What are you fussy about?

I didn't think I was fussy about much until I read this thread. Then I was like "oh, me too!" Mostly to the sleeping conditions and being on time. Also, when I throw a party or host a holiday celebration, I have a vision regarding decor/food/etc and nobody can really help me because they can't see my vision, which is fine because I don't want help.

But my main thing is my phone charging cords. I keep one in my car and one in my room and there they stay. Very little makes me truly angry, but if anyone takes or moves one of my charging cords, my wrath comes down hard. At this point he (let's face it, I'm talking about my husband) absolutely knows better so he deserves it.
My car - any type of scratch or scrape will will bother me and I will get it fixed immediately otherwise it’ll be the first thing I see regardless of how small it is. Also I keep the inside very clean - I can’t stand a dirty or messy car.
Laundry has to be folded/hung up as I take it out of the dryer. I hate wrinkly clothes but don't have (and refuse to buy) an iron.
Loading the dishwasher. I tell DH just leave them on the counter because no matter how he does it, it's wrong.
My grocery list has to be in the order the things are in the store. I hate shopping somewhere that I don't know the layout, and if I write two things too close together and something else goes between them, I'll start over on a different piece of paper.
I like my windshield to always be clean. DH told me the other day that he never fills the washer fluid in his truck but refills mine fairly often. Yes, his windshield thoroughly disgusts me.
Ketchup - has to be Heinz
Mayo - has to be Hellmann's

all other condiments it really doesn't matter brand

Hotels. I am a hotel snob. I really want it to be nice (and clean, of course).

Me too, I like getting a suite instead of just a single room with beds. We like having a separate living area with a sofa and comfortable chairs. Also good bedside reading lamps, a refrigerator and I like a split bathroom with sink area separate from the toilet and shower. And if the hotel has a nice view we like a balcony as well.
I'm like that at work. My notes to myself have to be on unwrinkled paper. At home, my grocery list is on whatever scrap of paper I can find!:P
I am the opposite! :) At work, it's ok, I don't use much actual paper. But my grocery list, now that I keep in a steno book. A page for each shopping trip and I keep notes and meal plan ideas from week to week. Drives me crazy if a page gets messy... lol ....
I need my room to be pitch black, dead silent, and COLD in order to sleep. I wear earplugs every night, even when I sleep alone, because I need a fan on, but the sound of the fan keeps me awake.

Also, stale cereal. If it is even SLIGHTLY stale, I throw away the whole rest of the box.
My grocery list has to be in the order the things are in the store. I hate shopping somewhere that I don't know the layout,

Me too! - I actually made a list by aisle on the computer. I included common items I buy a lot so I can just circle the things I need, plus space under each aisle for write-ins. Makes grocery shopping a much calmer experience!

And I second whoever said their morning routine! (and my "arriving home" routine, and my evening routine...) :rotfl: I need those little transition times. They really set the tones for the day.

I'm also an "everything in it's place" sort of person. - I'm not one of those amazing people who has no clutter or anything like that, but everything at least has a home, and I expect to find it there! Use it, sure, but then put it back where you got it from.
I'm in the cold sleeping crew. I sleep with the house a/c on, a fan (sometimes 2) and a window a/c. Sometimes that still doesn't feel cold enough. BUT I do have to have a nice billowy comforter. It ain't about just using a sheet. I want to be snuggled in.

I too will start a new shopping list if I scribble something out or have to squeeze something in.

I won't open the front door unless it's cloudy or rainy outside. (I hate sunny days especially when I'm off and I don't like bright light. I live like a vampire and prefer lamp lighting and ambiance! Oh and God forbid you turn on "the big light"....the main light on the ceiling fan, and try to act like that's going to be our lighting for the evening. Um no...that's for finding things and plugging things in. My sister and her husband sit around with the big light on all the time and it's SO uncozy! I've felt like I needed a ballcap to cut the glare.

Everything I wear has to be comfortable and soft. I'll not go if I have to wear something binding or rough and itchy.

It's cold in my house but I sit under a blanket 100% of the time.

I could go on and on I guess....yet I feel like I'm one of the most laid back people I know lol
The sheets on my bed. They have to be crisp, and neat when I go to bed. DH often goes to bed before I do and watches tv. If I come in and the sheets are disheveled, I insist on having them fixed & tucked back straight before I can get in the bed.

This, for sure - I can't stand the feeling of wrinkly sheets under me, so I have to do whatever I have to do to make them flat and smooth before I can go to bed.
My house
Keep it picked up and CLEAN
Eating / I’ve got a lot of issues here too many to mention - texture - same foods etc
My clothes - no tags / and a whole lot of other issues - texture etc
I’ve learned to delegate but I expect it to be done - I don’t care how just done !!
Be on time !! For the love of God someone better be sick / dead / on fire - otherwise BE ON TIME !! Or at least let me know - and don’t make it a habit of being late it’s disrespectful
Communication goes both ways - don’t Expect me to Always be the person contacting you - reach out to me - if it’s always me it will end - I’ll hold up my end but not your end too
Final - favors - again goes both ways - not always even j understand that but it’s not a one way street . I more than happy to help and be there for you but I would expect the same - be respectful - I value you and I need to know you value me .
My sleeping conditions - it has to be totally dark and cool/cold.

