To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

A screenshot of the data that shows pace, GAP, and elevation change for individual splits.
Apparently some of the info does not get sent from my mobile app to the web app, so I'll type out the table. These are just for the 15-s uphill repeats.

Now I can't get my cursor to go after the table, so I guess the table will go last. The fact that the ascent for each interval is so small explains a lot of the issue. +/- 1 foot in ascent would likely change the GAP quite a bit. But I'm still not sure how it gets a slower GAP for some of the intervals.

RepeatAve Pace (min/mi)Ave GAP (min/mi)Total Ascent (ft)
Apparently some of the info does not get sent from my mobile app to the web app, so I'll type out the table. These are just for the 15-s uphill repeats.

Now I can't get my cursor to go after the table, so I guess the table will go last. The fact that the ascent for each interval is so small explains a lot of the issue. +/- 1 foot in ascent would likely change the GAP quite a bit. But I'm still not sure how it gets a slower GAP for some of the intervals.

RepeatAve Pace (min/mi)Ave GAP (min/mi)Total Ascent (ft)

I’m with you. That doesn’t make much of any sense on the surface.
2023 Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party Trip Report
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Wednesday, October 18th - Flight to Disney
Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
Friday, October 20th - Disney Outlet Mall, Disney Springs, Pool Time
Saturday, October 21st - EPCOT, Pool Time, EPCOT
Sunday, October 22nd - Grand Floridian, Disney Springs, Pool Time, Riviera
Monday, October 23rd - Flight Home

This was our family's first trip to Disney World for the Not So Scary Halloween Party. Gigi and I have been getting deep into the cosplay game, and she continues to push the envelope of my capabilities. We created the Marty and Mike Wazowski costumes from scratch, and they took us about 250 hours (five months) to complete. The costumes have 3-D features, googly eyes, microphone, feet, working laugh canister, and proportionally sized hats. They've been the most ambitious costumes we've made yet. Originally we only planned on wearing them to local Halloween trick or treating and the 2024 Disneyland 5k. But over the summer during the progress of making the costumes it was decided we should attend the Not So Scary Halloween Party in Disney World as well because they were turning out so well.

Outside of the Halloween Party, this trip was really meaningful for our family. My MIL was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer over the summer and she's been having a rough go. It's easiest just to say that what once appeared to be 20-30 years of life remaining has been reduced to a much closer unknown timeframe. My MIL plays a pivotal role in the family dynamics as well as in G's childhood to date. She absolutely adores everything Disney and we don't know how many more of these trips remain. So for that reason we did everything possible in the last few months to make sure this trip happened. So let's recap the trip!

Next - Wednesday, October 18th - Flight to Disney
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Wednesday, October 18th - Flight to Disney
Before we get started, here's a link to the full costume designing process (link). The costume designing process was crucial for one very important reason. I needed to be able to get the costume to Disney without it breaking, and in standard luggage. So I spent a lot of time in the design process making sure it fulfilled Gigi's desired outcome, as well as the practical needs for getting it there. The entire process concluded with the days before the trip where I spent several hours packing several suitcases with all of the costume components. Some pieces (like the base of the hard hat) were specifically made not to exceed the size of the largest suitcase we own, and thankfully it was the perfect max size. Other components were made to be detachable for easier shipping (like the hats being constructed on site and the mouth/eyes being affixed to the base of the costume with snaps). I was really worries about the plastic googly eyes breaking in the suitcases. So I actually made two backup felt eyes that I could tape over the plastic in case they cracked in transport. The eyes themselves were wrapped in bubble wrap. The laugh canister was wrapped in pliable foam. All in all it took two full sized suitcases and 1/2 of two separate medium suitcases to pack the entire costumes. No big deal since we were flying Southwest and each ticket gets 2 free checked bags.

Our flight was out of Milwaukee and wasn't until 6:30pm. So G got to go to school for almost the entire day. She was excited to be pulled out a little early so she could get a phone call and head to the office to be picked up. Eventually all the clothes and costumes were packed and loaded into the car. We left around 3:00pm for our 75 min drive to the MKE airport. This was our first longer range trip in our new electric Mustang Mach-E, so we were interested to see how it would handle the range given the majority interstate driving. We kept comparing 20 mile interstate miles compared to the range used and determined we were using somewhere around 110-120% of the stated range, which left us enough room to make the there and back without issue.

Getting all the bags from the car to the check-in desk was a bit tough given we had five suitcases and two adults/one child moving them around. We got down and checked into the flight without issue. Goodbye bags and hope they make it to MCO in one piece! Went through security without issue and then made it to the gate. I got a sandwich, chips, and a water. Since my MIL had a wheelchair and needed help pre-boarding, and my FIL was older than a certain age, they both could pre-board and were first on the plane with SIL, Steph and Gigi. Since we were flying Southwest, we didn't have assigned seats. So Steph held a seat for me while others boarded the plane. I boarded and sat next to G/Steph.

