Transfer paper question...doing this weekend


Mommy the Magic Maker
Aug 21, 2003
Hi all! I am using dark colored shirts for the first time and am very nervous. I usually use all white shirts for our trips but that is getting boring so I am going to branch out!;)

I am going to use a black tee shirt for an image and want to make sure I do it right. I have Purple Chimp papers for dark colored shirts. How much white is going to show up? Are they any different to use then the ones for white shirt?

Has anyone on here used this brand? I have only used Avery before with good results but I got this at the craft store as well as ones that contain glitter.....thanks in advance! 6 days out!!!! :cheer2:
I've only used Amy's dark transfers (the best!) but used on all my shirts...white, royal blue, green and my son used on black.

All came out perfect!!
I think I've seen the brand you are talking about, but I too have used Amy's since I've found them. They are truly the best. I'm thinking that all of the white is going to show up. If you have a disign that has a white background then it will show up white. If you can cut around whatever you don't want to show that would work, but it would be a lot of work if you have a detailed disign. Hope this helps. Maybe Amy herself will chime in for assistance.
I do not know anything about that particular brand but...

If the transfers you have used in the past were 'light' transfers than the sheet itself was probably clear. So that means anything that did not print in color on the sheet would be clear (or in effect, the shirt color). If you used these on a colored shirt, then all of the white areas would be the shirt color. For example, Mickey's hands would be red on a red shirt.

Since you have said that these new transfers are for dark shirts, I assume they are 'dark' transfers. That means that the sheet itself is white. The best way to picture what your design will look like is to picture it printed onto a standard white sheet of paper. You will want to trim off any areas that you do not want to be white on your shirt.

I hope this helps!
Amy, I purchased your dark transfer paper, but really should have gone with light transfer paper as my image is full of writing and I can't cut out every letter. Do you have any light colored transfer paper on your web page or can you recommend a brand? Thanks!
Amy, I purchased your dark transfer paper, but really should have gone with light transfer paper as my image is full of writing and I can't cut out every letter. Do you have any light colored transfer paper on your web page or can you recommend a brand? Thanks!

I do not sell or know too much about light transfers as I use dark transfers for everything. There are several ways to get around not having to cut out each individual letter. You could make the background of the design the same color as your shirt so that it will blend well. Or you could put the design in an easy to cut out shape - circle, square, rectangle. Or you could simply cut 'loosely' around the design. What I mean by that is to cut kinda close and bubbly around the letters.

Here is a sample of what I mean. I made these shirts for my family back in 2009.

Thank you so much everyone! I have had an issue with my printer so we didn't print yet....but I will cut around all the parts I don't want to be white...I will let you know! Thanks again!


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