What is the loudest thing you have slept through?

This was some low hanging fruit for a low brow joke but nobody took the bait.

Anyway, we used to live right next to train tracks when I was a kid.
A fire alarm in a hotel. We flew into Dublin on a red eye then stayed out at a pub listening to a band until like 1am. I was dead asleep.
I used to be a heavy sleeper especially in college.
Slept thru the fire alarm- my roommate had to wake me up and I was so confused as to what was going on.
One of the dorms faced the field which was sometimes used as a helipad for medivac situations and slept thru the helicopter landing and the window was open. Everyone else heard it. I did not.
Either an airplane or a train. You kind of have to. Overall being on a train isn't as loud as most jets, but every once in a while the horn goes, and that's plenty loud.
The house across the street burned down in the middle of the night. Fire, ambulances, police cars, fire trucks- we slept through it all.
A hurricane that decimated a lot of our neighborhood, every really bad thunderstorm that ever happens at night, my husband's very loud snoring - you name it.

But oddly enough, about 12 years ago someone got hit by a car on our road, drug himself onto our front porch (he had broken both of his legs), and quietly tapped on our front door and THAT woke me up. Weird.
My house is under one of the approaches to Philadelphia International Airport. I used to wake up every time a jet came zooming over when I first moved here, but now I sleep right through it. We also have train tracks a couple of blocks away that feature blaring horns all night. Doesn't bother me at all.


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