Why Not Now? Reaching weight loss and fitness goals in 2016--All Welcome!

Hello Everyone! I had been off the DIS for so long but needed to come back just for this. My life is always crazy so I know I will not be able to reply to everything like I once did but honestly, I have to find the time to at least take care of myself so here we go....

Reasons for doing this:
1. My incredible friend Jude (jbm02) originally believed in me once and I know together we can do this again. So if she's in, then I better be in again.
2. I need to be healthier again. Honestly, I'm getting old and getting old and being over-weight is not fun. There are days where I know my body hurts when it shouldn't or when I'm out of breath, or I should be able to do things I can't. I want to be active and healthy.
3. I miss being healthy and happy. It's not that I'm not happy but I'm not happy when I get dressed and I'm not happy when we do pictures and I'm not happy every single time I end up feeling self-conscious about how I look. I remember when several years ago I started about where I am today and then reached my goal and remember running and feeling incredibly good about me. I want that again.
4. Well, this is one that I haven't shared with anyone else yet (and Jude...we're not discussing it yet) - but there is a beach wedding in the future that I want to look good for. After a very tough divorce, and time with a man who loves me exactly as I am, we've had conversations about getting married...and...I am pretty sure that he will ask very soon. My dream is for a simple, but beautiful, beach wedding and I want to love how I look so losing weight is important.

So I'm going to commit to getting on board and finding time to be a part of this. Right now I am 195 pounds (my highest weight in years) and my goal is 150. My plan is to start running again as well as dieting (on my own counting calories) and other exercise.

I am also going to commit to sharing my story and motivation. I've done this before - know how incredibly hard it is but also know that I can be successful and that all of you can as well.
Hi all. My name is Lindsay. I have been away from Disboards for quite some time but I saw Rose was starting a new group and felt this is just what I need. (Thanks Rose).

I am 36 and a mom of 3 boys. They are 11,8, and our surprise baby is 9 months. A few years ago I lost most of my previous baby weight and was so fit and in shape. Then slowly I started to gain some back and then with my 3rd pregnancy gained a whole bunch more. I am now at my all time high.

We are heading to Disney 3/30 and I would love to be at least 20-30lbs less.

My starting weight is 231. My goal is 160. My January goal is to loose 10lbs.
My plan, which I haven't sat down and actually planned yet, is to lose about a pound a week doing a variety of things I've done before.

--cutting calories, sweets, sugar, sodas
--increasing water intake
--increasing my movements! Utilize my treadmill and work back up to running. Difficult as I'm recovering from plantar fasciitis but I'm so much better. Planning to start slow and increase my walking distance gradually. I've come back from PF before to lose 50 pounds. Just need to be careful and smart about it.

I have developed plantar fascitis in my left foot. Not fun. Hoping as the weight comes off it will get better.
I have developed plantar fascitis in my left foot. Not fun. Hoping as the weight comes off it will get better.

Oh yikes!! I caught mine early this time so it's getting better quicker. Losing the weight really does help, although it's kind of hard if you depend on your feet for exercise. Good luck!
Question to think about for today:
How are you going to do this? WW, Atkins, Paleo, MFP?? None of the above??
I wish I could say that crossing my fingers and hoping for the best works, but I have tried that and it doesn't. :)
We have kind of talked about this a little bit, but what is going to be different this year? How are you going to set yourself up to succeed?

How to Lose Weight With a Busy Schedule
I'll be using MFP but dropping carbs so I can see if it makes a difference on my fasting sugars. I'll work at committing myself to groups again for a "community of support" and of course exercise habits increased again. I find it hard to keep up with threads and groups though I know the accountability and motivation helps tremendously. Maybe I'll make a personal game out of it or joint with my 12 year old daughter. I know she wants to get fitter, more endurance. She will be starting P.E. back up in the new year after this break is over and she'll get some more exercise and maybe build up a fitness level again. She said she lost it. She's silly and will want me to walk or do workouts but seems like one of us is always on track at the wrong/opposite times.
A little late to the party...but doing my best to get caught up and then go back and meet my new friends on this journey!

I am going to set myself to succeed by finding a group of people that will support me and kick my in the hiney. No giving up and quitting by February. I am also going to start a WISH journal and faithfully post daily to keep myself accountable...and make myself admit the Good the BAD and the UGLY.

