Whould you be responsible for someone else's child?

DW is a HS teacher and we took 24 HS seniors to London last year (there were 4 adult chaperones). This was a much different atmosphere than WDW with easy access to alcohol, big city, subway (the Tube !!) etc. But some groundrules were set (curfew, buddy system, no one leaves hotel after certain hour, spot checks, 1 problem and there sent home to parents on moms $$, etc) and we had a fantastic time with no trouble at all. Now these kids were all "good" kids, honor roll students who were really interested in the culture and education that came with this trip, not just a chnace to be away from home for easy trouble...this made it easier. DW had all these kids in class for a few years and knew them pretty well, so she was comfortable going with them.
I say as long as you feel the 2 "kids" are responsible to be alone at WDW and will abide by your rules......why not take them
I'm an only child as well and my parents always brought my childhood friend with us. She's about 6 mo. older then me. Well my parents would let us go off together, but we had to stay in the same park as they were and we had to stay together. Usually we would meet for a meal. This was definitely once we were 17+ -- this was before cell phones so at least now you can call them.

I would sit the parents and the kids down and set the rules so that everyone is aware of what's going on. If the parents aren't crazy about two kids runnin around the park alone then the kids know and you can stick to them.

I'm not crazy about how she invited her cousin without asking you, but that's an issue you'll need to go into with her.

If you asked me if I'd do it now with an 18 year old - I'd say a little. They would be able to go around together, but in the same park as me and I'd have to know exactly what rides they would be going on. I'm a bit of a crazy mother who wishes she could lock her kids in their house so the outside world doesn't hurt them, but I know they need their space. You don't want to make it a crazy vacation for them, but they need to understand you are the adult and as long as they are there on your dollar or timeclock you are in charge.
This has developed into a thread that is a better fit on the Theme Parks community board than an actual planning or strategy thread...

I'm moving it over to that board.


The only thing I do not understand is why you guys have to remain in the same park. Are you not going with park hoppers, because then I would understand. And if so are the girls going to be able to pick which park they want to go to each day? I mean since it is a gift to one of them as a graduation present. Because honestly that would suck if they didn't get to pick. It would be liking getting a gift from someone, but it was something the giver really wanted without thinking about the receiver.
And if you are going with park hoppers are you going to be willing to leave MK if they want to go to Epcot?
I think it would get ok to let them choose their park during the day and meet up for your dinner ADR then from that point on staying together so there will not be any getting back to the room late or getting separated. If you worry about time getting away from them, then that is the point of everyone having a cell phone for communication and reminders.
I do agree with you on not letting them going to DTD by themselves (at night) but that is mainly because anyone who feels like it can go wereas at the parks it is not the case.
Best of luck with you trip. :goodvibes


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