The flight was mostly uneventful. I watched the movie Dune. My MIL kept up with breathing exercises and moving her limbs around to minimize any negative side effects of flying. Towards the latter half of the flight, Steph poked me and said she needed something but I didn't quite understand. Looked over and G had puke on her face. Good thing she was wearing a face mask because the mask caught all the puke. We wore face masks in a lot of the indoor spaces because of my MIL's cancer and trying to minimize her chances she'd catch something from someone else or us. So we cleaned G up, but never really got an answer as to why she puked. Best we can think it had something to do with the cold pizza she ate, or maybe the anticipation of the trip?

Thankfully we landed not too long after and got off the plane. It was around 10:00pm local time when we landed. We headed towards baggage claim. If you know, you know.


Our bags were some of the first off the carousel and then we were headed towards the rental car. We rented from Alamo and skipped the check-in for a grab and go. We had a Jeep Grand Wagoneer in Feb which barely fit our luggage. This time we had an extra bag, and my MIL's wheelchair. They didn't have a Jeep but they did have a Expedition Max. The first one they brought us was definitely smoked in, so we passed on that one and have them give us a different one. The second one was smoke-free. It took us about 20 min to figure out how to get all the luggage, golf clubs, and wheelchair into the vehicle. That plus the seven people and then we were on our way to Saratoga Springs.

The drive was uneventful. Eventually we made our way into Saratoga Springs and headed to our rooms. We requested The Grandstand and that's what we were assigned. We were in building 8101, which is just North of the Grandstand pool. We had a view of the pool and the others had a view of the golf hole. We were all very close to each other in the same hallway and on the first floor. So it was an optimal assignment.


According to my Garmin,

-I was asleep by 1:10am local time.
-Body Battery bottomed out at 22 and peaked at 66 the next morning.
-Slept for 7:48 hrs
-17,400 steps / 11.0 miles
-RHR of 45 bpm

Next - Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
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Very sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope this trip was everything you hoped for! Those costumes look so professional, I'm surprised you didn't get kicked out for being too close to cast member costumes!
Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
We decided to sleep in to make sure we had high energy levels for the party. Got up around 9am. Steph went and got us breakfast from Artist's Palette. G got lots of bacon, and I got the Breakfast Bounty Platter.

The main pool (High Rock Spring) opened at 10am. We remembered from the Feb Princess trip that getting a seat at the pool is SUPER competitive. Well that wasn't the case this time around. There were far less people and we wondered whether that meant good things in terms of crowd capacity for the weekend. We had a great time at the pool for several hours. At some point G and I headed over to the arcade.



The Saratoga Springs Arcade is mid-level. It has some good games, but lacks a pinball machine which would put it over the top. It did have a really good air hockey table that pushed out several different colored pucks worth varying points. It added a nice twist to the classic game.

After arcade, we headed back to the pool again. I headed back to the room and took a shower and then headed back to the pool. I just watched G swim and I absolutely baked in the sun. I was sweating profusely despite not really moving. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about how hot the costumes were going to be.

I think we had some lunch at Artist's Palette (pizza and a salad), and then it was time to put the costumes on. The Magic Kingdom Halloween Party officially starts at 4pm, but you can start lining up before the start of the party. We were aiming for leaving at 2:45pm, and planned to head to Contemporary because everyone else had a reservation at Steakhouse 71. I started assembling the costumes, and was really happy to see everything was in working order.


Because of the green man suit, it was going to be a chore to use the restroom, so I tried to really empty the bladder before putting the costume on. At about 2:40pm we were right on schedule and then I adjusted my hat a touch and the half circle styrofoam that was being used as a support detached from the velcro. UGH.... I had to disassemble the whole hat to put it back together. And then the velcro didn't want to stick back on the styrofoam. Thankfully we had brought a cosplay med-kit with all the essentials to fix anything that might have gone wrong. So we cut some extra velcro, reattached it to the styrofoam, and then reassembled the hard hat. Thankfully, everything was all good, and then I finished putting everything back on. It was about 2:55pm when we finally headed out, so not too far off schedule.

We drove over to the Contemporary. We were about halfway when we realized that my FIL didn't bring his phone. We hemmed and hawed about whether we would turn around and go back to get it. We've had previous trips where we get separated and then have all sorts of issues. So not having the phone could have been an issue, but we ended up not going back for it.

We got to the Contemporary and informed them of the Steakhouse 71 reservation. We parked the car in the disabled parking, and then started putting all the parts of the costume on. While we were in the midst of putting the costumes on in the parking lot a family walked by and gave us our first compliment. "Great costume you all." I looked up and thanked him. Did a double take... and then tapped Steph on the head. I was like, "Steph... that's the Trackers!" Now for those that don't know the Trackers are Disney vloggers. Steph, MIL, and SIL have been watching their videos for years and years. So I was like, "you've got to say something." So Steph, said something like "Tim, Tim Tracker." And then my MIL came out of the car crying. She couldn't believe it. The whole Tracker family was there and they had just enjoyed Steakhouse 71. They spent a good 20 minutes with us just swapping stories. My MIL informed them of her cancer and everyone cried. She spent a good bit of time talking about how much their videos meant to her and how much she's been involved in their story as they've gained more and more of a following. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.


