"You are going to Disney again?"

I have to say that I envy all of you being able to go to Disney every year. To have the opportunity to make those family memories at such a magical place. From here its such a long way and just so expensive that we don't come across many people that have actually been. We don't have anything quite like Disney here. We have Dreamworld which is good but just doens't compare. Not quite the place you go to everyyear.
In saying that we have been to DL 3 times and Disneyland Paris once. This will be our first trip to WDW this year. Even so, people don't actually say, your going again.... but they do laugh and just say I'm obsessed. Which is true.:cloud9:
We have been lucky enough to see quite a bit of Australia and other parts of the world but Disney is the one place that I want to keep coming back to.
I was telling a co-worker about our family's WDW trip planned for later this year. He said he's never been there and one of the supervisors heard him say that and told him "Don't ever go there! It's terrible! We hated it.. we had a HORRIBLE time! All we did was stand in line all day!" :eek:

I was shocked! First that she was so rude that she butted in the conversation (actually she's always that way, so I don't know why I was shocked) And secondly, how can someone "hate" what alot of us consider the most magical place on earth?

I just don't get it. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. But I learned not to talk about WDW anywhere near earshot of her because she ALWAYS shouts out derogitory remarks about it. :sad2: Which is a total bummer because I'm so excited, it's all I can think about!
I have heard so much about this Jersey Shore! You guys are really making me curious about it!
I get teased by so many people for all of our Disney trips but I can't help it! I'm really catching grief about taking DD1 to the Magic Kingdom to get her first haircut. My co-workers said I need help.... My husband is trying to find me a 12-step program.... BUT who do you think they come to when they need advice on WDW??? Hmmm???? :goodvibes
We go a couple of times a year, usually managing another trip somewhere else annually, and we have a little travel trailer for close-by weekend trips. We put a high premium on vacationing.

We were at OKW last Thanksgiving, and DS (the Marine, 24), made an interesting observation. My job moved us several times while the kids were growing up, and DS said, "Y'know, Disney has been kind of the constant. No matter where we've lived, coming to Disney was like coming home."

You can't pay for a sentiment like THAT. Of COURSE we go to Disney again. Duh.
wow i have heard that to some ppl cant belive how many times i talk about going to disneyworld land or cruises. I just think its so fun and disney should be a every year event. Its just fun to go see the new shows rides and see the more that my son gets to go on. See in 2006 aprail he was to littel to go on star wars ride. witch i love. This year he should be abel to go. but he still wont be abel to go on other rides. but next year he may be abel to.
I just tell the other ppl not to worrie about it if they dont get it all well. I do everything cheaply but still have fun with my son:cool1:
::yes:: I agree.

I'm one of those people who want to see more of the US than just Disney World. So where am I going this year?? Disney World :rotfl: for about the 12th time. It just keeps drawing us back and we have no children! I still want to see other places & we do every few years, but it's so much fun at WDW. Hopefully someday we'll be able to go on 2 vacations a year, one at the World and one someplace else in the world!

I also get those types of remarks. Get tired of hearing it, but I'll have to remember what another poster said, where are they going?

Try the cruises. I wanted to go on medtraing but cant this year. but they will have much more cruises soon. There gona have 2 new ships I excpect and pray alaska or hawii be one the cruises.
Some of the comments I get are:

1)You must be rich
3)Don't you think you should go somewhere else?

My answer to all those questions are No, Yes, No in that order.:laughing:
Because at Disney World, you leave the real world behind.

Anywhere else, you are still in the real world!!

I think you're on to something there!!! You really do "leave the real world behind" :goodvibes And those trips to the shore.....overrated!! We go to Ocean City, MD every year for a week with my husband's family. True, it's a family "gathering", but we still do the same things, go to the same places, etc, & it's expensive! Did I mention that my DH has been to WDW only one time?! Can't understand why we (my family) keep going back??:rotfl:
I can't tell you how many times I have heard this, from my own mother, even!!!:mad: Thankfully, my co-workers are jumping onboard right and left! 3 have already gone this year, and three of us have trips planned for the summer. All but 2 of them are first timers! It is great to have people excited about Disney!

We also are fortunate to go each year to a family place on a lake (Camp). Magic is made there too. The key is having family together, playing together, having fun together, away from the craziness of everyday life. At Disney and at Camp my family reconnects. That is a blessing!
I have heard so much about this Jersey Shore! You guys are really making me curious about it!

One has not lived fully without a trip to the Jersey Shore. And please, do not call our beloved shore the BEACH! That's blasphemy! It is, and forever will be, the Jersey Shore. :snooty: ;)

(Now from Long Island, but once a Jersey girl, ALWAYS a Jersey girl) :love:
It's so refreshing to find other "self Proclaimed Disney Addicts" like myself. Although I am from NJ, and while all the other kids were going down the shore...my parents would take us every 2 years to WDW, and I think that's what's given me the bug. Recently, my DF and I went in December, then I got the itch, and DM and I went back in March. I got the same comments as everyone else..."You're going there AGAIN, don't you want to go somewhere else?!". And the answer is NO!!! I don't think I could ever get sick of Disney. In fact, I've gotten my DF to agree to another trip in January as a graduation celebration from graduate school, and I'm working on getting mom and dad to come down too.

