Who feels like a threadkiller - Take 4!

WOW! Betsy...I hope you are okay and I'm glad that it all worked out in the end....whew! I would do the same thing if it was Sunny Pup.

Well as it turns out - my trip IS scheduled for the 16th of August! But I'm not sure if I can make it yet - it will be last minute. So I'll have to let you know. The only kicker is (it's a good kicker) is I'm going to Disney to meet my cousin. Our plan was to do Hollywood Studios on the 17th...she's really cool and I'd LOVE for you to meet her if you can. We'll see how things work out!

For the 4th I'm grilling and making a dish for a blog - not mine....I'm doing a guest travel blog with a focus on food. I'm pretty excited. It will be several weeks out I suspect, but I'll let you know.

What about ya'll? Robin - is the country in a hoopla with the royal visit? I know you don't celebrate the 4th like we do, but what are you weekend plans? Did you enjoy Canada day?
Thanks Im fine now..Only a bruise on my arm left.

I am wishing all my TKer friends a very ....


Enjoy the day!

WOW! Betsy...I hope you are okay and I'm glad that it all worked out in the end....whew! I would do the same thing if it was Sunny Pup.

Well as it turns out - my trip IS scheduled for the 16th of August! But I'm not sure if I can make it yet - it will be last minute. So I'll have to let you know. The only kicker is (it's a good kicker) is I'm going to Disney to meet my cousin. Our plan was to do Hollywood Studios on the 17th...she's really cool and I'd LOVE for you to meet her if you can. We'll see how things work out!
The more the merrier...I always say! Id love to meet her! Let me know if ya think you can swing it...:thumbsup2

Will that work for you?

For the 4th I'm grilling and making a dish for a blog - not mine....I'm doing a guest travel blog with a focus on food. I'm pretty excited. It will be several weeks out I suspect, but I'll let you know.
So Cool!.. When you have the link to the blog...Id love to take a look!

Hows things with you? How are the showings going?

Betsy glad to hear that your arm is doing okay.

Ann, I have no idea about the royal visit. I haven't been paying any attention to that. I have too many other things going on at the moment to worry about royal visitors:thumbsup2

We got our new house on Thursday, so we had to deal with all that goes with that. We still have not sold our other house so we have two houses at the moment to contend with.

We are still living at our old house but we have moved the trailer out to the new house. The cost to insurance a vacant property is astronomical so Rick is going to spend some nights out at the new house. But we don't want to move things from this house because a vacant house is much harder to sell. We are hoping that it won't go on for two long.

We are having the whole house painted before we move in since it was apparently never painted just done with primer. :confused3 It was a big job trying to pick colours for an entire house :faint:

We were away over night for an airplane thing with the trailer and then we moved it out to the new house. When we got there we found the painter has already started to paint. He has done the living room and the hallways........ what a major difference it makes. :goodvibes

Summer dance starts tomorrow....... so life is busy, run, run, run.........
Ohhhh!... Congratulations on the new house!:cool1:
You must be so excited...Please share pictures of it when you get settled.
It sounds like a very busy summer for you... :flower3:
Hang in there... its gotta slow down eventually.:hug:

I sure hope things slow down some day soon but it never seems to happen for some reason.

A couple of weeks ago I thought that I had a kidney stone on the move. After 9 days of pain and the pain not really moving I finally went to see a doctor. Found out that it was not a kidney stone (although I do have some in my left kidney) but that I have a case of shingles :eek: Shingles is not a fun thing to have but I suppose this too shall pass.

I will share some pictures of the new house at some point. Maybe after the painter gets done I can post some before and after shots.
Oh, Robin - I'm SO sorry. Shingles are the pits and you have plenty on your plate already! I hope you heal quickly and the house sale goes through without a hitch!

Betsy - glad Albert is fine and your arm is healing! I'll keep you posted about Disney. As soon as I know - you'll know!

Guess what ya'll?! I was picked for FoodBuzz's Top 9 today...my grilled pizza recipe. This is the second Top 9 in a week - which is HUGE as Food Buzz is a really, really big food blogger/recipe community! It made a big difference to the number of hits. I was just thrilled!

I've started a Facebook page for Cooking Healthy For Me as well. I still need a few more "likes" from the blog site to officially launch it. If you've not done it - go to www.cookinghealthyforme.com and on the right side (scroll down) is the option to "like" the facebook page. I sure would appreciate it!

Take care and I'll chat with you later!
Oh, Robin - I'm SO sorry. Shingles are the pits and you have plenty on your plate already! I hope you heal quickly and the house sale goes through without a hitch!
I ditto this...I hope you are feeling better SOON!:hug:

Betsy - glad Albert is fine and your arm is healing! I'll keep you posted about Disney. As soon as I know - you'll know!
Great... Ill keep my ears/eyes open!:listen:

Guess what ya'll?! I was picked for FoodBuzz's Top 9 today...my grilled pizza recipe. This is the second Top 9 in a week - which is HUGE as Food Buzz is a really, really big food blogger/recipe community! It made a big difference to the number of hits. I was just thrilled!

WOW!:dance3: This is GREAT!... You should be soo proud!. What was the other one picked!? See I told ya you were doing well! :thumbsup2

I've started a Facebook page for Cooking Healthy For Me as well. I still need a few more "likes" from the blog site to officially launch it. If you've not done it - go to www.cookinghealthyforme.com and on the right side (scroll down) is the option to "like" the facebook page. I sure would appreciate it!

