Wishables should be removed based on gambling mechanism - Opinion


DIS Veteran
Feb 24, 2013
I just happened to watch a AllEars video in which she explained Wishables. Yes its for a good cause but there is a saying about the ends justifying things.

I know Disney is one huge media empire built on making you want more more more. That being said most things that they do I find fairly tame and putting out basic merchandise for movies and shows is a good idea. I would say limited numbered edition items do tread a line but for me are safe.

The reason I personally see this specific product as crossing the line is based on how it is packaged. It basically is meant to normalize gambling and provide that positive dopamine hit if a kids gets the one they prefer. This is also different than a present which is completely unknown for a child or a standard product which you know exactly what it being purchased.

Like I said just my opinion. If you find yourself in the middle on this look up Video Game Loot Boxes and you might start to feel different on these various products that have similar mechanisms. Who knows this may fall in to restricted areas in the future requiring you to be 18 or older to purchase.
Your kids are young, so you don’t realize how big the mystery bag/unboxing toy industry is. It is everywhere. But it isn’t new. Disney has been selling blind bags of pins for years. And remember Vinylmations? Happy Meals have been teaching kids to “gamble” (using your words) since we were kids and we never knew what you was inside. We also had toys where you didn’t know how many babies were inside the dog or cat until you got it. So this isn’t new. You just have a different perspective on it now that you are a parent.
No kids here and no grandkids yet so I had to Google Wishables...

Meh, no big deal. As the previous poster mentioned, Happy Meals are one of the first things I can remember that were a “blind prize.” When my kids were little they certainly worked to get me to buy too many Happy Meals during certain promotions but nobody became a gambler because of them.

Blind subscription boxes have been a thing for years and follow the same idea. I don’t see it as gambling but more of a surprise gift. I don’t care for them since I don’t want to pay money for something that I may not like. Plus, I don’t like clutter and stuff so I would hate new stuff coming in that I might not need or want.

When DD24 was in college, I sent her Ipsy bags for a while but she asked me to cancel it about 6 months in because she was building up too much stuff that she didn’t like/wouldn’t use. She wasjust telling me at Christmas that she had accepted a “free” FabFitFun box twice now from a subscriber. She said she liked one and the other was underwhelming. She definitely said not worth a subscription since she’d rather spend the money on something she for sure wanted.
No kids here and no grandkids yet so I had to Google Wishables...

Meh, no big deal. As the previous poster mentioned, Happy Meals are one of the first things I can remember that were a “blind prize.” When my kids were little they certainly worked to get me to buy too many Happy Meals during certain promotions but nobody became a gambler because of them.

Blind subscription boxes have been a thing for years and follow the same idea. I don’t see it as gambling but more of a surprise gift. I don’t care for them since I don’t want to pay money for something that I may not like. Plus, I don’t like clutter and stuff so I would hate new stuff coming in that I might not need or want.

When DD24 was in college, I sent her Ipsy bags for a while but she asked me to cancel it about 6 months in because she was building up too much stuff that she didn’t like/wouldn’t use. She wasjust telling me at Christmas that she had accepted a “free” FabFitFun box twice now from a subscriber. She said she liked one and the other was underwhelming. She definitely said not worth a subscription since she’d rather spend the money on something she for sure wanted.
I agree about the Ipsy box. No matter how specific you are in your profile, you will get crap you don’t need It’s very frustrating
Yeah these have been around for a LONG time. Disney has done many variations of this over the years, as have other companies. Vinylmations are one. Mickeys Christmas Carol snowglobes that I just bought off the website are another. And then there are tons of licensed mystery boxes in stores around the country. Not gambling at all, just fun.
Adding to the existence of other blind grabs. The Disney mystery pin pulls have been around even longer. Just because the Wishables are the first you noticed doesn’t mean there the first out there. And I don’t think it or the variations out there are going away
The reason I personally see this specific product as crossing the line is based on how it is packaged. It basically is meant to normalize gambling and provide that positive dopamine hit if a kids gets the one they prefer.

Like I said just my opinion. If you find yourself in the middle on this look up Video Game Loot Boxes and you might start to feel different on these various products that have similar mechanisms. Who knows this may fall in to restricted areas in the future requiring you to be 18 or older to purchase.

