Weight Loss before the big day.....advice please!


<font color=darkorchid>Am I wrong to want a cashie
Jun 8, 2007
I was so excited to get engaged, and I was so excited to start planning my escape wedding, but then it hit me. I am actually DREADING trying on wedding dresses, and I do not want to set a date until I can feel better about it. I dont want to cry in the dressing room. I want to "feel" pretty in my dress. I am at an all time high weight right now. I need to do something about it now before I can enjoy all the planning. Has anyone else felt this way?

I am leaning toward Weight Watchers right now, but have also pondered Jenny Craig. Has anyone had any luck? I like the idea that on WW my fiance can benefit from it whereas with Jenny, hed sort of haveto fend for himself. He doesnt need to lose much at all, if any.

Anyone know anything about Mediweight loss clinic? They just opened in my area, but I think its a little pricey.

Can you share your experiences? Id love some advice!
I swear by Pilates. Mary Windsor. You will tone up quick with the dvds.

For weightloss I know a lot of women who loved Weight Watchers!!!!! My SIL did well on it!

Good luck!
IMHO diet is only a part of it, and exercise is key. DF runs marathons and he's a freakin toothpick no matter what he eats. (Might be a guy thing too, not fair, I know!) Nothing beats running as a great form of exercise and in the very limited amount of running I do, I notice almost instant results because it gets your heart rate up and works your entire body and tones everything without ever lifting a weight. When I can't get myself to head out for a run, I found a great DVD set called 'Hip Hop Abs" that's really fun and keeps me motivated. I'm by no means a workout freak, but as soon as I stop doing any kind of exercise I can't fit into my jeans, so I know it makes a difference! You can always start just by walking (you and DF can do that together!) and eventually turn it into a light jog and even a run. Maybe plan to do a charity walk (or 5K run) to give yourself a goal to work towards. Just some ideas. Good luck with everything, you will look beautiful in your wedding gown no matter what!
i kinda of feel the same as you! im not engaged but am trying to lose weight so in engagement pictures it doesn't look like a pitty proposal!

i have lost lots of weight before but unfortunately got complacent and put it back on again so having to start again. I am doing weight watchers as it motivates me to try when they weigh you. i feel guilty when they tell me you gained! also it means we can still go out and my dbf doesn't miss out

i also got a wii fit! its alot of fun and instead of sitting down and watching tv you can have fun and have a little workout! i think the aim is to keep it fun otherwise you won't want to do it!

do lots of walks with you fiance or go shopping and try lots of clothes on (it actually burns calories shopping!)

good luck!
IMHO diet is only a part of it, and exercise is key. DF runs marathons and he's a freakin toothpick no matter what he eats. (Might be a guy thing too, not fair, I know!) Nothing beats running as a great form of exercise and in the very limited amount of running I do, I notice almost instant results because it gets your heart rate up and works your entire body and tones everything without ever lifting a weight. When I can't get myself to head out for a run, I found a great DVD set called 'Hip Hop Abs" that's really fun and keeps me motivated. I'm by no means a workout freak, but as soon as I stop doing any kind of exercise I can't fit into my jeans, so I know it makes a difference! You can always start just by walking (you and DF can do that together!) and eventually turn it into a light jog and even a run. Maybe plan to do a charity walk (or 5K run) to give yourself a goal to work towards. Just some ideas. Good luck with everything, you will look beautiful in your wedding gown no matter what!

I so agree with you on the exercise. I didn't run, just walked and weights. I quit working out about 3 months ago and my jeans are so tight. portion control helps but exercise really speeds up weightloss.
i also got a wii fit! its alot of fun and instead of sitting down and watching tv you can have fun and have a little workout! i think the aim is to keep it fun otherwise you won't want to do it!

I'm asking for the Wii Fit and Wii for Christmas. I hope I like it!

I'm not going on a diet per say, just exercising more. I hurt my knee playing ice hockey in 1999 and I gained a good 80 lbs since then because of it. (It is being not able to play). One of my friends is the women's basketball coach at my college and she's got me into swimming and such and I'm doing yoga. For me it's about being healthy. One great DVD for Yoga is Just My Size Yoga with Megan Garcia - completely love it! I so do AM and PM Yoga as well.

I have a DF who weighs a 125 lbs and lives on nothing but junk food while I'm eating all the good healthy stuff! It is not fair and a guy thing I think. :)
I love the Atkins diet. It works fast and if you combine with exercise your amazed by how quickly you drop weight.

the only way i was able to lose weight and keep it off was logging all my calories every day.. logging when i exercise... i vowed to exercise at least 3 times a week.. i got a pedometer and i try to get to 10,000 steps... the calorie count was the best tho.. now i dont log my calories anymore.. i dont have to .. after logging them for 8 months.. i knew how much i could eat without gaining weight..

I was able to lose 33 pounds since new years day.. i made it my resolution and i did it! its all about not giving up.. i recommend making it more of a life choice decision and less for the wedding.. if you vow to eat healthier you'll end up being more determined! I wanted to lose weight for our september trip but i didnt want to just gain it back when it was over (especially since were planning a wedding for 2010).. and i did it so far!

Just don't give up even if you have a rough day or if you miss a day of exercising!

Good Luck! :goodvibes
I was so excited to get engaged, and I was so excited to start planning my escape wedding, but then it hit me. I am actually DREADING trying on wedding dresses, and I do not want to set a date until I can feel better about it. I dont want to cry in the dressing room. I want to "feel" pretty in my dress. I am at an all time high weight right now. I need to do something about it now before I can enjoy all the planning. Has anyone else felt this way?