Hi Tammie. I'm probably PCOS too. Never got a Dr. to look into it. I was diagnosed Prediabetic and placed on Metformin which I know many PCOS patients take too. First 500mg once a day then increased to twice a day. My A1C went down slowly after a few checks was normal range again but was back up a smidgen once the weight loss slowed and bounced back(I think I've linked the time of walking to how it lowered). I've thought about increasing the dose but would have to ask Dr. I'm not sure it would get my weight loss going easier. I just need to put in a little more effort in exercise and grain/carb control. My primary practice closed. Not sure where my NP moved to. :( I'll try the office they sent out as offer to move to the affiliated but its farther so I may find something close. I have to do it soon I just filled my last refill though I somehow accumulated a week or two of back up supply, not sure how I rare miss a dose.
Going to be honest here--I have been thinking about this all fall, and I still don't have a good plan. When I lost weight in 2010 my plan was portion control (The French Don't Diet Plan) and HUGE amounts of cardio. It was not a good month if I didn't have at least 1400 minutes of cardio. And then I started getting injured. And I had to give up gluten. And it seems that since spring of 2011 I just have not felt great. Oh, and throw early menopause in there....So time to do something different.

While I still have not come to a decision on exactly what I am going to do, I have had a few AHA moments.
1. When looking at Whole 30 they talked about not whining that this is hard--cancer is hard, childbirth is hard, etc. This is just a change that we are embarking on to better ourselves.
2. My son and I were talking about stumbling blocks this morning and we talked about the mentality that many people (including me) pursuing weight loss use--tomorrow is another day. Or--you get a fresh start in the morning. I have used this mantra many times. I can't remember exactly what he said but what it comes down to is: If you are starting from scratch or from the beginning every day, you are never getting anywhere....
3. I love food. I love good food. Love it. I had a meal at California Grill last week that was completely vegetarian, had little to no dairy and was quite possible one of the best things I ever eaten. I want to eat GOOD food. I have a beautiful kitchen. A husband that likes to cook with me and absolutely ZERO reasons for why we eat crappy gf pizza or microwave baked potatoes loaded with cheese other than I am either really lazy or just absolutely setting myself up to fail day after day after day.
4. I need to COMMIT to something for 30 days. COMMIT. No quitting. The interesting thing about Whole 30 was the attitude of--Do it, or don't do it. But if you are going to do it, then do it right. Don't set yourself up to fail. If you cheat, start over. It's only 30 days.

I love the idea of Whole30, but as someone who used to be 100% vegetarian, I don't know if I can commit to that much meat. I am guessing I will come up with a hybrid plan.

So knowing that if I don't make some kind of plan I WILL FAIL here is what I am committing to for Jan 3-Jan 16:
1. Meal plan for each day including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
2. 30 minutes of cardio activity planned and scheduled for each day.
3. Commitment to checking in here daily.
4. Minimum of 32 ounces of water a day.
5, Daily weigh in.

**Thanks for indulging my thinking this through. :)

I agree and I get stuck in traps sometimes too cycles of this. I know it takes a month or even more for some to get a habit formed. Its not so much that exercise isn't fun it just seems like I get overwhelmed that I can't do moves or paces I want. I've gotten into a grocery budget grove the last few weeks where i'm spending less so maybe I can work on making a whole lot more whole foods. I have the water habit down so I know I can form long term habits. :)

Are you still gluten free? I'd really love to get gluten free again. If I get cut down to my biggest source of gluten is spaghetti noodles and we have been using gluten free ones until this week when I just couldn't do 2 something for a box. My big carb offenders seem to be other sugars when I do have really off chart high days.
Here's my motivation:
3. I want to be able to wear all the clothing in my closet. And I want to be comfortable posing for pictures.
2. I want to set a good example and feel in control of my food choices.
1. I want to live. My bp was 175/110 several times this summer. I can't keep doing the same things over and over. I am carrying all of my extra weight in my stomach. I know it is effecting my health. Time for a permanent change. :)

Why is this time different--I just feel ready. Same as I felt in 2010. This might sound terrible but I feel like my levels of disgust and motivation have finally reached high enough levels that I am ready to tackle it.