Look. The universe can really throw you a **** sandwich sometimes. But this. This was truly serendipitous. And the Trackers may never truly understand what this moment meant to my MIL. She's had a rough few months. She wasn't sure she could/should go on this trip. We were suppose to arrive 10 min earlier to the parking lot. We could have turned around in the car to get my FIL's phone. And yet, we didn't. And then Tim didn't have to say anything about the costumes as just another guy without us even seeing him or knowing who he was. And yet he did, and that made us aware of their presence. It just all felt like the universe just saying, hey ya'll you've had it rough and here's a toss up.

After we left the Trackers, we headed towards the Magic Kingdom. It's at this point that my MIL realized she forgot to bring her phone as well. So BIL and FIL headed back to the hotel to get the phones, and Steph, G, and I headed towards Magic Kingdom. We got a picture with the Contemporary bushes in the background.


As we passed the Contemporary bus stop a group of people stopped us and complimented us on our costumes. We told our first joke for the evening and got some laughs. This experience repeated over and over. As we got close to security check on the path from Contemporary, a man in a scooter stopped us and wanted a picture. I could see security chatting out of the corner of my eye as we took the picture and they said something to the effect of "this is a decision for her." So I knew we were really close to the allowable limit.

We passed through the security and then I was pulled aside. She wanted to look at the laugh canister. She picked it up and grimaced as it was heavier than she anticipated. Then she touched the sides and said it was soft. Then she asked me if I could open it, and I said that I could open the top and bottom and showed her the insides. She agreed to allow it in. Then she wanted to check out our costumes. She gave me a once over on the costume with a wand. Asked if it was hollow inside, and then she was satisfied. She gave me the green light and let me walk in. A huge relief washed over me as I was passed the hardest part. In the back of my mind I had been going through months of "what ifs", but we were good to go. But based on how she was responding to everything, I think it was really really close.

We got a few more compliments as we headed towards the Halloween party line. I'd say there were at least a thousand people already in line (probably more). It was around 3:50-3:55, so we didn't have to wait long before they started allowing some Halloween people through the queue. The shaded parts of the line were nice. Honestly, all the delays were a good thing because it kept us from overheating. It took maybe 5-10 min before we got into the parks. The amount of compliments were endless. Just people saying, "Wow", or "How did you do it?" and the such. The entrance cast members were really impressed as well. We finally got in, and then it was time to go start our Halloween party experience.

G's classmate and friend was in Magic Kingdom as well. They had normal MK tickets so we overlapped from 4-6pm. They give you a wristband to differentiate between Halloween party and normal. We headed over to the overflow direction where we picked up our trick or treat bags, and got our first dump of candy. It wasn't really a priority for us to hit the treat trails. The Petersons were over at Casey's so we headed that way to meetup with them. They've got three boys and they had some extended family with them as well. When we walked into Casey's a cast member went absolutely bonkers about the costumes. She said you've got to follow me and she took us to the cashiers to show us off. She told us to wait there, and then came back with two Mint Juleps on her.


Honestly, I wasn't expecting that and was so thankful. I didn't think I needed it, and I wasn't planning on ordering it, but that drink was divine! It was so refreshing.

We hung out for a little inside Casey's. A few different people asked for pictures she we obliged.


I should say that we were stopped several times for pictures, and I vaguely remember that runDisney has a rule that you're not suppose to take pictures with others on the off chance they mistaken you for cast members/official. So I was trying to be careful not to upset anyone official, but obliged when asked. Took a few more pictures with others and then we headed towards the castle.

The Petersons and us got some pictures in front of the castle and then we headed towards Haunted Mansion. The whole plan for G and their son was to ride Mine Train together. So we separated for a bit, and headed towards the mine train area. We passed by a few rides, and Steph and I went back and forth about whether we should ride/see anything while waiting for them to finish with Haunted Mansion. They were going to be quick because they have DAS passes. We ended up getting in a 25 min line for some Princesses, but then bailed on it after seeing the line in person. Steph didn't think we had enough time. I was bummed out about it, but it's hard to know what to do when you're waiting on another group of people. So we headed to the Tea Cups instead. G took the costume off, and then I stood with her outfit while Steph and her rode the ride. I was stopped SOOO many times while standing there. It was really awesome, but I was getting anxious about how many people were stopping for pictures. But I was just trying to be gracious and nice to all the kids that came by. And grown-ups. So many adults wanted pictures too.

G and Steph got off the tea cups and then we headed back to mine train. We hung out there for a bit, and then texted the Peterson's for an ETA, got nothing, and so we headed towards Haunted Mansion. By the time we got to HM, we got a text they were now at SDMT so we headed back that way. Once we got back they all rode SDMT and I hung back.



LOL at G's face!

Next - Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party: Part 2
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Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party: Part 2
While G was having fun on SDMT, I was having a bunch of people continue to come up to me for interactions or pictures. These are only a few of those.

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Like I'm not kidding when I say there were countless interactions like this.

