Video or gator at Splash this ride and other water rides safe?

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And just so no one freaks out here is some information (from Web MD) on the Amoeba:

Amoebas are single-celled organisms. The so-called brain-eating amoeba is a species discovered in 1965. It's formal name is Naegleria fowleri. Although first identified in Australia, this amoeba is believed to have evolved in the U.S. There are several species of Naegleria but only the fowleri species causes human disease. There are several fowleri subtypes. All are believed equally dangerous. N. fowleri is microscopic: 8 micrometers to 15 micrometers in size, depending on its life stage and environment. By comparison, a hair is 40 to 50 micrometers wide. Like other amoebas, Naegleria reproduces by cell division. When conditions aren't right, the amoebas become inactive cysts. When conditions are favorable, the cysts turn into trophozoites -- the feeding form of the amoeba.

Where Are Brain-Eating Amoebas Found?

Naegleria loves very warm water. It can survive in water as hot as 113 degrees Fahrenheit.

These amoebas can be found in warm places around the globe. N. fowleri is found in:
  • Warm lakes, ponds, and rock pits
  • Mud puddles
  • Warm, slow-flowing rivers, especially those with low water levels
  • Untreated swimming pools and spas
  • Untreated well water or untreated municipal water
  • Hot springs and other geothermal water sources
  • Thermally polluted water, such as runoff from power plants
  • Aquariums
  • Soil, including indoor dust
Naegleria can't live in salt water. It can't survive in properly treated swimming pools or in properly treated municipal water. Most cases of N. fowleri disease occur in Southern or Southwestern states. Over half of all infections have been in Florida and Texas.

How Frequently Do People Get Infected by a Brain-Eating Amoeba?
Even though N. fowleri amoebas are relatively common, they only rarely cause brain disease. N. fowleri disease is known as primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). It occurs from zero to eight times a year, almost always from July to September. It's considered a rare infection. But some cases may be unreported. A study in Virginia that looked at more than 16,000 autopsy records from patients who died of meningitis found five previously unreported cases of PAM. Studies show that many people may have antibodies to N. fowleri. That suggests that they became infected with the amoeba but that their immune systems fought it off. It's not at all clear whether N. fowleri is a rare infection that always causes PAM and is almost always fatal, or a more common infection that only sometimes causes PAM. In a 2009 study, CDC researchers suggested that the common finding of antibodies to the amoeba in humans and the frequent finding of N. fowleri in U.S. waters indicates "that exposure to the amoeba is much more common than the incidence of PAM suggests."
indoor dust?!?!?!?! :scared:
At the risk of ruining your trip I now feel I must inform you that Walt Disney World is also home to venomous snakes and spiders both of which are more likely to kill you than any alligator. While the risk from snakes and spiders is much greater than alligators, the overall risk is so miniscule that you should not think twice about it either.......Please get a grip on risk, relax and enjoy your trip!!!!
i am aware that this video is old and this is not a sudden invasion. that actually upsets my family more because the danger has always been around us and we were ignorant to it. While I the subject Im also upset that I had no clue the waters around disney have the brain eating amoebas. Not that we went in the water but you just have to get splashed with it for a possible infection. Why didnt disney just inform their guests of the issues. Information is golden. I truly feel disney intentionally left these bits of information out just to keep the "magic" going....

Why didn't the guests inform themselves? It's not exactly a big secret. Warm , standing bodies of water = breeding ground for amoebas. Lakes in the south = gators. There are water moccasins and pythons to worry about as well.

When I go hiking in the woods I don't need signs informing me that there are bears, coyotes, and rattlesnakes, I just know those are inherent dangers, along with ticks and deadly spiders. It's a risk I take to enjoy nature.

When I go do Chicago, I don't need signs informing me that if I venture into the south side I am likely to get shot. It's just something I'm aware of, a natural danger of the area. It's a risk I take to enjoy the Cubs.

