Where do the kids go?


I'm an 80s kid too.
Mar 29, 2019
I listen to Gov Andrew Cuomo's daily briefings every day. Sometimes at lunch. Other times after I finish my work day. He brought up a good point today. How do you open businesses with schools close? What do you do with your kids while you go to work? This is one of the big challenges we're going to have with reopening. Until day care and/or schools open, where do the kids go?

His Q&A was pretty awesome today.

The answer is nowhere. The consensus is that working hours will have to be staggered anyway, so the planners are assuming that parents and close neighbors will tag team childcare at home in shifts. My own employer declared that this would be the case in our office until the end of summer; they are thinking that folks will be in the building 24/7 to accommodate it.
I listen to Gov Andrew Cuomo's daily briefings every day. Sometimes at lunch. Other times after I finish my work day. He brought up a good point today. How do you open businesses with schools close? What do you do with your kids while you go to work? This is one of the big challenges we're going to have with reopening. Until day care and/or schools open, where do the kids go?

His Q&A was pretty awesome today.

doesn’t he know there are lots of parents that both work now that are essential. Parents will have to find a way just like all the essential parents. No wonder his state is the worse with the virus. He means Well. Nothing against his state my state is second worse with the virus. Most of it up in the north jersey Down here in south jersey the peak is suppose to hit in two weeks. Going to spread faster than a California wildfire.
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40% of households have children under 18. Some of those 40% will have issues, some of them will not. Needless to say, the majority do not have issues.
doesn’t he know there are lots of parents that both work now that are essential. Parents will have to find a way just like all the essential parents. No wonder his state is the worse with the virus. He means Well. Nothing against his state my state is second worse with the virus. Most of it up in the north jersey Down here in south jersey the peak is suppose to hit in two weeks. Going to spread faster than a California wildfire.
Yes, there are still day care centers opened in NYC. Some of them closed down due to lack of use.
My wife and I talked about that today. We have 3 kids,and she teaches. My wife is pretty awesome, but she has 20+ kids to deal with, calls with parents and kids ALL day, and even MORE paperwork than before. They are required to document all communication between students and teachers. Every email uploaded to the system. Every call logged. It's CYA extreme. Meanwhile, she has to be a teacher to our 3 kids, who are often "done" with their work quickly, and get bored and need entertaining. I am on conference calls or out of the house all day. It's very stressful for her, moreso than me. I do what I can when I'm able, but my company has laid off tons of people, making my job extremely stressful and time consuming.

We were talking about digital learning continuing into fall. She's talking about not teaching next year, and potentially seeing if we could get 3 kids to come here and pay her to "home school."
doesn’t he know there are lots of parents that both work now that are essential. Parents will have to find a way just like all the essential parents. No wonder his state is the worse with the virus. He means Well. Nothing against his state my state is second worse with the virus. Most of it up in the north jersey Down here in south jersey the peak is suppose to hit in two weeks. Going to spread faster than a California wildfire.

You do realize that there is much more to New York State than NYC, right? “No wonder his state is the worse <sic> with the virus” - what do you mean by that? I’m just curious why you say that. Thank you.
Some daycares have remained open. One of my coworkers had to find a new daycare for her daughter as both she and her husband are deemed essential. Another friend is a nurse and her kids are in daycare too. I think some day cares are only accepting children whose parents have to work right now.
You do realize that there is much more to New York State than NYC, right? “No wonder his state is the worse <sic> with the virus” - what do you mean by that? I’m just curious why you say that. Thank you.
I didn't say anything about daycare in the rest of the state simply because I've no idea if it's a state or municipal initiative.
Born and raised in NYC; I no longer care what anyone else says about the city but but I had nooo idea that if I said someone who lived in say Hudson Valley resided upstate that it might irk them. To me everyplace is upstate excepting Long Island, since I'm thinking geographically, LOL.
You do realize that there is much more to New York State than NYC, right? “No wonder his state is the worse <sic> with the virus” - what do you mean by that? I’m just curious why you say that. Thank you.

Nothing against your state one state has to be the worse with the virus. Mine is second worse.
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And a related issue - what do we do about all the people who don't make enough to cover full time childcare and only work *because* their kids are in school and they don't have to pay for most of the care-hours they need? It is going to be a problem, but it is one families are most likely going to have to resolve at some point. Otherwise, the whole reopening question becomes hopelessly circular and we can't phase anything in until it is safe to have hundreds of kids in a building together all day.
And a related issue - what do we do about all the people who don't make enough to cover full time childcare and only work *because* their kids are in school and they don't have to pay for most of the care-hours they need? It is going to be a problem, but it is one families are most likely going to have to resolve at some point. Otherwise, the whole reopening question becomes hopelessly circular and we can't phase anything in until it is safe to have hundreds of kids in a building together all day.

Most parents would expect to have their kids in school now. Where do they go to do their online learning when businesses open back up?
Most parents would expect to have their kids in school now. Where do they go to do their online learning when businesses open back up?
I guess we'll just have to pay their parents to stay home with them.
Most parents would expect to have their kids in school now. Where do they go to do their online learning when businesses open back up?
I have to say my experience with remote learning has been surprisingly good so not worrying about DGD's education. My thinking is if properly motivated students can learn anywhere.
Most parents would expect to have their kids in school now. Where do they go to do their online learning when businesses open back up?

Parents are going to have to figure that out, just as parents who are essential workers are figuring it out now. We have a friend of DD's coming over when her mom can't figure out other arrangements because she is an essential worker. Another friend, who is a nurse, has had her kids staying with her parents full-time right now because she doesn't want to risk exposing them (or, by extension, her parents) so they're living apart. It is going to be tough on a lot of families, but it is something that will need to be overcome if we're ever going to start opening anything because schools very understandably won't be in the first wave of things to reopen but we can't just hold off on reopenings until going back to 30+ kids in a classroom is safe.
What do people do with their kids during school vacations and weekends?

I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, but I will bite.

School vacations you either take off or they go to daycare and summer camp.

If both parents have jobs that require weekend work then it’s up to parents to hire someone to care for their children.


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