After saying goodbye to the Petersons as they headed towards Big Thunder at 5:55pm, we headed towards Tomorrowland. Pooh and friends were meeting in normal costumes, and as they passed the handlers said they were excited to get pics with us. They asked us to say a Pooh and friends joke, but we couldn't come up with any on command. But then we learned Pooh and friends we're coming back out until 6:30 and we didn't want to wait around.

We were two hours (1/4) into the party and hadn't gotten much accomplished yet in the actual party, but we've had tons of interactions with other guests. We went inside one of the Tomorrowland shops and the cast members went crazy when we walked in. They said wait here, and then came back with one of these.


They felt we were the best costume they had seen which was a pretty cool recognition.

Afterwards, we made our way towards the laugh floor. The laugh floor was being converted for the party between 6-7pm, so it wasn't open yet. But the cast members were going absolutely crazy about the costumes and practically demanded we come back. We stopped at a photo stop outside Elvis Stitch.

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With the laugh floor not operational yet, we headed towards Main Street to meet up with everyone else, but they weren't in the park yet. So instead, the three of us got some pictures in front of the castle.

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The people in line behind us had quite a few questions on how we made the costumes.

We planned on heading back towards the Princesses behind the castle, but the pathway was blocked so it made for a longer walk. We made it back there, and the Princess area was blocked off. So G and Steph rode the carousel instead.


There were several other Mike's there too and got lots of compliments. I think this was the first time I was confused for a cast member. The family came up and asked when I would start passing out candy, and I was like I don't work here. Just another guest. They were like "for real" that costume is Disney park quality and totally had us fooled.

After the carousel we made our way back to Tomorrowland and met up with everyone else. It was just after 7pm, and so the Laugh Floor was open. We took some pics in the queue.



Now the Laugh Floor served as a treat trail and was always open. So there wasn't a set show. Instead, when the shoe started it was just Sal and Monella just free balling it. So they started for like 30 seconds on their normal spiel talking about the humans they see, and then they said, but we've got two special guests in attendance and the bright lights shined on us. They talked to us for about 2 minutes.

-They talked about how their boss was in attendance.
-We introduced ourselves.
-They said the resemblence to Mike and Marty was uncanny.
-I pointed to the laugh canister as a pun towards "un-can-ny".
-They asked me to show it again and thought that it was a funny joke.
-Then they thought we were able to change the expression of the mouth because they thought they saw it move. That's when we showed off the googly eye.
-The crowd let out a gasp and Sal Monella went crazy.
-"I wondered where they learned how to do that? Because I'd like to be a pupil in that school"
-"That's a good one. Wink. Wink."
-"Why did the cyclops cancel school? Because it only had one pupil."

It was a highlight of the party for us. We definitely froze up and didn't do our best. For the next few hours we kept coming up with ideas of what we could have done differently. But honestly, it was just a fabulous interaction and a lot of fun.

Next - Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party: Part 3
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Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party: Part 3
After the Laugh Floor we headed over towards Tron because our boarding group had been called. None of us had ridden Tron yet, so we were excited. This was the only time I planned on taking my costume off. I had green shorts and shirt to change into. We headed up to Tron and the line was a little longer than we anticipated. We asked the cast member, and he informed us that it was about an hour. We didn't want to waste an hour of our party time, so we moved on from it. Once we got back to my MIL and G to get back into costume, BIL changed his mind and head back to Tron. So he ended up splitting from us for some time and rode it.

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While BIL was on Tron we head to the dance party in Tomorowland with the Zombies crew. We were in line for pictures but then informed that the line was already cutoff for a break. Then we head towards Buzz Lightyear instead. MIL had DAS so they just put in requests for rides and then would head that direction when within the timeframe. I stayed outside of Buzz's. Saw quite a few people again. A few people pretended to be Roz, and then I would just tell them "Nice human costume Roz. I can totally tell it's you though." Most people seemed thrown off by that. Had some people ask me where the bathroom was. Again some asked for some candy and where the line was. As it turned darker, I was getting confused for a cast member more often. Which is a compliment, but I definitely felt some side eyes from a few cast members. Then other cast members got into the routine. Some asked me if I was on break, and then I'd say, "Yea, I'm on later tonight, but Sal and Monella are manning the floor tonight". I also let some Sullys know that I would seem them later tonight for the late shift.

After Buzz we headed over to Stitch to see if DAS passes were available for that. Turns out they're not. After that we headed towards Dumbo. Everyone else rode Dumbo, and I hung out outside meeting a bunch of other people. They had Minnie, Daisy, Donald meeting inside the Dumbo queue, but Steph said the wait was too long so we didn't get in line. I think it was around 8pm by this time and we were roughly halfway through the party. I asked G what other things she wanted to make sure she did before we left, and she said Pirates, HM, parade, and some pics. So that was our goal.

I think on our walk towards HM is when we ran into Drizella and Anastasia. They were wandering characters. They went absolutely ballistic about our costumes. In character they were asking lot of questions and banter back and forth. At one point they asked for a joke and we told the Cinderella soccer running away from the ball joke. Then Drizella said her joke:

Knock, Knock
-Who's there?
-Cinderella who?

