Would you buy again?

I would still buy in and...GASP...at today's resale prices. I thought direct was too high 3 years ago, so I have the same opinion there. There are always deals to be had if you just know where and how often to look. There are certain resorts (BWV and BCV) that I think are overpriced because of the sooner expiration date. However, if people are buying them, then they aren't overpriced. Something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. If there was a 100 point BLT June UY contract that came on for $110-$115pp, I would seriously consider buying it even though I bought 200pts at BLT for $100pp last year. The $1000-$1500 difference between those prices and what I paid isn't nothing, but it is small in comparison to everything else. Also, I think SWL is going to be a HUGE deal for those of us who rent points, even if we only rent occasionally. I don't regret buying, and I do plan to add on at some point, but that just isn't a priority right now as we have a lot of house expenses we need to handle. Also, I really want to renovate my kitchen soon, so more DVC points will have to wait! However, I will keep looking occasionally to see if anything piques my interest. ;)
This is true for a financial investment: its goal is to make money, if there are better options one should sell and invest differently.
I didn't buy DVC as an investment, but to prepay my vacations for the forseable future. I'm happy with it, it is serving me very well for the purpose I've purchased it and I do not intend to sell. Would I buy at the current price? No.

I agree with your reasoning there. People buy things like stocks just to sell them later, so it is all financial based. I bought my house at the bottom of the real estate market. It has gone up something like 25% since then. Do I like living there? Absolutely. But I also would not buy it at today's rates. I did not buy it with the intent of flipping it, but rather having a place to stay that I was happy with.
I am sure there are many of people who bought DVC with the same intention.
That's tough because I have had zero regrets whatsoever (other than not buying a few years earlier when the market crashed and contracts were dirt cheap). However I paid 75$ per point take at SSR only 2 years ago. We got in right before they changed requirements for needing to buy direct for full benefits.

If we wanted the benefits of what we currently have now at the rates resales are going for plus the requirement to buy 75 direct it would cost us over $8,000 more for the and setup. Considering that, I probably couldn't justify the current cost to me or my husband.

So regrets? None. Would I buy today? No. Will I add more points if the economy goes in the toilet again? Definitely!
I started purchasing in 2007 when the prices were lower, and the Canadian dollar was in a better position. Even then I thought I was paying too much (LOL).Some of my points were purchased with a dollar almost at par. I love owning Boardwalk Villas/Beach Club Villas for the value of staying in such a great location, as I would never have been able to stay on cash at those resorts. I don't regret buying. That said at today's prices resale or direct, I'm not in any position to purchase. I'm glad I have my prepaid room at a great resort though.
In effect, if one keeps something they could sell, they are effectively saying they would buy it again at the term they could sell it for. Obviously one can't buy now at the same terms. This principle applies to a boat, car, rental house, even jewelry.

That is based on an assumption that one doesn't want anything other than money. But if one wants or need that thing then it only works if it can be replaced for less.

Or it assumes that everything is an investment but investments to not have the same return value at differing prices.
That is based on an assumption that one doesn't want anything other than money. But if one wants or need that thing then it only works if it can be replaced for less.

Or it assumes that everything is an investment but investments to not have the same return value at differing prices.
Not really, it's based on the current value to you at the time.
Ignoring cost for a minute. If it wasn’t for dvc would you still come to Disney as regularly? Do you ever feel like you would rather go else where instead of Disney but are tied down due to dvc? Or would you just rent out your points and take the other vacation?

Kind of feel like the would you do it again thing would be based on if you have a good time over the years.
Mainly bc most of us would spend the same money doing something else anyways.
Ignoring cost for a minute. If it wasn’t for dvc would you still come to Disney as regularly? Do you ever feel like you would rather go else where instead of Disney but are tied down due to dvc? Or would you just rent out your points and take the other vacation?

Kind of feel like the would you do it again thing would be based on if you have a good time over the years.
Mainly bc most of us would spend the same money doing something else anyways.

We take quite a few non-Disney vacations every year too. Our families think we are crazy because we are "always out of town". Truth be told, we take a vacation every 2-3 months, but people think that is a crazy amount. I wouldn't change the number of Disney vacations we take. My kids are young, and there are only so many places I want to take them at this age. As they get older, I already know that there will be less Disney trips in there and more "cultural trips" to Europe, Asia, Australia, etc. My DH just told me last week that he apologized for anything he ever said about buying Disney points because he loves the flexibility and rentability (I know it isn't a word) of them. DVC has worked out well for us so far.
Ignoring cost for a minute. If it wasn’t for dvc would you still come to Disney as regularly? Do you ever feel like you would rather go else where instead of Disney but are tied down due to dvc? Or would you just rent out your points and take the other vacation?

