WL August Mini-Meet thread

I can't sit still either! I think I'm driving everyone crazy. One week from today I will be in the car heading to WDW. I can't wait. I'm in the process of packing.
Ha. My DH made me go sleep on the couch last night. My "I'm too excited to sleep" tossing and turning was keeping him awake. I get to put things in the suitcases today. Yeah!!
Just stumbled on this thread from the WL FAQ ... don't think I will be able to make any of the scheduled DIS meets :confused3 (we've got full days for our Aug. 13th-23rd stay) ... but if I see any green mickeys in the lobby or pool I'll be sure to say hi! :cool1:

Hope everyone has a great, amazing, fantastic trip! Can't wait for our first stay at the Lodge! (I'm glad to know I'm not the only one experiencing "I'm too excited too sleep!" syndrome!) :banana:
Disneymath - welcome to the WL thread - youre going to have a great time!
Are you packed? who are you travelling with? where are you travelling from?
DS14 & I arrive at the Lodge about 115pm Sat afternoon (if it takes 2 hrs from landing at MCO). Will be at the VWL 8/12-17 before we move over to the AKL and then to the BCV. A DISer made a button for me that says "newholidayx2" so look for my lime green button, okay?

what music gets you guys pumped for WDW vacation?
Im blasting "shes got a ticket to ride!"
guess where I spend alot of my vacation time?
Have you guys seen British Invasion and/or Off Kilter? They rock!
I also have an Off Kilter CD that I play btwn my Beatles music
hey disney math
i was gonna PM you but could not
i am at the WL the same days
our flight arrives at 12 15 on sunday and then we are taking ME to WL
its me , DH and 2 ds ages 7 and 2
what r your plans that first day ??maybe we can meet up
Kelly, I think I have the PM option turned off ... will have to check and turn it on!

Their are 8 of us - our first Grand Gathering Adventure! :) There's my aunt (66) who's never been to WDW, my dad (turns 56 tomorrow), my mom (53), me (the disney planning daughter, 29), my sis (26) and BIL (28), and two cousins - a girl (who turns 15 in early Sept.) and a boy (who turns 12 on the our trip). Oh yes, my parents and sis/bil have wedding anniversaries towards the end of the month.

Our adventure actually starts early Saturday, August 12th. The eight of us have to drive 8 hours (mostly through forest ... boring!) to get to Toronto, where we'll spend the night. Our flight to MCO does not leave until 9 PM on the 13th - couldn't really justify the $1600 extra to fly out anytime on Saturday or Sunday morning (so we'll just do some shopping in the big city instead)! :cool1:

Our flight gets into MCO at 11:30 PM - hoping with ME we will get to the Lodge by 1:00 AM (if not earlier)!

Mon. is a sleep in day and then MGM (since it has EEMH). We have the FDP and can't wait to see Fantasmic for the first time ... we've been skipping MGM the last few trips.

Tues. is our IOA day (DAunt wants to "see everything" since this will likely be her only trip down, plus we like some of the rides.) We plan on being back in time for the Electric Water Pageant that night though.

Wed. is KSC. (none of us have been before) We plan on spending the evening hanging out at the hotel.

Thurs. is US (can you tell we're getting all the non WDW stuff out of the way!) We have a late ressie at WCC - think we will consider this to be the "birthday dinner" for the boys!

Fri. is Epcot - and our Grand Gathering Illuminations Dinner/Dessert.

Sat. is Typhoon Lagoon (never been before), and Spirit of Aloha at 8PM (again, something new for all of us).

Sun. is MK (gotta love the EEMH - there if you need, no big deal if you don't)

Mon. is AK followed by dinner at Boma (can't wait)

Tues. is a relax/DTD day.

Wed. is check out day - midmorning ME to the airport!

You know, I really am too excited to sleep! :banana:
Sleep? ya I was awake at 2 and then 4, finally got up at 6 before the alarm went off!
:banana: :Pinkbounc :cheer2: :yay: :bounce:
Well we're leaving the house 515am Sat morn for a 815 flight. (So ya technically tomorrow night!) Should arrive at MCO by 1115am Sat morn!
We don't check in till the 18th but were are leaving this Sunday and visiting family on the drive down. So really I only have 3 more sleeps in my own bed!!

I better get in serious packing mode.
Well ... our packing will definitely need to be "rethunk" now ... thanks for the heads-up Kelly. We're nervous flyers as it is, so I think the next two nights will continue to be sleepless ... but unfortunately not from too much Disney excitement!
You can fly! you can fly! you can fly!
Less than 24 hrs till we head for the airport :Pinkbounc

DS has been flying our two bunnies! lol - yup he holds them, swings them (carefully) and says You can fly! you can fly! you can fly!
Got the car packed, just need snacks for the road and we are go, go, go tomorrow.
Hoping to see lots of you at WL!!
Can''t believe it ... we don't leave until 7:30 tomorrow morning and (except for cameras and purses) EVERYTHING is packed :cheer2: ... amazing how much you can limit your carry on stuff when you need too!! :) (We're never this organized!)

Have a safe trip down everyone ... and a fantabulous time there! :wizard:
:cool1: :cheer2: have a safe trip everyone - hoping to meet a few of you at the WL
Right now Im suffering badly from allergies - mowed the grass a few hours ago - Its 7pm and I was thinking of bedtime by 8 anyways. May not be up for much longer - didnt take Claritin since its non-drowsy and we need to be up by 330am! youch
See ya at WDW ! I cant believe its finally time :Pinkbounc :bounce: :yay:
Have a safe trip everyone! We're not leaving until Wednesday at 2 a.m. but I'm busy packing. Almost done. My DS's are Ma & Papa's house until Sunday so I'm trying to get everything done before they come home. It's the calm before the storm.

I'll be seeing most of you 1 week from tonight! :banana: :banana: :banana:
almost time to leave - tossed & turned from 730 till 215 and then gave up - saw every hour go by on the clock - allergies seem better - i just put on the coffee pot - i think it's going to be a very early night tonight! oh well at least I'll be "home"! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc


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