Wish Check-In Week Of 5-27


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WISHers!!!! I hope everyone has wonderful weather for their cookouts and I hope everyone has food that helps them lead to successfully staying on target today!!! Well WISHers the sun is shinning and it is beautiful here!! I am making macaroni salad using ff italian dressing and low-fat brownies and we have ff hotdogs and 93% lean hamburgers as well as ff dip and veggies and air popped popcorn to snack on oh yeah and baked potatoe chips!! I am also going to make a salad ans carrot bread. So our menu seems to lend itself well to my plan!! We also have light buns for the hamburgers but could not find them for the hot dogs!! Is any one having anything good today!!!

Ok I ate whatever I felt like this week and was not good at all!! But I managed to stay the same on the scales but have been good so far this week so lets see what happens!!

Welcome to all the new WISHers!!

Remember to drink your water and excercise!!

How is everyone doing??

You there yet Charlie????

I'm back after my trip to WDW, and not surprisingly, I gained. I actually think that I put on more weight after I got home (it's hard to get back into that WW mentality after a vacation). I'm up 2.8, but my motivation seems to have come back, so hopefully this week's weigh-in will go well. :)
Another loss week for me...I am very close to the 20 lb. mark. Woohoo!!!

Spend all day yesterday digging/preparing my new shrub bed, then planting it (12 shrubs/trees). Took 8.5 hours but I did it...had lots of energy left at the end but my muscles were screaming at me.

I've noticed I have so much more energy than I had last summer. I still have a long way to go but the clothes getting baggier and me getting less tired is a great motivator to keep going!

Good luck to everyone this week.
I lost 3 more pounds, and I hope I can keep it off. This week is so stressful, primarily with my baby starting daycare, that I am just eating everything. Does anyone else have that viscious cycle - get stressed - eat, get depressed that you gain weight - eat, mad at yourself for eating too much - eat, can't control your eating, so you get stressed - eat? I am telling myself I can get through this; one bad day does not mean I have to have another one.

So, good luck to everyone, and enjoy that nice cold water on these hot days!!
Bummer...gained 1.4 lbs and this was after working out last week four times (which I hate to do!!!)

Scale is still pretty much stuck for me... it was down Sunday morning, but I've been bad and it's back to being "stuck" At least I can say I SAW a lower number......

Ted is down 2 more! I hate him!

I gained 2 lbs! We went to New York City for a long weekend. I didn't watch what I ate, but I figured that all the walking would make up for it - WRONG!

Oh well, back on track today-

0k everyone hang in there!!!!!! You can do it!!!!!!!!1
I was down 3 more pounds after the weekend! I was so good - and I was so proud of myself for staying away from all the junk food at the picnics! :-) I stuck with grilled brats & steaks, and ate lots of veggies and salads and I managed to stay away from the sweets and the potato salad! :Pinkbounc
I made it Jiminy.

I lost 2 more pounds last week.

I started 3/21/02.

So that's: 268-> 261-> 255-> 251->246->242->240->237->235->232->230

My goal was 230. (or until my love handles disappeared) I am now going to really start exercising to toneup.

I order a four week supply of NS food each month ($219). I am at my goal of 230. I have about 2 weeks worth of food left so I will most likely keep going until I run out of food. I am also starting to add normal food to my diet.

Hey Debbie we went to NYC on Sunday for fleet week to tour the navy ships. We didn't want to wait on the line of ~5000+ people so we hit Times Square. We ate at Planet Hollywood. I had a nice BIG steak and a beer. IT TASTED SOOOO GOOOOD!

I love my www.nutrisystem.com diet.

Have a GREAT week!

Let's do it!

This is Mom-to-3. I hope we can get this name problem resolved.

Weighed in today and lost .4 for a total of 41.4. I'm 5'10" and I've decided I want my goal weight to be 148 which would mean 150 would be the upper lifetime limit. I'm more than 1/2 way.

Heading to Hilton head next week. Will ride bikes, lay on beach, and eat. Oh no.

Here I am - better late than not at all, huh? :D

Well I stayed the same. Can't quite figure out why, I drank my water, stayed on my points. I don't know. :( And this after only 2 weeks. :( Oh well. I will stay the course. This week is kind of hard - very busy. No time for real meals and lots of temptations - Girl Scout camp out this weekend too.
But I will be back here next week and I hope to at least stay the same again, if not lose. I AM PMSing and that COULD be the problem...
I'm checking in too and this week was an okay for me. Very stressful week and I didn't watch at all what I ate. My scale said I was up the 2 pounds that I lost last week even after working in my yard all weekend also - and I'm talking hard work...digging grass up and putting in 15 pound each edging blocks. Got half done and have the other half to finish this next weekend. I swear all I did was drink drink drink. Oh well. This week is anew and I have mother nature ick with me this week so maybe that attributed to my gain some. I am also having horrible water gain and I don't know why. Gonna call the doc next week if it isn't better. Drinking and it's not coming out.

NICE JOB CHARLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go!!!! And to everyone else. Have a great upcoming weekend!
It's been quite some time since I posted here although I have still been working on my weight loss with WW. I have been quite frustrated as I have been gaining/losing the same 3 lbs. for the last 2.5 months. I lose it one week and gain it the next etc. - so hard to stay motivated when you don't see much downward progress.

Anyway, I decided this week to try to re-start the program and get back to journaling daily and drinking more water etc. I have been doing these things sometimes but not always and I guess it has just caught up with me.

So, for now I am down 23.2 lbs with 12 lbs. until goal....

Here's to a good week for us all!!
Hi, everyone! Hope you had a great week. I am down 3 more this week. I feel really good about it to. I went to a picnic and they had my favorite dessert that I passed up on along with all of the pasta stuff and buns. That was a big test and I made it. Had to feel proud of myself.

Have a great weekend.


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