My biggest roadblocks--the voices in my head ;) and my lack of planning.

Oh yucky feeling I know when your bp is that high. I've had mine up there. 180/120 was my highest I think that I saw and I was pregnant at the time(when my hypertension started) :( I hate being on meds for it but they work most of the time. Occasionally I still go high though. Its scary to be on them with side effects and such. My best friend recently had a really dangerous reaction come up that they said can happen out of the blue 10 years later. I was on that same med for 7-8 years off and on.
I have developed plantar fascitis in my left foot. Not fun. Hoping as the weight comes off it will get better.

I am hoping this gets rid of my PF too...It has been a killer trying to keep my mileage up and reach my 2015 run/walk goals!

Hi Tammie. I'm probably PCOS too. Never got a Dr. to look into it. I was diagnosed Prediabetic and placed on Metformin which I know many PCOS patients take too. First 500mg once a day then increased to twice a day. My A1C went down slowly after a few checks was normal range again but was back up a smidgen once the weight loss slowed and bounced back(I think I've linked the time of walking to how it lowered). I've thought about increasing the dose but would have to ask Dr. I'm not sure it would get my weight loss going easier. I just need to put in a little more effort in exercise and grain/carb control. My primary practice closed. Not sure where my NP moved to. :( I'll try the office they sent out as offer to move to the affiliated but its farther so I may find something close. I have to do it soon I just filled my last refill though I somehow accumulated a week or two of back up supply, not sure how I rare miss a dose.

I refuse to take anything for it...because once you start you dont go back from what my GYN has told me. I really think that now I have got the exercise down that if I get my eating under control that my weight will drop...that is what happened when I got pregnant out of the blue with my 3rd child after not ovulating for about 5 years. I dropped a bunch of weight and bam I got ds#2...and of course with him came the weight and I have not been able to get myself focused now 10 years later. If this does not work I know I am going to be forced to turn to meds, which I dont want to do.
A little late to the party...but doing my best to get caught up and then go back and meet my new friends on this journey!

I am going to set myself to succeed by finding a group of people that will support me and kick my in the hiney. No giving up and quitting by February. I am also going to start a WISH journal and faithfully post daily to keep myself accountable...and make myself admit the Good the BAD and the UGLY.
Hi Tammie! Nice to have you here. I agree--you cannot exercise your way to skinny--but it sure would be nice if you could! I think being comfortable in your own skin is a WONDERFUL goal! Diabetes scares me as well. It is one of my reasons to get my act together. :)

I am really torn on the eating aspect. I have done WW many times and have found it isn't what it use to be for support. Tried Atkins once before lost weight couldn't stick with it for life. I think I am leaning towards MFP attached to my Fitbit.

I am going to do more relaxation exercise mixed in this other kids so I don't get too stressed out and overwhelmed. I have also set a km goal for 2016 for my self. These will be exercise km not just everyday walking km. Going to use my fitbit app to track my walks and keep a log of my km.

Focusing on over all health and not just food. I have had a eating disorder since grade 3 and have never had a good relationship with food. So if I try not to focus on that part I am hoping I won't get stressed out over it.
I know lots of people who have had success with MFP. I actually have had success with it--when I track. :) I am also going to add in a little bit of meditation as well. My DR warned me to get the stress under control or she was going to suggest more meds. And I absolutely do not want more meds. :)

Would love to join!!! I have been trying to loose my pregnancy weight since my last delivery 14 years ago... I am 51( yikes) I was 5'9" may have shrunk a little with age and I weighed in this morning at OMGOSH 189 ( BMI 27.9). I would love to loose 5lbs this month but my goal is 30lbs (BMI 23.5).

1) walk on hour a day
2) drink 4 bottles of water a day
Welcome! Great to see you!

I am a low carber. Not eating sugar and losing that craving is what gives me the sense of control and honestly I feel so much better! Plus, it works for me!

I am going to continue with what has been working and adding in this support system!

PLANNING is key for me. I need to KNOW what's for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am going to drink my 4 bottles of water and my vitamins are going to be ready to go. My gym bag is packed and ready to go. It's so easy to just say forget it if your stuff is ready to go in the morning when we are in a hurry to get out the door!

