What assumptions do people make about you that are wrong?

People see my wheelchair and they automatically assume a developmental delay. Then are stunned when they see my wedding ring.

I don't see this as much as I used to. It happened more when I was a child and teenager. My favorite was when folks would squat down to my level to look me right in the eye, and in a hideous sing-song voice ask me, "Do you go to a special school?" I would respond with an eyeroll and tell them, "I'm a 3.5 psychology student at Lee University. Never really thought the school was special though."

Shut them up really quick.

Lindsay, one of my BFs DDs is going to attend Lee this fall. My niece went to a really nice camp there this summer! :goodvibes
People see my wheelchair and they automatically assume a developmental delay. Then are stunned when they see my wedding ring.

I don't see this as much as I used to. It happened more when I was a child and teenager. My favorite was when folks would squat down to my level to look me right in the eye, and in a hideous sing-song voice ask me, "Do you go to a special school?" I would respond with an eyeroll and tell them, "I'm a 3.5 psychology student at Lee University. Never really thought the school was special though."

Shut them up really quick.

OMG! Do you think that's just something about the area you live in, or do you get that other places too? I can't believe people think like that!
People make a lot of assumptions about abilities as related to disabilities. My younger daughter is autistic but because she isn't like Rain Man or bashing her head against the wall, they can't understand how the term autistic could be appropriate. "Gee, she seems so 'normal'". I also had a friend with CP growing up. She was a brilliant kid but because her speech was affected everyone assumed she was mentally retarded and tried to talk around her. People generally mean well, but because they either have limited experience or built-in prejudices, they say stupid things.
that i'm younger than I am. I'm 46, but people often think I'm in my 30's. I guess I'm just young looking. I also think that with having a 13 year old and an 8 year old, people think I'm younger.

I get this a lot too, I just turned 29, but people think I'm about 19 or 20. I get a lot of shocked faces when they see my wedding rings or hear that I've been married for almost 7 years. I've heard the "child bride" thing more times than I can count and once someone actually asked me why I was wearing my mom's wedding rings. :confused3
People assume I'm politically, socially, and personally conservative because I'm older (50) and are surprised to find out I'm a universal single-payer health care advocate, support Dennis Kucinich for president, adopt rescue animals, go to music festivals, kayak, buy/sell books, that I'm childfree, etc.

I guess once you're 50, ya magically turn into a Bush-supporting granny who likes to crochet.:lmao:
I also get taken for much younger than i am-im 46 but often people assume im in my 30's-they are always quiet astounded to meet my two strapping sons who are 18 and 22.
People think I'm a snob because I don't go out of my way to talk a lot. Actually I'm just a quiet person by nature. It's annoying at times.

;) I know the feeling. I don't open up right away. I'm "reserved".:laughing:

That I look mean. Just because I don't walk around all day with a stupid smile on my face doesn't make me mean.

My mouth naturally curves down at the ends so I always look like I have a puss on.

Also, people assume that I am a mother because I give off authority.:confused3 :confused3 Or perhaps it is my Buddha belly:eek: Either way- never assume someone is a mother.
That because I'm single and have no children I live a miserable lonely life

That because I'm female I don't know anything about/like sports

That I'm unhappy because I'm not constantly talking

that I need to be told to "smile!!"

that I care what what assumptions they make about me!! :lmao:
That because I'm female I don't know anything about/like sports


Oh,I so get this one..I love it when men try to talk down to me about baseball... I mean I've been watching for 27 years

People also tend to think I'm younger
People think I know what I what am I doing. I really don't. :confused:


People think just because I am a lawyer that I can write their wills, get their kids out of speeding tickets, do the title searches on their houses, and do their taxes.
They "assume" because I am a stay at home mom that I have all the time in the world to do their babysitting or entertain their kids, their "errands" you now the kind that just came up and I cant get off work which happens alot and the biggest of all, that I am uneducated.
People think I'm snobby because I'm quiet and don't go out of my way to talk to people: strangers, co-workers, etc. But really I'm shy and just horrible at small talk. I've always been pretty introverted.
People always assume I am stuck up, but really I'm just very reserved, introverted, and often lost in my own thoughts.
They're also surprised by my sense of humor (dry, bawdy. and sarcastic) because I'm bookish. I guess readers aren't supposed to have a sense of humor.
I also have been told I look mean or upset a lot when in fact once again I'm just deep in thought.

Because of my weight, people also assume I am ill informed, lazy, and have a lot of cats.
:confused3 Dunno?? I have no idea what assumptions are being made about me -- so I don't know whether they're right or not. :confused3
:confused3 Dunno?? I have no idea what assumptions are being made about me -- so I don't know whether they're right or not. :confused3

I assume you wear socks with your sandals, but because you are cut off above the ankles in your picture, there is no way to know for sure.
I assume you wear socks with your sandals, but because you are cut off above the ankles in your picture, there is no way to know for sure.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

When I tell people my DD is 21, they assume I was a teenage mother who never went to college. Hello, I'm 45 years old and I DID go to college. Married right out of college and had a baby the next year. Why do people think this is so unusual??

That I'm a snob, when in fact I'm just shy and introverted.


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