WW vs. simply counting calories


DIS Veteran
Jan 21, 2004
After trying Jenny Craig and dropping out immediately because I couldn't stomach the food, I decided to give WW a try. I've heard so many good things about it. I did the online version because I know that I would never go to regular meetings.

So far I think that the program is "okay" but I can't say that I really love it. Has anyone here found it simpler to just count calories? I don't really feel like I'm losing weight easily like I have in the past and figure that I might have better luck just making sure to not exceed 1200 calories a day. :confused3
I lost 50 lbs using WW flex. But as I lost weight, I increased my exercise. So then I stopped losing. I had been listening to Jillian Michaels radio show podcasts and heard her keep talking about calorie counting, and that WW is just another way to count calories. So I added up my calories for my points and was on average at only 1000-1100!! Way too low! I needed more calories for my exercise level. So I switched to using FitDay online (its free!) and counting calories. I find I feel more flexible in what I can eat, while when I did WW I obsessed about points.

You should give WW a try. It really does work if you follow the plan. Try using your food labels to add up your calories and compare that to your points. You may be surprised at where you are at. Good luck!
I would find counting calories much harder, personally.

How long have you been on WW? How much weight have you lost? I think our society sets us up for failure. We are bombarded with commercials that promise 20 lbs in 2 weeks, etc. This is an extremely unhealthy rate of weight loss. The healty rate of weight loss is .5-2 lbs a week, that is hard for a lot of people to stomach, especially when looking at a long term goal, but that is the healthiest amount to lose. Maybe the weight isn't coming off as quickly because you are losing at a healthier rate.

The other thing you have to look at is how closely you follow the program. Do you exercise? Do you follow the Good Health Guidelines? The big one is do you use your Weekly Points Allowance? If you hang around the WW boards you will find that that will be one of the first questions people will ask you when you plateau. Most people lose more if they actually eat at least some of their flex points. Otherwise you are not getting enough food and your metabolism slows. Try playing around with your Flex Points. If all else fails, talk to your leader.

WW is a great program. A couple of years ago there was study published in which WW was the only commercially available program that kept the weight off long term. It works, but you have to be with it for the long haul.
Thanks for the responses. :)

I need to lose about 15 lbs. (although 10 lbs. would put me at my pre-pregnancy weight). I've been dieting (either JC or WW) for a month. I lost 3 lbs. and gained back 1, so I'm at a net loss of a whopping 2 lbs. :rolleyes:

I have been exercising minimally. I started the Couch to 5K program and am on Week 3. I know that I need to do more, but I absolutely HATE to exercise. Even when I used to exercise all of the time pre-kids, I only did it for vanity reasons. It never ever made me feel better-- I didn't get a "high", have more energy, sleep better, etc. It just made me tired, grumpy and resentful. So... I know that I need to do more, but I really need to find out what will be the most efficient thing to do in the least amount of time or I know that I won't stick with it.

I just don't feel like WW is working for me. The point system seems like it is a lot more difficult than counting calories and I never really have a true sense of how many calories I'm eating (and the level is apparently too high anyway). I feel like if I'm dieting, I should be seeing more results. I'm sure that I would if I stuck to a strict 1200 calories. Alternatively, if I wasn't in a hurry to lose weight and didn't mind losing it slowly, I would think just cutting portion sizes would be effective and much less restrictive than WW. :confused3

I have heard so many great things about WW and I had high hopes. I'm sure that there are some people that it doesn't work for though. I fear that I am one of them. :guilty:
Has anyone here found it simpler to just count calories?

Yes, Yes, yes. Why pay a company when you can do it yourself? I have been counting calories for 2 weeks now (by way of a food journal). I'm down 4.5 lbs. But I have to warn you that my diet is comprised of very clean foods (at least 80% of the time). Not processed, lots of fruits, veggies and protein. It makes a huge difference in the quality of results. I also work out (light cardio and strength training). I *average* 1600 calories per week. I eat 6 times a day. Counting calories is the way to go!
I think you have to follow a program that you're comfortable with and works for you. There are many that will work; the key is sticking with them.

I do like WW. What I like is that it focuses not just on losing weight, but on eating and living in a healthy way. The points take into account more than just calories, like fat and fiber. And WW has the healthy guidelines to make sure you are nourished and builds in exercise as a critical part of the program. While I don't think that WW is the quickest plan for losing weight, I do think that it is a plan that offers tools to help you maintain your weight and stay healthy over time.

That being said, if it's not working for you, try something that you like!
I have a few suggestions based upon my experience with WW. First I encourge you to go to a meeting. The web site is a great resource but it does not replace going to the meetings. I always come away fro meetings with some new idea. Second I think it is important to view WW as they sell it. You need to think of it as a life style and not a diet. I know I can not spend the rest of my life counting cals and carbs or eating pre packed crap food. I can live with WW for the rest of my life. For me it has been all about rethinking about how I eat. I am on the core program and as of last nights meeting I have lost 64.4 lbs. I am now at 310.4 so I am about halfway there. My only regret is that I did not find WW 20 years ago!
One thing I can say - I don't know how long ago it was that you dieted last, but your older now, and the older you are, the slower/harder it is to lose weight, so you just have to be patient with it. Remember that this is a life-style change, its not all going to happen at once. Plus, we all know the last 10 pounds are the hardest, and take the longest to come off!! Good luck!
Though my experience with WW has been very positive, I also realize you need to find a healthy eating lifestyle that you can stay with long term. 3 yrs ago I lost 50 lbs. in 6 months on WW, and have not only maintained but have continued to lose and am now at -66lbs. It does work....but.....

I agree with OP...you need to go to at least a few meetings. When I first started, I went to 4 or 5 meetings to soak up all the info and get all the WW pts. books. After feeling a bit educated on the plan....I joined online and took it from there. I would think it would be very hard to completely understand WW by just going online. One night i sat with my WW food/pts book, and highlighted all the 0 pt foods in yellow, the 1 pt foods in pink and the 3 pt. foods in green. By doing this, I was able to plan my meals and snacks much better. These foods were the ones I would always fall back on as snacks and meal fillers. I also took my pts calculator and went thru my kitchen and freezer and marked down pts., with a black sharpee.
For example, I learned that 15 fat free pringles are 1 pt.
and a flame grilled boca burger, topped with veggies and mustard on a light bun is only 2 pts. The more familiar you are with the plan...the more creative you can be. Good luck...I am sure you will find your niche ....WW or other and succeed in your weight loss.:thumbsup2


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