Weight Watchers Chat -- Part III

I'm posting from WV where we are going to dh's family reunion tomorrow. I know I've eaten way over my points but I decided not to track while we are here. Just avoiding carbs as much as possible, which for the most part don't appeal any way. I told dh that if a good worth-it dessert shows up at the reunion tomorrow, I will have it. WV is only once a year and one treat isn't going to be the end of the world.
Last night we went out for a nice dinner and then to see Wicked. As my WW leader recommends, I checked out the menu ahead of time so I could figure out my plan. We ate at the State Room at Michigan State University and it was really lovely. They had a filet mignon on the menu that was a 6 oz steak with whipped potatoes and asparagus. I ordered that and asked that, instead of the potatoes I'd just like more asparagus. I also had a small garden salad with olive oil and vinegar and a roll with one tsp of butter. I also had one bite of my DH's scallops and lobster casserole appetizer. When my entree was served, I cut my steak in half and I ONLY ATE HALF (3 oz) (DH had a couple bites). Yea, me! Anyway, I was so proud of myself that I just had to share.

I'm a lifetimer since 2008 who is about 5 pounds above goal weight now. Every day is a challenge. The worst thing I ever did was think that once I hit my goal weight I didn't need to go to meetings, or track my food and exercise. That lead to a 25 pound gain that I've been working on getting off for over a year now.

P.S. This was the 3rd time I saw Wicked and it was just as much fun this time! Highly recommend it.
Wow! WW III thread gosh time flies. I actually think this is my 2 year anniversary of joining this thread. I know it was around July 4 not sure exactly what day.

Sounds like everyone Is doing well, for the most part. Keep up the good work and if your struggling, I like what Stephanie said, jump over the bump. We had beautiful, pleasant weather here all this week and then today.......my car read 102 :eek: and it's getting hotter over the weekend.

I'm trying to catch up from being on vacation. Haven't been on the scale yet but know I've gained, tight clothes :rolleyes1. I did go to my meeting yesterday and since I didn't have to weigh in I didn't. I've been back on track all week though.

I haven't been posting much, but do read the thread, which is still an incredible inspiration to me and a huge part of my motivation. Keep goin everyone :thumbsup2.

I'm in my fifth week of doing Weight Watchers and I've lost a total of 9.2 pounds. I have 36.2 pounds left to lose and I hope to make goal before the year ends. :cool1:

Yesterday was a little rough, I had a big day at work and when I got home I ended up eating some chocolate, crackers, hummus and cheese, all of which we're not on plan. But, it's ok. I know I can have slip-ups, the important thing is to get back on track as soon as possible. :thumbsup2
Aha, here's the new thread. :)

Sorry, but I'm about to write a novel. :3dglasses

I'm Molly, age 42. Tried WW three times before, and had great success until I quit. BEFORE goal, each of those times. I recently found all my weight cards, and it seems that I quit just when the going got good. First I would quit *following* the program, then I'd call the gains/maintains "a plateau that I just can't get through", and finally I would quit. Sigh.

THIS time, this PP2012 program, feels so incredibly different. DH feels the same (he's been through it 2 previous times). He remembers that we would cheat like mad on the old programs (I don't remember that, but I did make choices like cookies instead of fruit since you had to count the points for fruit).

I never knew (never thought about it, either) that your points would be increased once you hit your goal weight, and I would get depressed about eating so little forever and ever. It just messed with my mind.

So now, they increased the points value in foods, but they also increased the points you get to eat and it just does something good for my mental state. And the free fruits/veg just makes my heart sing AND lets me choose them without deciding on cookies *instead of* fruits/veg.

In addition to all of that, fairly early on I started eating the Weekly points. As close to all of them as I can. This has been most beneficial to me! Not only have my losses continued, but I'm just happier! Today's weighin was the culmination of 2 weeks of eating APs *as well as* as many Weeklies as I can stand, and it has been a big success so far! I continued with the loss pattern I had noticed (under a pound, over a pound, under a pound, over a pound, etc etc), my workouts are MUCH stronger, and again, I'm happier! I told myself that I would eat all of the points coming to me (or as many as I can) for a solid THREE weeks, no matter what. I made that plan because I truly feel that my scale results are from the the week before the one immediately preceding the weigh in. I didn't want to gain a little and quit my eat-them-all plan, only to see a loss the NEXT week, and not know what had caused what. So one more week of eat-it-all (patent pending, LOL), and we'll see!