The more I think about it...are you serious? “Normalize gambling” really???

So I guess letting kids have sparkling cider on NYE encourages drinking later and so on.

I tend to more moderate opinions. Most things aren’t insidious and out to get you. But whatever, to each their own.
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I think you are overthinking this. I don’t find these things anywhere near “gambling” but even if they were I doubt it would lead to an issue.

My parents gave me many toy slot machines when I was younger (actual pretend gambling). It didn’t lead to a gambling issue. I have probably gambled 5 times since turning 21 and I am almost 40 years old. Even when I go somewhere and there is gambling I don’t bet more than $20 a day.
So I guess letting kids have sparkling cider on NYE encourages drinking later and so on.

Well it actually is not the same thing. Alcoholism is typically built off the act of actually intaking alcohol and exacerbated by potentially certain things like genetics. Normalizing drinking can later encourage individuals to try drinking though.

However the act of purchasing a random chance for a specific result is the actual act of gambling and can produce the same biochemical response.

Gambling is playing games of chance for money.

Incorrect that is a form of gambling but winning money does not need to be a possible outcome. Gambling is simply risking something of value to get something of greater value in return. Hence why there is more direct looks at Loot Boxes in Video Games.

My parents gave me many toy slot machines when I was younger (actual pretend gambling).

So doing the action like the above "drinking cider" is not the same as the actual item. Now if your parent had required you to pay in some manner for chances and in return if you won you received something of value that is more in line. Its why playing a game of free play video poker is different than playing for an actual prize.

Happy Meals have been teaching kids to “gamble” (using your words) since we were kids and we never knew what you was inside.

So Happy Meals are different. You are not purchasing a chance but instead purchasing the meal. Now if a child is simply asking for the meal simply to get a chance at the toy then possibly it would be similar. You did see this historically where people would buy 100s of meals simply for the chance of getting something specific.

"gateway" to gambling either.

Its not meant to be a gateway but instead be an actual mechanism to extract additional money now.
You just have a different perspective on it now that you are a parent.

Actually I hadn't noticed this. This primarily comes from my background in the Video Game community to be honest though. Games like FUT will have people spending $1000s on virtual loot boxes for some of value (not money but digital cards).
As is any other collectable.

There is a very large difference in purchasing a collectable vs gambling chance mechanisms. Not so much physical goods but there is lots of studies ongoing along with discussion on legality and protections regarding the digital forms of this that are in video games.

I will leave all of this at that.
So don’t buy them for your child. Just because you think they should be removed doesn’t mean everyone else does.

“I don’t approve of that show, it should be banned.” No just don’t watch it.

“I don’t like the theme of that game, it should be pulled from the shelves.” No don’t buy it.

“I don’t agree with the lyrics of that song, the radio needs to stop playing it.” No you need to change the dial.

If you believe this is normalizing gambling go ahead, keep them out of your house. My house will still be getting them.
So don’t buy them for your child. Just because you think they should be removed doesn’t mean everyone else does.

“I don’t approve of that show, it should be banned.” No just don’t watch it.

“I don’t like the theme of that game, it should be pulled from the shelves.” No don’t buy it.

“I don’t agree with the lyrics of that song, the radio needs to stop playing it.” No you need to change the dial.

If you believe this is normalizing gambling go ahead, keep them out of your house. My house will still be getting them.

Three cheers for you. Seriously. Thank you.
I think you’re completely overthinking this. And apparently don’t realize it’s not new, nor are Wishables the first.

Baseball cards have been around for over a century and have the same basis. Sure some collect just to collect, but many are purchased hoping they might hold an elusive one.

Blind bag kids toys have been around for a decade from MLP to Lego. There is entire industry to “unboxing” and the most successful YouTubers have made a living at it. I personally think it’s all dumb, but it in no way is a form of gambling.

In gambling, you put in money and there is a chance you win and there is a chance you lose. In blind boxes, you always win. You may not get what you want, but you always walk away with something. Those claw arcade games or midway games would be more akin to gambling because you pay with no guarantee of winning anything. And yet those have been around forever without issue.


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