What's something you didn't know you wanted until you got it?

Hay pillows. For those who don't know, you fill a hay pillow with hay (one side is an open mesh) for the horses. It slows down their eating so they don't blow through hay as quickly as if they had free access to it. Saves money on hay. They are also the best made product I've ever owned. They take a beating every day and are still in perfect shape!
Buckwheat pillows (for human use!). DW got one and tried it, but didn't like it. She gave it to me and my chronic neck pain stopped.
This 1000%. We are so happy with ours, love it. Use it almost daily, year round.
Heated seats in my car
Also a must!
Heated steering wheel

I just ordered a new vehicle - I expect to not be able to live without this, too!!! ::yes::

Let's see o didn't know I'd want until I got it?????
I'd say that I didn't know I'd like satellite radio so much, that would be hard to live without.
Convection ovens.
A good mattress.
Pellet stove.
fresh tomatoes.
Nothing. Anything I have that I want is something I wanted before I got it. There's things that are nice to have, but still not something I want. There are things I didn't have that I like and wouldn't want without, but they are things I knew about and knew it would be nice to have. There are things I have now because I have to have them as I want the other things and didn't have a choice but to have them.

Heated steering wheel, nice to have, not something I particularly want.

Heated seats, love heated seats, always want heated seats, hate the design of the seats that are heated. Hate the 8 way adjustable seat that adjust in every way but the way to make it comfortable. Hate leather seats, but that's the only way you can get heated seats.

Don't have anything I can think of so can just read through other replies. Don't even care to have a cell phone. It's just a phone I don't have to use only in my own home. Don't care about TV, in fact I don't even use streaming as a cable replacement, I don't watch Hollywood TV. I know I would never use a hot tub. I wish I had room for a freezer and they didn't triple in price so I could get one. Always had one before, so it's not something I didn't think I wanted until I got one.
This one is easy- Two Christmas's ago my daughter gave me an oculous quest- it is a VR headset. I never tried one and never wanted one but now I had one. At the same time my mom got sick and I was spending all my time at work and the rehab center- I work alone and at the rehab my mom had dementia so there was really no talking there- so then I went home, again alone no one to talk to. I found games on the oculous where you play with other people and talk to them etc- well it is over a year later and I still am on there with the same people and we are all meeting up in June- all people aged 45-60ish and we have a blast on there.
Rice cooker. I had never thought about them and if I had I wouldn’t have wanted one. Got one as a gift and absolutely love it.
A Bed Jet! I thought it was the weirdest gift my husband could have dreamed up, and it's so expensive, but there's nothing like getting into bed in the winter and having some hot air blowing on my feet. I can barely sleep without it on trips now.


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