Travelling with Chicken Pox


Totally in love with Lisa_C
Jun 13, 2008
Anyone had any experience of policy for Chicken Pox on ferry's?

Kacee has come out in them, 6 days before we go to DLRP!!!
:scared1: I have no experience with ferries, hope someone can reassure you it'll be okay.

Welcome back - I've missed you posting :)
oh no thats awful jon sorry ash hasnt had them yet so i dont know. im sure there was a discussion before about chicken pox on a plane. would the rules be the same. check the period of time they are contagious you should be ok after that and maybe get a note off your doctor
I don't know about ferry policy but they are contagious until the spots scab over, so if they were still contagious when you go to DLRP it might not be the best place to be. I would say if he has them now they will likely be scabbed over in 6 days but I'm not sure. Bear in mind though that his brother may well get them....hope not, as he's so little.
oh no, what a nightmare ! I know planes have rules but I'm not sure about ferries ? Sorry I can't give any advice although I can offer a chicken pox tip, having a bath in bicarb of soda can take the heat out of them and help with the itching (as well as all the usuals like calamine lotion, etc) get well soon little fella
Welcome back - I've missed you posting :)

Thanks :goodvibes

I don't know about ferry policy but they are contagious until the spots scab over, so if they were still contagious when you go to DLRP it might not be the best place to be. I would say if he has them now they will likely be scabbed over in 6 days but I'm not sure. Bear in mind though that his brother may well get them....hope not, as he's so little.

That's really what we are worried about is Macklyn getting them too.

I wonder if DLRP would stop kids going in if they had chicken pox? I think Kacee will be ok but I'm guessing that Macklyn will get it too
If you are worried about the small fella, have a word with your GP. they can prescribe Zovirax liquid, which greatly diminishes the outbreak. When my son got them last year, he was prescribed this and it really sped up the healing process, although I feel they will be sufficiently scabbed over not to cause you a problem. We had a prescription for myself and my daughter also, so as soon as we showed signs we took it and our infections were very mild as a result.

Oh yes, and try to get Eurax cream or lotion, this is excellent for stopping teh itch.
The infectious period is generally from a week before the spots till about 5 days after or until they scab over. My son's school has a policy of 7 days absence from when the spots appear. But of course they've been in school contagious for a week beforehand, nothing anyone can do about that.
My experience, and that of most families I know, is that the second child gets it within about 2 weeks of the first one. I hope Macklyn doesn't get it, but I do know young babies who have had it and actually it has been OK.
Don't know if you already have some but Piriton Syrup is great for easing the itching.
just to let you know if you buy Aqueous cream that has calamine lotion already in it then it doesnt make the spots so itchy.Calamine lotion on its own is good but makes the skin tight around the spots causing even more itchness also the aqueous will not give you so many scars afterwards.

He should be alright for travelling as it is a few days off yet and the younger one may be unwell but probably not for another 10-14 days.

My daughter is home with me today as she has the viral infection from the chicken pox that is going round the school both my kids had chicken pox 4 years ago my son first then 2 weeks later my daughter then 2 weeks after that we flew to florida.
hope he is feeling better soon:love:
Nice to see you back Capn although shame it is not under better circumstances.

Chicken Pox is transmitted through an airborne virus but as others have stated once the scabs crust over Kacee should no longer be contagious. Travel carriers might not accept this so it may be wise to arrange to have a GP letter should you have a problem.

Macklyn may show signs of catching chicken pox 9 - 21 days after Kacee was at the infectious stage. So think that he may be your greatest worry.

Hope everyone and everything turns out okay :grouphug:
I've rushed on here as I'm a little in the know due to my preschool here goes :-)

First off C.P is infectious 10 days before the spots come out so in theroy anyone that has had contact with Kacee and not had them can get them. They are contagious until the LAST spot has scabbed over, then it's ok for them to mix with others. Piriton is good for relieving the itch, as it MEDISED which is paracetamol based (so no mixing with any other type of paracetamol suspension, but Nurofen is fine) and also contains an ingredient to help them sleep and is often recommended for C.P.

As for your little one, he is very young and while it's not uncommon for small babies to get it, rarely those under six months actually do. Exposure can help build up a natural immunity and children in a family with C.P very rarely develop shingles in latter life too.

My daughter had C.P and only came out in four spots! I breast fed her for the first year which helped :-) But when Kacee has not had a spot appear for two days on the trot then it is showing signs of clearing up. As long as all the spots showing appear to have scabs then you can't infect anyone. It's usually around ten days after the first spot has surfaced, but eowyn was "clear" after 5.

Pregnant women at certain stages of pregnancy can develop, shingles but all pregnant women will tell you they stay away from anything remotely looking like a "disease" lol.

So fingers crossed you will be ok, I very much doubt that anyone will check to see if your child has spots when you board the ferry, but as you say, you just want peace of mind.

I wouldn't worry as it's a common childhood thing and I bet you there are a few more kids on the ferry with far nastier germs (lol)

Lisa x

And as Cyrano pointed out, siblings will show signs around two-three weeks later. My daughter however took six weeks to show up!!
Sorry can't really give you any advice with what to do, but just wanted to say that my daughter got chickenpox at 4 weeks old! My eldest daughter came out with chickenpox the day after my youngest was born, then 2 weeks later all 3 boys within 3 days, then 2 weeks later my little baby got them! She also had shingles last november at 16 months.

As others have said, they are contagious until the last spot has crusted over, my lot varied from 3 days to a week after the first spot appeared that they were tcrusted over, but they took up to a month for all the scabs to disappear so be prepared for funny looks from people for taking your 'ill' child out, lol.

Also, I definately recommend the aqueous calomine cream, so much better than the lotion.
The rules on Medised have changed and they now won't sell it for a child under 6. lots of medication rules have recently. I was recently recommended by the GP to get Sudafed for my 4 yr old daughter only for the pharmacist to refuse to sell it to me. But it's the antihistamine which helps in the itching, which is why the hayfever medication available in syrup form is useful for chickenpox.
Hmmm, no one told me about the updated info on Medised :confused3 I wonder why not as usually we have monthly updates as to what we can and can not give the children, though we usually recommend a parent administers pain relief etc as we have to make sure we've got adequate insurance to give a child any meds????

I better check this out! Thank s :thumbsup2

QUICK UPDATE : The "rule" changes are here :


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