Wow, my dad is paying for...


<font color=royalblue>I'm a Geordie, we don't own
Jun 20, 2011 to go to Auberge for lunch when we go in Feb, as our daughter's birthday present!

I had mentioned that we wanted to book it, and told him what it was like, but said it was very expensive so were unsure if we should. He said to book it when we can, as he is paying for it as her birthday treat!

Wow! She is going to have such an amazing birthday!

I am now debating whether we should use the extra we were going to spend on that to go towards an extra day in Disney. But not sure if we can change our flights with easyjet, and pretty sure it will cost a hell of alot more, as I know when I initially looked it would be around £300 more for what would technically be half a day - so not sure it will be totally worth it!
awww arnt dads great :) mine is paying for 10 of us to go in august to celebrate his retirement :cool1: cannot wait!!!
Wow what a great birthday treat. The auberge is great and I'm sure your little princess will love it:goodvibes
What a lovely Dad you're blessed with. :goodvibes My Dad surprised us with a cheque one day, totally out of the blue, with the stipulation that it was to be put towards a Disney trip ..... he's the one to blame for our obsession!
I am now debating whether we should use the extra we were going to spend on that to go towards an extra day in Disney. But not sure if we can change our flights with easyjet, and pretty sure it will cost a hell of alot more, as I know when I initially looked it would be around £300 more for what would technically be half a day - so not sure it will be totally worth it!
I think I'd be very tempted to put it away towards another holiday!!
As we were faced with paying a fortune (literally almost doubling the cost of the holiday) to arrive on Saturday rather than Sunday, maybe our solution is of some interest...

Rather than travelling to arrive on the day you check into disney, go the day before, stay overnight in Val d'Europe (you can get apartments for about £95, hotel rooms even cheaper if there's only a few of you going).

You then get to turn up at the Disney hotel really early and refreshed, leave you bags and get straight into the parks - and - you can always nip into the village (2 minute train journey from Val) and go around the Village the night before if you simply can't stay away. :D
I would probably put it towards another holiday or maybe treat your dd to a new princess dress ready for her meal. If she doesnt know aout the meal maybe bring the dress frm home and in the morning lay it all out ready for her to dress like a princess for the day. What a lovely dad you have :hug:
I took my DD2 age 3 1/2 to auberge last month (not got to that bit in my TR yet LOL)

I was a bit concerned that she wouldn't really 'get it' as she is a very recent convert to Princesses, having been very much a BobThe Builder/ Thomas/ Buzz girl up to about 2 months before we went, when she seemed to have a personality change overnight!!!

I shouldn't have worried! She had the BEST time! the look on her little face when her fav princess came to talk to her was TRULY priceless and so worth all the penny pinching to pay for it.....:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc

If she likes Princesses she will love it...... it truly is a magical couple of hours, but don't be suprised if she won't east anything! The food LOOKS really pretty but my DD2 diodn't recognise it as food at all, and got so caught up in the magic her big Sis polished her food off for her! You'll have some wonderful pics to remind her later on too!

Go to auberge I say...... you'l really enjoy it. I'd rather have had that special moment with the princesses than had another day spent queueing to see them. Se it as investing in not having to queue for them! Plus lovely food too! :thumbsup2


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