So it's good to know that there are others just like me who love the mouse!:thumbsup2
Oh...one more -
I would love to hear tips for those travelling with seniors. My father in law travels to Disney with us and has Parkinson's. While he walks with a cane - most of he time we get him a wheelchair to make his trip more comfortable. Since there is an increasing older population now and many of us are in the "sandwich generation" - this would be helpful. Are there any not to obvious tips for us?
Also, I think when people request a wheelchair - they should provide proof that it is for medical needs. I was told by a CM that many people get wheelchairs for "weight" reasons and tired kids who don't want to walk. My FIL had a hard time finding a wheelchair at AK on last trip.
Also, I think when people request a wheelchair - they should provide proof that it is for medical needs. I was told by a CM that many people get wheelchairs for "weight" reasons and tired kids who don't want to walk. My FIL had a hard time finding a wheelchair at AK on last trip.

That's another hot button issue you will find on the boards. It's said that because of HIPAA laws in the US, Disney should not require some kind of medical proof that you need to rent a wheelchair.

I think there are way too many people abusing the system - on our last trip down, we saw so many kids being pushed in wheelchairs (2 kids at a time). My guess was they'd rent them so they'd get the "perks" of being a wheelchair party because there are no benefits to renting a stroller. And I know there are those that will read what I wrote and say "but there are plenty of people who don't have visible disabilities" and of course I'm aware of that. But to think that there aren't people who abuse the system means you're walking around wearing rose colored glasses.
That's another hot button issue you will find on the boards. It's said that because of HIPAA laws in the US, Disney should not require some kind of medical proof that you need to rent a wheelchair.

I think there are way too many people abusing the system - on our last trip down, we saw so many kids being pushed in wheelchairs (2 kids at a time). My guess was they'd rent them so they'd get the "perks" of being a wheelchair party because there are no benefits to renting a stroller. And I know there are those that will read what I wrote and say "but there are plenty of people who don't have visible disabilities" and of course I'm aware of that. But to think that there aren't people who abuse the system means you're walking around wearing rose colored glasses.

umm well i agree alot use them for no reson and stuff but. I last year hurt my leg bd (still messes with me when i walk to much at time) and some ppl though i didnt need the whell chair last time i went to disney world. I just hated seeing ppl look at me like that. Im sorry but if they ever started saying we have to have to look disabeled id be mad, becouse (becouse of a b who pushed me in a tight kictchen at a job i tryed..well now my legs messed up probley for life) it would just suck if i neded it i wouldnt be abel to get it. (im going doctor on friday tell him my legs getting worse)
That's another hot button issue you will find on the boards. It's said that because of HIPAA laws in the US, Disney should not require some kind of medical proof that you need to rent a wheelchair.

I think there are way too many people abusing the system - on our last trip down, we saw so many kids being pushed in wheelchairs (2 kids at a time). My guess was they'd rent them so they'd get the "perks" of being a wheelchair party because there are no benefits to renting a stroller. And I know there are those that will read what I wrote and say "but there are plenty of people who don't have visible disabilities" and of course I'm aware of that. But to think that there aren't people who abuse the system means you're walking around wearing rose colored glasses.

That's kinda silly.... don't they require you to get a doctor's note to get a handicap permit to park in the special spots? Then you have to display it in the car for everyone to see. How is that any different then asking for a note saying you need a wheelchair. It doesn't have to state what's wrong wtih you. Just that you need one for medical reasons.
umm well i agree alot use them for no reson and stuff but. I last year hurt my leg bd (still messes with me when i walk to much at time) and some ppl though i didnt need the whell chair last time i went to disney world. I just hated seeing ppl look at me like that. Im sorry but if they ever started saying we have to have to look disabeled id be mad, becouse (becouse of a b who pushed me in a tight kictchen at a job i tryed..well now my legs messed up probley for life) it would just suck if i neded it i wouldnt be abel to get it. (im going doctor on friday tell him my legs getting worse)

I had a whole long reply typed up and my internet decided to shut off, so I'm going to try to remember what I wrote.

I'm sorry you took my post personally - I was obviously not talking about people who have valid reasons for using a wheelchair. I have had to use one myself (as a teenager with a non-visible medical condition) and both my father in law and mother use wheelchairs (FIL full time because he's a paraplegic and my mother uses one for long distances). I would have happily furnished a doctor's note if it was required (in fact, we brought one along with us just in case).

My point is, the people who abuse the system (and they know who they are) shouldn't be able to reap the "benefits" of the ones who really need to be in a wheelchair. A person who genuinely needs a chair (i.e. someone with a medical condition - whatever that may be) should be able to get one. It's the same with handicapped parking spaces requiring a placard, IMO.
i understand and am sorry to didnt mean take it personaly just i saw alot of ppl whispering about me..i think its dispecbuel when ppl think u cant hear them yet you know there talking about you..(i was picked on as kid guess im always like this) any way im sorry you family has to use them my dad should of but kept fighting saying he didnt need it (though once he did hed never walk agine any ways ttut have good nigth
My job moved us several times while the kids were growing up, and DS said, "Y'know, Disney has been kind of the constant. No matter where we've lived, coming to Disney was like coming home."

OMGosh! I love that. It's perfect. Being a military family and DVC members, it fits us to a tee as well. :thumbsup2
One has not lived fully without a trip to the Jersey Shore. And please, do not call our beloved shore the BEACH! That's blasphemy! It is, and forever will be, the Jersey Shore. :snooty: ;)

It's a pretty beach, I'll give YOU that, but dang, THE WATER IS COLD!!! This from a girl who spent five years on the beautiful white sand and warm waters of Fort Walton Beach.



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