to be on the ball because I have THREE different thanksgiving dinners to attend. I'm going to weigh myself on Thursday morning and then see where I can end the month from that number. Fortunately, I signed up for a Thanksgiving Day 10k so I'll burn about 900 calories in the morning. I'll try my best to do my normal workout routine on Friday and hopefully Saturday as well. This is a hard week but I know from last year that it is possible to stay on track during the holiday season!

As the 3rd pirates movie opens we watch while anyone that has ever been associated with a pirate is led to the gallows. Group after group of commoners are hung. Lord Beckett claims it is because of the recent lawlessness and suspends all of the people's rights. The last group of people we see led to the gallows includes a young boy with a coin in his hand. As the boy awaits his fate he starts to sing. The shackled people around him slowly join in. This alarms Lord Beckett's men and one goes to tell him the latest development. The Lord replies with "finally." This had been the plan all along, getting the people to sing to call upon the Brethen court to gather.

In our journeys to a healthier lifestyle we are certain to need help every once in awhile. How are you at asking for it? Do you seek help at the first sign of trouble or do you wait until the bitter end?​
Good Morning! I am in freezing cold Virginia this week. :( I don't do well in the cold lol. Our drive went pretty well, the kids were restless but they are beyond excited to be here with their cousins.

I am checking in at 0% again this week. With all this traveling I have not been making the best food choices. Really I'm just happy I haven't gained weight.

Today's question: I hate asking for help, I do all I can not to. I don't know why it just feels wrong to me. When I break down and have to ask I am always glad I did so I'm not sure where it comes from.
This sounds interesting, how did you find it> ... I know I need to adjust a lot of my thinking about myself and life in general ... let us know what you think of it after you start it.

It's being offered by someone I follow on Instagram, SquamArtWorkshops, and one of my local creative hero's is going to be a "fairy god mother" for the workshop, which is kind of an extra guide. A couple of the books have come, now I just need to develop the habit of reading for a bit every evening.
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Reporting in for the week at a whopping 0%.

Best piece of advice I've been given... the one that comes to mind was just recently and wasn't offered up specifically in relation to weight loss, it was about the creative process, but we certainly can (and probably should) apply creativity to healthy living, so here it is... your first few projects are not going to come out like you envision them, and you probably won't even finish most of them, but you're learning and growing and will get better.

Asking for help... I have to admit I really don't ask for help very often, but I have gotten much more comfortable with it when I do.

Got lots of little things done over the weekend, but again not as much as I had planned out. I'll have one more trip to the grocery store early Wednesday morning, which I'm taking off from work. I'm going to bake the pumpkin pie and do all the prep work on Wednesday, which will make Thursday nice and relaxed. Really looking forward to the shortened work week.

Happy healthful Monday all!
How are you at asking for it? Do you seek help at the first sign of trouble or do you wait until the bitter end?

I like most of you tend not to ask for help either .... I am really good a giving it but there is just something so hard about asking for it - maybe its because we then look like we couldn't do it and feel that we should be able to :confused3 - this applies to many areas of my life not just the healthy eating/exercise part. It seems I am not alone in this area - its something else a lot of us have in common.

your first few projects are not going to come out like you envision them, and you probably won't even finish most of them, but you're learning and growing and will get better.

I love this - as really that is the attitude I have taken from many of the months goals this year.

It is already the morning of the 22nd here for me and it is my oldest DS's Birthday - he is 16!!!! wow seems like only yesterday I reached down and he grabbed my fingers as he was being born :sad::-) - I am feeling very emotional about it all - he will be going for his learner drivers licence in a few weeks o_O - We did our usual send him to bed last night so we could decorate the house - we have 'happy birthday' banners, balloons, flags, giant inflated number 16 balloons and some other hanging decorations - themed mostly in his favourite colour, blue. That means tonight will be totally off plan - with his choice of dinner which sounds like KFC at home as DD has dance class to fit in and a Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge ice-cream cake - but I am going to enjoy all of it guilt free.
In our journeys to a healthier lifestyle we are certain to need help every once in awhile. How are you at asking for it? Do you seek help at the first sign of trouble or do you wait until the bitter end?

I'm terrible at asking for help because I seem to be the person everyone comes to for advice or problem solving. It seems like I'm in good company here with the responses.

Hmmm, I think I wait until the end. I will sometimes ask for help from my husband but I generally don't ask at all even when it gets really bad. Might be part of my problem.
Reporting in for the week at a whopping 0%.

Best piece of advice I've been given... the one that comes to mind was just recently and wasn't offered up specifically in relation to weight loss, it was about the creative process, but we certainly can (and probably should) apply creativity to healthy living, so here it is... your first few projects are not going to come out like you envision them, and you probably won't even finish most of them, but you're learning and growing and will get better.

Asking for help... I have to admit I really don't ask for help very often, but I have gotten much more comfortable with it when I do.

Got lots of little things done over the weekend, but again not as much as I had planned out. I'll have one more trip to the grocery store early Wednesday morning, which I'm taking off from work. I'm going to bake the pumpkin pie and do all the prep work on Wednesday, which will make Thursday nice and relaxed. Really looking forward to the shortened work week.

Happy healthful Monday all!
Oh goodness, I rarely ask for help. It definitely doesn't help my health since I tend to fall off the bandwagon due to lack of support!
I like most of you tend not to ask for help either .... I am really good a giving it but there is just something so hard about asking for it - maybe its because we then look like we couldn't do it and feel that we should be able to :confused3 - this applies to many areas of my life not just the healthy eating/exercise part. It seems I am not alone in this area - its something else a lot of us have in common.