That's a pretty good one coming from them. Then I pressed the sound button and they flipped out. She was like, it makes sound!!! They spent a good few minutes with us.

We headed towards HM, and they rode that.

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While I waited outside I saw a family for the second time. This was the same one where the kids asked me for candy when I was standing outside Buzz. So I said hi again, and then the grandma was like, "Which way to the bathrooms sir?" and the mom was like "Ma, he doesn't work here. He's just a guest like us." She was baffled.

After HM we made our way towards Frontierland. The goal was to ride Pirates. But the parade was just about to start and everyone was lining the streets. So it made it difficult to cut across the backend of the people alongside the lake. We made it just outside Big Thunder while the parade was going on and we went through the treat trail. The cast member working the treat trail was a teacher and wished she had her phone so that she could take a picture of me. After the treat trail we learned that Big Thunder was down, so we turned towards Pirates. But the parade cuts that route off completely. So I said we should just watch the parade now, since we'll be seeing 80% of it, but Steph didn't want this to count as our viewing. So we stood there on the bridge and half watched it, but didn't watch it intently. Once the parade was over, we headed towards Pirates.

Everyone else rode Pirates, and I waited outside.

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More interactions with many more people again. A cast member came up and started to chat with me about the quality of my costume, but she stayed in her pirate character. It was fun banter. The rest of the family came out. It was close to 9:30-10pm by this time. Steph asked me if there was anything else we wanted to do. I told her I was a little disappointed in the lack of pictures thus far. We paid for photopass and had expensive costumes that were a lot of hard work. And given we may not be able to wear them at Disneyland, I really wanted to get some good pictures of us in them. So the three of us split from the group to go get some pics and the others went to ride some rides.

We got a picture outside of Beast's castle.

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A little out of order chronologically but we also got some pictures at set piece near Main Street.

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G was definitely starting to lose her steam by this point in the night.

Next - Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party: Part 4
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Thursday, October 19th - Pool Time, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party: Part 4

After Beast's castle, we headed towards the Seven Dwarfs picture. They meet inside Pete's tent back by Barnstormer. Now people tend to wait hours for this picture right after the park opens for Halloween guests. But when we got there after 10pm, it was essentially a walk-up. So that was a lot of time saved. This line was where we had probably our most meaningful conversation about the costumes. Because an actual Disney costume designer just happened to be back there. He was really intrigued by our costumes. He loved the use of the plastic for the googly eyes and the shelfs. He absolutely loved the hat design with the folding pattern to which I explained to him it was a necessity in order to fit the items in the luggage. He really liked my sewing. I informed him that this was my first sew job and he was blown away. He said that I have a real talent for making costumes and a future in it if I were to ever pursue it. That was high praise coming from someone who does this for a professional living. So that was a really cool interaction and about the highlight of the evening for me. Getting pics with all the seven dwarfs was pretty cool too.

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After meeting with the seven dwarfs we got the picture with the headless horsemen set piece (shown in the last post) and could tell G was really getting run down. I was hopeful we could make it a little further.

We headed over to Mickey off Main Street and he was about a 5 min wait. It's such a bummer that they do auto photos and he doesn't talk anymore. The quality of the pictures just aren't as good as the other photo spots. And him being able to talk was so fun.

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He really liked my costume though.

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After Mickey, I was hoping we could meet Jack and Sally since you don't see them very often. But G and Steph wanted to line up for the parade. I went and checked and the wait for Jack and Sally was only listed at 30 min, so I decided to do that instead of watching the 11:15pm parade again (probably 11:30 by the time it made it to Main Street).

The line was definitely not 30 min. Probably more like 10 min at the most. Sally said my costume was absolutely dreadful and would give her all sorts of nightmares. They asked me to tell a joke, and I told the Mickey astronaut to visit Pluto one. Sally told one that's slipped my mind at the moment, but I remember it being quite good. Jack told an interrupting ghost joke. They both loved the sound feature on the laugh canister. The cast members did a good job.

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I made it out to the parade and hadn't missed much. Apparently several of the characters were absolutely fawing over G's costume. So that rejuvenated her with some energy. Steph told me that they talked to some cast members in the candy shop on Main Street and they had a BINGO game going on amongst themselves. So they wanted to see me come in. So I obliged and headed in and they all started to clap for me, and I got a few bows as well. They were getting a bit loopy this late at night.

Went back out at the parade and G got to hold a sign and wave to more characters.

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Apparently we missed it, but just up Main Street was a girl dressed as Powerline (we had seen her earlier), that got pulled out of the crowd during the parade by Max. They did the whole Powerline dance together and everything. It was just like the movie in a way. It's all over Facebook if you want to find it. The videos are pretty fun.

A few non-human characters made heart signs towards G. Then we saw Anastasia and Drizella again. They lost it when they saw us and started pointing us out to all the other characters with them. Drizella came by and chatted for a bit and said she knew she was cool, but we really needed to stop following her around. A few more went by, and then it was over. Then a mass of humanity swallowed us as lots of people headed towards the exit. And then we waved goodbye to the Magic Kingdom. It was getting late, but not closing time. But G didn't have anything left in her. So we didn't end up seeing the stage show.


