"Troll" Warning and I'm a little sad...

i think it's a cool ring. now a days i think women want rings that were popular in the 20's and that ring is definitely reprisentative of that era. i for the longest time thought my great-grandmother's ring from 1910 was gorgeous (it has fillagree on the side and it is probably a 0.5 carat diamond in a bezel setting).

i've already told my boyfriend that if we get married some day that i want my grandmother's tiffany ring from the 1940's (not because it's tiffany's, i could seriously care less about that, but because it means a lot to me to have a family heirloom.) i think it's probably 0.6 carat only, but it's gorgeous, sparkly, low set, and in yellow gold (which is unusual for a tiffany engagement ring, they actually only made yellow gold rings during wwii because it was said to be unpatriotic to have a platinum ring.)

i feel like the only thing that matters to people now is bigger is better. personally i would rather have a home and not be in debt than to have my boyfriend buy me a 200,000$ ring because i needed a 4 carat piece of junk.

ps. here's what my ring will look like (i took this from some auction website online, so it's not mine, but it looks exactly like it). it's not anything special to look at, but i think it's gorgeous and very meaningful to me.


I really like it and so does my fiancee. I agree that we would rather have a house then a $20,000 ring.
I was extremely peeved by the whole ring thing. I noticed it when I got a quick glance at the board. Did they post a picture of your ring? I saw someones ring on there from here (the ring with the heart). We aren't exactly dealing with classy people here, obviously deprived women who either haven't been to disney world or haven't fallen in love and are bitter! Don't you let them bring you down! :sad2: It's all jealousy, remember that too. It doesn't matter what the ring looks like as long as you adore it and it's from your DF, that's all that matters! :)

No, they didn't steal the photo of my ring. My proposal story is one I will cherish forever...it was not as extravagant as many I've heard on here...but it's mine, you know?;) My DH was nervous and the things he said were so cute!:rotfl: When he told me WHY he picked the ring he did (he had been looking for a natural alexandrite ring) well...who was I to question his choice?:love: :cloud9:

The ring they did post, and make comments on...well...let's just say if they knew anything about wordly traditions, they would have known that ring was a variation/customization of a claddagh ring (a traditional Irish wedding ring). I thought the ring was very unusual and quite stunning. And that girls DF went to great measures to make that ring into something very special (I think he had her grandmothers diamond put into it).
I had a peek and noticed they had copied & pasted the bit where I said I had Minnie & mickey, it wouldn't have felt right without them'.

How pathetic they are..... such low lifes!
Hmm.... I teach seven year old children who have better values than those "women".

If these people have nothing better to do with their lives than to try and create misery for other people, or to make themselves feel good by attacking other people to try to make them feel bad, then the only emotion I have for them is pity. Pure pity. I see better behaviour on the playground.
I have been lurking on this board because my best friend is getting married soon, and we have been getting ideas from this forum. Please don't let bitter, petty people make you feel bad. They are obviously not happy with their own lives so they have to pretend to be superior. Klassy, indeed!

I have enjoyed all the beautiful Disney weddings, and I wish I had been a Disney addict when I got married!:)
You know it scares me to think that these type of immature people have children of their own. What kinds of examples do they set for their children if they are making fun of people they do not even know? I think a wedding is a very personal thing. I chose to have a WDW wedding b/c Disney had a very special place for me and my father. As a little girl, we went to every Disney movie in theaters. He bought me every disney movie ever made. When we walked into the parks his face would light up!! When I got engaged it was his idea for me to get married in disney. When he passed away I knew disney was were we were going to be married it was very special to me for these reasons. I'm sure every girl on here has her own special reason for a disney wedding and I am very hurt that anyone would try to make us feel "abnormal" for wanting a disney wedding!!!
It's pretty disgraceful. Do they not have moderators on that board?
They should all hang their heads in shame.
Actually I read the whole thread, realising they started it with a link of my photograph below calling it a trainwreck. I was pretty gutted to think there are such cruel people out there.
I hate to say this, it isn't me, but I sincerely hope that their boyfriends dump them at the altar!!!
Actually I read the whole thread, realising they started it with a link of my photograph below calling it a trainwreck. I was pretty gutted to think there are such cruel people out there.
I hate to say this, it isn't me, but I sincerely hope that their boyfriends dump them at the altar!!!

I believe in Karma :hippie: ...they'll eventually get what's coming to them. And I've always thought that your sig photo was adorable! It's so cute with Mickey and Minnie covering their eyes, and you and your husband kissing...it's so cute! Don't let those girls get you down...don't let them get their way. In fact, I don't even think those girls deserve as much attention as we've been giving them!
Yes you're right. I just showed my Husband the threads and he was of the opinion that there's no point in even reading them because all they can talk is carp.
He suggests they be brave and post a photo of themselves on their wedding days and let the people judge.

Insecure they must be.
I joined both forums and made a couple of complaints along with their user names.
Yeah, and they really have lives! Pixie dust to you!
If they posted any of your pictures - to be REALLY mean, you could always change the picture links to something naughty ;) (obviously, change your links to the right picture)

The only problem would be that if someone's quoted your pictures, the link will stay around here too.

Happens all the time when people hotlink stuff they're not supposed to - you see some random image that's like OH DEAR *** :p
I skimmed these threads that are being discussed and this is my one and only thing I want to say:


All of you make this place somewhere exciting and fun to hang out and talk freely with people who care about you and your happiness! ;)

We have fabulous moderators who would never even dream of letting anything like those threads happen. And we have amazing fellow friends (dis'sers) that would never even dream of trying to hurt another's feelings like that.

What a great accomplishment for us to be able to say that we are better than that and probably lead happier lives because of it. We all are happy and caring about one another......sad that they can't say the same! :wizard:

Here's one for their boards to trash:

Instead of getting upset, let's just send them some pixie dust in hopes that they can feel the magic of what is your own wedding day, regardless of it being at the Ritz or right in the middle of the most magical place on Earth! :wizard:

Every wedding is a beautiful wedding, not because of the location, the guests (we love mickey and minnie! :goodvibes ), or the food............

but because of the love the bride and groom share! :love:

I am proud to say that I am happy for each and every bride who can look past the "details" and "the my wedding is better because ______", because after all.........it all starts with a dream your heart makes! Our dreams just happened to be Disney! :goodvibes :wizard:
I know it stinks that they are ripping apart our dreams, but we are only giving them what the want ....a rise outta us.

I read the posts & wanted to respond, but I think they purposly do that to get people going so they can have some fun...Like children.

I think it was mean, but I refuse to play into them....let them tear into me....their comments mean as much to me as the business my dog does on the grass:lmao:

I am more than comfortable planning, helping, consulting, admitting & absolutly LOVING DFTW!!!

Dont let them get to you guys....we're all better than that:woohoo:

Look how cinderella handled her Wicked stepmother & stepsister.............with class:cheer2:
Hey fellow Princesses - it should just make us feel more like Cinderella to have all these stepsisters tearing at our beads. ;)

If it makes you feel any better, Disney Brides, for every detractor, there are five people who are wishin', dreamin' and hopin' to follow in your footsteps. It's your posts that inspire me. They help me keep my dream of Disney wedding alive in the tougher moments. I don't know if I could keep saving and stay on track without the inspiration from these boards. When I finally have a pic of me and my prince in front of the Castle, I'll have you all to thank.
I was floored when I went over there and read those posts--how could anyone be so mean? It isn't even their business. Oh well. :(


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