I am leaning toward Weight Watchers right now, but have also pondered Jenny Craig. Has anyone had any luck? I like the idea that on WW my fiance can benefit from it whereas with Jenny, hed sort of haveto fend for himself. He doesnt need to lose much at all, if any.

Anyone know anything about Mediweight loss clinic? They just opened in my area, but I think its a little pricey.

Can you share your experiences? Id love some advice!
well, can you tell how much time you have before your marriage, that ways we can suggest you something that will really help you in reducing your weight a little
I know this probably isn't true for everyone, but after going through an eating disorder, many weight ups and downs and many diets, I found that the only thing that works for me is to not diet. I've maintained a 20 pound weight loss for a year and a half now. I eat whatever I want, but watch my portions. And DF manages an Italian restaurant, and is a great cook! For me, dieting always ends up making me feel deprived and then I end up overeating, and in a vicious cycle.

Exercise is important too! I do crunches, jog, and Tae Bo videos (well ok, I just started after taking a couple of months off when starting a new career).

Good luck to you! I went wedding dress shopping after gaining back a few pounds and I found a dress that was very flattering anyway. Since then I've lost the weight because I didn't stress about it, and just listened to my body in regards to what to eat.
I am not trying to lose weight, but my company has a prevention plan and one of the goals is to walk/run 10,000 steps a day. So I went to Wal-Mart and bough a pedometer ($8) and it has really helped with an "in your face" goal attached to your hip all day every day. In the beginning, I made it a goal to walk 7,000 each day and to achieve that, I would go out and walk on my lunch breaks. Now I am at 10,000+ steps and I can tell it has really started to tone my legs up.
I'm doing a cardio and core bootcamp at my local gym, and although I only just started, I really think I can see a slight difference...I started more because I wanted to feel comfortable in a bathing suit, but now I'm finding that I have more energy, and I'm careful about eating a balanced diet.

Best of luck to you!!!
I have to second weight watchers.. my mom has done it before and is doing it again ! It is amazing if you actually sit there and do it for a few weeks how much you can lose .. in my case I don't eat enough so I had to eat more and thats how I lost weight!!
I DONT recommend the atkins diet.. It really isn't healthy and I tell my patients that right away. It doesn't allow for all the food groups to equal and the first time you eat something thats not part of the diet after being on it for a little while you will feel SICK! It has quick results but is not healthy.
Just wanted to say good luck on your goals!!! I just got my dressed and couldn't breathe in it so I'm def. going to be losing some weight in the next six weeks. I'm planning on getting back into the gym after this semester is over. I have to agree that diets don't typically work and changing your lifestyle would produce longer term results.
I just signed up for a new gym that is opening soon in my area. It only cost $10 a month!! There was a $29 registration fee but the monthly price is awesome. That is what has kept me away from the gym is the monthly fee at other gyms.
I eat very healthy I am just LAZY!!!!!:rotfl: So I hope this will kick my butt into gear. I hate to exercise but I don't exactly want to be a "FAT" bride! I don't care if I lose the 50 pounds that I want to but I will be happy with 20-30 even!
Thanks everyone for your support! I went to a weight watchers meeting today !:goodvibes :woohoo:

I also joined sparkpeople to start logging calories. Im still trying to figure out if there is a way there to log points, i might just do it under daily journal.

So Im off.......:banana: and I think when I hit my 10% I will reevaluate the whole stuffinh myself into a dress thing.....
Thanks everyone for your support! I went to a weight watchers meeting today !:goodvibes :woohoo:

I also joined sparkpeople to start logging calories. Im still trying to figure out if there is a way there to log points, i might just do it under daily journal.

So Im off.......:banana: and I think when I hit my 10% I will reevaluate the whole stuffinh myself into a dress thing.....

Sounds great! Good Luck! :goodvibes
I posted this on the Wedding Weightloss thread, but I thought I would here too for you all..cause I will tell ANYONE who listens how much I owe WW online! - This morning I was 151.9
2006 - Before my 2006 surgery (i know I gained after that surgery too)

Day I started my diet

Trying on size 16 dress that I loved..it wouldn't zip past my waist so I am holding it with my arms - this is after 3 months of dieting and maybe 15 lost


Actual wedding day..size 16 dress I found that morning at Target

For the newbies..I am Betsy 5'7" and in April 2007 I was 226 and a size 22W. I have had a lot of abdominal surgery (5 in 7 years) and gained due to lack of exercise and love of cooking. I joined WW first to lose weight for a Disney trip in June 2007 and continued it to lose for our DCL VR that was on July 25, 2008. I managed to buy the size 16 dress and then had to have it taken in 2" on each side..
Today I am 151.9 and a size 12! People who haven't seen me in months tell me it has taken years off my face too. That is my biggest motivation..more than all the clothes I get to buy in the regular section now..that my face looks thinner!
I don't log into WW everyday and maybe I should drop my membership because it HAS taught me how to cut my portions and eat better.
I have 6lbs to my goal if 150 (which is my pre pregnancy weight from 1998) but I have managed to remain the same since we got back from the cruise, so I am very happy!

I didn't mean to run on and on..just to give everyone some inspiration. I use to hear people say "i lost 40lbs" and try to extract every bit of information to learn how..

At Vow Renewal


Thank you so much! What an inspiration! ANd I LOVE that dress!!!! I appreciate the motivation! I signed up for meetings, do you think I should also sign up for etools? Ive got to see how much it is. Im a little overwhelmed, reading up all the materials this evening!

You look stunning! ANd I love that bottom pic of you touching hubby's face, you can tell its a "real" moment. So cute!


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