When is everybody's birthday?

Ballet Babe

Earning My Ears
Jun 27, 2000
When is everyone's birthday and how old are you?

Mine is tomorrow..... March 5 I will be 16 I can not wait to drive!!!

Happy Birthday to you guys! :D My b-day is on March 16- another 12 days and then I'll be 12-can't wait!! :cool: What about everyone else- when's you b-day? :eek:

<marquee direction="right" align="middle" behavior="alternate"><font color=red><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font size=4> Por favor montegan se alejardo de las puertas!!!!!</marquee></font>- <font size=4 color="blue"><font face="Comic Sans MS">the monorail at WDW- the BEST saying!</font>

<font size=4 color="#FF0066"><font face="Comic Sans MS">~AFgirl</font></font>

<font size=4 color="#FF9900"><font face="Comic Sans MS">NEXT TRIP!! Spring Break 2001- BWI and 3-day Wonder</font></font></font
i just turned 13 on march 2
sadly im far from driving
yet i waz in wdw on march 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


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