Which Rides/Attractions Are Most Awkward Solo?


DIS Veteran
Jan 14, 2014
I have been going to WDW with my family (wife and kids) for many, many years and can honestly say I can't recall paying attention at all to whether or not people were in line for rides and attractions alone. Now that the kids are grown and my wife is now an ex-wife, I wonder how awkward it would be to ride certain rides alone. It seems like it might be kinda creepy for a 48-year old guy to be standing in the line to ride Pirates by himself? The rides with single-rider lines I could probably handle.

How do you get used to doing it alone? Which rides do you feel more awkward than others?
Like you said...you never paid attention to if people were there alone, right? I never have either. And now I am planning my first solo trip for next month. It will be different, but if I never noticed if someone was there alone, then I have to believe no one will notice I am alone either. Plus, many locals go alone frequently. So even if someone noticed, they might just think you are a local. Or maybe you wanted to ride a different ride than your family/friends/travel partners. So you split up for a bit.

It will take some getting used to, but I think it will be so much fun I just won't care what anyone may think!
i did my first solo trip to WDW in april after going with family/friends since i was in the womb.

i did not feel awkward going on any ride/attraction alone.

even with the added things that brought attention to me that i don't bring when i go with others like my cane and flashlight as i'm visually impaired did not make me feel the least bit awkward in lines or on rides.

people are so wrapped up in their own vacation and they are not thinking about you being there alone.

in fact in the line for RNRC nobody knew that i was alone.
i heard some lady say "lets let this young woman stay with her group" to her kids that were starting to walk in front of me.
she thought i was with the people in front of me and i bet the people in front of me thought i was with the people behind me.
It will take some getting used to, but I think it will be so much fun I just won't care what anyone may think!

That's a healthy attitude to have, good for you! :) I have read some other threads that you have posted on and I wish you all the best with your trip.....

I am working up the courage to have that same philosophy. I am just curious to hear from other's what rides/attractions they may not have been as comfortable flying solo.
i did not feel awkward going on any ride/attraction alone.

even with the added things that brought attention to me that i don't bring when i go with others like my cane and flashlight as i'm visually impaired did not make me feel the least bit awkward in lines or on rides.

Thanx for sharing. I realize on an intellectual level that nobody really gives a hoot what some random guy is doing in line by himself. I know it's my own insecurities getting in my head.

Were the any rides you didn't do because you were alone?
That's a healthy attitude to have, good for you! :) I have read some other threads that you have posted on and I wish you all the best with your trip.....

I am working up the courage to have that same philosophy. I am just curious to hear from other's what rides/attractions they may not have been as comfortable flying solo.
Thank you! I understand. I still have moments I have to convince myself it will be great. I'll let you know how it goes! :)
Thanx for sharing. I realize on an intellectual level that nobody really gives a hoot what some random guy is doing in line by himself. I know it's my own insecurities getting in my head.

Were the any rides you didn't do because you were alone?

yes. but the reason for me not going on certain rides was purely because i was alone and visually impaied not because i was alone and would feel awkward.
for example i skipped the haunted mansion because its just too dark and too open of a space when walking from the stretching room to the doom buggies.
i also skipped the seas with nemo and friends because the line is too winding andvery dark.

if i did not have a visual impairment there is no ride that i would skip when going alone.
Never been an issue. I've even done some rides solo when the family was along. When my kids were younger DS didn't like HM, so DW would ride it with DD while I waited with DS, then I'd ride solo. When we went without kids, I'd often do the various coasters without DW as she has a neck injury that prevents her from most coaster rides, Star Tours, etc. Never give it a second thought when I go to the parks solo.
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The only ride I felt awkward on was Primeval Whirl and that's only because I felt like the ride was going to throw me off with only me sat on one side of the car (I really do hate those types of coaster so I don't really know why I did it in the first place!) Everything else I didn't feel awkward doing and I thoroughly enjoyed it when the CMs asked for single riders on things like Soarin' and I was able to jump the line by quite a bit!

I never noticed any other people solo and I just assume that if people see me on my own in a queue then they think I'm the only one of my party who wanted to do that ride....maybe my other half is waiting with the kids.....

