What Do You Do While Waiting In Line?

I have a trip journal app on my phone so I usually spend some time in line updating my trip journal (even when I go with someone else). Most of the time I just spend time looking around the queue, I try to find hidden mickeys and other hidden things.
This is when I tend to do all my instagramming of photos I have taken throughout my day, or I will strike up a conversation with someone if I can tell I'm not going to be interrupting a private conversation.
I do not do any one specific thing in lines. I might talk to strangers, text or email people, play games on my phone, check wait times, or just look around. If it is a loud line, then I usually pull out my earbuds and listen to music to drowned out some of the sound. If it is a longer line that is not continuously moving, but moves so far and then stops, I might pull up the latest book I am reading.
I have my ipod for really loud lines. I also keep a book loaded on there for the ridiculously long ones or when stuck on a 101 situation. Sometimes I take pictures or I'll doodle in my disney notebook. It all depends. Occasionally I talk to other people especially if I get into lines with Star Wars fans.
I'm pretty shy, so I don't actively seek out conversation from strangers. But if somebody chats me up, I'm happy to talk a bit. Otherwise, I'm 110% content to just people watch my way through the line, look around and really observe all the incredible details that Disney puts into the attraction queues, or use the time to pop into Facebook and upload new photos from the day & reply to comments from my friends and family on the pictures from trip I have already posted at that point. :cutie:
Thank you everybody for the feedback and reassurance that standing in line and just soaking it all in wont be too weird. Maybe for once, without other people with me, I might actually notice things I have not seen in all of my previous vacations. I may update FB with some pictures, but I do not want to overload the feed with my trip. Everybody uses social media for different reasons, I suppose. To be quite honest, I get tired of those posts where people constantly have to tell everybody where they are and what they ate. I dont want to do that to other people, either. :upsidedow I dont want anybody to come up with one of these for me and my Disney trip. :rotfl:

Thank you everybody for the feedback and reassurance that standing in line and just soaking it all in wont be too weird. Maybe for once, without other people with me, I might actually notice things I have not seen in all of my previous vacations. I may update FB with some pictures, but I do not want to overload the feed with my trip. Everybody uses social media for different reasons, I suppose. To be quite honest, I get tired of those posts where people constantly have to tell everybody where they are and what they ate. I dont want to do that to other people, either. :upsidedow I dont want anybody to come up with one of these for me and my Disney trip. :rotfl:

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haha that card made me giggle, I'm the same when it comes to FB to be honest and tend to 'hide' peoples news feed if they constantly update their status with their every movement. I love Instagram for seeing what people are doing and eating though
I always have a paperback book. I love reading while on vacation. I am often in line alone, although not vacationing alone, since my husband and I don't ride that same rides all the time. Other times we are at entirely different parks - how would anyone know if I am meeting him at the ride exit or back at the hotel? Or that I am not meeting anyone? I try to remember that and think - who would care anyway? I imagine they are focused on their own vacation...and I hope they are having a good time too!
I think line waiting is going to be the worst thing about being alone, and my phone only has so much life to it lol. I did buy one of those "Mophie" things to double my battery life specifically for this reason! I'd love to bring a book or an MP3 player, but alas I am a dude and will not be bringing in a purse with me... ;)
So, I was thinking about this the other day. The last 4 trips we really didn't wait in any line more than 5-10 minutes and as we were waiting in the lines at Animal Kingdom I realized how much I miss waiting in the queues looking around at all the 'stuff' to entertain you.
"The tree of life carvings", Everest, Dinosaur. I remember going in December 1999 and just enjoying all the things in the queues, it kind of made it 'part of the ride' and experience.
Depends on the ride/show and the lines. I usually avoid long lines but sometimes it can't be helped so then usually some combination of following:

Most often I like to look at the Disney details and look for hidden Mickeys.
People watch
Read a book (always have a book with me to read at meals, waiting for transportation, etc)
Occasionally I might chat with others in line
Plan what I'll do next or where I'll have lunch/dinner/snack
I rarely check my phone - it can wait until meal time
one of the coolest 'its a small world' real life applications happened to me talking to a stranger in line..

i struck up a conversation with a couple in front of me while waiting in a long line - turns out we had a mutual friend- who would have thought it! (I live in NC and the friend/strangers in line are from IN, and we were at WDW). it's worth the awkward beginning if you end up having a little magical moment out of it!
one of the coolest 'its a small world' real life applications happened to me talking to a stranger in line..

i struck up a conversation with a couple in front of me while waiting in a long line - turns out we had a mutual friend- who would have thought it! (I live in NC and the friend/strangers in line are from IN, and we were at WDW). it's worth the awkward beginning if you end up having a little magical moment out of it!

On our first Disney cruise DW and I were seated with two Canadian couples. Turns out the wife of one couple and my wife knew someone in common, and I knew someone in common with her husband. Needless to say, we got along very well and still keep in touch.
I am seriously grandchildren deprived and ten to gravitate toward young families when I'm solo. Otherwise I read using the Kindle ap on my phone.

I began taking solo trips in 2007 when our youngest moved out for college. DH is still working and doesn't really care for WDW so I took the plunge and began going alone. I still feel awkward at times and avoid any line longer than 15 minutes or so. I've also yet to dine at a table service restaurant (Have eaten at the bar though.) solo.
I guess this isn't ideal for solo travelers, but last time I was thet my sister downloaded the app "Heads Up". It's great for when you're waiting for a bus or boat or monorail, and you can play it in ride lines without being obnoxious too.
In line I am people watching, talking to others in line, checking my phone, talking to cast members, taking photos, or texting my mom photos of where I am. I am pretty quiet normally but at Disney I always talk to strangers. I have given them tips on the park and talk about other stuff, they seem interested on why I am there by myself, but not in a weird way. Cast members are awesome to talk to. I would bring something to charge your phone with because I always go through my battery quicker at the parks
The Game "Heads Up" is a really good one to kill time in line. If you strike up conversation with strangers, who are usually as bored as you are, getting them to play is pretty easy. It makes the time go by. I was waiting in line for Aerosmith and the ride kept shutting down so they stated 45 minutes actually became 90 but the line mates around me were very friendly and we enjoyed ourselves playing the game.


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