What are your worst in public habits?

My DH talks to absolutely EVERYONE we come across. Not exactly a bad habit but super annoying to me, especially when I’m trying to quickly leave a store and he’s carrying on a long conversation with the cashier or he sees a neighbor outside and pulls the car over and talks to them when I just wanna get go where we’re going. Then my bad public habit is looking like a terrible person when I’m elbowing him to stop talking and come on lol.
We lived in the middle of nowhere, where shopping and such was 40 miles in all directions. Didn't matter where I went, my kids were always, "Dad, you know everyone everywhere!"

The kicker was when driving home from Disney and we stopped at the Virginia welcome center/rest stop. Parking lot was above with a long set of steps down to the buildings. I was waiting for them (3 girls including my wife) to come out when I look up and Bill from work is walking down the steps. So my girls walk out of the bathroom to see me talking to someone I know and we're still hundreds of miles away from home yet.

It was funny because that Tuesday I see Bill in the breakroom and he says, "Hey, how did you like that camper that broke down in the tunnel?" It wasn't bad for us, it literally broke down directly in front of us and I was able to pull left and go by. He said he sat staring at the tunnel entrance for 2 hours.
forgetting names

Same here........it takes me a long time to remember names of people. Unless I see you often, can't retain much info anymore.

I tell everyone that whatever they are telling me, I will forget in 5 minutes. :guilty:
I had something similar happen years ago. I was wearing a red blouse and went into Target on my lunch break to get some aspirin. I sat down in the cafe to take the medicine and just to get away from everyone for a few minutes. I manager came up and gave me a hard time about how dare I be taking a break and shouldn't I be working. It took a few minutes to realize that she didn't think I was a customer and she was treating me like one of her employees. I was furious! Not only did she not know the difference but the fact that she would start accusing somebody without even knowing who they were.
I had something similar happen years ago. I was wearing a red blouse and went into Target on my lunch break to get some aspirin. I sat down in the cafe to take the medicine and just to get away from everyone for a few minutes. I manager came up and gave me a hard time about how dare I be taking a break and shouldn't I be working. It took a few minutes to realize that she didn't think I was a customer and she was treating me like one of her employees. I was furious! Not only did she not know the difference but the fact that she would start accusing somebody without even knowing who they were.
Not to mention, unless they're new or some regional manager, how does a manager not know who their employees are?
My DH talks to absolutely EVERYONE we come across. Not exactly a bad habit but super annoying to me, especially when I’m trying to quickly leave a store and he’s carrying on a long conversation with the cashier or he sees a neighbor outside and pulls the car over and talks to them when I just wanna get go where we’re going. Then my bad public habit is looking like a terrible person when I’m elbowing him to stop talking and come on lol.
Checked profile, says your 41. Nope, she's 60
Looked at profile pic. I only have one daughter and she's 27. Nope
I used to live in MD, but no longer. Nope...
Ok, thought my wife might have snuck in here and commented but I guess not. Ha! She says I'm just like my dad. Who was like his dad. And we all used to roll our eyes, until we started doing it. :rotfl2:


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