Well done Pete...and welcome back..

Welcome back Pete! Your voice sounds good!! Welcome to MN (my home-sweet-home)- even on a part-time basis!! Good for you for taking the time to take care of yourself too. Maybe see you in the Mpls skyways!

Welcome back Mr. Pete! It is great to have you back. I wish you the
best on your recovery. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us; it
is very inspiring to hear you talk about getting help in this way. Best of luck to you (and all the crew)

As a side note - I'm listening to the email show and Kevin just said that Pete's birthday is December 6th. My birthday is December 7th so :wave2: fellow Sag! Your birthday is one day after Mr. Disney's. :)
Hugs Pete! :hug:

I was glad to hear that you are being proactive in your difficulties. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

I live in Minnesota - too bad you have to be here over the winter months (I don't like snow!).

As you mentioned, there is a lot to do here for entertainment. Don't forget to look into the Chanhassen dinner theater. They are starting a production of the Producers.

Thanks for sharing such a personal part of your life with the audience. Exposure to the reality may help someone else who is going through a similar issue. Most of us feel we know you and the team from our weekly visits through the show. You mentioned a new chapter of your life during the show and this is a really good analogy for the new part of your journey.

Seeing that there are already 5 pages of posts from well wishers must be very gratifying.

As the excitement settles and you head off to take care of yourself (in the cold), you must feel so proud to know you have created such a great support system in Walter, your family, business associates, podcast crew, and the many many fans from the show. So best of luck on your journey and we look forward to your appearances on the show.

By the way nice rant about DCL, your passion for the doing the right thing for the guests as opposed to the corporate machine is refreshing.

Just wanted to offer my well wishes and congratulations! Glad to hear you back on the show, and best of luck. We're all very very proud!
welcome home Pete and I am very impressed with your courage and strength. who knows, you might have inspired someone else in a similar situation. You definitely aren't alone. wishing you the best!!!!
Welcome back, Pete!

You were missed, and will be missed when you leave again. But please dont worry about the Podcast -- the team is great and we'll all still be here when you get back!

Best wishes...:)
Pete ~ Thank you for your courage, your honesty, and your trust in sharing your journey with all of us. It speaks volumes about the person you are. I'm sure that you are a source of inspiration and hope to many.

I agree on how you sounded---you seem energized and not "tired" and hey, isn't your sober face far more enjoyable to look at in the morning than the hung over one?!!!!! :sick: Pete, you're a great person, leader, genius...and hearing how you are dealing with your bi-polar and rehab issues is inspiring---I enjoy the dramatic part of you and by this I mean the man who is taking care of the drama that is your life----oh yeah and your dramatic rants, too!! Way to go! :)
:hippie: :thumbsup2 :hug: :woohoo:

I'm a little late on listening, but I finally got to hearing this week's podcast. I wanted to let you know how impressed I am by your transparency. As you were inviting everyone to listen to your utmost personal struggle, I just sat in shock. You absolutely did not have to tell us all that. I don't think that anyone would debate the fact that it is not really any of our business. But you were so brave, candid, and honest. IMO that speaks volumes in regards to the apparent love and trust you have in all of us not just as podcast listeners but as friends.

I was really touched by it. I was so touched because I don't even reveal my full name, but you exposed your most vulnerable point. I was so touched because as the child of an alcoholic, I am keenly aware of the guilt, shame and cover-up that usually accompanies the scenario. I was so touched because you evidently love those around you enough to take care of yourself. I was so touched because I felt like you were allowing me to be a part of your recovery story (which is an amazing display of trust considering that you don't really know me).

I just wanted to express my admiration. Addictions serve as a daily struggle, but it is inspiring to see you tackle this head on. Your tenacity is heroic, and you should be made aware of that. But I also wanted to tell you that I will pray for God to hold you up on the days when you are not feeling so strong.

With all sincerity,
I just wanted to add my best wishes and support too. It's good to hear your voice. Stay strong.
Just listened to this week's show. Pete, I hope things go well for you over the next few weeks. I appreciate John & the others doing the show in your absence. They always do a great job.

Like others have said, it was nice to hear your voice at the beginning of this week's show. We all have demons. It's good when we can conquer them.
Great to have you back Pete. Thank you for sharing with us, I am sure it couldn't have been an easy decision to make. Be strong over the coming months and you will beat this. :hug:
Kudos and hugs Pete, and thanks so much for sharing your story. You never know who you'll touch and inspire.

And, welcome back - I loved hearing you rant again!
Welcome Back Pete!
You've been missed by all. Your courage in putting it all out there for all of us to hear is remarkable. :grouphug: :flower3:
Pete, glad to hear you took back control of your life. You deserve a lot of credit, and group hugs, for recognizing the problem and doing something about it.
I'm late to the party here, but its great to have you back! I can imagine it's a tough battle - keep on doing what you have to do and remember you've got thousands of friends around the world cheering you on.


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