TR - Three musketeers in DLP (I finally finished my TR)

Isila said:
Hello everybody

we're home. Ignas is much much better, he has to keep his diet, get much sleep, take his medicine and he shall be fine in no time.

Will continue on my TR tomorrow.

Delighted to hear your news x
so, the continuation of day 2....

I forgot to mention one important thing.

Just before 10am, we headed to Adventure land for POTC ride. Waited a few moment for Adventure land to open and headed with the crowd. And YAY - it was closed. Again. As always on our trip. Technical problems they said. No idea when it's open. Yay.

Back to the story...

After meeting Winnie the Pooh and getting some wonderful pictures we headed to the castle to our meeting point.

I was looking around if I see anyone familiar. Oh, those crowds... And the 20th anniversary train coming in few moments... And the... I saw someone looking at us and waving. It was Donald Duck's wife and her family. It was the most pleasant meeting ever. They are such loving and adorable family :love::cloud9:
After we talked and gave our names and kids made friends, we watched the train. How exciting that was. the pure joy in Donald Duck's wife son's face. So adorable, so wonderful and magical.
After the characters split for meet'n'greet we headed to hunt some. And we were very very lucky.


But those crowds.. Oh my...

Later we decided to go on some rides. If someone could refresh my memory what rides we took I would be grateful :confused3 :lmao: I think we did It's a small world... We walked around and talked and then said bye bye till tomorrow as we had reservations for plaza gardens for 2 pm.

While we were heading to it we saw characters just beside It's a small world. So we rushed and met a few.
Donald is the favorite for Ignas


We also saw Mickey, Pluto, Captain hook, Mr.Smee and one from Robin Hood, but kids didn't want to wait as they were hungry.

We had a very nice lunch in Plaza gardens, good thing we made reservations. Definitely worth the visit. Great food and surroundings.

After our lunch that lasted almost 2 hours we decided to go and see if POTC ride was open. Now I don't remember if it was still closed or the queue was very big, but we didn't get a ride.

Then we headed to find a spot for the parade. And we did find a good one.

I loved the parade. it was different than last year, enjoyed very much. Kids just waved and waved.

I think I didn't mention I bought my boys guns. Pirate ones so we headed to Adventure land for some fun.


And this was the first time we were able to look around Captain Hook's ship. it's his ship, right? :lmao:


More fun at Pirate Isle

did some rides, got cold and grabbed dinner at Casey's corner. It was sooooooo goood.

And then we went to look for a spot for Dreams. We decided just in front of casey's corner. It was loooong and cold wait. Kids didn't want to wait and I kept telling "just this one time", "be patient".... The crowd was getting bigger and bigger... Lots of people trying to take over your spot, squeeze in etc.

And the it began. It was great, wonderful, magical. Kids loved it, were amazed as they didn't expect anything like it.

Just as it was over, we headed back to hotel. Rushed in fact. The buss was full, had to wait for it, but finally we were back in SL. Found our lodge and our room and settled in. Then I left the kids watching cartoons and went to get our baggage.

Long day. Tired. Feet hurt. Cold.

Had a warm bath and jumped in the bad. Watched some cartoons in French and went to sleep.

Oh, those pillows were way better than ones in HNY....

Kids decided we sleep altogether. So we did. When they were asleep I went to the other bed. nice :cloud9: Few hours later I was joined by Gailius and some time later Ignas came too. Moments later I was sleeping in their bed... Alone :cloud9:

Good night everybody :laughing:
Glad to her your boy is ok. Getting in and out of beds made me :) think the same could happen on our holiday!
Glad to her your boy is ok. Getting in and out of beds made me :) think the same could happen on our holiday!

This happened every night, I even would change the beds 3 times a night.
Day 3 - Thursday
woke up for an early start. last time I found myself being very smart - I finally figured out how to "do" a wake up call :lmao::lmao: I tried that in Cheyenne too, but the automatic woman's voice gave directions in French. Like I know French... SL was in English. YAY.
Jumped from bed having now idea what was ringing. PIcked the phone and it was Mickey :woohoo:
Kids asked for cartoons. Hurry hurry hurry - and off to breakfast.
Did I mention I was smart enough to take 7 am slot? (ok, I do like compliment myself :rolleyes1:lmao: ). Now, as my memory is short with names... We were guided to the restaurant that is on the left.
And it was already crowded. Now I do understand what a peaceful breakfast we had in HNY on our previous trips.
Ignas was very happy about Nuttela. Every morning he would go pick 2-3 peaces and hide those in my bag "for later use" as he referred. He probably had 3-5 bites of breakfast. I began to think that a later breakfast would be better. But it's early breakfast and no queues or later breakfast and loooooong queues. And I do think Ignas was begining not to feel well. Probably it was the start of his illness.
Gailius went to fill bottles with juice and came back unhappy. He was muttering something about helpful people who would fill the bottles for him and he liked filling bottles himself. It was fun thing to do. I had to make serious face and comfort him :rolleyes1