Adults should inform themselves on how to stay safe. Ignorance is not bliss.
It WAS a freak accident, that is the point. This mass hysteria over an animal that has always been there and has never been an issue is insane.

Animals have gone extinct over situations like this. Tasmanian Tigers were thought to be horrible predators that would kill every type of livestock and attack people, so they were killed off and are now extinct. Same with the the Falkland Island Wolf and other animals. Alligators almost went extinct in Florida before. People are much much much more likely to kill them than the other way around.
No one said it wasn't a freak occurrence - good lord, even I said it was. But there's no reason the OP can't be treated with kindness. People are making fun of his/her fear and that's absolutely not necessary.
that alligator in the video can most definitely hurt a child and an adult for that matter. Even that small, they do have teeth and strong jaws. I know, because I have been reading all about them to learn more about them for the past few days now....

Yes, the gator as an animal has the capacity to inflict harm on a child. The gator in the video is not in a position to do so. It does not want to get over onto the boat track. It will not. Unless a child crawls out of the safety bar, and hops up onto the grass there and starts antagonizing that small gator, it's just not going to happen on Splash Mountain.

A gator has the ability to inflict harm to a human. So does a dog. So does a horse. There are horses on Main Street every day, but that doesn't mean we should worry about one getting spooked and going on a rampage.
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I know many of you will freak out on me, rolling your eyes and saying that there is more of chance of getting killed on the road to the airport than at WDW but here it goes anyway........the gator in this video is very very close to the people in the logs. If the CM wasn't there the gator could climb over and technically be almost at eye level with the guests sitting in the ride. safe is this?? I read that gators can lunge so it is close enough to lunge and get in the log as it appears in this video......and on that note, what about the other water rides like Kali River Rapids, Jungle Cruise, Pirates (yes I know that ride is inside)........etc...... I dont want my family to be the next victim where people say as they are now "well it was a rare occurrence"..... I dont want to be that rare occurrence that people speak of.....:hyper2::rolleyes1:scared:

Don't go. Solved.
No one said it wasn't a freak occurrence - good lord, even I said it was. But there's no reason the OP can't be treated with kindness. People are making fun of his/her fear and that's absolutely not necessary.

I am aware you said that...that was why I was agreeing with you that it WAS a freak accident.
Why didn't the guests inform themselves? It's not exactly a big secret. Warm , standing bodies of water = breeding ground for amoebas. Lakes in the south = gators. There are water moccasins and pythons to worry about as well.

When I go hiking in the woods I don't need signs informing me that there are bears, coyotes, and rattlesnakes, I just know those are inherent dangers, along with ticks and deadly spiders. It's a risk I take to enjoy nature.

When I go do Chicago, I don't need signs informing me that if I venture into the south side I am likely to get shot. It's just something I'm aware of, a natural danger of the area. It's a risk I take to enjoy the Cubs.

Adults should inform themselves on how to stay safe. Ignorance is not bliss.

Are you concerned with the terrifying murders of people in the Orlando area the past few weeks? It would seem that getting shot is more likely than being attacked by an alligator.
No one said it wasn't a freak occurrence - good lord, even I said it was. But there's no reason the OP can't be treated with kindness. People are making fun of his/her fear and that's absolutely not necessary.
it's funny because there are a couple of other threads where they are talking about the gator attack and many of the same type of posters are preaching to those of us who said we didnt even know these threats existed, that we should have known and we should research every location we go to vacation to and that it is our responsibility and not disney's. Although I think that Disney is very much at fault, I still like to research and now even more so. It just seems here on the boards people will fight with you and insult you no matter what you say or ask. So now I want to be educated but I am still insulted as being too paranoid! Well which is it??? I'm too ignorant about my vacation venues or Im too paranoid because I am trying to ask questions and learn more????:rolleyes::sad2:
That video was way too sensationalized. It's good to be aware of ones surroundings (including likely dangers), but perseverating on things that are unlikely to happen (such as a gator jumping into a log on Splash) isn't healthy. The OP apparently lives in California; does she constantly worry about earthquakes, mountain lions, sharks, tsunamis, wildfires, etc? I hope not.
I don't think people are making fun. Just trying to help by pointing out that her fear is irrational and should not be the focus of her concern.
really? Irrational??? then what should be the focus of my concern???? I have to keep my mouth shut about terrorists at disney, must keep my mouth shut about hurricanes at disney, must keep my mouth shut about rides going off the track, must keep my mouth shut about dangerous basically just put a blindfold on and go on vacation because God forbid we question anything at Disney!!! And if I say it's disney's fault the gator killed the child Im told that it's teh fault of us tourists who should ask more questions and have more information prior to any trip!!:rolleyes:

it's funny because there are a couple of other threads where they are talking about the gator attack and many of the same type of posters are preaching to those of us who said we didnt even know these threats existed, that we should have known and we should research every location we go to vacation to and that it is our responsibility and not disney's. Although I think that Disney is very much at fault, I still like to research and now even more so. It just seems here on the boards people will fight with you and insult you no matter what you say or ask. So now I want to be educated but I am still insulted as being too paranoid! Well which is it??? I'm too ignorant about my vacation venues or Im too paranoid because I am trying to ask questions and learn more????:rolleyes::sad2:
Extremely valid point.
Why didn't the guests inform themselves? It's not exactly a big secret. Warm , standing bodies of water = breeding ground for amoebas. Lakes in the south = gators. There are water moccasins and pythons to worry about as well.

When I go hiking in the woods I don't need signs informing me that there are bears, coyotes, and rattlesnakes, I just know those are inherent dangers, along with ticks and deadly spiders. It's a risk I take to enjoy nature.

When I go do Chicago, I don't need signs informing me that if I venture into the south side I am likely to get shot. It's just something I'm aware of, a natural danger of the area. It's a risk I take to enjoy the Cubs.

Adults should inform themselves on how to stay safe. Ignorance is not bliss.
what do you think Im doing here?? I started this thread so I can inform myself but I am being insulted and attacked for doing so.....:rolleyes:
that alligator in the video can most definitely hurt a child and an adult for that matter. Even that small, they do have teeth and strong jaws. I know, because I have been reading all about them to learn more about them for the past few days now....
"Can" and "will" are two entirely different concepts. If you have been doing the research that you say you have, then you must know several things:
  • Alligators under 4 feet of length are not removed by Disney. Why? Because they pose no threat to humans.
  • A little three foot alligator does not lie in wait, ready to lunge into a log of people riding on a theme park ride.
  • Alligators like the one in the video have been inside the MK for decades. And yet, not a one has ever lunged at a guest on a ride or in line to buy a Mickey Bar.
The alligator in that (2009) video, or any other alligator currently in the MK that is the size of the one in the video, is not going to harm anyone. And the one in the video being fed at Coronado Springs would be even less able to do so. They are juveniles. Babies. Quite simply, we are not on their diet.
really? Irrational??? then what should be the focus of my concern???? I have to keep my mouth shut about terrorists at disney, must keep my mouth shut about hurricanes at disney, must keep my mouth shut about rides going off the track, must keep my mouth shut about dangerous basically just put a blindfold on and go on vacation because God forbid we question anything at Disney!!! And if I say it's disney's fault the gator killed the child Im told that it's teh fault of us tourists who should ask more questions and have more information prior to any trip!!:rolleyes:

It's not that you shouldn't do some research and learn about the risks, it's that your phrasing comes off as over the top and paranoid. It's these kinds of things that create fear mongering over a falsely sensationalized issue. It's like Helen Lovejoy shouting, "Won't somebody please think of the children!" It's histrionics, or at least that's what a lot of us here are perceiving.

I'll answer the question from your post title:
Is this ride and other water rides safe?

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