I "liked" ::yes::.... Id do it again if I could...Ill get Mike to when he gets home from work!:thumbsup2

Take care and I'll chat with you later!

Take care, and enjoy your day...It looks like it will be a nice and sunny one here. Which is good as Im off to the lake for a day of swimming and kayaking. with friends, and after Mike gets out of work, Chicken speedie BBQ and a few fireworks.:cheer2:

Good Morning Threadkillers and Happy 4th of July! For those of you who live outside of the US...it's still the 4th! I hope you're having a good day! I'm blogging today and re-creating that meal for a guest post...wish me luck!

What plans do you have? Ya know what Betsy and I are doing (BTW - kayaking = cool!)

Take care!
I do agree that shingles are the pits. I had heard of them but really didn't know what it was. I've been lucky in that I got hardly any rash but the sensitive skin and the nerve pain is driving me crazy. It is particularly bad when I am trying to get some sleep, of course.

Did I ever tell you guys that I took a tumble at the POP Century the day before Alex's wedding. Yup, fell right off the edge of the pathway, twisted my ankle, skinned up my knee and really messed up my right arm and elbow. There was no physical damage on the outside of my arm, other than the massive bruise that showed up days later. But it hurt like crazy and was very swollen. It is much better know but it still hurts if I put it in certain positions.

Happy 4th of July and guess what.... it really is the 4th of July here too :rotfl2: I am going to my first tap dance class of the summer this morning and then I will be going out to my "country cottage"; Plenty of things to be done out there.

Congratulations on your recognition Ann. You deserve it. I noticed that pizza recipe and thought it looked fantastic. I will unfortunately admit that I have not been following your blog as closely as I would like since there don't seem to be enough hours in the day right now. But I did see the picture for that pizza and thought it was something that I could try.

Betsy, have fun at the lake today.

Any and all other threadkillers and lurkers (wherever you all may have disappeared to :confused3 ) have a great day too.
The more the merrier...I always say! Id love to meet her! Let me know if ya think you can swing it...:thumbsup2

Will that work for you?
We should be in Epcot on the 16th. Let me know where and when you wanna meet, and we'll try and be there!! :thumbsup2

Robin, I sure hope your shingles are going away. They are so painful. Stress can bring them out. Breathe deep and R E L A X !! :hug:

:wave: all!
Robin, I sure hope your shingles are going away. They are so painful. Stress can bring them out. Breathe deep and R E L A X !! :hug:

And I have had just a stressfree life for the past little while :eek::rotfl:

It's crazy because I have some really lovely pain free days and then about an hour before I want to go to bed the pain returns in full force.

I've been managing it all right though. I take a pain pill sometimes and then bring the heated bean bag thingy to bed and put it against the paining part. Seems to be enough to dull it and allow me to get some sleep.
Sounds like everyone has Disney plans this summer.

I sure wish that I did.

Have fun everyone and I will think about all of you and wish I were there too :thumbsup2
Hello all my TKer friends!....

:cheer2:HAPPY ONES DAY!:cheer2:
To all my fellow Dream cruisers going next year!:boat:

I have been a mowing fool lately... we have had such great weather. in the 80s and so sunny!... Last night was the first rain in a while.. but another sunny hot day today!:cool1:

I hope you get past this soon, and are able to enjoy your new home in the country...
I think you will be so much happier in the country then in a city/suburb area. The biggest thing is the quiet...I love the quiet of the country.:goodvibes

Epcot is the perfect place to meet up I think...:thumbsup2 But for us it would have to be in the AM. I have a res. in the castle for 4PM. But we are free of plans til 1-2ish. So if you think you can do a morning meet, I am totally in for it!... Just give the word!:cool1: Maybe Sunshine Seasons in the Soarin bld.?
Just a suggestion... Its a casual area. I think it shouldn't be too crowded in the morning... Maybe:confused3
or if you all want to meet someplace else.. I'm all ears:listen:

Well off to start my day...
Gotta drive Britt to meet her girlfriend. :drive:

I SO hope I can be there, but I'm not sure...I'll keep you posted!
Hello all. I have been having trouble getting the DISboards to load lately so I have not been around so much.

It is loading today for some reason so I better take advantage of it.

Nothing too new and exciting here. We are busy working on the new house, still trying to sell the old one. It is tiring having two houses but the new one is slowly looking better and better:thumbsup2

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Get out and enjoy the summer while you can.
Hey Robin! How are you feeling? I'm on-line blogging right now. I made several things, taken pictures- it's time to start writing!

Tomorrow is SWHNN's birthday. I think I'm going to surprise her on Monday with her favorite - coconut cupcakes. While they're not healthy - I do plan on blogging it....they're really good!

Other than that - not much here, either! It's been rainy all week so I've not been able to get out much. I'm ready for some sunshine!
:wave: Ann, I have been trying to answer your question almost since the minute you posted it :headache:

Everytime I try to get on here it won't load and it sits and sits and sits until I get frustrated and give up.

Anyway....... I am feeling much better. The pain is still there off and on but not enough to really cause me much grief. I take a pain killer if I think it is necessary but have had only one or two in the past week. So progress is being made :thumbsup2

The weather here has been hot and muggy and summery :sunny: Just the way that I like it.


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