Kind of feel like the would you do it again thing would be based on if you have a good time over the years.
Mainly bc most of us would spend the same money doing something else anyways.

I've grown up loving Disney. My kids are doing the same thing. Long term, I love Disney and Disney World. It's easy escapism. I definitely understand those who are concerned about their future, though. The past couple of years have come with some really cool news about the future of the parks, but also some concerning news. No MK nighttime parade, paid parking, etc.
Whether it is worth all of that or not is really a sliding scale based on each individual's interests and tolerance.
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Ignoring cost for a minute. If it wasn’t for dvc would you still come to Disney as regularly? Do you ever feel like you would rather go else where instead of Disney but are tied down due to dvc? Or would you just rent out your points and take the other vacation?

Kind of feel like the would you do it again thing would be based on if you have a good time over the years.
Mainly bc most of us would spend the same money doing something else anyways.

We bought DVC recently because we've already been going to Disney once or twice a year for several years and have been paying cash for deluxe resorts. We still plan to vacation elsewhere as well, but are choosing to forego international travel until we have older kids. I've loved traveling to lots of places all over the world and hope to take my kids eventually, but we still plan to use our points for Disney vacations too (probably 2 Disney trips and 1 non-Disney trip a year, at least until they're too busy with school and activities to vacation that often). A lot of the "would you buy again" answer seems to be dependent on stage of life. We're at the stage of life where we see many, many years of Disney vacations in our future and buying resale and direct were still worthwhile purchases. We bought CCV last year before the price increase and with incentives, and over the life of the contract it comes out to less per point than the BWV resale contract we bought. For us, at our stage of life and considering our finances (we paid cash for everything), we think it's worth it. For someone whose kids are grown and who isn't that into Disney anymore independent of kids, and would prefer to travel elsewhere, I can see how it wouldn't be worth it to buy again in today's market.
We just closed on an add-on at BLT so I guess that answers the question :) We initially bought direct at VGC when it opened (I want to say 160 pts in the high 80's/low 90s). It made sense for us as our family of four was staying in two rooms solely at the Grand Californian. Right before we bought we were paying $475 for each room over the holidays, so even then prices at the GC were ridiculous. I haven't looked at cash prices in December lately, but I imagine they are even worse as that was ten years ago. We were going at least 2 times a year for 3-4 nights. I think our yearly hotel bills at the time were $6,000-8,000 for VGC. We bought to stay in one bedrooms instead, which have worked out fabulous for us. The two bathrooms at VGC are huge. We have easily paid for that contract and now it's pretty much gravy. We could sell the contract for quite a bit more than we bought it for, which is crazy to think about when you are talking time share.

We added on to VGC last year with another 160 points (I want to say in the $125 range loaded) because I discovered RunDisney and our 2 trips a year turned into 4. 160 points for 2 trips was challenging anyway.

With the Disneyland races on hiatus, we found ourselves at WDW 3-4 times a year paying cash for Deluxe 1 bedroom villas to supplement my points. I ran the numbers and even at the inflated prices with the number of trips we were doing the next few years it made sense to add-on at a WDW resort. We also discovered that with 2 adult kids and early morning race times, the two bedrooms are really nice :) We just closed on a loaded 200 pts at BLT in the $135 range. Chose BLT because of the 1 bedroom with 2 bathrooms and ability to walk to a resort. Given the cash prices of 1 and 2 bedroom villas that we stayed in and planned to stay at, I think it's going to take us 4-5 years to break even. I'm not comfortable renting, so my out of pocket numbers are higher on the spreadsheet.

I think the question of whether its worth it or whether you'd do it again depends a lot on your particular family situation. We were staying in two rooms at deluxe resorts spending a ton of money. Our kids are older now (18 and 21), but the 21 year old is special needs and he loves anything and everything Disney so we don't anticipate a drop in yearly trips. If anything with the races, they've increased as the kids have gotten older, LOL. The rent calculus didn't really enter it for me, which also makes a difference.
We take quite a few non-Disney vacations every year too. Our families think we are crazy because we are "always out of town". Truth be told, we take a vacation every 2-3 months, but people think that is a crazy amount. I wouldn't change the number of Disney vacations we take. My kids are young, and there are only so many places I want to take them at this age. As they get older, I already know that there will be less Disney trips in there and more "cultural trips" to Europe, Asia, Australia, etc. My DH just told me last week that he apologized for anything he ever said about buying Disney points because he loves the flexibility and rentability (I know it isn't a word) of them. DVC has worked out well for us so far.

