Tooth extraction or crown?

I have pretty much this exact same situation, except when my Insurance rolled over I found out they would not cover the crown at all so I could have got it day one. Did not know the insurance company had a two year waiting period on crowns.
You would think for what they charge they could do a better job with the temporary fillings.

I'll still be going with the crown, but I am not happy about it.
I had a root canal last October and was supposed to get a crown in January when my insurance money rolled over. Right before Christmas, a bit of the temporary filling fell out and my tooth fractured. It's the bottom molar all the way in the back. After lecturing me for not getting a crown right away, the endontist recommended that I get it pulled (no need for an implant since it's the last tooth) rather than a crown. He said eventually, even with a crown, food will get into the crack and get a cavity. He said the tooth will eventually need to be extracted anyway. "Eventually" could be a year or 10 years or more.

I have lots of neck and jaw issues. Every time I go to the dentist, it flares up my neck and jaw pain. I decided that it would be cheaper and save me time/ pain, if I had it extracted now instead of going through the process of getting a crown. I never asked my dentist's opinion since he'd be losing out on the money for the crown. I felt like his recommendation would be suspect. I'm supposed to have it extracted this week and now I'm having second thoughts. I was in considerable pain for many weeks, but for some reason the pain went away this week. Maybe my fracture isn't so bad?

Has anyone had their back tooth extracted and regretted it? Has anyone put a crown on a fractured tooth and had success or failure? I know that this isn't Disney related, but I have been on these boards for years and value the opinions and experiences of this community.

I had a back molar crack and it got infected ( all this during covid so I had to "deal with it" on my own). I finally had it pulled. It was an easy procedure and recovery wasn't bad at all and honestly you can get by fairly well without one of your back teeth. Plus, it's not noticeable!
I've been there - lots of root canals and crowned molars due to being a night-grinder. One fractured down into the root and two others eventually developed decay even though they were crowned. Go with extraction. There are potential pitfalls with the procedure itself (my last one was a doozie) but you'll easily get used to not having a tooth in that spot. My only concern ever was whether or not it would be visible, and since they are not, I'm all good without implants. My endodontist doesn't do extractions - refers all the mundane procedures like that back to my regular dentist.
I had the second to last bottom molar extracted almost 30 years ago after two root canals (they missed a root the first time) and crown that failed. I put off getting the second root canal which led to an infection and painful swelling in my gum that I probably should not have let continue for as long as I did, but at the time I had little money and was tired of sinking so much into that tooth. I decided not to do an implant because I didn't want to spend more money, and since I was functioning fine without the implant, I still have not done it. I was warned early on that it would cause a lot of issues for me, including that my top tooth would drop down into the hole where my extracted tooth was, but none of that has happened. My teeth have shifted a little, but I think that happens as you age, anyway. Sometimes I wonder if I should have gotten the implant, as I tend to default to chewing on the other side and have to remind myself to chew on both, but again, no issues that I am aware of 30 years later.
That's awful!! Nobody should have to spend two years waiting for a tooth to be fixed.
Well you really cant wait - you just pay out of pocket which is not cheap to say the least.
I see their point as they don't want someone buying insurance and then having expensive work done.

If course for the 12 years I had decent insurance I had none of these issues and it does not help me as it has nothing to do with the current dental.

Biggest issue I have with dental insurance, unlike health insurance there is no contracted price and the allowed amount is just the amount that the insurance will pay on - the dentist can still charge you more than the allowed amount.
I've had two molars and one wisdom tooth extracted and didn't have any issues. I've also had a crown done which I regret- wish I'd just had the tooth extracted to make more space on my lower jaw, as my bottom teeth are starting to overlap in front. I am in the middle of a second crown, but that's on an upper tooth where the gap would show when I talk (and it's next to the space where a prior molar had been extracted). Overall, I am a much bigger fan of extraction than root canal/crowning.
I'm so sorry you're going through this. If it's any consolation, I'm due for a wisdom tooth to be pulled. Not the same thing, I know. I am very fearful that it might hurt, which flies in the face of my other two wisdom tooth extractions. One thing I've found useful in the past is a fast acting anti-anxiety medication such as a benzo, just as a one off thing. It calmed me down and pop, the tooth came out with little or no stress. I just mention that by way of passing, if you have anxiety about getting the extraction.
I’ve had 2 very back molars pulled and I’ve been totally fine. Nobody can see that it’s gone and I didn’t want to put the money into any treatments. I’m about ready to have a third pulled soon.

Good luck with this 🍀
I’m trying to work up the courage to get another one pulled. It broke during Covid and there is no way I will ever get another root canal. I’d pull it myself with pliers first. My worry is I will go in for this and then be told more of them need work. It’s all the molars I had silver fillings in since I was a kid.
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but for some reason the pain went away this week. Maybe my fracture isn't so bad?

Has anyone had their back tooth extracted and regretted it? Has anyone put a crown on a fractured tooth and had success or failure?
If the pain was there, it will come back. Speaking as someone who's had massive amount of dental work done.

