*Un*Official DIS Reunion Sept2021

Finally packing for our departure tomorrow morning. Yeah…I’m one of those people😂 Sent a request to the FB group, and am hoping to see you all down there😀
Hi all, So glad to hear folks are making it in safely. Finally arrived myself and just finished unpacking again (had to move due to power being out in half of the room). I realized my little sewing kit didn't find its way into my bag! (Principally the safety pins and a few Hook/eye closures I was planning to use.) I will have to figure where I can find these items. Had a hilarious time trying to learn how to app/ schedule a Lyft to the airport- long story best reserved with a tall glass of refreshing beverage.
I was going to go for a run tomorrow morning.... err this morning, but since it's almost 2am... we'll see what time I get up. I do want to get my credentials in the morning & find provisions for the room. If I look a little haggard, it's wasn't cause of Trader Sams!

EDIT 9am: Certainly was a magical morning! Got to see dawn over the lake on a morning jog/walk and the Contemp desk helped me with securing some safety pins + hook/eye closures. Who know they had runner to help guests with the odd request? "We're a deluxe resort, we offer needed services guests." My word! Very helpful indeed! Took monorail for an early morning Tonga Toast and provision run. Having delightful breakfast on the balcony. Can't wait to see y'all later on!
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My morning meeting ended, heading over. Morning outfit: Lavender shirt with "Dream. Believe. Do. Repeat." and wearing Conductor Hat Alllll Aboooard! Come say Hi/Howdy if you see me! (Next time I need to make name badges for those of us who want to more easily connect! ;) :D )
Coming up tonight, sans, wig, makeup, etc, just shorts and a t shirt. Back home tonight and back tomorrow by 1:30pm I want to see the auction room and see everyone from 2019 that's in town already. And will try to change my room from The Grand to The Contemporary.

Tigerette, don't change that shirt!!!
Tiggerette, don't change that shirt!!!

Bwhahaha.... Girl, you KNOW me! :cutie: I have an evening outfit planned! I wanted to attend the orchestra in something a little more dressy. It'll be a polynesian inspired maxi dress. If I'm not in Conductor Ears, it'll be Tigger-ears. The hat is really big and may block view, alternatively I'll probably be in the back away from clumps of crowdedness.

UPDATE: I noticed that the Auction Room is the Grand Republic Ballroom, not Sorcerers. So I updated the BooBash Social location and the PDF schedule on the first post.
Bwhahaha.... Girl, you KNOW me! :cutie: I have an evening outfit planned! I wanted to attend the orchestra in something a little more dressy. It'll be a polynesian inspired maxi dress. If I'm not in Conductor Ears, it'll be Tigger-ears. The hat is really big and may block view, alternatively I'll probably be in the back away from clumps of crowdedness.

UPDATE: I noticed that the Auction Room is the Grand Republic Ballroom, not Sorcerers. So I updated the BooBash Social location and the PDF schedule on the first post.

I'm a tad surprised you don't have an outfit change every couple of hours planned!

You all get to see me in a very different outfit tonight, totally drab, as a guy really, one of the rare sightings of me like this. Still in my scooter though, ugh.
Danielle, re outfits: yaaas. You know it! re socializing: I'm just thrilled that you're here in whatever way you're here. I'm up in the room at the moment sewing/ recharging, and plan to be back by 5pm for the orchestra, followed by more music.

Also, plug for the Salts/Bath accoutrements in the Vendor Room. The eucalyptus is very nice. It's not overly mentholated- so it gives an uplifting scent and comes from Indonesian essential oils. For those that are doing tons of park travel, the nature's remedy from this one will be quite nice!
Also 2, Amy one of the artist vendors is super sweet and really worth checking out her art along with a delightfully lovely chat. Mr. Bill from the collectors area hassome great Paige O'Hara stories to go with the paintings he's selling.
Also 3- nonsequitur: What happens when you Solo-Disney? You discover to keep food warm, you can leave it on the balcony while you need to take a zoom call indoors. Need to put away your coffee in the fridge, but want to use that cup for something else? Store it in your coffee pot and put the pot in the fridge. No one else is gonna use it! ;D hehehe! See y'all real soon!
Danielle, re outfits: yaaas. You know it! re socializing: I'm just thrilled that you're here in whatever way you're here. I'm up in the room at the moment sewing/ recharging, and plan to be back by 5pm for the orchestra, followed by more music.

Also, plug for the Salts/Bath accoutrements in the Vendor Room. The eucalyptus is very nice. It's not overly mentholated- so it gives an uplifting scent and comes from Indonesian essential oils. For those that are doing tons of park travel, the nature's remedy from this one will be quite nice!
Also 2, Amy one of the artist vendors is super sweet and really worth checking out her art along with a delightfully lovely chat. Mr. Bill from the collectors area hassome great Paige O'Hara stories to go with the paintings he's selling.
Also 3- nonsequitur: What happens when you Solo-Disney? You discover to keep food warm, you can leave it on the balcony while you need to take a zoom call indoors. Need to put away your coffee in the fridge, but want to use that cup for something else? Store it in your coffee pot and put the pot in the fridge. No one else is gonna use it! ;D hehehe! See y'all real soon!

I should make it by about 6:30 or so, depends on traffic on I-75 & I-4. I need to take a call around 6:30 for 10 minutes.

Um, I used to be the same with my outfits too until I started becoming bionic. Now I need to pack too much other stuff. I used to bring a small suitcase full of just shoes. Yes, call me crazy, I used to wear heels into the parks.
Jodi talked, she sang part of your world, i’m in the orchestra room towards the back, tigger ears in. orchestra playing be our guest in quickstep?. wish there was danicng
PS After orchestra I’m heading over to fantasia to hang out for music. i’ll be in the back of the room. ill be on the lookout for y’all
PPS If there can’t be dancin, i wish there could be bubbles. Some of the songs are so smooth and chill. As Mr Welk would say, “That was wunnerful wunnerful!” Great tunes from throught the Disney catalogue. What a treat!
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for campbelllz, music / entertainment started . sergio joyous as ever! Bar + hightops set up in back, which means no masks.
Edit: Off Kilter bringing the Celtic lightning and thunder! Watch out the RockGods are in the House!!! Their “Farewell to Nova Scotia” sounds near cousins to Dropkick Murphys. Mayhap the Murphys used to visit the Canadian Pavilion back in the day! Great show!
Edit2: Breaking news: Yeehaa Bob will be back at WDW beginning October 14th! Congrats to Yeehaa Bob!

The overall program was incredibly entertaining. It was a wonderful reminder why supporting artists all the time is so important. It's clear these folks kept up their craft during the last 18mos. A shout out to the lighting. It enhanced the experience. I needed ear plugs because the sound was rock concert loud, but overall well-mixed for most of the program.
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