R&M I love what your son had to say! I agree with what he's saying and would like to add not only will we never get anywhere but we don't have any success to motivate us or to build on!
This is a great plan!! I question myself whether by failing to plan I am being lazy or setting myself up to fail.
I like your add--it's like running. If you start at Day 1 of C25K every day you will never finish. In order to be successful at healthy living we have to put into place healthy living habits. :)

Hi I would like to join this challenge. I plan to get rid of 80 pounds this year. My January goal is 5 pounds. I am at the highest weight I have ever been.
This time will be different because I plan to exercise when I am stressed. So I will will be exercising a lot this year.
Welcome! Exercise is a great stress reliever. Just don't forget those rest days. They are important too!

My plan, which I haven't sat down and actually planned yet, is to lose about a pound a week doing a variety of things I've done before.

--cutting calories, sweets, sugar, sodas
--increasing water intake
--increasing my movements! Utilize my treadmill and work back up to running. Difficult as I'm recovering from plantar fasciitis but I'm so much better. Planning to start slow and increase my walking distance gradually. I've come back from PF before to lose 50 pounds. Just need to be careful and smart about it.
I suffer with chronic foot problems. Foot problems are awful!! Hope your flare up clears soon!

Hello Everyone! I had been off the DIS for so long but needed to come back just for this. My life is always crazy so I know I will not be able to reply to everything like I once did but honestly, I have to find the time to at least take care of myself so here we go....

Reasons for doing this:
1. My incredible friend Jude (jbm02) originally believed in me once and I know together we can do this again. So if she's in, then I better be in again.
2. I need to be healthier again. Honestly, I'm getting old and getting old and being over-weight is not fun. There are days where I know my body hurts when it shouldn't or when I'm out of breath, or I should be able to do things I can't. I want to be active and healthy.
3. I miss being healthy and happy. It's not that I'm not happy but I'm not happy when I get dressed and I'm not happy when we do pictures and I'm not happy every single time I end up feeling self-conscious about how I look. I remember when several years ago I started about where I am today and then reached my goal and remember running and feeling incredibly good about me. I want that again.
4. Well, this is one that I haven't shared with anyone else yet (and Jude...we're not discussing it yet) - but there is a beach wedding in the future that I want to look good for. After a very tough divorce, and time with a man who loves me exactly as I am, we've had conversations about getting married...and...I am pretty sure that he will ask very soon. My dream is for a simple, but beautiful, beach wedding and I want to love how I look so losing weight is important.

So I'm going to commit to getting on board and finding time to be a part of this. Right now I am 195 pounds (my highest weight in years) and my goal is 150. My plan is to start running again as well as dieting (on my own counting calories) and other exercise.

I am also going to commit to sharing my story and motivation. I've done this before - know how incredibly hard it is but also know that I can be successful and that all of you can as well.
So wonderful to see you. :) I am sorry about the struggles over the last few years, but it sounds like you are headed to a very good place. :)

#3 Really resonated with me. I could have written it. I have a wonderful life. But something is missing, and it is being healthy and fit! Glad you decided to join us.

Hi all. My name is Lindsay. I have been away from Disboards for quite some time but I saw Rose was starting a new group and felt this is just what I need. (Thanks Rose).

I am 36 and a mom of 3 boys. They are 11,8, and our surprise baby is 9 months. A few years ago I lost most of my previous baby weight and was so fit and in shape. Then slowly I started to gain some back and then with my 3rd pregnancy gained a whole bunch more. I am now at my all time high.

We are heading to Disney 3/30 and I would love to be at least 20-30lbs less.

My starting weight is 231. My goal is 160. My January goal is to loose 10lbs.
Lindsay!!! So very, very happy to see you. :) Lindsay's kids are so cute! :)
You can do this! It stinks that so many of us have found ourselves in this boat AGAIN, but we have had success before and I know we can do it again!

I have developed plantar fascitis in my left foot. Not fun. Hoping as the weight comes off it will get better.
Hope that foot is better soon!