My morning routine - When that gets messed up my whole day feels out of sorts

My bed getting made - has to be done before we leave the house.

Coats getting hung up and shoes being put away

Fresh bread - I hate stale bread

Loading the dishwasher - the way DD & DH drives me crazy

Christmas decorations - My fussy level is off the charts when it comes to this. DH & DD know it’s safe to ask me if they can help because they know I will always say no - LOL!
Dark and cold for us,too! And windy-fans and a sound machine.
There‘s other things to, but I’m starting to sound a little neurotic so I’ll stop - LOL!
I'm in the cold sleeping crew. I sleep with the house a/c on, a fan (sometimes 2) and a window a/c. Sometimes that still doesn't feel cold enough. BUT I do have to have a nice billowy comforter. It ain't about just using a sheet. I want to be snuggled in.

I too will start a new shopping list if I scribble something out or have to squeeze something in.

I won't open the front door unless it's cloudy or rainy outside. (I hate sunny days especially when I'm off and I don't like bright light. I live like a vampire and prefer lamp lighting and ambiance! Oh and God forbid you turn on "the big light"....the main light on the ceiling fan, and try to act like that's going to be our lighting for the evening. Um no...that's for finding things and plugging things in. My sister and her husband sit around with the big light on all the time and it's SO uncozy! I've felt like I needed a ballcap to cut the glare.

Everything I wear has to be comfortable and soft. I'll not go if I have to wear something binding or rough and itchy.

It's cold in my house but I sit under a blanket 100% of the time.

I could go on and on I guess....yet I feel like I'm one of the most laid back people I know lol

I’m another cold sleeper. Last night, we got down to -8C and I still had my window open a crack, with two fans going, and slept under a huge comforter lol. I used to need a pitch black room but I’ve learned to sleep with a tv on for noise or a lamp on if I’m too tired to turn it off lol

I wonder if all us ladies who like to cold sleep are of a certain age? I know that’s a big reason for my two fans now. Up until a few months ago I only used one and not even every night.
I’m another cold sleeper. Last night, we got down to -8C and I still had my window open a crack, with two fans going, and slept under a huge comforter lol. I used to need a pitch black room but I’ve learned to sleep with a tv on for noise or a lamp on if I’m too tired to turn it off lol

I wonder if all us ladies who like to cold sleep are of a certain age? I know that’s a big reason for my two fans now. Up until a few months ago I only used one and not even every night.

I got used to sleeping cold because my husband needs it and now one of my sons does as well. They both run hot all the time. Now that I'm used to it, I literally cannot fall asleep in a room warmer than 70 degrees. We set our AC to 66 at night, year round.
This one might ring a bell to some. My scissors. I have numerous pairs, and some are only for cloth, some are only for trimming hair, one pair for the kitchen, one pair for the garage, and several “anything goes” scissors. My grandmother taught me to always tell her what I wanted to use her scissors for, and then she would tell me which ones to use. When I was a kid, I thought it was kinda silly. But darned if I didn’t grow up to teach my hubby the same thing LOL.
Ketchup - has to be Heinz
Mayo - has to be Hellmann's

all other condiments it really doesn't matter brand

LOL. I live in Sacramento, also known as Sacratomato because canning tomato products was the big industry here. My dad worked at a cannery for a time and took me down when they were bottling Ketchup (or Catsup). They bottled their own brand, Sacramento Brand, Heinz, Hunts, and Del Monte and numerous store brands. The ketchup all came from the same cooking vat, Only the bottles and labels were different. So ketchup I buy price since what is in the bottle is the same. Although now that our kids are grown we seem to throw out more ketchup than we use. We used to buy huge bottles, now we buy the smallest we can and end up not using it all by the expiration date.
I’m another cold sleeper. Last night, we got down to -8C and I still had my window open a crack, with two fans going, and slept under a huge comforter lol. I used to need a pitch black room but I’ve learned to sleep with a tv on for noise or a lamp on if I’m too tired to turn it off lol

I wonder if all us ladies who like to cold sleep are of a certain age? I know that’s a big reason for my two fans now. Up until a few months ago I only used one and not even every night.
Girl you know it! lol 49 here and it's been 5 years of torture for me! But I've always had to have a cold room. I blame my mom who would freeze you OUT! I too used to have to be in pitch darkness but have learned to adapt to a tiny bit of light. I remember thinking the sun had come up and was peeping through the blinds one night and I had to cover my face with my arm and when I looked to see what the blinding light was, my ex husband had the door cracked to the bathroom and it was the night light that was at least 15 feet away that was killing me lol. I have stickers over the little lights that light up on my ac unit and my digital clock covered with a piece of cloth.


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