I think being solo if you get paranoid about people noticing you being on your own then you are going to "see" people giving you weird looks and feel more uncomfortable....however if you embrace the idea that "if my friend/parent/child was here I wouldn't be able to...." then you smile and waltz on over to whatever you wouldn't otherwise be able to do then you'll enjoy it that much more!
Like you said...you never paid attention to if people were there alone, right? I never have either. And now I am planning my first solo trip for next month. It will be different, but if I never noticed if someone was there alone, then I have to believe no one will notice I am alone either. Plus, many locals go alone frequently. So even if someone noticed, they might just think you are a local. Or maybe you wanted to ride a different ride than your family/friends/travel partners. So you split up for a bit.

It will take some getting used to, but I think it will be so much fun I just won't care what anyone may think!

The key here is to focus on your fun, not other people. Most people are too engrossed in their own activities to notice the solo person. I've never had any issues on any ride, primarily because it's common for families and groups to split up for any number of reasons.

If I received any "looks" its when I'm eating (QS or TS). They may be thinking "how sad" but my perception is that they are really thinking "that SINGLE person is sitting at a table WE could use". Consequently, several times I've offered couples or other singles to sit and share my table if it obvious there is no other seating available. I've been invited a few times to share a table.

The only time I've really felt awkward was when I dined solo at the Biergarten at Epcot. I was seated at a table with two other families. One family spoke only Spanish, while the other family hardly spoke at all, even to each other. Both families quickly ate and left, leaving me alone at the table during the singing and festivities. I still had a good time (the CMs took good care of me), but it was weird sitting at the only empty table in the hall. That said, I'd go again.

going solo is the way to go - you get to do what you want to do - if that is ride peter's pan or pirates - most of the time you get a seat by YOURSELF!!!!

ride everything you like. if you want to talk to people - that is never a problem - the ones with families just love to talk to solo travelers - the only time I was ignored was with under solos (don't know why)
Thanks everyone for the responses. I appreciate the advice and will work on getting to the comfort level to do the solo thing. :)
I agree that Biergarten is awkward for solos. The other thing I've found very awkward for solos there is mini-golf.
I agree that Biergarten is awkward for solos. The other thing I've found very awkward for solos there is mini-golf.

I've sometimes play mini-golf against myself, playing each hole twice as I go. I started because as a single I was always playing faster than everyone else and this slowed me down without having to wait to play the next hole.

I try not to let me being solo stop me from doing something I want to do, especially at WDW.
I've been solo twice and the last few years have been with DS and DIL so on rides that only have two seats, I go by myself or get put with someone else. I've never found it strange or have I been treated different. I did find myself reacting a little different on the coasters, with my family I tend to scream and maybe call on the coaster gods a bit out loud, when with a stranger I tend to keep my mouth shut. I've had other single riders in lines start conversations with me and we've had so much fun we've requested to ride together, then go about our day afterwards. Don't worry about it, have fun and enjoy yourself.
I did Laugh Floor alone when it wasnt that busy and i ended up sitting somewhat alone with a little room between other folks.
Ofcourse i was singled out on camera with a joke about me sitting alone. Not that i minded at all, i think i laughed the most! but if youre self consious about this you might want to think about where you sit.
I often like to break away from my group and go solo while at Disney. If I'm with my mum she doesn't like ToT so I'll do that alone and its great!

Also my BF loves mission space but it makes me feel sick so he does mission space and I do test track single rider.

I don't think people will pay attention to you.
The only attractive I felt awkward was at Pixie Hollow, I wanted to get a photo of Tinkerbell for my cousin's little girl (I'd promised her as she's Tinkerbell mad), it was before FP+ and I joined the line as it opened so only a few people in front - I had the meanest CM who looked me up and down, asked how large my party was, and when I replied just 1, she then said to me in a really horrible tone 'really? - we don't get many of you here' !!! Took me a few seconds to compose myself but I then asked her if she'd forgotten her pixie dust that day as she didn't seem so happy to be working the happiest place on the planet!
I think I've done pretty much everything solo, except character meets...they're just not my thing...and I've never felt awkward! Like others have said, nobody is paying attention to you. For all they know, you could be in an odd numbered group...somebody has to sit next to a stranger in that case anyways!

The only ride that's not as much fun for me alone is Splash, but that's just because my sister and I always have a blast singing along and having fun, it's just not the same without her!
I've been to most of the parks solo when I was in Orlando for conferences and the only time I felt awkward being solo was one time on Soarin' b/c the CM was asking for a single rider and I had to squeeze past about 50 people to get to the front of the line and one guy made a comment to his family that I just ignored. Can't let one person ruin your fun.

Overall though it was great going through the park by myself. I mean I did miss having my family with me but it was pretty cool to be able to stop and really check some things out without being rushed by one of the kids or running to your next ride.


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