What other Disney podcasts/vlogs do you watch?

Justin would be a great guest, if not team member, of The Dis team.
His daily vlogs are usually lolzy, but his produced segments are really well put together.

I like Justin too and I can watch it with my young son, he did a good job during the Hurricane, I also like when he did Photos from the past at Disneyland and tried to find where the Photo was exactly taken and how the park has changed since the photo was taken.

I also watch Curious Axel, he's a French Vlogger that does a lot of Disneyland Paris.

See Real Soon is good too..

I will have to watch what others recommended.
I listen to the Mad Chatters podcast which is so absolutely funny and their love for Disney shines through. I think the DIS group is too big for a podcast. THree or four max.
I used to listen to the WDW Today podcast but the new crew of hosts don't do anything for me.

I totally agree. I loved the old crew but only lasted a couple episodes with the new format before I deleted my subscription.

So now, I only listen to a majority of the DIS shows - DIS Unplugged, Connecting With Walt, DIS Pop, Universal show and Dreams show
I removed Be Our Guest when they started their sleazy financial planner advertising, I was pretty offended that Mike would let that sleaze ball target his audience.

Personally I could care less -is the guy really a sleaze ball? It's not as if I need his financial advice so the advertising could be for anything I don't need -I don't even pay attention. If it allows Mike to continue producing FREE content for me to enjoy, I'm good with it.
Way too many. All of the Dis/Dreams Unlimited, Passporter, WDW Prep to Go (so helpful), Those Darn Cats (love the hosts), Mouse Chat, Resort Loop, DCL Blog (don't really care for), Disney Wedding Podcast (does that count? Really like Carrie), Mickey Miles and More (don't like nearly as much now that it's the "& More"), 2 Men and the Mouse (not one of my favorites but it has improved), Disney Food Blog podcast (really infrequent but pretty good when it posts) and used to listen to 3 Moms and the Mouse until they disappeared.
Um, that's kind of embarrassing.


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