We walked back to the Contemporary and got in the car. That marked nearly 9 hours of wearing the costumes in 70-80F heat. I'm glad to wore old running shoes because my feet weren't that tired by the end. We ended up doing 9 miles of walking during the 9 hours of costume wearing. Not only were we wearing those costumes for 9 hours, but I held onto that laugh canister without a break for 98% of the time. And that was probably a mistake. Because my fingers were actually numb. It actually took over 72 hrs for the feeling to completely return to my right ring finger. Clearly I was holding the canister in an awkward way.

According to Garmin,

-I was asleep by 1:30am local time.
-Body Battery bottomed out at 11 and peaked at 64 the next morning.
-Slept for 7:50 hrs
-21,300 steps / 11.1 miles
-RHR of 45 bpm

Next -Friday, October 20th - Disney Outlet Mall, Disney Springs, Pool Time
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That story about you meeting the Trackers was so awesome! My husband and I watch their videos, and our son is only two weeks younger than Jackson. During the pandemic, I often said Jackson was my son's only friend. I'm so glad your MIL got to meet them and they were so gracious.
Friday, October 20th - Disney Outlet Mall, Disney Springs, Pool Time

I didn't get up until 9:20am. I awoke to Steph saying, "Hey didn't you get any of my text messages?" LOL, nope. Guess we were leaving at 10am, so I needed to rush to get ready. So I ate the Bounty platter and took a shower, and then we headed out. Brian was golfing, and FIL was napping. So we headed out to the Disney Character Outlet mall. We ended up going to the one further away because SIL put in the wrong directions. Drove around the outlet mall a bit to find the store entrance, but after 10-20 min of wasted time, we found it.

The Disney outlet was mostly worth it. The prices were 50-75% of the retail price, and they had some reasonably good items. One item Steph had been watching on ShopDisney that was quite a bit cheaper. So the trip was well worth it. We ended up spending like $200 on merch and retail was well over $550. I always say the clothes are worth what you pay, and I think it was a reasonably good haul for $200.

After the outlet we headed towards Disney Springs. Got lost in the Lime green garage, or was it the orange one? Let's just say we wasted a lot of time looking for a parking spot and whether we were where we wanted to be. We wanted to eat at Polite Pig. Decided to head to the Lego store. They've got a new to us experience where you can design your own Lego minifig for like $12 per. Not a terrible price for the experience. The selection on hairs was a bit lacking though. I went with a Motion W Badgers front (sorry not sorry copyright).


Fun one time experience all around. Now G can play with us when she plays with Legos.

Afterwards we ate at the Polite Pig. We had the big platter like always and G had the chicken strips. She hated them (and I recollect she did last time too). Like most kids she can be a picky eater and this was a little frustrating. We did find some things for her to eat though. After Polite Pig some people got gellato and then we headed back to the resort.

The maid service made the bed with Stitch.


I really should have gone running but I went to the pool instead, but I don't remember why I didn't. I think it's because my Body Score had been trending so low for multiple days and I was trying to catch up. I do know that G and I played some at the Arcade again.


Afterwards, we had reservations at the Turf Club at the hotel.


G was excited for her cupcake.


She designed it with gummy bears.


Then we discussed whether we would head to Disney Springs again, or maybe watch the movie on the lawn. We decided to do movie on the lawn. We were really disappointed when we arrived and there wasn't any seating accessible for my MIL. They only had blankets on the ground, but no chairs. We asked if we could move any chairs from any other area to here for the movie, and the cast member said no. Which I get from their end, but it seemed like an oversight not to have some option for those in wheelchairs other than to expect them to stay in the wheelchair. So we left with a sour taste in our mouths. It's probably for the best though because everyone was tired. We decided the three of us would watch the latest Loki episode on the TV, but never got it to work. Best though we didn't because everyone essentially just fell asleep after two straight 1am nights.

According to Garmin,

-I was asleep by 8:54pm local time.
-Body Battery bottomed out at 49 and peaked at 90 the next morning.
-Slept for 10:20 hrs
-10,500 steps / 5.5 miles
-RHR of 47 bpm

Next - Saturday, October 21st - EPCOT, Pool Time, EPCOT
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Saturday, October 21st - EPCOT, Pool Time, EPCOT

We had planned on rope dropping EPCOT, but MIL had a rough night. So we didn't want to push it. Although we didn't end up much later than originally intended. I think it opened at 8:30am for hotel guests and we got there a little after 9am. MIL was motivated to make it there though because another vlogger she follows was going to be at EPCOT. They had reached out to him a week or so earlier and asked where he'd be on Saturday. He said anywhere we planned on going. So we told him EPCOT and he said he'll see us there. He's a live vlogger so he's filming for hours and hours on end. MIL likes to just put the morning TV on him and just POV being in Disney everyday. So once we got inside we pulled up his live stream and learned he was inside the EPCOT ball. So we made our way there, and then met up with him.


His name is Jeff, and his channel is DIS our Dream. I'm not associated with him in anyway. He was super gracious with his time and we had a nice long chat.