As we left restaurant just 5 mins before 8am, kids rushed to see who is there for the meet'n'greet and joined the line.
And they got lots of attention from characters and CM because of autograph books. CM would take their book, look at it, ask another CM to come etc. Finally they told me "they don't sell these in DLP" :lmao: The book was shown to characters and kids got lots of great photos and reviews about their books. I will make new ones for next trip. It's worth it.


Next there were Chip and dale. How much fun it was. The kept showing the books to each other. Looking at pics, pointing to themselves. Fun fun fun :lmao:


Off to the bus and parks we were. Arrived just after 9am. Late start :rolleyes1
As always we did usual morning rides - Buzz, Tea cups, carousel... And headed to studios as had planned before.
We got a very nice ride in police car.

Long queues at entrance to studios. Crowds...

Firs ride - Cars rally. 10 mins wait.

then Slinky dog

And off to Art of animation. Warm. So nice inside.

Kids had some painting fun after that.

Next "must do" - screaming. Ignas had it's own way...

After that we headed to meeting point with Donald Duck's wife and her family. While walking through studio 1 someone called me. I was so into running to our meeting point that I didn't see our friends :rolleyes1 Probably I need to change my glasses. :confused3:lmao:

we browsed the shops together. And I have to say huge thanks for letting me use Shareholder's card :cloud9: Ignas bought Cars set. As always, Lightning McQueen. What else could buy this huge Cars fan? Gailius was upset as he didn't find what he wanted. And he had no clue what he wanted....
we decided on some rides. Back to Slinky dog.

And we did Cars too.
After doing few rides we headed to find a good spot for a parade.Happy, excited kids, fun music - what else do I need?

And then off to Restaurant des Stars. We all had made reservations for the same time. It was a very very good meal. Lots of choice, delicious food. I enjoyed my company so much. Wonderful meal.
We did meet Remy. Say "cheese"

And the band was also there.

after our wonderful meal we said bye bye to our friends and headed to Motors, action, stunt show.

And my huge cars fan got to meet his hero

It is great show. I love it. The only problem was - I got cold.. bad weather.

We needed to get warm. So headed for more fun


What a show. Fantastic. And the melody.. yes, I had it in my head for the rest of the day... Couldn't stop singing. it's addicting :lmao: :woohoo:

After the show we headed back to Disney park.

Just in time for the parade. We rushed to fantasyland as we had around 15 mins late. I didn't expect to find a good spot as seeing the crowds in Main st. USA, but again I was right - Fantasyland is the best spot for parade - it's not crowded. Got a very good spot and enjoyed the parade once more.

after the parade we did tea cups. No queue as people still were watching the parade. But it's a small world was crowded in a sec.

Boyish fun along the way...

And then - finally - it was open and just 10 mins wait

What a ride. So much fun. And the theming. Oh wow. gailius was so excited and wanted to do one more time. Ignas said no no no. He didn't like it dues to those "bumps" as he called. He didn't like going down in the darkness. But he loved the pirate shop next to the ride :lmao:

Then was the big question - shall we wait for the dreams? Boys said no. They were tired, it was cold and they knew it was a long and boring wait. And they wanted to go to the pool. So we had our dinner at casey's corner. Lovely, again.

Back to the hotel, got ready for the pool and happily went. And were so disappointed. CMs didn't care about people coming in. Nobody paid attention to us. Finally we signed in and went to get a locker. Small lockers, used two as there was not enough place to put shoes and jackets of 3 people. Pool area was a bit cold and dark. Baby pool is next to the stairs, in a dark corner and seemed not very pleasing to use. Water was cold. Gailius wanted to do jacuzzi and it was impossible as he can't swim, the sign said "only over 16", water in big pool was cold and it was deep and neither of us can swim. DS almost cried as he was looking forward to it. So we headed back to our room. And I had two unhappy kids.
back in our room I made a bubble for my boys so they would have some fun. And it was right thing to do.
Some cartoons in French again and off to bed.

