We just bought into DVC


Earning My Ears
Sep 1, 2000
DH and I just bought into DVC..at the Villias at Disney's Wilderness Lodge.

We just got back from the WL just over a week ago and fell in love with it. Now we get to go back over and over and over and over again!! :D :D
CONGRATULATIONS! We own at BWV but stayed at the WL hotel last Thanksgiving. It is a beautiful setting - it was great with all the Christmas decorations. I love to keep planning those trips! Enjoy & happy vacationing. ;)
Welcome Home! We were just there over a week ago also. Fell and love and added on. We loved the feel of the place.:D
Our family just bought at the VWL. Isn't it great knowing you'll be back so much more now. A hearty "Welcome Home" from the NJParkHoppers!!!! Well done!!!
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We bought at VWL too! Love the atmosphere there. I know you will too. A very big "Welcome Home" to you.
Welcome home!
We stayed there during our last trip and it is beautiful.
If I had enough $$ I'd buy more points, but I have 670 and thats plenty.


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