We were with him for 15 min or so. Great interaction. If this ends up being the last day Cyndi ever gets to spend in a Disney World park then this video will be kept as a treasure by the family. But I'm hopeful there will be many many more "last" days in the theme parks.

Afterwards, we walked through the Moana attraction.



Honestly, it was fine, but not something I'd feel like I need to frequent other than this first pass through. I feel like it's going to be a pretty abandoned area, but maybe it'll surprise me.

We checked out Figment, but the wait was too long. We headed to France, and rode Remy.


Everyone else went and got some bakery from France, and G and I met Aurora.


The bubble has finally broken and G admitted she knew that the characters weren't the real thing. She had a moment of clarity years ago about Eeyore at the Crystal palace being a "man in a suit" but the people characters were still the real thing until this point. It was nice while it lasted.

After France, we headed back towards Soarin and rode that as well as Living with the Land. Then we went into the aquarium and saw some sealife. Then we popped over to Test Track. I had a near game winning car design all lined up, but then the ride went down and they shuttled us out of the ride. We were just past the car design stage. Bummer! We cut through the eatery and made our way to the exit. It was around 12:30-1:00pm by this time.

We headed back to the hotel, and while everyone else went to the pool, I went for a run.

Conditions - ⛅ Broken clouds, Wind 13mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 85°F + 65°F; FL - 87°F
End: Temp+Dew = 86°F + 65°F; FL - 87°F

It was a little toasty at 2:30pm, but I survived. I went with 80% M Tempo pace and everything felt fine. Didn't feel like T+D 151 because of some good shade along the SS lake. Ended up doing 6.7 miles or about an hr.

I made it into the hotel room just as the Badger football game was starting. What a whiff of a first half I got to watch. Rather embarrassing and disappointing. I was glad to have something else to pay attention to as we headed back out to EPCOT.

EPCOT was ridiculously busy. Like busier than I think I can ever remember seeing it. Just wall to wall people everywhere. At the countries were just jam packed shoulder to shoulder. It was a chore to drive the scooter through the people. The others hadn't eaten so they got some protein from Kenya. They used a trash can as a table top.


Then we headed over to Japan to get G her pearl. That's when we checked in on the Badger game and they had made a comeback. Down 14-0 and 21-7, then came back to win 25-21. So we had to watch some of the rewind. Steph caught this image of BIL and I watching the game in rewind.


LOL, whatever.

After G got her pearl, BIL and Steph headed to Guardians which they had paid for. The rest of us headed towards France to get some crepes. G was not a fan of the crepes. Around 8:15pm we decided to stop waiting for Steph and BIL to go on Remy's again. They had high ambitions to do Remy's, Test Track and Ball in the final 45 min, but I thought that was never going to happen. We got off Remy's at about 8:30, and then made our way towards the ball.


Got there around 8:55pm, but you can't drive a scooter to the ball ride, so they took us around to the exit and then got us on that way. The EPCOT ball was a nice way to end the evening.

We made our way back to the hotel, and I think everyone called it a night.

According to Garmin,

-I was asleep by 10:32pm local time.
-Body Battery bottomed out at 28 and peaked at 82 the next morning.
-Slept for 8:00 hrs
-30,850 steps / 17.4 miles
-RHR of 45 bpm

Next - Sunday, October 22nd - Grand Floridian, Disney Springs, Pool Time, Riviera
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Sunday, October 22nd - Grand Floridian, Disney Springs, Pool Time, Riviera

We were up relatively early the next morning so we could get BIL to his tee time at the Palms near Grand Floridian. We had planned it that way so that we could eat breakfast at GF Cafe. We did a little shopping before hand, and then had our breakfast. It didn't disappoint. G got some good pics.



She did a photo shoot as well and GF, but we haven't purchased any of those photos yet.

Afterwards we rode the monorail around to Poly. We did some more shopping. Steph got some dole whip and since she was first person for the day (it was only like 10am) she got it for free. G gave the guy a friendship bracelet and he about cried. Dude just needed some sunshine at that moment I guess. We ate the dole whip along the beach, and then headed back to GF.

From GF, we headed back to the resort and then walked to Disney Springs. We were on the hunt for some more merch. We went to the D-Signed store and World of Disney store and G bought some more things. Then I think we headed back to the hotel. MIL and SIL took the car to go pick up BIL from golf. I went back to the room and got prepared to go running.

Conditions - ☀️ Clear sky, Wind 0mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 82°F + 57°F; FL - 82°F
End: Temp+Dew = 85°F + 58°F; FL - 82°F

A little cooler and I was a little faster. Did it more like 85% M Tempo and HR stayed at a solid 133 bpm. Did about an hour (6.7 miles) again.

Afterwards, while G and Steph were still at the pool I did a lot of packing. Took some effort to get all of the original things back into the bags. Then I headed to the pool to meet up with everyone else.

