Where are the outlets in Parks to Plug In EVC


Feb 28, 2005
I have the new special needs passporter, but have not as of yet found a list of where you can rest and plug in your EVC if needed.......can we start a tip thread for this??? for each park???? I am so afraid now since I have my own EVC and traveling solo, what do I do if I start to run out of power......
First of all check your owner's manual. Depending on the model, you should be able to get either 10 or 25 miles from a full charge. It is very unusual to do more than 6-8 miles per day at WDW.

If you have a built-in or small charger, if you go into a table service restaurant you can ask at the podium and they will provide a place to park near an outlet during your meal. The one-hour charge will really add a few hours use to the ECV.

An important thing to remember is to shut it off or remove the key if you will be stopped for a minute or longer, this cuts off all current flow.
thanks for the info, I was wondering how many miles you can put on at each park, I know the manual says 14 miles, and does have a meter, but I am just a worry wart, It's a used one, or demo one, so they say, but I have not really used it much, the big day will be in October for MNSSHP, hope all goes well, the first one I bought was new and it broke down at the Its a small world ride, was working when I got there but went to ride it out it did not work,(CM parked it, Disney told me don't let anyone else park it but you) now the story I can tell you about Disney and personal EVC's I was not happy, had to push it back to my bus and to my room and was stuck for three days, luckly I had food in my frig, and then the trip to the airport and thru the airport,for I was Solo and no where located near a bus stop nor the main lobby, What a learning experience

So any info and tips would be a big help......Cheri
I am quite certain there is not a list of places to plug in an ecv in the Passporter book (I was one of the reviewers and can say I read every page of the draft).
As Cheshire Figment mentioned, it is something people think about before they go, but most people don't actually have a problem with power. If you do, you can easily find a CM to ask. They have plug ins in places you might not think about - like sometimes on light poles or even in plant beds. They definately have them in restaurants (so they can plug in their vacuum cleaners).

There was a thread about a month ago about places to plug in.
And here's a link to one from March with an actual link to where some people reported finding outlets.
There is a chance that the CM moved a lever to put it in "freewheel" so it could be moved and the lever was not returned completely to the normal operating position. You might want to try practicing with the lever. Check the manual.
Cheshire Figment said:
There is a chance that the CM moved a lever to put it in "freewheel" so it could be moved and the lever was not returned completely to the normal operating position. You might want to try practicing with the lever. Check the manual.
I don't know if ecvs have 2 levers, but most power wheelchairs do. One day when my DD came home from school, the teacher had called and said her power wheelchair had "stopped working" all of a sudden. The bus driver said they had to push it onto the bus because it wasn't working right. I pushed both levers firmly back into the "power" position and DD drove it away. That was about 9 months ago and it has worked perfectly since. It appeared that somehow both levers got put into the "free-wheel", rolling postion and one was not completely re-engaged.
I suppose if a power wheelchair or ecv was pushed when it was not totally prepared for pushing, it might be damaged.
How do get a special needs passporter? What is it? It is my first time travelling with my MC. Does it show where you can plug in your chair if it needs it?


It's a guidebook, and you can purchase it on the passporter website. Sorry, I don't have the exact address for the website, though.
I don't allow CM to engage the freewheel on my wheelchair. It is extremely hard to work and requires me to use a pair a pliers to turn it. MY policy is do not touch the freewheel levers. I turn it to turtle and have them use the controller.


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