I did the running from one bed to another thing again. But those are comfy beds.
another lovely day with lots of lovely photos! Sounds like another magical day! What a pity about the swimming pool - but a lovely bubble bath - hope it made up to your boys! Thanks for sharing your memories!
This is the main reason I don't consider staying in SL again. Unless a super good deal comes up. Kids want the pool or bunk beds, so I'd rather pay less and stay in Cheyenne or pay more for HNY.
Day 4

Again woke up after receiving wake up call from Mickey. I felt soooo lazy and tired... But I wanted to do an early start and had no wish to wait in queue from breakfast.
kids watched cartoons a bit while I was getting things ready.

No queue for breakfast, but crowded in restaurants already. they were having some meetings, so many tables were reserved for some groups.

Ignas barely had something, but I had decided not to care and buy something later for him. no need to spoil the mood first thing in the morning.
Gailius began to tell he had headache. I noticed before he cold and was sneezing, so I did check up and he had sinusitis. And what's worst - I had taken this particular medicine from my bag thinking that my kids wouldn't need that on our trip. bad mom... bad thinking... gave him some painkillers.

After our breakfast Gailius rushed to see the list. Getting photos and autographs was "must do" for him. No matter how many mickeys and donalds he would meet. :rotfl:

So, this morning my kids met Mickey.

Can't remember who else had to be there, but kids decided not to wait. So we headed to the bus and rushed to the parks.

it was cold. And crowded. And the worst thing happened - Buzz was closed. So was Peter Pan. And tea cups. Crowded and basically nothing open.
I wonder what was going on. Lots of people and nothing to ride. And bad weather. We did Carousel.

And then headed to Dumbo. It was around 25 mins wait. It was Ignas first ride on Dumbo.Gailius had the flying elephant all for himself.

Then we wandered around and bumped into someone we didn't expect to meet.


It was just walk on meet'n'greet with very very few people around. Suzy and Perla too gave lots of attention to autograph books. I had no page prepared for them. :rolleyes1

It was time for It's a small world. Kids love that ride. And it warm inside too :woohoo:

I had planned to meet Duffy the bear that morning, so we headed back to Main st.USA and browsed the shops a bit.

Gailius decided to have some fun. he makes a very lovely pirate, doesn't he? :cloud9:

Then we stopped to meet Duffy the bear. No queue at all. Walk on, just a few people. We were there before Duffy and it was really lovely when CM called for Duffy and pretended he overslept. what a great meet'n'greet. So lovely. Great interaction. Not to miss.


We visited more shops on our way back to the castle...[/IMG

We bought some Mickey shaped cookies
[URL=][IMG][/URL] and Ignas decided he'd like this "thing"

He just had few bites. I think he expected something else as gave it to me. I didn't like it either.
While we were browsing the shops, kids told me they would like to get something for Jonah as a gift. Donalds Dick's wife had told us that Jonah had lost his Duffy the bear, so my kids chose a little Mickey with a chain, so Jonah could hang him on his stroller and not loose the toy. Also they chose a card, Ignas insisted on McQueen one. What else could you expect form him? :lmao: Gailius wrote a short message and was very proud of it - school paid off :lmao: Ignas wanted to write something too, but then drew a sun.

we met Donald Duck's wife and her family and the castle again. kids waited for the train and asked if we could go and meet Daisy, so we did.

The we headed to the Story book ride. Kids just love this one. can't remember how many times we did it.

After that we did Casey.Jr. and It's a small world.

It was time for lunch and we all decided to have a good meal on Colonel's Haiti Pizza outpost (did I get the name right?)
And we were lucky to meet Baloo. Who was very impressed by autograph book's. He showed his pic to people around and kept pointing himself to the cast member. CM kep saying "yes, Baloo, you are right - it's you" :lmao:

We had a very good lunch here. Food was great. The weather was fine so we sat outside. Gailius was very happy to play with Jonah's grandma and learned something new "it's gone". I'll explain: Gailius and Jonah's grandma found a nice game to play. You just have to strike the spoon and watch it fly away.... Gailius wasn't very happy they were leaving just after lunch. But Jonah had a gift for the too. They headed to the shop and chose their gifts. A gun. Well, a small one... Happy happy happy:cheer2:

We said goodbyes, waved and parted. Sad moment...
Then we headed to Frontierland. We visit this part of the park rarely. kids don't do rides there - too scary, too thrill rides. But we were just in the for the Molly Brown. nice, calm ride. Love it.

