Would you take a mid-day break in this situation?

I'm not sure that's a decision you can make in advance. But since it's just the two of you and you don't have kids' schedules to consider, I'd see how you're feeling mid-day. If you're already tired, take the break. If not, onward! :)
I'd play it by ear, We've done 8 a.m. till 2 a.m. a couple of times at the MK, though with kids even. Usually for a break we just have an ADR at the Polynesian -- Ohana or Kona Café and that is nice for us. If we want a longer break we relax and visit in their lobby or out by the pool.
No kids? I'd be there from open to close unless you are a pool person and particularly wanted to sunbathe.
If you are staying at one of the four resorts around MK a break would be very easy to pull off.
Definitely no break! I'm 29 too but these two kids slow me down! ;) I can't wait until they are teens and can go all night!
Depends on where you are staying. If on a monorail resort, sure, take a break. If not, I would plan to stay all day but with some chill time in the middle of the day. Plan on getting an ice cream, maybe riding the monorail and resort hopping. Something that gets you away from the heat, crowds and noise.
I never planned a mid-day break until we had kids, and even with kids we just play it by ear. If you get truly tired, you could always just ride the monorail to a resort that catches your eye and get a cold drink. Look around, rest in the lobby, and then monorail back. That wouldn't take more than 1-2 hours, and would let you rest your feet.
hop on the monorail and go on over to Poly, GF or Contemporary and grab a drink in the afternoon and relax in one of the lounges? thats what id recommend. then get yourself back on order to MK and try and hit some of the indoor aircon attractions like Tiki Room Country Bears to cool off.

there are also lots of places to rest and relax on Tom Sawyer Island!
i have been to Tom Sawyer island and sat and actually read some of Adventures Of Tom Sawyer By Mark Twain - it just feels right reading it on the island lol im a big geek! lol
When my daughter was little, we would have her nap in the Country Bears attraction! As it was then, you would stroll in and out: I don't recall any CMs involved! Maybe that is still an option? :tilt:
When I was younger I took a girlfriend to wdw for her first trip. She was so overwhelmed with how awesome it all was she made us take an afternoon break everyday to do other things so she could do as much as possible on site. We always went back for closing. Now she's got ten kids living in Orlando.
DH and I don't do the midday breaks and we are there opening until closing. (No kids.) We will being doing our MNSSHP day the same way. I'm not a napper so for us the break is a waste of our time and money. Since you don't have kids, I'm going to go with "do whatever feels best for you." If you feel you'll be too worn out to enjoy the park at night and don't feel like you'll lose anything by being out for a few hours, then go for it. To me, it has always felt like a massive hassle to leave in the middle of the day only to come back later. (I'm also not a park hopper for that reason.)
I feel very old reading this- I was 28 last summer, with no kids in tow- and we needed some afternoon breaks! Personally, I couldn't do rope drop to midnight without some significant break (either in park with an extended period of being seated in the cool and not needing to go somewhere or out of it having a sit down at the resort- I don't nap during the day!!) but you might be a bit more hardcore than me!! ;)
Grab a Dole Whip and find a couple of rocking chairs in Frontierland............. very relaxing and fun to just do some "people watching".
hop on the monorail and go on over to Poly, GF or Contemporary and grab a drink in the afternoon and relax in one of the lounges? thats what id recommend. then get yourself back on order to MK and try and hit some of the indoor aircon attractions like Tiki Room Country Bears to cool off.

there are also lots of places to rest and relax on Tom Sawyer Island!
i have been to Tom Sawyer island and sat and actually read some of Adventures Of Tom Sawyer By Mark Twain - it just feels right reading it on the island lol im a big geek! lol

This would be my suggestion, too. We usually take a break at The Wave lounge at the Contemporary after lunch at MK before heading back. It's comfortable and air conditioned! Tambu Lounge at Poly is nice, too, especially early afternoon before Ohana crowds show up.
At 29? Heck yeah!! If it gets hot or you find you need a bigger break, you could just pop into a QS (I always find Columbia Harbour House to be a little less hectic) or even go over to Tom's Sawyer Island and get a cool drink and sit in some shade. If you want to get out of the park, head over to CR and sit at the bar at The Wave. Lots of options to take a break in and around MK without having to take 3 - 4 hours out of your day!


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