What made you jealous of other children as a child?

Material things : easy bake oven

Other things : a mom who wanted to be a mom, siblings.
I could have written all of thus! My bff had an Easy Bake Oven (the cool old gold one!). Her father also made her the most amazing dollhouse with lights that really worked.
And unfortunately, the mother thing. Mine seemed to dislike me from the time I was little. Plus my father was great, but never home and never had a minute to spare. I should probably be in therapy!

In high school I was jealous of girls that had nice hair.

I‘ve always been short and thick, even in high school when I weighed 120lbs, but I always wanted to be taller with a better shape. I was jealous of girls like that.
I wished for in-style clothes.
If my mom didn’t like something then she wouldn’t buy it, and she is very conservative and didn’t like anything I liked. She would say all the time that if kids at school would make fun of my clothes or shoes then they weren’t my friends. Needless to say - I was made fun of a lot and didn’t have many friends.
(This is not meant to be a complaint - I love my mom)

For us, we just didn't have the money to buy a lot of new clothes every time fashion changed. I understand it now, but at the time I really resented it and probably made my Mom cry a lot when she was alone because I complained so much every time we went shopping. I got made fun of because my jeans weren't designer when everyone was wearing Jordache or Sassoon, or that I didn't have a satin baseball jacket. My shoes were sturdy and made to last when everyone else was wearing Chinese sandals. Even in my high school senior yearbook, the quote under my name and photo was "I got it at Kmart." By that time, I was more mature, but oh boy I must have been a p.i.t.a to take shopping when I was a kid.

I could have written all of thus! My bff had an Easy Bake Oven (the cool old gold one!). Her father also made her the most amazing dollhouse with lights that really worked.
And unfortunately, the mother thing. Mine seemed to dislike me from the time I was little. Plus my father was great, but never home and never had a minute to spare. I should probably be in therapy!

My BFF had divorced parents so she got TWO easy bake ovens. Rude.

Yeah with the old mom thing... I keep trying to over compensate with my own kids. I probably should just go to therapy.
My son was the youngest by 9 years. I remember him coming home from a friends in middle school and he was indignant! “How come we’ve never had fish sticks!!” His sister is like... seriously??? I was raised on fish sticks and hot dogs, you eat ahi tuna and fillet! 😆
yep....that is sibling joke now....all those kids eating fishsticks and were we raised on salmon and angus fillet


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