I agree and I get stuck in traps sometimes too cycles of this. I know it takes a month or even more for some to get a habit formed. Its not so much that exercise isn't fun it just seems like I get overwhelmed that I can't do moves or paces I want. I've gotten into a grocery budget grove the last few weeks where i'm spending less so maybe I can work on making a whole lot more whole foods. I have the water habit down so I know I can form long term habits. :)

Are you still gluten free? I'd really love to get gluten free again. If I get cut down to my biggest source of gluten is spaghetti noodles and we have been using gluten free ones until this week when I just couldn't do 2 something for a box. My big carb offenders seem to be other sugars when I do have really off chart high days.
Great job on the grocery groove!

I will be 100% gluten free for life. Celiac disease is hard to diagnose, and I stopped before I had an official diagnosis and went gf, but I had several tests that indicated cd and that was good enough for me and my doctor. Being gf does not mean low carb. I eat way too many gf processed foods that have a ridiculous amount of carbs. But all of my weight is going in my stomach, and it HAS to stop before I have more problems than just high bp. :)

Momabaarjo--I am sorry you are fighting P-F too!!
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Happy New Year's Eve!!
What are you doing for fun today? :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, safe New Year's Eve. I will spend a huge chunk of the day worrying about my 24 yo who is driving to Atlanta in this awful rain. It is a soggy mess here!

***If you would like to change any of your numbers tomorrow let me know. Still debating if I want to use a weigh in from tomorrow as my official start. I am a little silly about numbers, charts, excel, etc. :)

I also wanted to thank you all for going on this journey with me.
Support + Hard Work + Commitment = Success :)
Happy New Year's Eve!!
What are you doing for fun today? :)

Happy NYE!! I find myself talked into driving two hours to take my daughter to the American Girl Doll store and bistro. And since we have a 2:00 ressie, I really should be getting my lazy tush out of the bed! Have a wonderful day everyone! And be safe!
Happy New Year's Eve!!
What are you doing for fun today? :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, safe New Year's Eve. I will spend a huge chunk of the day worrying about my 24 yo who is driving to Atlanta in this awful rain. It is a soggy mess here!

***If you would like to change any of your numbers tomorrow let me know. Still debating if I want to use a weigh in from tomorrow as my official start. I am a little silly about numbers, charts, excel, etc. :)

I also wanted to thank you all for going on this journey with me.
Support + Hard Work + Commitment = Success :)
We are working today and just plan on hanging at home tonight. The baby is asleep usually by 830pm so probably will play board games after that. Looking to have some snacky food and so maybe I will re-weigh in tomorrow.:rolleyes1

I am planning to start with mfp. I need to plan my workouts too as it's hard finding time with working full time and the baby. This weekend will be my prep, planning, and fridge clean out. I plan to start full force on Monday.
Hi I'm Karen. I will be 47 in June. 5'4" and 210 - my goal is to get off soda and drink more water. My ideal weight would be 120lbs but I hope to get to 150ish. My January goal is 5 lbs and to exercise for 30-60 minutes every day and to start strength training by February.

I can't tell you how many times I've started a weight loss program and put it right back on. I have zero will power so I am doing this for my husband, kids and grands. They are all so precious to me and I want to be able to do things that right now tire me out. I know the old saying is "do it for you" but like I said ZERO WILLPOWER .

I work full time and I plan to go to the gym after work and walk on the weekends.

If anyone wants to help motivate me and/or keep me on track I would love to make new friends. I will give you my # in a message so we can be diet comrades. And maybe meet up at WDW one day . Just message me. But please women only since my hubs probably wouldn't want me texting strange men. Lol

My avatar pic is DH and me at POFQ in 2014.

Best of luck yo all of us.
Happy New Year's Eve!!
What are you doing for fun today? :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, safe New Year's Eve. I will spend a huge chunk of the day worrying about my 24 yo who is driving to Atlanta in this awful rain. It is a soggy mess here!

