We were granted a FABULOUS dream!


Jun 10, 2007
Just back from 9 days at Disney.... At check in, desk couldn't "read" our left over ('99) tickets to see how many days were left and told us to go to any park and ask Guest Services.

The next morning, we headed to Animal Kingdom. Waited in GS line, and then spent about 20 minutes while the CM tried to figure out how how tickets got messed up. Anyway, after everything was straightened out, he said we each had one day left and printed new passes. Then my husband and I decided to go whole hog and get the 6 day park hoppers with Water Parks and more so we could go wherever we wanted with our 2 sons for the other days. With a gulp, I got out the Credit Card to pay the 1200+ for the passes.

The CM tells my sons "Patience is a virtue that is always rewarded" and gave them fast passes for all the FP rides at AK for the whole family. We thought that was so nice. THEN... he proceeds to tell my husband and I that Disney is making Dreams come true for their guests this year and our park passes would be COMPLIMENTARY!!! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! Let me tell you we sure enjoyed the week, knowing that Disney picked up the tab.

We also were given a behind (actually, above) the scenes tour at The Living Seas by a CM, a VIP pass to Fantasmic at MGM guest services, and several times guests passes on their FP when we were walking through the park.

This trip was a respite for me as I am the caretaker of my Mom who has ALS. I'm not sure if it was a divine intervention, but it certainly was a dream vacation that my whole family will never forget!:cutie:
Congratulations on your dream come true! I am happy that your family ended up with such a great dream and that you all had a wonderful time. It is hard being a caretaker and it sounds like you received a much needed break that you will never forget.:goodvibes
Wow! :eek: They paid for your vaction that is incredible. Wish we could be as lucky. DH and I are pinching every penny just to go this year.
Wow I've never heard of them issuing comp tickets as dreams before. That's very unusual.
They sure sprinkled your trip with pixie dust! Congratulations on the amazing dreams come true!
I am so happy for you. While it would be great to win some of that Magic for myself, I am thrilled to see it happen for someone so deserving. I see on a daily basis the sacrifices that people make in unselfishly caring for their loved ones who need help. No one else deserves it more. Congrats!
WOW!!! Good for you!!

I have been several times this year (I'm a part-time Florida resident) and have won exactly one "dream." Dh and I were the "first family" at the American Adventure in EPCOT. We got to choose our seats and were announced and waved to the audience. I think your prize was a little nicer. Although, we also get a really nice certificate.

My dh's cousin died from ALS. As you know, it's a horrible disease. I'm SO GLAD you had such a nice gift from Disney!!

I personally think it was divine intervention. Yea for you!

I'm so glad you had an amazing trip filled with dreams.
Amazing dream!!! Congrats! And you are a wonderful person to be a caretaker!
Wow! congratulations to you and your family. It is nice hearing about people's good fortune :goodvibes


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