Yes Zeus- The Journey to Become Healthy


Lost in the Looking Glass
Jan 11, 2007
Hello! My friends and I are working hard to lose weight and get healthy this year! We have been posting a blog offsite and I thought people might be interested. I'll post every day or so until I've listed all our updates. I'm SunPorthos in the conversations. Comments are welcome!

What is “Yes, Zeus!”?*
*********** ~MoonAramis: “Yes Zeus!” is a health journey of our team littered with humor, fandom and the general fun and weirdness that makes up the chemistry of our trio.
~SunPorthos: That said, to dumb it down, it’s our workout, eat right, get healthy plan.
~StarAthos: We’re blogging about it to make it fun, to keep us motivated and to give us a certain accountability. Loosing weight and getting healthy is hard.
~SunPorthos: We’re hoping it might be motivational and entertaining for others as well, being that everything we do ends up weird and with a clear margin of humor. We’re nerds after all.***
A mini introduction of the Musketeers of the “Yes Zeus” program:*
Greetings, I am MoonAramis, the forerunning artist, writer and founding member of the Three Muses. I’d like to think I’m like Aramis because of my devotion to the group, you could call me the keeper of the faith. I am usually the one to push for ideas and I often think, think, think too much. Please forgive me if I say too much as I have a tendency to overstate my point of view. I can have a dark and cynical sense of humor which is going to show up in my writing quite often though 80% of it is often directed at me. The “Yes Zeus” program for me is about “healthy not hefty” and the reconstruction and recovery of my self image both mental and physical and everything in between. My biggest problem is I’m 60 pounds over my ideal weight and I aim to lose just that. However, it’s not so much about numbers as it is about feeling comfortable in my own skin for the first time in my nearly 30 years of life. I believe doing this will help me overcome my depression, lack of self confidence and my severe self loathing though not all of that is related to weight.*
Hello. I am StarAthos. I’d like to think I am like Athos because I take care of the Musketeers and they have a hard time functioning without me. I wouldn’t say I am a leader like him but I shine the brightest with the support of my group just like he did. I’ve never blogged before and that makes me kinda nervous so things here might come out a bit awkward. I have joined the “Yes Zeus” campaign due to my Type Two Diabetes. I was diagnosed about three years ago and at first I was doing really well at managing it, then I fell off the wagon and spiraled into an uncontrollable sugar high were I no longer cared about my numbers. And so with the poking and prodding of my doctors and fellow Musketeers I decided I would like gain control of my diabetes which I have, without affection, dubbed “the beties”. “The beties” don’t let me do this, the beties don’t let me do that, no cake, yes to salad. I have been overweight most of my life and along with shedding my high numbers I’d like to shed my high pounds.