***If you would like to change any of your numbers tomorrow let me know. Still debating if I want to use a weigh in from tomorrow as my official start. I am a little silly about numbers, charts, excel, etc. :)

I also wanted to thank you all for going on this journey with me.
Support + Hard Work + Commitment = Success :)

I am enjoying my last day not tracking everything I eat. Not that I am going to go crazy but tracking is tedious :) Not a New Years person so going to hang at home with Hubby and three children. Going to plan my food for the next few days and go to the grocery store before they close for the holiday so I am ready.
Happy New Year's Eve!!
What are you doing for fun today? :)

We are hanging out and watching football. Made a yummy dinner and still working on meal planning. Hoping to stay awake until 10pm. :)

I am having my last Coke today. :( I am giving them up. Forever. And it is killing me. I have given up diet soda before, and actually didn't have any soda for probably 9 months or so, so I know it's doable. But have I mentioned how much I love coke....I need to google an article on how bad it is for me. :)

Happy NYE!! I find myself talked into driving two hours to take my daughter to the American Girl Doll store and bistro. And since we have a 2:00 ressie, I really should be getting my lazy tush out of the bed! Have a wonderful day everyone! And be safe!
Sounds like fun!!

We are working today and just plan on hanging at home tonight. The baby is asleep usually by 830pm so probably will play board games after that. Looking to have some snacky food and so maybe I will re-weigh in tomorrow.:rolleyes1

I am planning to start with mfp. I need to plan my workouts too as it's hard finding time with working full time and the baby. This weekend will be my prep, planning, and fridge clean out. I plan to start full force on Monday.
I am not worrying about what I eat today either, though watching my portions. Need to do some more meal planning, though!

Hi I'm Karen. I will be 47 in June. 5'4" and 210 - my goal is to get off soda and drink more water. My ideal weight would be 120lbs but I hope to get to 150ish. My January goal is 5 lbs and to exercise for 30-60 minutes every day and to start strength training by February.

I can't tell you how many times I've started a weight loss program and put it right back on. I have zero will power so I am doing this for my husband, kids and grands. They are all so precious to me and I want to be able to do things that right now tire me out. I know the old saying is "do it for you" but like I said ZERO WILLPOWER .

I work full time and I plan to go to the gym after work and walk on the weekends.

If anyone wants to help motivate me and/or keep me on track I would love to make new friends. I will give you my # in a message so we can be diet comrades. And maybe meet up at WDW one day . Just message me. But please women only since my hubs probably wouldn't want me texting strange men. Lol

My avatar pic is DH and me at POFQ in 2014.

Best of luck yo all of us.
Hi Karen. Nice to have you join us. Willpower is such a tricky thing. Personally I have had to give up the idea of willpower being a key to success, but rather that having a plan is the key to success. If that plan needs to include a list of snacks, a list of go to meals, a list of foods that won't work, a calendar of exercise schedules, etc, then make that plan. Until a new healthy lifestyle becomes a habit, it takes a lot of reminders in the form of a plan of what we are working towards and how we are going to get there.

Does that make any sense? :)

I am enjoying my last day not tracking everything I eat. Not that I am going to go crazy but tracking is tedious :) Not a New Years person so going to hang at home with Hubby and three children. Going to plan my food for the next few days and go to the grocery store before they close for the holiday so I am ready.
Hope it is a good day!

So I have decided on a 'plan' for food. I am going to try it for January and if it doesn't work I am going to go back to tracking.

We are going to do Paleo (and I am going to reread french don't diet plan regarding portion control) with plant based meals including beans a couple days a week. I am going to have one cheat meal with cocktails a week (either Friday or Saturday dinner). I am hoping once I am a few weeks into this that I won't want the cheat meals. January 11th and 12th are going to be very challenging and I am actually dreading those two days--nothing serious--but I know they are going to be hard days to stick with the plan, so my goal is to have leftovers in the fridge for both days to make it easier.

Going to also stick with what I said earlier:
1. Meal plan for each day including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
2. 30 minutes of cardio activity planned and scheduled for each day.
3. Commitment to checking in here daily.
4. Minimum of 32 ounces of water a day.
5, Daily weigh in.

Have a great night everyone!!
I have a MFP question and hoping someone can help me understand it better. I have used it for a short period of time before to count calories but how do you connect with people? I have seen people talking about it but I have no clue how to do it and what it means when you do? I am so clueless with this app so far. Was trying to figure all the "extra" stuff out and not having much luck. Thanks. MFP name is madamedisney
Well I did my body measurements tonight. Oh boy there is a whole lot of inches. Haha. First weigh in tomorrow. What ever the number it is I hope to never see it again.


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