I also post for DH, who is at 24.6 lbs lost so far. Last week he was on a work trip, and was able to go without a seatbelt extender for all of his flights. Which meant that when he was seated in the exit row, he actually could SIT in the exit row! Huge, exciting moment for him. When he shared this in the meeting today, our leader nearly started to cry! It's such a real, tangible thing...not only to not need the extender, but to be able to sit in a more comfortable row for a long flight, that it resonated with many people.
I am having an AWFUL week. My DD (15 months) is having health issues and I just can't control myself. We were at the doctor Wednesday and they ran her blood. They saw her platelets were low and wanted to check them again yesterday. We went back yesterday and they sent us directly to the ER and had me in a panic because they mentioned Steven Johnson's syndrome. The ER discharged us with a referral to a hematologist and a warning to "be concerned but not worried." YEAH RIGHT! How do you not worry?

Molly - I totally agree with the "eat them all" philosophy. A person in my meetings lost 100+ lbs doing that over a year so I know it can work. I don't always eat them all but if I want to I do it! No guilt! I have to be happy! And that includes sending hubby to DQ tonight! pirate:

I made a pact to myself that no matter what #this time# I was going to:
-always go to meetings; even if I don't weigh in
-always track, even if it's ugly (deal in the TRUTH) and
-look at this as a LIFETIME deal

It's easier now that I'm in a WW @ work group. They'res more Lifetime members than new members so it's so nice to see how many people are making this work long-term and are happy at AT GOAL! :dance3:
I am having an AWFUL week. My DD (15 months) is having health issues and I just can't control myself. We were at the doctor Wednesday and they ran her blood. They saw her platelets were low and wanted to check them again yesterday. We went back yesterday and they sent us directly to the ER and had me in a panic because they mentioned Steven Johnson's syndrome. The ER discharged us with a referral to a hematologist and a warning to "be concerned but not worried." YEAH RIGHT! How do you not worry?

Of course Mama is going to worry. We're hard-wired that way. I am praying for your little girl.
Three days in WV for a family reunion and I am up 1.8 lbs. I'm hoping that with lots of drinking and careful eating for the next two days I won't show a gain at my Tuesday p.m. WI. I could tell while we were there that I was retaining fluids. I haven't had swollen ankles and hands since starting WW in March.

I ate big breakfasts two mornings (buffet came with the room) but reasonably the rest of the time. Didn't track at all, so back to that today. I knew I was splurging, but this is one of those once-a-year trips and not my normal lifestyle. Hiked three different trails on Friday, I thought that would help offset the food. Guess it didn't!
bumbershoot said:
Aha, here's the new thread. :)

Sorry, but I'm about to write a novel. :3dglasses

I'm Molly, age 42. Tried WW three times before, and had great success until I quit. BEFORE goal, each of those times. I recently found all my weight cards, and it seems that I quit just when the going got good. First I would quit *following* the program, then I'd call the gains/maintains "a plateau that I just can't get through", and finally I would quit. Sigh.

THIS time, this PP2012 program, feels so incredibly different. DH feels the same (he's been through it 2 previous times). He remembers that we would cheat like mad on the old programs (I don't remember that, but I did make choices like cookies instead of fruit since you had to count the points for fruit).

I never knew (never thought about it, either) that your points would be increased once you hit your goal weight, and I would get depressed about eating so little forever and ever. It just messed with my mind.

So now, they increased the points value in foods, but they also increased the points you get to eat and it just does something good for my mental state. And the free fruits/veg just makes my heart sing AND lets me choose them without deciding on cookies *instead of* fruits/veg.

In addition to all of that, fairly early on I started eating the Weekly points. As close to all of them as I can. This has been most beneficial to me! Not only have my losses continued, but I'm just happier! Today's weighin was the culmination of 2 weeks of eating APs *as well as* as many Weeklies as I can stand, and it has been a big success so far! I continued with the loss pattern I had noticed (under a pound, over a pound, under a pound, over a pound, etc etc), my workouts are MUCH stronger, and again, I'm happier! I told myself that I would eat all of the points coming to me (or as many as I can) for a solid THREE weeks, no matter what. I made that plan because I truly feel that my scale results are from the the week before the one immediately preceding the weigh in. I didn't want to gain a little and quit my eat-them-all plan, only to see a loss the NEXT week, and not know what had caused what. So one more week of eat-it-all (patent pending, LOL), and we'll see!

I also post for DH, who is at 24.6 lbs lost so far. Last week he was on a work trip, and was able to go without a seatbelt extender for all of his flights. Which meant that when he was seated in the exit row, he actually could SIT in the exit row! Huge, exciting moment for him. When he shared this in the meeting today, our leader nearly started to cry! It's such a real, tangible thing...not only to not need the extender, but to be able to sit in a more comfortable row for a long flight, that it resonated with many people.

