Twins - 1 year old


Mar 17, 2003
hi there,

this may not be the forum for this question, but I thought I would post anyway. My husband and I were planning on waiting until our twins (now 10 months old) are three before going to Disney, but I just priced the Grand Floridian for $2300 for a week!!! I can't even believe this...thought I missed a person. :) We'd plan in late Sept, perhaps early October if it's included in the package.

Anyway, I've read many posts of families taking one child under 2, but I haven't seen any for twins. My children are extremely good in public and very rarely whine. I have no doubt they would absolutely LOVE it and we as parents would love to give them such a gift. However, I am so scared of germs, as my children were born very premature and I wonder if anyone has similar concerns or similar situation. My family calls me the anti-bacterial queen and my husband reminds me of all the germs floating around on the rides, etc....

Any ideas??????? :)
I have not taken my DS at that age but he was very premature (16 weeks early) and we did very much deal with the germ issues!! I found that about a year old, I did start to lighten up a lot. I still did not put him in any child group settings, but we pretty much went everywhere by this time. I would be sure to get their Dr's ok if there are any health issues still going on with them. Sept, is not flu or RVS season so you should be OK there. They also are too little to be walking or on the ground a lot so that will help too. I would still be careful to not let them mouth thinks like the bars on rides, high chairs etc. and carry lots of bactreria wipesto wipe down everything. Most parents do not uinderstand the specail issue with very premature infants so know that many will not be able to relate to this specail problem. Hope that this trip is a dream vacation.

BTW- My premature baby will be 11 next month! Give me a PM if you want some reasurance that they turn out just fine!!!

Jordan's mom
my twins were also preemies (30 wks). Although not 10 months old, I took my twins the first time when they were about 18 mo old. They had a blast. Of course we had to hold them for most of the rides, they still laughed like crazy.

Now, the only issue was that my husband and I could not ride on the adult rides together. But that was ok since we were allowed to tradeoff when one of us was done with the ride.

The kids took their naps everyday in their strollers that we brought from home.

Knowing that a 10 mo old most likely would not get too much out of the rides, but:

1. They are free. No passes to buy.
2. I still bet they would love some of the yummy treats that mommy and daddy could share. I also think, although they will not remember the trip, there will be lots of smiles - on both kids and parents.
3. Since I have first hand experience with twins, go with your husband and have fun. Really the kids will just tag along. Being on a monorail resort will be great to go back and forth. (We stayed at the Allstars and had to lug two babies/strollers/diaper bag on and off the bus. We always had help from someone)
4. You can't beat this price with the FT package.

I carried wipes with me everywhere. I also made sure their hands were cleaned after they touched something.

As a mother of twins, I am sure you can relate, is having well meaning strangers come up and try to touch the kids. By 18 months we were old pros at handling this situation. We always said they just got over a cold and we wanted to be extra careful.

So, my vote is go and have a great time.
my twins are former 26 weekers...preemie parents understand the "preemie jargon." :) my son was 2.2 and daughter 1.11. now at 7 months adjusted 19 and 18lbs. piggies!!!

I'm happy to say that both my children are thriving and doing very well. They are 7 months adjusted and right on target for their age. I'm definately starting to get better with the "germ thing," as RSV season is over, but I'm still VERY careful (people don't touch unless they wash). :) They had 8 months of Synegis and I'm not sure if my ped is planning on prescribing it again next year.

Anyway, I guess I can't keep the babies sheltered forever, but I planned on asking my ped...she's very honest. Given their history, I'm sure she wouldn't want anything bad to happen. Aside from Chronic Lung Disease due to vent, they came away from the NICU fairly well (no bleeds, etc...). My son had a PDA which opened and closed twice but no need for ligation...thank God. They are true miracle babies.

And your little (now almost teen) one??? You must recognize everything I've written. And yes, parents of full term healthy children do not understand. I kept the kids very sheltered this winter and we escaped sickness. My friends' children were sick all winter, I'm from up north and it was a terrible year.

Thanks so much for responding....Sorry for the rambling.
I find the worst is the older generation who feel they can reach in and grab. I've walked away from situations where I feel like such a meannie, but I can't risk getting them sick. And then when I try and explain they were small...people don't get it. :)
I have two year old triplets (born at 31 weeks). We took them to Disneyland when they were 15 months old. Everyone thought we were crazy but we had such a great time and it was a wonderful family vacation. We went in May and called it our "RSV season is over vacation." Our kids did not leave the house during RSV season. I have a friend who has a child with cystic fibrosis and has to be very careful about germs. She carries a can of lysol wherever she goes and if somthing is questionable she just sprays it down. Go and have a fun time. We are going to Disney World/ Disney Cruise in December when they will be two months away from being three. We just enjoy doing things together as a family and don't let the fact that there are three of them slow us down too much. :D

SAHM to Harrison 6
Keri, Spencer and Kaylee 2
Our twins were born at 32 weeks, they are now 5. We were never given any special instructions about germs. We were told to keep them at home as much as possible for the first 6 weeks but that was it.

We visited DW with them when they were 2. They turned 2 in January and we went in Feb. We did take my older daughter for her 1st B'day and it was great! I think it is actually easier at 1 because they are happy sitting in the stroller. My kids were also better eating out at 1. At 2 the boys wanted to get out and explore! THey did not like staying in the stroller or sitting still in a restaurant. I'm not sure if it is an age thing, boy/girl thing, or just different kids.

I think you will have a great trip!
My twins really weren't considered preemies - born at 37 weeks weighing 5.5 lbs. & 5.11 lbs. We took them to Disney the first time when they were 2 1/2 & they loved it. I worried about germs then & still worry about them now. I took antibacterial soap/lotion with me at that time. Now I am constantly having all 3 of my DD's wash their hands - even at home.

One of my twins has asthma & allergies, gets bronchitis & pneumonia frequently so we are always dealing with the germ issue with her. I think it is normal for any parent to be concerned, & it should be of special concern to those of you with premature children that are more prone to illness.

I have a nephew that is almost 6-months old. He was diagnosed with CF (cystic fibrosis) when he was only 3 weeks old. I have watched him many times & on a few occasions have had to take him to run errands with me. When well-meaning strangers want to touch him because they think "he is so cute" I almost want to slap their hands & say "you have no idea the damage you could do if you have germs on your hands". Of course, I usually just smile & turn him the other way. We don't want him to feel "different" than other children when he is growing up, but it is really annoying when people think they can just touch someone else's child!!!

Anyway, I guess my point is that you can't shelter your children but you can be careful with them. Go to Disney & have a great time. You'll be glad you did. :D


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