I feel the same way. For Younger kids this is a safe and happy place to take them. I’m hoping it stays that way for the next 10 years or so. Hopefully they will have memories of a happy childhood. That would be worth all the cost and more.
I would LOVE to add on more BLT points, but the price just isn't right for us. Most of the contracts are stripped and listed for $130 or more per point and are just sitting. If we could get one for maybe $120pp, then we would happily buy some more points. If any of you BLT owners are looking to part with your points for $120pp or less, then send me a message. :rotfl:I guess that answers whether or not I would buy in now.
Ignoring cost for a minute. If it wasn’t for dvc would you still come to Disney as regularly? Do you ever feel like you would rather go else where instead of Disney but are tied down due to dvc? Or would you just rent out your points and take the other vacation?

If it wasn't for DVC I wouldn't be able to go to Disney as often. I also travel to other destinations once a year, even though I keep telling people I can't afford it.. Dublin last year, San Diego this year (to visit my son), Scotland every couple of years to visit family.

If money were no object? I'd definitely buy in today. I"m 60, and my kids are grown up, they still love Disney but they are in a different stage of life. They no longer follow mummy everywhere. I love it, and I feel joy knowing there's another trip coming up. Realistically I know I'm fooling myself into thinking membership in this "club" is something special, but if it gives me joy, that's of value to me. I have several times considered selling my points, but alway talked myself out of it.

Solo trip December 9-17/18!
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I bought in back IN 1999 and have added 4 more contracts since then. My financial advisor wants me to sell to make a really handsome profit and use that money to take other vacations . He doesn't get it. I do not love my DVC because of Disney but because I have been able to bring my entire extended family and friends on vacations together at a place that allows each person to do their own thing while also spending quality family time together. I have so many great memories from trips and have gotten much closer to people I would generally only see twice a year for holidays. DVC allowed me to sit on a park bench and talk to my 90 year old Aunt and uncle . I got to ride the rides with my then 5 year old niece who is now 15. I can't put a value on the love these trips have brought back to me ten fold. Not many places have something for everyone without even needing a car. Sure the parks are not as I remember and crowds are challenging if you don't plan accordingly but if I had it to over again I would have bought more points not less. I look forward to taking all kinds of different Disney trips some with large groups and some just the two of us on weekend get away to food and wine festival. The parks are a place to wander not rush thru at a hectic pace. There is always the next time which makes this time even more relaxed.
No I would not buy at today's direct OR resale prices. I was lucky to purchase back in 2007 and 2011. Buying VGF in 2014 I never thought I'd be able to sell VGF more than I purchased. But today I could! IMO that was the last time frame worth purchasing
We take quite a few non-Disney vacations every year too. Our families think we are crazy because we are "always out of town". Truth be told, we take a vacation every 2-3 months, but people think that is a crazy amount. I wouldn't change the number of Disney vacations we take. My kids are young, and there are only so many places I want to take them at this age. As they get older, I already know that there will be less Disney trips in there and more "cultural trips" to Europe, Asia, Australia, etc. My DH just told me last week that he apologized for anything he ever said about buying Disney points because he loves the flexibility and rentability (I know it isn't a word) of them. DVC has worked out well for us so far.

I must agree with your family. It seems like you guys are always on vacation. :-)

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you work in Europe and get 6 weeks of vacation. Hahaha
I must agree with your family. It seems like you guys are always on vacation. :-)

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you work in Europe and get 6 weeks of vacation. Hahaha

Maybe we do live in Europe, and I lied about living in Houston...I would love to live in Paris for a year. Every time I take a "where you should live quiz" that is what comes up. Maybe one day...
Heck yeah! We originally bought with plans of going every other year. Four add on's later we go 3 times a year. WDW is an easy to plan trip - once you secure a room. We have APs so it's just about what SW flights are available. When folks wonder why we go to Disney so much, I explain it is the best 'down time' we have found. Happy to ride a few rides or spend some time people watching. We love our home resorts and when they say 'Welcome Home' they are singing our song.

Won't be adding on in the near future but so happy we have what we have.


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