Hi there digital world. I’m SunPorthos and the third member of the Three Muses/ Three Musketeers. Porthos in the Musketeers was not the brains of the operation but he was strong, dependable and funny and I’d like to think I share the same traits. I’m not a brilliant writer so I’d like to apologize in advance for my future fupas! My goals for our weight loss program, “Yes Zeus”, are pretty health conscious. I currently weigh much more than I should. My mini goal is to lose at least 2-3 pounds a week and my ultimate goal is to weed away at least 100 pounds of my excess weight. My doctors have been telling me for some time now that I need to lose weight and lower my extremely high cholesterol. I’ve also got stage 2 ovarian cancer and I really need to concentrate on getting healthy. I’d also really like to move down a pants size instead of up for a change of pace.
Musketeers? I thought we were pleasing Zeus…?
*********** ~MoonAramis: I know, it’s confusing, after telling you it’s called “Yes Zeus” we throw in what our program names are and they have nothing to do with Greek mythos. It makes sense if you know us. Heh. We’ve been this tight knit group of three since Junior High, StarAthos I’ve known since third grade.
~StarAthos: Makes the three of us best friends going on seventeen years now!
~MoonAramis: I think it started with my dad calling us the Three Musketeers but probably all our families think of us this way now because the three of us are always together, ALL the time. So while we please Zeus we’ll go by the Musketeer names because we’re in this all for one and one for all, like everything we do.
~StarAthos: Here here!
* *
Why is it called “Yes, Zeus!”?
*********** ~MoonAramis: I want to answer this question and I don’t want to answer this question.
*********** ~SunPorthos: Don’t make it weird.
*********** ~MoonAramis: It’s already a little weird, we’re nearly thirty and the fandom that’s going to come out of this is kind of extreme.
*********** ~SunPorthos: Ah, who cares? We like what we like and if that makes us crazy fangirls with all guy names so be it.
*********** ~StarAthos: Nothing like making it less weird by making it creepy.
*********** ~MoonAramis: Normally I wouldn’t care, I know we’re not as creepy as it’s going to make us look. But we’re putting it out there for everyone to see.
*********** ~SunPorthos: It’s not creepy, we’re just devoted. It’s not like we’re stalkers or those weird creepers on Facebook that leave love poems for people they don’t know. That’s just weird.
*********** ~StarAthos: And creepy.
*********** ~MoonAramis: True. Anyway, this does launch me into a bit of a complicated explanation, but as you’ll get to know through this blogging, I’m good for it. The title “Yes Zeus” was inspired by the 2011 film, Immortals, and the character Zeus played by Welsh actor Luke Evens.
*********** ~StarAthos: I know what you’re all thinking, “No one in there had to diet, Greek Gods they all looked like.” Ah, I made a funny.
*********** *nerdy laughter moment*
*********** ~MoonAramis: We went to this film in earnest after seeing the new Musketeers movie, which we loved of course, note the names *wink* that also started Luke Evens as Aramis.
*********** ~SunPorthos: Hopefully you all are starting to notice a theme. Not yet? Keep reading.
*********** ~MoonAramis: Yes, well at that point we had started seriously talking about doing a program in which we could get healthy. The past year had been terrible and we needed a fresh start in 2012 and as my father always says, “there is nothing more important than your health”. The movie was epic and beautiful and Luke Evans blew all of us away.
*********** ~SunPorthos: In more ways than one!
*********** ~MoonAramis: There was scene in the film where Zeus tells the main character Theseus, “I have faith in you. Prove me right!” He says it with such intensity that I saw this little cartoon in my head of this powerful Zeus saying his line and a tiny me speaking in a high squeaky voice because of my profound awe of him, “Yes, Zeus!” and thus an idea was born. I have faith in us; I think there’s nothing we can’t do together. We’re going to prove me right!
~Musketeers: “Yes, Zeus!”
~SunPorthos: It gets funny and weird from there, but that’s for another post.
~MoonAramis: In closing I don’t mean any copyright infringement in mentioning, linking, images or anything else from the Immortals film. Obviously I didn’t create it and am not profiting by it. It was just an inspiring thing and that’s why you’ll see it in this blog. Go watch the film! Support the artists, actors, crew and anyone else that had anything to do with it.
~MoonAramis: Greetings! So, if you read the first post you know what and who we are. If you didn’t this might make little sense.*
Time to get into what this is all about. First let me explain about the three sections of “Yes, Zeus!”.
*Part one is just that, “Yes Zeus” here we’ll talk about how we’re doing on our goals and Zeus will rate us.
~SunPorthos: I had MoonAramis draw these insanely cute little Japanese Anime Chibi style cartoon heads to use with our updates and Zeus ratings.
~MoonAramis: They are ridiculous…but I love them…and they are cute. I can’t believe I did that, but yes here they are.


Happy, Sad and Angry Zeus! **
*~SunPorthos: I love them, stop hating. No one cares if we do weird stuff. Oh and on that note. Don’t even bother to flame or post a hating comment here. All haters will be deleted without a single thought. SunPorthos does not tolerate haters.
~MoonAramis: The next part is really free form. We plan this section to talk about anything that we have experienced through this program. That doesn’t really have a name yet, not sure it’s going to get one.
~SunPorthos: The titles will probably change weekly depending on what we want to talk about and what has happened over the week.
~MoonAramis: And last, is a part again I’m kind of having nervous feelings about.
*~SunPorthos: You’re making it weird again.
~MoonAramis: I am…it’s what I do.
~SunPorthos: The next part is called “Hey Luke” This section is what I’d call the products of our fandom turned motivation/silly/funny/weirdness.
~StarAthos: That’s a lot of slashes.
~MoonAramis: Luke Evans has kind of become a mascot and an inspirational theme for us during this campaign.
~StarAthos: Don’t make it creepy.
*~SunPorthos: It’s not really! It’s a long story in need of one of MoonAramis’s longwinded explanations but we plan to make a whole post about it. You’ll understand more then.
~MoonAramis: Nice. In summery, every week when we post the big main blog there will be three sections, “Yes Zeus”, the middle no name blog-talk whose title will change every week, and then “Hey Luke”. Just wanted to give a little overview of what can be expected.*

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