Woot woot, so happy for you and DH. Keep up the great work!

disneydreamin247 said:
I am having an AWFUL week. My DD (15 months) is having health issues and I just can't control myself. We were at the doctor Wednesday and they ran her blood. They saw her platelets were low and wanted to check them again yesterday. We went back yesterday and they sent us directly to the ER and had me in a panic because they mentioned Steven Johnson's syndrome. The ER discharged us with a referral to a hematologist and a warning to "be concerned but not worried." YEAH RIGHT! How do you not worry?

:hug: hang in there. My thoughts are with you and your daughter.

pwdebbie said:
Three days in WV for a family reunion and I am up 1.8 lbs. I'm hoping that with lots of drinking and careful eating for the next two days I won't show a gain at my Tuesday p.m. WI. I could tell while we were there that I was retaining fluids. I haven't had swollen ankles and hands since starting WW in March.

I ate big breakfasts two mornings (buffet came with the room) but reasonably the rest of the time. Didn't track at all, so back to that today. I knew I was splurging, but this is one of those once-a-year trips and not my normal lifestyle. Hiked three different trails on Friday, I thought that would help offset the food. Guess it didn't!

Do the best you can the next few days, hopefully you won't show a gain. When I go off my normal WW eating I blow up like a sponge and usually takes a few days to get the bloat off too. But if you do show a little gain, then just keep moving on. It's a lifestyle change and things like family reunions will occur, as long as you enjoyed yourself but got right back on plan, it all will be good!
I'm down 1.6 this week, 54.2 over all!

I think I have some sort of virus. I have had to get off of the elliptical after only a few minutes for the last few days. It is is so frustrating!
Hi there WWers and WDWers!

I'm Trixie Lou Magoo and I live in NYC. I am 28 and work in theater. I am currently obsessed with Newsies the Musical. (Also a big fan of the movie!) I married my best friend and love of my life almost one year ago exactly when the Marriage Equality Bill passed.

My wife and I both joined WW last September. For a few months I was doing great, feeling great and lost almost 20 lbs. And, then I just stopped. I didn't track. I ate chocolate and ice cream and cake like I was getting paid to. I have gained it all back and am generally just feeling like a big blob.

My wife has lost over 40 lbs and is still trucking on like a champion. I admire her ability to just commit to her. But, she has always been the type to complete a goal when she has set her mind to it.

In any case, I have decided to get back on track. I have only had wonderful experiences with you disers and I think this will be a wonderful forum for support and sharing.

We can all accomplish our goals!

All of the very best to all of you! Keep working hard and stay happy!

I am going to get back to work now. After I track my points for the day.

I WILL track my points everyday! Just like the other diser was saying, we have to deal in TRUTH!

Have a great week, everyone!

Welcome Trixie! I know that it is sometimes hard to keep going, but don't give up! As long as your attitude is In the right place, you can do it. I am on my third time starting WW. The only difference this time is me. I want to change. Don't get me wrong...the sheer terror that I will quit again is in the back of my mind all the time, but something is different this time. One thing I have done is make myself accountable. I have put myself out there,and I post my weigh-ins every week. Everyone I know expects to hear how much weight I've lost. That is keeping me going if nothing else is. Also, I like how I feel when I'm eating healthy foods and exercising. I do not like how I feel when I eat junk. If I want to eat something, I think about all of the negative consequences. 9 times out of 10, I no longer want to eat it. Sorry this was so long and rambling, but I hope it helps!
We're all in this together! Be honest with yourself and with us! If you need help, you know where to come back to!
keahgirl8 said:
I'm down 1.6 this week, 54.2 over all!

I think I have some sort of virus. I have had to get off of the elliptical after only a few minutes for the last few days. It is is so frustrating!

Great job, And over 50lbs loss, very inspiring!

TrixieLouMagoo said:
Hi there WWers and WDWers!

I'm Trixie Lou Magoo and I live in NYC. I am 28 and work in theater. I am currently obsessed with Newsies the Musical. (Also a big fan of the movie!) I married my best friend and love of my life almost one year ago exactly when the Marriage Equality Bill passed.

My wife and I both joined WW last September. For a few months I was doing great, feeling great and lost almost 20 lbs. And, then I just stopped. I didn't track. I ate chocolate and ice cream and cake like I was getting paid to. I have gained it all back and am generally just feeling like a big blob.

My wife has lost over 40 lbs and is still trucking on like a champion. I admire her ability to just commit to her. But, she has always been the type to complete a goal when she has set her mind to it.

In any case, I have decided to get back on track. I have only had wonderful experiences with you disers and I think this will be a wonderful forum for support and sharing.

We can all accomplish our goals!

All of the very best to all of you! Keep working hard and stay happy!

I am going to get back to work now. After I track my points for the day.

I WILL track my points everyday! Just like the other diser was saying, we have to deal in TRUTH!

Have a great week, everyone!


Welcome Trixie, good luck, you can do it


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