G and I got to talking. We agreed that we actually liked the Halloween Party better than runDisney. You get more time. You're under less pressure. The cost is roughly the same. You can ride more rides than the 5k (which is pretty much none). Just about everything about the Halloween Party is better from a costuming perspective. So we may actually be converts from runDisney to the Halloween party instead. We've already started thinking about costumes, and the early clubhouse leader is Anne from Amphibia in her final form. We agreed that what our costumes lacked was more LEDs. The party is 50% daytime and 50% nighttime. The costumes excelled during the day, but were lacking for the night. So she wants to do something that really pops during both. We had originally tossed around doing She-Ra pre going to the party. But given the Disney vibes, we wanted to pivot to something Disney related to get more interaction from others.


After pool time we headed to the Riviera for dinner. Parking was an issue since we didn't have a confirmed reservation. We told them we planned on doing walk-up at Toppolinos or possibly the quick service as a back-up. But they weren't having it. They told us to turn around and take an uber back. We explained how difficult that would be with the wheelchair, but they weren't budging. So we quick looked up a Toppolinos reservation and found one for 8:50pm. So we booked that right at the vehicle gate, and then he let us through. After we parked we discussed if we really wanted to go to Topps and decided against it so cancelled the reservation. I don't advocate for bending the rules like this, but there was a brief period of time where that was actually the plan. Anyways, we went inside and walked around Riviera a bit. The library was kind of cool. G and I played the lawn games. She really wanted to play Bocci ball but the court was taken up the whole time we were there. We ended up eating at the quick service and took the food by the lake.



It was around this time that G through out the idea of doing the characters from Elemental instead of Amphibia. We went back and forth on it about which we'd prefer. Then I had an idea. I asked Steph how much the Halloween party was, and she let me know that it was almost the same cost as a one day park ticket. So then I tossed out the wild idea. Why not go to the Halloween Party twice in one trip? Then we do BOTH sets of costumes! Steph's literal words were, "I've created a set of monsters." I was like yes, yes we were Mike and Marty. Literal monsters. So as of right now, the plan is to do the Halloween Party twice on the next trip in 2024. LOL! We'll see if we do it, but G is so stoked about making two sets of costumes now. We'll see. Her head is flowing with ideas on how she'd like to pull these off. But that's for another day.

After dinner we rode the gondolas around. It was a nice way to end the trip. We headed back to Riviera, got some dessert, and then headed back to our hotel. We all went to bed for an early wake-up call.

According to Garmin,

-I was asleep by 9:50pm local time.
-Body Battery bottomed out at 34 and peaked at 71 the next morning.
-Slept for 6:46 hrs
-24,607 steps / 14.3 miles
-RHR of 46 bpm

Next - Monday, October 23rd - Flight Home
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Monday, October 23rd - Flight Home

It was an early 4:30am wakeup call. Got up and dressed and at the car by 5:15am. Got the car packed and loaded in about 15 min, and then headed to the airport. We were flying Southwest and the bag check wasn't too bad. The security line was a little long, but we were in the disabled area and it went much quicker. Made it to the gate with a perfect amount of time.


SIL and the gate agent got in a little bit of a tizzy over MIL's pre-boarding. Got a little too heated from what I was told, but I wasn't there. Steph had a harder time saving the seat for me because quite a few people apparently wanted to sit between a mother and child. All was well and we made it home just fine. The electric car had plenty of juice and we made it home without issues. Unpacked all the bags and then just relaxed for the remainder of the day. Dizzy was so happy to see us when we picked her up from the boarding place.

Next - Recap
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2023 Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party Trip Recap

Honestly, this was one of the best trips we've taken. It was short, but meaningful. There were very few "family moments". Our first Halloween Party experience went so well we think we'll be back for a double next time. Steph really liked the one park day, one swim day, one park day, one swim day dichotomy of design. G and I are more fans of 1/2 day park 1/2 day pool for every day. We felt like we missed out on doing DHS at all. I'd like to see us not do pool time the day of the Halloween Party to see if we can make it all the way to the end. Although we only really missed out on 30-45 min at the most. But honestly, I think the consensus was that it was a really great trip overall. Seeing the Trackers was a huge highlight. Seeing Jeff was really awesome as well. MIL really needed this trip to lift her spirits and confirm to herself she can do this. We need to keep something to look forward to on her agenda. So we may even be back sooner to Disney World than next October or Disneyland in Jan. There was already talk of something in Feb or May or Dec 2024. So we'll see.
Loved this entire trip report. You guys looked fantastic in your costumes! I love how many cast members and guests interacted with you, all your hard work really paid off.

Hooray for a great family trip with lots of good memories, those are the best!
Sunday I asked Steph how much the Halloween party was, and she let me know that it was almost the same cost as a one day park ticket. So then I tossed out the wild idea. Why not go to the Halloween Party twice in one trip? Then we do BOTH sets of costumes! Steph's literal words were, "I've created a set of monsters." I was like yes, yes we were Mike and Marty. Literal monsters. So as of right now, the plan is to do the Halloween Party twice on the next trip in 2024.
My 'down the rabbit hole' brain loves this so much.

I'm glad your MIL was able to attend this trip, and that you (and she) had a nice and meaningful time.


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