What's the best medication for sea sickness


Nov 11, 2001
any recommendation for what medication to take to avoid seasickness would be much appreciated...also any advice on what a 4 yo should or can take would be great as well.

Thank you

I use Seabands. Their great--and no medicines which could have side effects! Completely safe for children and adults.

For myself I use Bonine. It is non drowsy, and I take one each day, works for the entire day. I get queasy everytime I cruise if I don't take it, so I take one before I board the ship, and then one each morning after that.

I have never had any side effects from the medicine, and I spend too much on a cruise in money and time and planning, to ruin even a few hours feeling sick!

As for kids, it is best to ask your doctor. I gave my boys 5 and 7 a 1/4 of a regular dramamine the first day, (told them it was a vitamin) I didn't want them to know it was for seasick, afraid that if I put the thought of seasick in their mind, they would start feeling it.

Anyway, they never even commented about the motion of the ship, so I didn't give them any after that.
the seabands have never worked for us (me or my daughter), but bonine has! It's basically dramamine without putting you to sleep. Take one every day and no problems at all! Not sure about the dosage for little kids, but your pediatrician should be able to let you know.
Bonine, for sure!! I take one every day whether I need it or not when I cruise and I have never had a problem. Before I started using it, I would definitely get seasick.
Bonine for those 12 and up. It is even available outside the medical area on the ship in little packets (I think it is called meclazine..sp?). I think you are stuck with Dramamine for little ones though.
I use the Sea Bands and don't have any problems. I have tried Dramamine non-drowsy and it made me very thirsty, worse than allergy meds. A friend of mine always takes the non-drowsy Dramamine.
Originally posted by Señor Ferrari

(Obviously, I do not recommend this for the 4 year-old...)

This should be used by PARENTS of the 4 year olds even if they are not sea sick.
A former student of mine suggests ginger. She had to get on a boat to do marine studies and when she told them she had a tendency to get sick and this is what they gave her. She said it worked really well. I'm not sure what form it comes in, but I bet you could get it at any sporting goods store. I'll ask her what they called it, and try to post it soon.
they sell ginger capsules in the vitamin section of the pharmacy
Meclezine is the pharmacy name for Bonine....It worked great for us and you can buy it at the counter of the pharmacy much cheaper than the name brand Bonine. I got 100 tablets for $6.

Ginger ale helped my little ones (15-20ft waves!).
Okay- let me start off by saying " I AM NOT A DOCTOR AND HAVE NEVER PLAYED ONE ON TV EITHER." Now that I got that out of the way I think my two cents might be useful. I have a son who got VERY motion sick as a young child, I mean five minutes in the car and he was um....spewing- ew....well nothing worked, not gingerale, not crackers, not front seat vs back seat, not dramamine nothing. One day pharmacist friend told me about Bonine. He warned that it was not officially recommended for children- (testing on children slows down the process and adds millions to the cost of getting new drugs onto the market. This is NOT to say that testing is a bad thing!) He had used it on his own children tho with great results! He simply "calibrated " the dosage. When DS was two we cut the pill into quarters. AND IT WORKED! It was like an answer to our prayers and opened up the whole world for my son. He began taking this med when he was two and had no side effects at all. I also use this med every day on a cruise whether I feel i need it or not. I take the first one before I leave home and then one each day after- no matter what! Like the pharmicist told me- "if you tell anyone I told you to try this I will deny it" but I will say it worked wonders for our family. You may want to think it over and try it out. You can bet that all my kids will be taking it on our cruise in 3 weeks! yikes!! Three weeks??? I better get shopping! LOL Bonine is available in generic form at walmart.Much cheaper.
Originally posted by swclark
the seabands have never worked for us (me or my daughter), but bonine has! It's basically dramamine without putting you to sleep. Take one every day and no problems at all! Not sure about the dosage for little kids, but your pediatrician should be able to let you know.

I second this....Seabands didn't work for me, my mom or my friend but Bonine was the best!
Well, maybe not Seabands or ginger, but if you are going to try the patch, ask your doc for an extra one and put it on a couple of days before the cruise to see if you get any side effects. The patch worked for me. If you are going to give Dram to your 4 yo, try it before a car trip or something to see if it puts him/her to sleep. You wouldn't want to have him/her sleep thru the cruise. It has that effect on me & DD, which I learned on a whale watching tour on Cape Cod 2 years ago. We both enjoyed our nap. LOL

When she got a little queasy on our first sea day, I gave her 1/4 of the dose to see if that would be enough, and sure enough, it did the trick. It could have been a bit of the placebo effect, but we didn't care!
I am very prone to motion sickness and last year on the 4 day rigth when we were sitting down to the early seating I started to feel it. I had purchased chewable Dramamine and it worked like magic. I took it every day from then on out and was fine. My sons at the time were 4 and 16 months were fine BUT on the ride home my son was car sick so I gave him a chewable Dramamine which is ok for children and the dosage was listed on the box and it worked.

This year for our 7 day Magic I plan on bringing chewable Dramamine and Bonine (?sp)

Happy sailing!

I get somehwhat to very seasick, and feel the motion of hte boat even when noone else can. In fact, even after a four day cruise I have about a week of "feeling the boat's motion," so I guess my inner ear is a little oversensitive. Bonine eliminates the queasiness and most of the movement feelings on ship, and takes care of the uncomfortable feelings for the week afterward, too. I have no side effects from it, either. For me, it is a wonder drug.

I gave it to all my teenage kids who felt they needed it, and one out of three felt a little sleepy once in a while.

Good luck - seasickness is not fun, but a Disney cruise is!!


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