I love this - as really that is the attitude I have taken from many of the months goals this year.

It is already the morning of the 22nd here for me and it is my oldest DS's Birthday - he is 16!!!! wow seems like only yesterday I reached down and he grabbed my fingers as he was being born :sad::-) - I am feeling very emotional about it all - he will be going for his learner drivers licence in a few weeks o_O - We did our usual send him to bed last night so we could decorate the house - we have 'happy birthday' banners, balloons, flags, giant inflated number 16 balloons and some other hanging decorations - themed mostly in his favourite colour, blue. That means tonight will be totally off plan - with his choice of dinner which sounds like KFC at home as DD has dance class to fit in and a Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge ice-cream cake - but I am going to enjoy all of it guilt free.
I'm terrible at asking for help because I seem to be the person everyone comes to for advice or problem solving. It seems like I'm in good company here with the responses.


It is interesting that all of us don't ask for help but we are all on here helping and encouraging each other! I guess that's why we have such a great group we can understand each other, @courtneybeth said it best :grouphug:

In our journeys to a healthier lifestyle we are certain to need help every once in awhile. How are you at asking for it? Do you seek help at the first sign of trouble or do you wait until the bitter end?​

I am so in awe of the work that has gone into these daily question posts. You are amazing!!!

I am TERRIBLE at asking for help. Like everyone else here, it comes to helping others, I'll drop almost anything to help anyone. I often have a line of people outside my office door seeking advice and comfort -- and I'll talk to all of them while my own work piles up until I find myself pulling an all-nighter to get back to zero. I can barely ask my husband to keep his cookies out of my sight line.

Good Morning! I am in freezing cold Virginia this week. :( I don't do well in the cold lol. Our drive went pretty well, the kids were restless but they are beyond excited to be here with their cousins.

I am checking in at 0% again this week. With all this traveling I have not been making the best food choices. Really I'm just happy I haven't gained weight.

Today's question: I hate asking for help, I do all I can not to. I don't know why it just feels wrong to me. When I break down and have to ask I am always glad I did so I'm not sure where it comes from.

It is so cold here right now! Sorry you had to arrive right when our pretty perfect fall decided to become the arctic* overnight. The AC was running Saturday afternoon when we got back from walking the dog in shorts and T-shirts. A few hours later, it had plummeted 40 degrees and we'd turned on the heater and pulled out the winter down comforter. Hope you and your family enjoy your visit!

*Please don't scoff at me if you are from New England or the Upper Midwest. We people of DC really can't handle winter. And the world-ending threat of 1/4 inch of snow hasn't even happened!
I am so in awe of the work that has gone into these daily question posts. You are amazing!!!

I am TERRIBLE at asking for help. Like everyone else here, it comes to helping others, I'll drop almost anything to help anyone. I often have a line of people outside my office door seeking advice and comfort -- and I'll talk to all of them while my own work piles up until I find myself pulling an all-nighter to get back to zero. I can barely ask my husband to keep his cookies out of my sight line.

It is so cold here right now! Sorry you had to arrive right when our pretty perfect fall decided to become the arctic* overnight. The AC was running Saturday afternoon when we got back from walking the dog in shorts and T-shirts. A few hours later, it had plummeted 40 degrees and we'd turned on the heater and pulled out the winter down comforter. Hope you and your family enjoy your visit!

*Please don't scoff at me if you are from New England or the Upper Midwest. We people of DC really can't handle winter. And the world-ending threat of 1/4 inch of snow hasn't even happened!
Thanks! I'm trying to make them thought provoking to help everyone with their journey and I was worried they were lacking lately.

And Thanks for recommending The Udvar-Hazy Center, it looks perfect for DS9 he loves anything aircraft related. We are going to go tomorrow with DH, he comes in tonight!
From the gallows in the Caribbean, At World's End moves on to Singapore. There we find Elizabeth, Will and the crew of the Black Pearl looking for maps, a crew and a ship. They need these things to journey to Davy Jones's locker to rescue Jack. The journey is not an easy one. The crew has to brave freezing temperatures, boredom and one massive waterfall.

Meanwhile in the locker Jack is going mad. He thinks he has an entire crew of himself.

The next thing we know the rescue crew is washing ashore on a beach. Their boat has been destroyed in the waterfall. Knowing they have made it to the locker they wonder where Jack is. The Black Pearl suddenly appears from over the sand dunes on a wave of crabs.

Elizabeth and Will would not have found Jack if it wasn't for the tools they had with them. What tools do you use in your journey? a calorie counter or maybe Weight Watchers? How about a scale? Out of all your tools which one do you find most effective?​
I've been awful about being on here! I've been battling one heck of a respiratory infection and just been miserable. Feeling better today, but the boss is making me stay home so I don't get anyone else sick.

Due to how I feel though, I have been eating well trying to boost my immunity so there's a silver lining!

What tools do you use in your journey? a calorie counter or maybe Weight Watchers? How about a scale? Out of all your tools which one do you find most effective?

My go to tool is always the scale. I know people say not to weigh everyday, but it helps me stay on track when I see the numbers creeping up. It tells me that even if I can put my slip ups out of mind and forgive myself, the scale will always tell me the truth haha!


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