And yes, we did obligatory photos again...

I had promised kids we would go and see stunt show again. But I had made huge mistake and mixed up times and the sown had already started. kids were so upset and angry with my. made a promise will do it tomorrow. Instead of stunt show we did Cars and Slinky dog. And took a pic.

kids were hungry and I decided to go to Annette's as while going into village I could so no queue there. And it wasn't crowded. And what a good decision it was.

We ere just in time, people started to hit the place 30mins later and it was packed.
So, Gailius had burger from kids menu.
And it was good because he ate it all. He said it was the best burger he had.

Ignas had a hotdog.

I had a rock'n'roll burger and it was one of th best burgers I had - tasty, delicious and big one.

After our great dinner we headed back to the hotel. And waited for the bus.

Strange thing, but I do think SL bus runs rarely. Other hotel's buses run more often. I saw 2 SF, 2 Cheyenne buses pass and no SL one...

kids had a bubble bath again. So did I. A great way to relax after busy day.
Another fun packed day....your photos capture every moment! We love Annettes too! Hate when I mix up times of easy to do too! Enjoying reading your trip report!
We enjoyed Annette's so much! It's a great place and the food is very good. A must do on next visit!
Continuing on day 5...

Sp, wake up call from Mickey again. I did felt lazy and bad weather added to it. But still managed to get up and wake kids up. Slowly slowly but we made it to the restaurant for daily mad breakfast

On this trip we had pleasure to have breakfast in both hotel's restaurants, while in HNY we only had breakfast in Parkside dinner.

of course after we filled ourselves kids rushed for the meet'n'greet.
It was Donald. I lost the number of how many donalds we met... Donald became the favorite one for my Ignas.

I do love his outfit

Our morning looked like the ones before: bus and EMH - Buzz, carousel, Tea cups.. Buzz...

Kids again wanted to try to take the sword. And asked me if we could wait and see if anyone succeeds :D

Here I got angry with people. We waited in so called line to get a photo, but some people think it's all right to jump in front of you.. I could have killed them with my sight

So, we headed to studios as I promised we would see stunt show again. But before that we had some fun at screaming academy.

And to Toy story playland for some fun....

It was cold. But the show was great once again. Ignas got scared at all the shooting and fire. But so much fun. And yes - Lightning McQueen.

As we were cold I decided to go and see Animagique or Cinemagique and as my memory is short I can't remember which one we did. But I think it was Cinemagique. Great, exiting and warm :lmao: we did both Animagique and Cinemagique two times this trip. Ah, I remember now. It was Cinemagique as Ignas wanted to do this and Gailius asked for Stitch. We decided we would do Stitch later.

After the show we were hungry and I decided we would go to Rainforest cafe. Last time they had a better menu. It wasn't crowded, we had a very good server. Food wasn't that good and I wouldn't take what we had this time. Still the atmosphere is great. Kids got some pencils and activity book along with the menu.

I had a non alcoholic cocktail

Kids burger. Don't order, it's not worth it.

My roasted half chicken. It was good but difficult to eat. I admit I didn't expect to get a half of a chicken :rolleyes1

Kids ice cream with gummy bears. Again - not worth it.

And my dessert. the only great food this time.

After our not so good dinner we went to park for some fun and rides. The weather was getting a bit warmer, so we found a nice spot next to Fantasyland gates just where teh parade starts. I sat on a bench and placed our stroller at the line to keep the spot. And it was a good idea. Kids had lots of fun playing pirates.

Then we saw a band

Right, here my short memory strikes again. According to my photos we didn't stay for the parade as we went to meet Mickey and Jack Sparrow... So, let's believe the photos and move on to Meet Mickey. It said 25 mins wait. Kids loved the cartoons, but it was soooooooooooooooooo hot inside. No air conditioning?

And my kids got to meet Mickey. And this is way you go to DLP. For this reaction. For this smile. For this happiness.

ok, give me a moment for a cry....
Let's acrry on. Where was I? Oh yes, Meet Mickey.

Ignas also got his pic

And I made cute ones too

The we rushed to meet The captain. He was so much fun. he took gailius autograph book, took a close look, looked at the cover, checket Gailius picture with him, browsed some pages and said in a proud voice " I remember you" :thumbsup2:lmao:

Ignas hot scared when Jack lifted him up and placed on a barrel. But he was also very very happy after that.

