What are you learning about your partner/spouse/roommate/kids that you didn't know before?

I’ve learned that in times of crisis, my husband is extremely calm. While I sit here worried about all the restaurant closures and toilet paper shortages, he is cool as a cucumber. We are both pharmacists, so work life goes on like normal for us. Saw him for all of 30 minutes yesterday after getting home at 10:45pm. If we need to quarantine though, that will be interesting...
I have been retired as a rn since October. I still do some health work from home and have really enjoyed my quiet time with my pets. Well now my husband is working from home. We moved our son home from college Sat. and there is no quiet. They are like two peas in a pod doing anything they can to get my Irish up and annoy me. Btw I do know they do this because they love me. I think I am need of a she shed!!
I've learned my wife is pretty good about turning the house into a gym now that the gym she goes to is closed

using a bench to jump on and over, making weights out of things, etc.

That's funny Phil ...my daughter calls me today and tells me she converted the basement into a gym. I'm just hoping it doesn't smell like one by the time I get home!
Married for 32 years. I just NOW found out that my DH doesn't like "smelly" candles or air freshners (which I've used for years!!!) Since I'm home with him, he lets his phone ding, ping, boing... all day long!! Turn off the notifications!!
So, I live with my parents for the time being, and I had absolutely no idea my mom has gotten into watching Paternity Court.

This coming from the same lady who calls The Real Housewives of Atlanta (which I like) "trashy". LOL

I guess we all have our TV guilty pleasures.
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My husband is very protective of his family. Our youngest has multiple special needs and catches everything so we practice social distancing during cold and flu season anyways though we do see those that we know are not sick and we will let her go to the stores at non peak times under normal circumstances. When I said that I did not want her going into the stores after going to speech and occupational therapy (the kids are being met at the door and walked to the door to keep them apart and the times they check in are staggered about 5 minutes apart but normally can wait in the lobby for their therapist-which has been closed along with the large play area and the gym) he didn't say anything about she can go with me you don't need to send our oldest along to help. Nice thing about having a 15 year old is my 15 year old can watch the 12 year old in the car or run into the store and get things we need. (15 year old keeps away from people due to social anxiety which was not helped by an adult yelling at her over the fact that she said that she picked her demonstration topic which was making a teryaki beef stir fry because some people have said Chinese food, which 15 year old loves, is complicated. This particular adult shoots it down anytime the youth organization kids bring up that is what they want and says it's too complicated to make and who's going to pay to have it catered you. This adult who has a child about the same age as my 15 year old started yelling that adult did not say it was complicated just that it was expensive and adult does not have the money to make Chinese food and now everybody knows. Hmm excuse me under normal circumstances not now you can't say ok fine does anyone mind if I just bring some plain rice).

We have been without a washer for almost 8 months and a dryer for almost 6 so have been going to the laundry mat to get our washing done every 10-14 days depending on our schedule. We planned that our tax refund would go to getting at least a new washer because we have drying racks plus can put stuff over chairs, doors, the shower rod in the house on days we can't put items out on the line and over deck rails to dry. We discovered that we had enough to get a nice but simple top loading washer and a dryer so since our refund hit our account on Monday DH went along with 15 year old to the store to pick it up and then while they were able to get it off the inlaw's truck and onto the ground at our place before he had to go to work they weren't able to get it into the house.

DH got home from work at 1:30 this morning and they got them in the house which was nuts enough but then he also got them both set up for me and he even tossed the load that went through the washer while they were bringing in the dryer in the dryer. He got to bed at 3:30 this morning and got up a little after 9:30 to help get 12 year old ready to go to speech and OT, took her to those, got some of the 4-H fruit the kids sold delivered with both kids help (nice thing about people having paid when they ordered is we can call say hi the fruit is in and we are out delivering just wondering if your going to be home so we can drop it by and if they are but don't want to interact at a distance can tell us leave it at their door and either ring the bell or call them and say it's delivered). Plus did the shopping I mentioned earlier, came home put transmission fluid in my car (it was a bit low), loaded the fruit that needed to go the opposite direction from this morning in my car so I could take the kids to deliver