I've had, basically almost all of my teeth crowned. Only have 3 teeth left I can still see the original enamel on.

I've had 4 teeth extracted (at different times). All on the lower jaw. First one (right side) I didn't replace as the dentist said it was a small tooth and I had a small mouth so I wasn't going to miss it. He was right about that.

Next one (left side) was a root canal/crown that had failed. Well, the crown was over 30 years old at the time and they're only "supposed" to last about 15 years. Got an implant for that one mostly because it was one that gets used for chewing (second from back) and there was already a space on the lower jaw (didn't want too much space for tooth movement).

Then another (right side) failed crown (another oldie). That one I also got an implant since it was the last one on the back, same side as first extraction, it would have left only one molar on that side.

Finally the crowned tooth in front of the original implant (left side) decayed at the edge of the crown and down the root to the bone. I'm in the process of getting that implant now.

I wouldn't put a crown on a fractured tooth. Too much possibility that, even if it stayed put, you'd be in pain every time you put pressure on it.
I’m trying to work up the courage to get another one pulled. It broke during Covid and there is no way I will ever get another root canal. I’d pull it myself with pliers first. My worry is I will go in for this and then be told more of them need work. It’s all the molars I had silver fillings in since I was a kid.
I hear ya…I’m working up the courage to get #3 pulled.

The first 2 got pulled when they broke due to me getting hit in the face 2 separate times with a softball. The third is dead and needs to go. It’s not hurting so I keep putting it off.

Good luck for when you decide to do it 🍀
I hear ya…I’m working up the courage to get #3 pulled.
I had my first adult tooth pulled about 5 years ago. When I asked my dentist what to expect, he said it will be about the same experience (pain-wise) as getting the root canal but not quite as time consuming. I was scared to death, but he was wasn't any big deal compared to getting the root canal.

I think dentistry has improved enormously over my boomer lifetime. Not that you'd welcome having a tooth out, it just isn't as traumatic as years ago.
When I asked my dentist what to expect, he said it will be about the same experience (pain-wise) as getting the root canal
I can't address that. I've had lots of root canals, all done with local anesthetic. I was in such intense pain prior to the work since they were all abscesses, that WHATEVER they wanted to do, I would have let them. The procedures themselves gave me great relief because when the anesthetic kicked in that I was no longer in pain.

The extractions - well, I'm actually a wimp, I ask for general anesthetic.
I had a back molar crack and it got infected ( all this during covid so I had to "deal with it" on my own). I finally had it pulled. It was an easy procedure and recovery wasn't bad at all and honestly you can get by fairly well without one of your back teeth. Plus, it's not noticeable!
Thank you for the reassurance :)
I've been there - lots of root canals and crowned molars due to being a night-grinder. One fractured down into the root and two others eventually developed decay even though they were crowned. Go with extraction. There are potential pitfalls with the procedure itself (my last one was a doozie) but you'll easily get used to not having a tooth in that spot. My only concern ever was whether or not it would be visible, and since they are not, I'm all good without implants. My endodontist doesn't do extractions - refers all the mundane procedures like that back to my regular dentist.
Same. All of those night guards didn't help. This is only the start of my tooth problems due to grinding.
I had the second to last bottom molar extracted almost 30 years ago after two root canals (they missed a root the first time) and crown that failed. I put off getting the second root canal which led to an infection and painful swelling in my gum that I probably should not have let continue for as long as I did, but at the time I had little money and was tired of sinking so much into that tooth. I decided not to do an implant because I didn't want to spend more money, and since I was functioning fine without the implant, I still have not done it. I was warned early on that it would cause a lot of issues for me, including that my top tooth would drop down into the hole where my extracted tooth was, but none of that has happened. My teeth have shifted a little, but I think that happens as you age, anyway. Sometimes I wonder if I should have gotten the implant, as I tend to default to chewing on the other side and have to remind myself to chew on both, but again, no issues that I am aware of 30 years later.
That's reassuring. I've seen lots of warnings on the internet about teeth growing down, your jaw shrinking and losing bone mass if you don't do an implant.

I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences with me. I feel a lot more confident in my decision to get my tooth extracted and less scared. It's also nice to know that I'm not alone with my tooth issues (although I'm sorry that some of you have endured quite a lot).
When I went to have a root canal, they discovered part way through that there was a crack in the tooth below the gumline that didn't show on the x-ray. The tooth was the last in the back and the endodontist suggested I see an oral surgeon for extraction. The procedure took less than 5 minutes and since my dental insurance covers 80% the total cost was around $40. I haven't had any issues chewing and don't anticipate having an implant. I'm glad I had it done.
Thank you everybody for sharing. I had the extraction done this morning. I'm only in minimal pain. Much cheaper and less aggravation than a crown. I felt confident with my decision after hearing about everyone else's experiences. As always, I appreciate the people on this board.


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