We walked around the park and went to see the dragon. Last year it was closed on our visit.

We had a light snack at Casey's corner again and went back to our hotel. This evening we decided to go to a bar. Finally :yay::yay: So we waited for the bus.. and waited... and waited... Got back to hotel and rested for a while. Refreshed ourselves and where in a mood for a fine evening.

bar was crowded, but we did find a nice spot. It's a shame no fir in a fireplace. We had a funny server. I ordered a cocktail - alcoholic this time, cocktail for the kids and kid's snack.
So, kids got Captain Hook figurines

Kids snack - chips, water, brownie and ham and cheese sandwiches.

My cocktail

Kids didn't find it much fun just sitting and enjoying their drinks and went to have some fun at kids corner. And I enjoyed my cocktail hour.

Later on we went back to our room. Tired, but happy. Day 5 over.. Why the time goes so fast while in DLP?
I just love your photos of your boys with mickey! Brilliant that you got some quality cocktail time :thumbsup2 it really is becoming the Dis Boards must do! :rotfl2:

Loving reading all about your trip.....and the photos are excellent!
Next must do on my list is Cafe fantasia in DLH. After seeing how wonderful cafe is I want to have a cocktail there. Cocktails in DLP are something special:cloud9:
Day 6

Again we received wake up call from Mickey. It's a fun way to start the day. I wonder if it's always Mickey for wake up call?

It wasn't an easy night. Ignas had a bad sleep, woke up many times and I got an idea he wasn't feeling too well. I found him too warm. Checked the temperature in the morning, it was up, so gave some medicine and asked if he want us to stay in our room and not go anywhere. And Ignas said no.

So we went for our daily breakfast. Ignas again secretly placed few Nuttellas in my bag "for future use". He barely had anything that morning and I didn't force him to eat. I decied to buy him something later.

I think the medicine did it's job as after the breakfast Ignas was feeling better and having fun with his favorite duck.

The as every morning we took the bus and headed to the parks. We did Buzz - but you could feel it's weekend, it was more crowded. I'm not used to 15-20 min wait for Buzz during EMH. But we did get a nice ride as Ignas was brave enough to do the shooting himself. And I had nothign to do. We need 2 spaceships, but CMs don't allow Gailius alone.

And while everyone was riding a took a photo in front of the castle.

And we got a huge surprise - this was the morning when for the first time on our visits Sleeping beauty's tower (or what it is called :rotfl: ) was open. Never before we were able to see it. So we took the chance immediately. I loved. It's very beautiful. And the views from the balcony :love:

Off to the Fantasyland we were. Tea cups

Boys love that ride. Sometimes we do 2 times in a row if queues are not too big.

Then we went to Alice's labyrinth. We did see characters next to it the other day, but boys didn't want to "queue".
So we made some tea party pics this time.

I don't know if it was a cold morning, but we all were cold. Ignas didn't look too well. I decided for videopolis in case it was open and cartoons were on. And we were lucky. Kids were very happy about it. I found a table, left the kids and went to get some hot chocolate and a snack. Cafe Hyperion wasn't serving food yet, but they did serve drinks and it was fine. I think we arrived just around 10.30.
So we sat and had our hot drinks while watching cartoons. Lucky again - this time they were showing different cartoons than on previous visits.
Around 11am I went back to get some snacks as I saw people coming with food. We got the kids menus and the food was hot and fresh. And it was getting packed. At first I even didn't notice that.
So, around 12 we left for Buzz ride as I had taken Fastpasses.Fun ride again.
And after our lovely ride it was the for the event of this trip - our Sunday brunch at Inventions.
For the first time I entered DLH. Oh wow, what can I say. I have to save money for staying in DLH. It's a must. We did take our time to look around. And yes, I got confused where to find the restaurant :confused3 You get me - the FIRST time walking around DLH....

We were too early, but again - we had time to look around. Another must do for next trip - Cafe Fantasia.
And Do you hear the drums? Inventions open for Sunday brunch :worship::worship:
What a lovely place. And the food. And the tables. And the atmosphere. And the view. And... oh my... we were seated right at the entrance. The tables were too fancy for my kids :laughing:

I was offered a glass of champagne and kids were offered a juice cocktail. Nice :thumbsup2 I couldn't say no to it.
And the the food....

The food was great. I loved it. I was full, but I wanted more. There were to many different things to try. I would go there for the food. And I will go back.


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