(ok 15 year old would be going in alone at most of the places except the farm and ranch supply store we were all going to go in there because unless they have a special event going on which happen only on weekends it's basically just a few employees in the store so I figured since it's about a 30 minute drive and it would be close to 45 minutes to an hour once we got to town before we got there and we would have another 45 minutes or so after that stop before the drive home that would be a good place to use the bathroom (just follow the wall that has the equipment hitches and hydrolics to the back corner).
I got about half a mile down the road and my car was not going over 30 decided to take a slightly different turn (normally we go a mile and a half and then take the turn on a road that runs parallel to the one I took) called DH asked him if he wanted me to just drive around the section (4 mile square) that I was along the W side of and he told me to do that so I did getting up to a whopping 38 slowed down at the intersection and made the turn onto the S side and the car died tried to shift it into N and restart no luck so coasted to the edge of the road and tried to restart it from a stopped and parked position.
No luck called DH again told him what was going on he came and hooked up the tow rope to the back of his car and the front of mine while 15 year old got 12 year old to his car (12 year old was sitting on the driver's side behind me and doesn't understand slide across and go out the passenger door to keep out of traffic) and started to tow me home. We started to the intersecton of the S and E sides and I ended up with my car going past his because his was not large enough to break for both cars and we didn't figure out that we should have been in phone communication so I could break at the same time the tow rope snapped and I was able to stop just before the intersection right at the stop sign. DH pulled the car to the side a ways behind me and was going to push me but I said to let 15 year old steer because 15 year old is much lighter than me and it would be less weight for him to push. He said he was going to pull in front of me and we would try it again.
I told him I have AAA and would perfer to call them so he took and moved the fruit to his car to get it home and took the girls home where they got the fruit unloaded (no delivery today) thinking that I would be home shortly and if for some reason I was not 15 year old could watch 12 year old when he had to go to work. Tow truck arrived and I could not get in the truck so I called DH to come pick me up and then when we got home I waited while the driver backed my car into what is normally DH's parking spot in our driveway so I could complete the paperwork necessary while he went in the house to get ready for work which involves dressing for working in his freezer so had to put on his under armor shirt, his sweat shirt, and is heavy duty socks plus when he gets to work he adds a pair of heavy insulated coveralls, hats, gloves, and a jacket (which right now they are enforcing keeping yours in yourbin when not using and not sharing between day and night shifts). He will work until midnight or 12:30 AM (doubt if much beyond that as normally this time of year is a bit slow anyways plus Tuesday is normally a bit slow compared to Sunday night and later in the week) and then come home and will be taking us into town to deliver the fruit we didn't get delivered today thanks to vehicle problems. (I can't drive his car) I did tell everyone I called today and those that 15 year old called that we would be coming late morning or early afternoon.
That I wish I had someone else here. My sister is two hours away and has a cat I am allergic to, so I can’t go there and she can’t come here. Keeping in touch through technology just isn’t the same when you are stressed out and want a human around. I know I am not the only one in this boat, but that thought isn’t particularly comforting right now. I am hoping this resolves sooner rather than later so I can go back to working in the office again instead of WFH.
So, I live with my parents at the time, and I had absolutely no idea my mom has gotten into watching Paternity Court.

This coming from the same lady who calls The Real Housewives of Atlanta (which I like) "trashy". LOL

I guess we all have our TV guilty pleasures.
@TresGriffin - I'm comin' to spend some serious time with you, and your moms, as soon as this social distance thing is over. I watch BOTH Judge Lauren Lake, AND ALL the Housewives. Matter of fact, if it was edible, Bravo would be a guilty junk food treasure for me. :o Oh - and Team Tanya, Cynthia,Eva, and Kandi! :)

Hope you and yours stay strong and healthy!
@TresGriffin - I'm comin' to spend some serious time with you, and your moms, as soon as this social distance thing is over. I watch BOTH Judge Lauren Lake, AND ALL the Housewives. Matter of fact, if it was edible, Bravo would be a guilty junk food treasure for me. :o Oh - and Team Tanya, Cynthia,Eva, and Kandi! :)

Hope you and yours stay strong and healthy!
I like Nene too. Can't stand Kenya. And if I had to be perfectly honest...I miss Phaedra. LOL
That my kids are awesome. They usually bicker non stop as siblings do but since schools have closed down here, and we are all pretty much under isolation, my kids have been self managing all their online school work, working side by side at a shared desk, and getting along like peas and carrots!
my kid doesnt like napping when she did half days at preschool it was no issue, today she remembered my bosses name (i work from home) and she asked to talk to him he said go ahead, she froze up and got quiet (she was yelling from her bedroom door) I told him going forward I'll call him when she doesnt nap or stop talking and we both had a laugh.
That my husband can't stay in the house... not even for one day. I'm sending him on drives, to explore the local park, and to the lake just to GET OUT and still stay away from people.
Also, my culinary repertoire is WAY to small for weeks of at home meals. I'm going to get tired of tacos and shredded chicken breasts.
That my husband can't stay in the house... not even for one day. I'm sending him on drives, to explore the local park, and to the lake just to GET OUT and still stay away from people.
Also, my culinary repertoire is WAY to small for weeks of at home meals. I'm going to get tired of tacos and shredded chicken breasts.

One of the benefits of using services like Hello Fresh during these times. You don't get stuck in a rut and they deliver to you so less having to hit up grocery stores! I think I have a few codes for a free box if you've never tried it before. Feel free to message me and I would be happy to share.

My husband is like yours, but he works construction and hasn't been shut down yet so he's at least getting out for work. I'm trying hard to keep him busy this weekend though with house projects.
One of the benefits of using services like Hello Fresh during these times. You don't get stuck in a rut and they deliver to you so less having to hit up grocery stores! I think I have a few codes for a free box if you've never tried it before. Feel free to message me and I would be happy to share.

My husband is like yours, but he works construction and hasn't been shut down yet so he's at least getting out for work. I'm trying hard to keep him busy this weekend though with house projects.

yeah, we have been doing Hello Fresh for a while to have a least a couple of meal ideas anyway, and just today got our first shipment from another one, Every plate, to try that one out (it seems to be quite a bit cheaper than Hello Fresh) ... figure having some food scheduled to ship to the house each week currently is probably not the worst thing anyway
yeah, we have been doing Hello Fresh for a while to have a least a couple of meal ideas anyway, and just today got our first shipment from another one, Every plate, to try that one out (it seems to be quite a bit cheaper than Hello Fresh) ... figure having some food scheduled to ship to the house each week currently is probably not the worst thing anyway
I was a hello fresh fan they kept messing up things we were even used in advertising now im on team home chef, but regardless I too went ahead and ordered 7 meals this coming week because Id rather not be worried about it. What a great time to live in that we have delivery services to take a little stress out of our lives.
I've learned that my kids...especially the 13 year old....use an excessive amount of toilet paper. I wasn't aware until my husband recently started buying better/thicker stuff. They are also really bad at clearing their clogs. So, in light of this newly learned info and the great TP shortage of 2020, I am having to ration off paper to them and hiding the rolls!


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